#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
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Friday, February 3, 2017
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
"Relax and nravouchat', Russian, pontovat'sja)" ©
"Relax and nravouchat', Russian, pontovat'sja)" ©
#kogdaupravitel'sed'mogodomavsed'momjupiter #vkazhdojshutkeest'doljashutki
##astrology Jupiter
We have no doubt that you have either perfect wife...
We have no doubt that you have either perfect wife or necessarily become it. Do you want to know what our magic ball told about you in the role of wife?
Aries-wife-opponent. Lady-Aries is a strong woman, and all sorts of weaklings in husbands do not need it, of course. She needed a strong man, a staunch fighter, capable of withstanding daily mini-Apocalypse: temperament ladies-Aries-entertainment is not for everyone, frankly. So when Aries finds a man, able to endure, she immediately becomes lapochkoj and goes for it. And then the fun begins: the fight was equal, fought two Aries. N
Taurus-wife-motivator. Motivator 380th leveled. Ladies taureans usually marry cute razdolbaev, because razdolbaev very nice love: with them is always fun. But love is love, and always want to eat. And girl-Calf wants not only to eat, but also plat'jushko. And the House. And Clipper. And that all her jealous. Therefore, the troublemaker, got into the hands of Taurus, very quickly gets acquainted with the wide range of her motivational techniques: it
Gemini-wife-mirror. Almost mystical essence, mysterious and dangerous. There are women with a man sees himself as the great hero, there are women that the man feels like a loser, and has twin daughters. They know who he really is. Pretend it is useless: the twins look at the essence, fed from the hands of foreign internal monsters and card them for an eye. That's why ladies are twins — the happiest wives: know about with
Cancer is the perfect wife. Young lady who argued-cancer is not so easy to persuade to marriage, but if successful, it would show itself in all its glory: it's clever, beautiful hostess. Ideal leads the House flawlessly grows kiddies, is friends with relatives of her husband. Always support a loved one always please him. Because the family is the most important thing. The main thing she said! And who would circumvent their family responsibilities, that it will take a steel claw for some place. And pokazh
Lioness-wife-Queen. Married Lions go only for those who are able to provide them the Kingdom immediately, immediately. Well, then my whole life to win for the glory of his Queen more land and expand the army faithful vassals. That's why live with the Lioness, in principle, is a man with ambitions of zavoevatel'skimi is a strong man, and Lioness doesn't stand next to any competitors. Therefore, everyone must do their job: Lioness-shine, husband l
Virgo-smart wife. Very clever. Pretty darn clever! She understands everything, she never need to explain nothing. You can talk about everything. She always support, always give wise advice. She and favorite and best friend, so husbands Dev, there is usually no friends. And bedolagam, no one even cry when the Virgin attacks nonsense. After all, when the Virgin attacked the nonsense, she uses her giant umishhe to more sophisticated povykovyrivat' husband its foreign exchange reserves.
Weight scales
Scales-wife-male. Sweet, charming, direct, but absolutely useless in everyday life. On the other hand, that for a home without a cat? An empty, cold House, bad apartment. And, by the way, seals are not as simple as you might think: If the young lady who argued-Scales not grooming, not cherish, not to wear on handles and not let her take the whole bed — she would get upset and leave without caps the night cold. And it is useless to ask her what's wrong, because: "Oh, everything!"
Scorpio-wife-witch. This witch, no kidding. Any Privorozhit, and then nakolduet him to fame, success and wealth. Husband ladies-Scorpion all envy: she is an incredible beauty, she's fabulous sexy, she is smart, she is the embodiment of an ideal woman. Scorpion and her husband — the embodiment of an ideal man: he is smart and charismatic, and generally incredibly steep. Well because that ultimately lead him to, in essence, is nowhere: «140 comments and belittle! "is the credo ladies-Sko
Sagittarius is fighting girlfriend: it can be in the fire, in water and in exploration. Behind her husband is hiding just because from there it is more convenient to serve him. Yes, it is important to understand that her husband always need really Sagittarius patrons. First, he needs to shoot off competitors, which absolutely not concerned about the fact that young lady-Sagittarius as though married. And secondly, it must be the same as the escape during family quarrels. Though — let's be honest — shoot from the angry
Capricorn is a principal wife. From ladies-Capricorn are clear about what should be married, and she was one step from it will not back down. So Capricorns never marry someone horrible by any stupid love, Oh no. Ladies-Capricorns know perfectly well that the marriage will be happy only if the spouses are fashioned from a single test. The problem is that something itself Capricorn is not out of the test, but rather hard wood. And its
Aquarius-Schrödinger's wife. Like it is, but at the same time as it would not. In the sense that in the fridge ladies-Aquarius daily commit suicide rodents from the Pan, forgotten on a plate, husband of Aquarius remarkable winking at the pasta, and the cat may not always go into your pot without climbing equipment. And all because Aquarius finds: life is too short to waste it on low-lying Gen. Family life is joy, laughter and fun! So
Fish-wife-actress. My husband never knows what she thinks, and, of course, has no idea what it all day. And here he himself always have what to do: first, it's a lifetime trying to figure out what is actually cute. And secondly, it should work with a stone wall, earner, master, lover and an interesting conversationalist. Because if the fish do not provide, defend, don't linger, don't entertain and not BRO
Aloriya_Sobinova ###runes tarot astrology ##Karma
💥 Magic numbers. Number in your fate
💥 Magic numbers. Number in your fate
The most important thing for man is, of course, the number of birthday trilled. His vibration since the advent of the child to light lay his character, natural inclination, predispositions. They prescribe, although tough and does not control the behavior of the person.
This number is obtained by "folds" the number of the month and digits of the year of birth (the total number of days of birth).
Total number of trilled person born January 28, 1969 year will be 9:
2 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 9 = 36 = 3 + 6 = 9
Values of numbers
Number 1 in occultism symbolizes the Sun, start, pervotolchok, root cause. Unit is omnipresent, it is the cause of consensus.
"1" is the number of birth (number of persons)
As the number 1 birthday indicates rapid and tough nature, which should focus on selected targets. People of this type don't like complexity and striving to get rid of them, otherwise, their efforts will be wasted and on their way encounter misconceptions. This number is good, but it should be aimed in the right direction, otherwise highly coming, man can and low jaws.
It is a symbol of action and ambition. The man with the number 1 birthday should avoid selfishness and covetousness, arbitrariness and capriciousness, careful to balance their interests with other people so that they did not come in a conflicted state, otherwise you can lose friends and acquire enemies.
Every object, animal, plant, nature contains two sides, two opposite trends.
Number 2 symbolizes the contrast, the struggle between two opposites, the eternal struggle and antagonism between them: active and passive, male and female, light and darkness, good and evil, heat and cold, wealth and poverty, plus and minuses, life and death.
In Eastern philosophy this dualism finds expression in terms of YIN and Yang is male and female, and pro-actively patriotic approach disturbing beginnings, highlighting and dating, the centrifugal and centripetal forces. The symbol of the relationship of these two fundamental principles of natural in the East since ancient times is a monad Dai JI.
Often a Deuce was portrayed as a sickle-Moon symbol, in which there are two poles. The same sign is a symbol of Adam's rib, from which it was created by a woman. The head of the great goddess Isis-space symbol of femininity, framed Horn-lunar month.
«2»-Number of birth (number of persons)
As the number of birth 2 symbolizes balance in mood, behavior, deeds, gentleness and tact nature, the search for compromises, smoothing the sharp corners, acute problems. Internal contradictions, excessive reasonableness, timeless tips to friends and others often prevent them sort out their own affairs.
People number 2 by nature soft, kind, have rich imagination, impressionable, artistic and romantic. Fundamental properties of their nature much more spiritual than belong to the physical realm. These people should take all the circumstances as they are to adapt and tolerate. They must avoid extremes, any uncertainty and excessive generosity, to think and to take care not only of others, but also about yourself
They are good designers and advisers, but not artists. They need sponsors, associates, employees, but when choosing them let mind dominates feelings.
Number 3
In a number of Sacred numbers (3, 7, 12, 60) Three occupies a special place. "The number three reigns everywhere in the universe." (Zoroaster) Pythagoras, for the first time clearly sformulirovavshij the cornerstone of all esoteric science-law universal Trinitarian, gave him pervenstvujushhee meaning: «in the synthesis of three worlds lies the mystery of space! "this Act gave a wide and solid foundation for both classification of Sciences and build a cosmogony and philosophy. "Number three is the movement
«3» is the number of birth (number of persons)
As the number 3 birthday faster than all the rest of the numbers reveals its features, especially sharp and intuitive mind, the ability to quickly and easily assimilate knowledge, often at a very young age. Three is the symbol of creative excellence, diversity and growth. It combines talent, conviviality and symbolizes adaptability. Person number 3 is a talented, capable, it alone will not be able to make full use of their talent, so as to achieve TS
Number 4
For the ancient Kabbalists number 4 contains four elements.
"Four major astronomical points for us are: Yes and no light-East and West; Yes and no heat-the South and the North, "they said.
is the number of space elements-the creative forces of the universe: fire, Earth, air, water;
four seasons and their corresponding period life: spring (childhood), summer (YouTube), autumn (maturity), winter (old age);
four human temperaments: choleric ("fire"), melancholic ("Earth"), sanguine ("air"), the phlegmatic ("water")
As an information code 4 means stability, strength, balance, elemental live processes, objects and people. This is in contrast to the reliability of statics and dynamics, this scheme of orderly space: quadrangle, square, cross.
Square symbolizes peace infinite spawn, the human world, where people marry, marry, enter into alliances, give birth to children and those repeat the path of parents, is an endless path of incarnations, restrictions, frustrated peace of land, this Cross is a symbol of the physical world, the world of restraint of liberty, a symbol of matter. But this cross I must bear.
Cross sometimes interpreted occultists and as "Dare-to know-silent-wish".
«4» is the number of birth (number of persons)
As the number of days of birth 4 symbolizes the balanced, hard-working nature, cautious, averse to risky enterprises. Man is capable of, with their ideas, plans, trying to sort out all by myself, without any help. Its motto is reliability, fortitude, honesty. You cannot cheat, and he must avoid the self-deception.
People number 4 treat all things and events with the opposite to all points of view. In discussions they always strive to take the opposite position, always around them formed any opposition. They obtained a large number of hidden enemies that are against them.
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#astropsihologija ##формула_души #Astrology Numerology #numbers
The main aim for 2017 for each sign of the...
The main aim for 2017 for each sign of the zodiac.
Who does not dream about that in the new year, he began a new, Bole happy and successful life? So you want to leave all the problems, quarrels and failures in the past and in the new year to be better, stronger, achieve their goals and not to make mistakes.
But in order to have occurred in your life change, and change for the better, you need to act. Where do you start, you ask. A prompt star.
Aries - Health and Sport.
This year, you will benefit the sport. Reconsider your lifestyle, change the food, and you will notice how gradually with the improvement of your state of health is getting better your personal life, career, and life becomes more organized.
Taurus - love, love and love again.
This year will be successful for your relationship with your partner. If you are married - you pull together even more. Love will live in your heart and do wonders with others. This year you will have so much love, that perhaps it would result in another wonderful new life.
Gemini - the stability and organization.
It is time to finally settle down, find a stable footing and organize your life the way you want it. Did you move to a new location, which will eventually become your home. For those who have already acquired the stability of this period will be a great time to make your life Bole organized and orderly.
Cancer - Get to work.
It is not necessary all the time to avoid responsibility, do not be afraid to take the initiative. If you are asked to do something new, do not let fear of failure overcome you. You learn a lot and be proud of yourself, if you take the opportunity.
Leo - the time to make money.
Yes, it will not be given to you easily. To make money, you have to work hard and maybe go to some compromise with the authorities. But the stars are favorable to your financial transactions, so please be patient and purpose, and at the end of the year, you say to yourself, thank you.
Make Connections
This year should be for you a year of new meetings, communication and fun. Keep it simple, nobody is perfect, and it is wonderful! Do not judge people - just accept them for what they are, and maybe you will meet like-minded among them.
-Be happy!
Of course, happiness - a rather vague and unclear purpose. But believe me, it can be learned! Give joy to people, look at the bright side of things, and you will realize that happiness has always been inside of you!
Scorpio - reconsider your social circle.
Surround yourself with people who contribute to your growth. Get rid of toxic people and those who are pulling you to the bottom. This year you will have new friends, some of which may turn out to be your soul mates.
Sagittarius - build your career.
This year you will lay the foundation for their future. Therefore, make every effort to the development of his career. The stars will encourage your creativity and hard work. Do not be afraid to make unconventional decisions, and you will find great success.
Capricorn - study and travel.
This year, your goal - to grow as a person. Engage in self-education, enroll in language courses, or go on a journey and explore the world on their own experience. Do not allow yourself to cling to a comfortable home place, leave it in the past, if you want to get better.
Aquarius - catch the tail of luck!
This year, the fate will throw you a lot of good opportunities, especially in finance. Your goal - not to lose them, and used to the maximum. This is your year, lucky! Enjoy!
Fish - marriage.
This year, the stars promise you a successful marriage, or at least meet the same man. In general, this year, try to go with the flow and do not resist change. Astrologers recommend that, on the contrary, to create them, to accelerate change for the better, change the hair style or clothing style.
Let this year be the best for you!
#Astrology @ modern_ledi