The main task of any women-learn to accumulate energy, not to lose for nothing and give to whomever wants it to give away. For this purpose it is necessary to master the skill of living in the power saving mode.
• 🏻Davajte talk a little bit about it from a practical point of view. Do a little exercise-study. Take the sheet and write on it that gives you energy. From what you are feeling better, that helps you cope with stress, negative feelings. Without censorship, that it is harmful, it's hard, it's long, it's expensive .... For example:
Outdoor thing?
Cold shower
Study of a new
Favorite music
A friendly chat
Keeping a diary
View photo albums
Washing dishes
Communicating with children
Barber, etc.
• 🏻A now remember what you do when you are sick, that helps you to cope with this. And on another sheet of paper write down everything that takes you energy. And then you feel tired, broken and miserable. Or what you yourself eat.
For example:
The quarrel
Situation where you could not say "no"
Silent when inside the storm
• 🏻Rabota-and better specify what moments in it (for example, a strict Chief, situation, long road, a long work day, small salary)
Communication with some people (list)
Overeating at night
Fear of stigma
Inability to keep personal boundaries
Complaints against husband
Listening to whiners
Reading the news
A mess at home
Ugly clothes
Too open clothes on people
Loose hair away from home
• 🏻Projdites' on all areas of your life, to see what gives you energy and what it takes. Make such audit is to invest at this time.
And you will see that you personally helps to live in a power saving mode!
It is a mode of life, when you:
-Do not spend forces on extra people
-Do not make unnecessary movements
-Maximum are doing what you love
-Give priority in their lives, loved ones, not strangers (like you need a husband, not a boss)
-Doing something useful for you, but maybe not very nice (for example, trips to the doctor)
-Stop worry about you think or say other (most people at this time, think about what you think about them)
-Waive empty talk, convictions, disputes
-Filter the information, which is full of the world around you
-Learn to constantly replenish their energies in ways that you like
-Learn to fend for themselves, to hear his body and his soul-their needs, feelings
Every time you are going to do something significant, or not very simple, ask yourself:
Give me this energy?
Whether it's useful for me and my loved ones?
Do I like it?
When you learn to hear and understand their needs, understand where you lose energy, and where the purchase, your life will go into the new regime. Very pleasant and helpful. Not only for you, but for loved ones. Because you stop raspleskivat'sja on detail and in the wrong places. You can stash energy and give generously to it those you love.
And even when we spend energy on our favorite people, it becomes larger, it preumnozhaetsja and growing. And it is a signal that the energy spent correctly, usefully and in the right direction.
✨✍🏻Sledite the news group, write your comments, we look forward to hearing!
📌U have many interesting! Join our group!
#Relations, psychology #, #, astrology, astro-psychology ##horoscope, formula_dushi ###esoteric meditation, aromatherapy #
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
The main task of any women-learn to accumulate energy, not...
The IDENTITY of the day-CHRISTIAN DIOR 21.01.1905 (Venus...
The IDENTITY of the day-CHRISTIAN DIOR 21.01.1905 (Venus in the South node, the Moon in the center of the formulas)
French designer-fashion designer
Christian received home education, and was then loaned to the free school of political sciences in preparation for a career as a diplomat. But it's not attracted the boy, he preferred to museums, music and painting. In 1928 together with a friend, he opened an art gallery. It lasted about three years and was closed due to the death of his mother and Christian father's disease, because the father had financed it.
Then Christian started selling their designs hats and dresses, which enjoyed great success. In 1941, he had worked in the famous Parisian model House Lucien Lelong. In 1942 year Dior opened perfume lab from which then grew renowned firm Christian Dior Perfume. Dior always considered an integral part of the scent of the female image.
In 1946, he opened his own fashion house and and created extremely feminine New Look collection, which conquered Europe and America, confirming the title of fashion capital of the world "in Paris. Since 1953 the year Dior also produces footwear, creating a finished appearance "Dior". In the 1950-ies fashion house Christian Dior was the largest and most profitable in Paris.
Christian Dior licensed their models, and they were sold under its brand name.
He died a famous Couturier Christian Dior October 24, 1957 year aged 52 years in Italy of a heart attack. At his home in Granville Christian Dior Museum was opened.
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#Dior #fashion #VeneraLuna #Astrology #cosmogram #формула_души #astropsihologija #planet #horoscope

Today ☆ ☆ on January 21 the maximum active day. And the...
Today ☆ ☆ on January 21 the maximum active day. And the more we spend, the more positive results it will give us. No responses to stimuli. Smile and mash.
Today is a good day to dare to do what has long dreamed of or that have not been addressed. Today is the time.
Today, you may receive a sense of inner strength and power lifting. Inspiration. Fasten these feelings and intentions.
Today it is important not to stay at home. Proactive move, meet up with friends, to engage in a. Active recreation-best vacation today.
The magic of the day 💜
#prediction #motivation #silaMysli ###Astrology esoteric Numerology #horoscope of #upravlenieReal'nost'ju
Planets in Jyotish.
Shani (Saturn) - Ayush karaka, life...
Planets in Jyotish.
Shani (Saturn) - Ayush karaka, life expectancy. Strong Shani in the horoscope says about longevity. Saturn in Jyotish - an indicator of negative karma, is considered the most unfavorable, but a very important planet. It destroys the false ideals, forcing think about the most important issue - the search for the meaning of life. Saturn brings the mind into a state of inner concentration, focus on the activities of the soul and stimulates the desire for spiritual perfection
Saturn - the most fearsome planet in Vedic astrology. Saturn destroys the house, which is (the exception is the seventh house, where Saturn obtains directional strength) and any house that he aspecting, and it destroys the planet, which have connections with him and aspects. Saturn, being the master of evil houses, or is in the fall, and by influencing the house through 4 aspect or connection gives a person grief, sadness and suffering in life.
Saturn - the planet retaliation, destruction, aging, death, harsh spiritual practices and the most difficult karmic lessons. This energy brings to our life long suffering, delay in cases of waste, hard work, harsh living conditions, testing and poverty. Saturn represents the death, misery, loss, hardship, arrogance, ruthlessness, evil. In society, the Sun - an aristocrat, Saturn - Democrat, while Mars is - a dictator. These guidelines will help you to do
Saturn governs longevity, prisons, machinery, equipment, designers, carpenters, miners, masons, real estate agents, engineers, workers, merchants, ascetics, yogis, monks, hermits, social workers, old age, psychosomatic problems, land, property, tree , coal, iron, steel, lead, sesame seeds, salt, black beans, and all the black objects. In the body, Saturn rules nails
Saturn represents our ability to act. If we do something regularly, Saturn sets in motion certain forces. These forces of our regular activities, go to our soul from one life form to another. Our destiny is reflected in our daily activities. Saturn's main function is to create forward movement of consciousness to improve our position and to strengthen the forces of good and peace in life. on - Our goal
Indian astrologers, most of them, are very superstitious in their understanding of the role and perception of the symbolism of Saturn. Indeed, Saturn presents difficulties, sorrow, old age, pain. However, all of the great classics of Indian astrology Saturn endowed and positive roles. Without favorable Saturn in the birth horoscope and transits, people will never be able to develop a deep attachment no. Saturn is denial (tyaga). It Tiago
Saturn retrograde. Often, he is talking about the absence of his father's influence in shaping a child. Father or leaves his family and so busy with work that the child grows up without his participation. The presence of retrograde Saturn in the 7th house of the girl can to delay the implementation of plans to marry. Saturn always everything slows down, and retrograde - especially. Maybe give the gloom, gloom, human tendency to approach everything seriously, tendency to depression. With the Saturn
STRONG retrograde Saturn. People tend to approach everything too seriously, too responsible and stressful. We must learn to take life easily and develop a sense of humor.
POSITIVE TRAITS. Hard work, authority, discipline, accountability, consistency, patience, wisdom, willingness to serve, a philosophical turn of mind, a healthy conservatism, punctuality, practicality, realism, humility, perseverance, persistence, the ability to follow their responsibilities and promises, loyalty, reliability, self-restraint, self-discipline , devotion, endurance, lack of attachment to material pleasures, renounce
NEGATIVE QUALITIES. Greed, pettiness, thrift, a huge ego and pride, all-encompassing fear, paranoia, phobias, pessimism, depression, depression, moodiness, anxiety, isolation, secrecy, depression, silence and strangeness (unlike the others), susceptibility to melancholy, disappointment, distrust and suspiciousness, irritability, unwillingness to work, laziness, lack of discipline, slowness neobschitelnos
To learn how to set the Saturn in your natal chart, all of the period of Sade Sati and other details - consult an astrologer!
Sign up for Jyotish consultation, please call:
✨ul. Families Shamshin 64
Aurora business center, office 402,
Tel. (383) 23-93-108
✨SHLYUZ: Str. Baltic, 23
Tel. (383) 347-50-01, 3-108-238
✨V / W: approx. Ak. Koptyuga 11
Tel. (383) 213-53-03, 214-64-04,
Sattvika ###tsentrysattvika ozdorovitelnyetsentrysattvika vedicheskayaastrologiyavsattvike ###vedicheskiyastrolog astrology
###Saturday denSaturna Shani Saturn #
Friends want to know what is waiting for you in...
Friends want to know what is waiting for you in 2017? 😳 Then come January 25 on "Meeting the fire" at the House of Grupilon. We will have a very interesting guest - Oleg Lushnikov astrologer.
The first in this year's meeting will focus on the fact that we are preparing a star in the coming year. January 28 comes into its own Fire Rooster. What does he bring to each sign of the zodiac? We learn from our guest!
Oleg Lushnikov - astrologer with 25 years of experience, a representative of the Avestan School of Astrology, the founder of which is in Russia, Pavel Globa. Specializing in astropsychology, predictive astrology, astrology business.
See you next Wednesday, January 25 at the House of Grupilon (Center for Dentistry "Unit", Gorky, 30).
Beginning at 18:30. Duration - 2 h.
Free admission. But that all participants' Meeting by the fire "could comfortably accommodate, we ask you to register in advance by phone 8-905-864-97-94 (Daria).
Unit ###VstrechiUKamina astrology predictions #