Well, those who survived after yesterday's katavasii-you are true heroes, Stojko moved test and become a little bit wiser (those who followed the Council go nowhere and do not engage in similar activities, such as education, logistics, shipping, trade, etc-had a great day). But this is not the end of the hunger games, today is the day still traumatic, stressful, chiseling abscesses, mysteries and issues to attempt to start or Resch
Just a very productive day for education, any creative lessons, for debt repayment and recovery procedures. Take extra attention to your body, or your pet, because only a healthy body can be well-maintained and healthy spirit, able to resist any nervotrjopkam.
🎁Pokupki: just what is urgently required and with short term use, temporarily applicable;
🔥Sport: intelligent, lightweight dance, swimming and jogging a short distance under the supervision of trainer;
🍀Zdorov'e: under attack the liver, hip area and the lower part of the spine, coccyx, limbs, take care of yourself from infections and poisonings.
🍆Pitanie: minimum food, fasting can be whole grains, carrots, cranberries, beets, rowans, grenades and herbal decoctions;
💃Stil': use a business style, not to interfere with the shades and prints, clothing should be clean, with white, ironed and monochromatic, desirable accessory yellow.
🎀Krasota: cleaning procedures and hair removal, manicures and pedicures, but without the participation of sharp objects or have a good professional, is painted only in red and Maroon colors, if you are interested in it is a temporary effect;
👀Primety: no
⭐ Dreams with 19 to 20 reflect how a person realizes himself in the creative aspect. Images of dreams of the twenty-first lunar day, when their proper interpretation, can show a man where he stands "constipation" in the way the creative flow.
#prediction ###Astrology horoscope astrologer
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Well, those who survived after yesterday's katavasii-you are true...
##lunnyjkalendar' #Astrology astrological forecast
##lunnyjkalendar' #Astrology astrological forecast
#recommendations #prediction #Astrology #Tanya #Bastille
During Karachun opens "2016" pay...
#recommendations #prediction #Astrology #Tanya #Bastille
During Karachun opens "2016" pay attention also to work with them, to include not only what constitutes an obstacle to the achievement of something specific and not very much, but on removing what is a stumbling block in the whole life (and no, it's not even Mary from a nearby entrance that never sleeps-does not eat, and all the damage suggests, and from behind her , trekljatoj, you have a whole life now-awry). Be honest with yourself, slukavite (find a third party to
And wrong to want to, because what should work is comfort, more comfortable position. Continuation-theme http://bastiliya.com/post60975.html#p60975
Tanya ©, 2016
Astrology in the military-political sphere.
#астроликбез_osmira #астрология_osmira #astrology
This material...
Astrology in the military-political sphere.
#астроликбез_osmira #астрология_osmira #astrology
This material is hardly pereubedit hardened skeptics about astrology. Evidence of her "plausibility" or "called" we are not here to offer. However, people seeking interested and open to consciousness studies, perhaps this information may seem interesting. The note was written on the basis of the one-year-old controversy limitations on site "Hyde Park" (blogosphere) between astrologers and those who represent the opposite of "camp". Mater
To start the cost split concepts such as forecast and prediction. Unfortunately, many don't quite competent in this area, people are confused about the prognosis with foresight soothsayers. In this regard, the society formed to demonstrate its effectiveness, already quite scientific methods that attitude as charlatans in the field of mysticism. In St. Petersburg in the mid 90-ies was established the methodology address foresight, which was designed for the analyses
Under the address refers to the reliable prediction of the fact, time, and, in some cases, and the place of the event, as well as the impact it may cause. Method of forecasting A.s. Buzinova relied on astrology cycles, which he called kosmoritmologiej, so as not to shock the particularly zealous "Orthodox science". The technique was created by him on the basis of classical astrology during his service in the Navy in speclaboratorii prediction. Further works were continued in
In the times of Boris Yeltsin's Presidency was organized okolopravitel'stvennyj temporologicheskij Center (from the Latin word Word tempora-time) and astrology. Lives in St. Petersburg, to the nearest minute who attempted General Romanov in Chechnya, NTV scandal early resignation Yeltsin and 11 September events in the United States. In the past, is a military seaman, now the captain of the first rank in the reserve Alexander Buzinov future guesses
Were appropriate, fully opravdavshiesja predictions on tragic events: Budjonovska, Kizlyar, Beslan, etc. The technique can with accuracy up to a couple of days to predict when and where the fighters will go on break, will caravan with weapons will bring back wounded or will attack. It was also a direct dependency selection military specialty from date of birth. By the way, the Japanese and the Americans on the basis of similar studies excluded even years
This technique has acknowledged its use in Rosatom launches at Baikonur. CENTRE had official licenses from those organizations that give him the right to work with them. Also, under the leadership of the Organization was engaged in staffing Buzinova under orders of politicians and businessmen. CENTRE de facto ceased to exist in 2003 year, in connection with the personnel reshuffle in the military and political leadership of the country. Currently, remnants of the Group Booz
© Axis Of The World.
[Club66466145 | 10 exercises to train the willpower]
The ability to...
[Club66466145 | 10 exercises to train the willpower]
The ability to control other people is closely linked to personal qualities. One of them is a strong will. For chelovekom- "cloth" are unlikely followers, they have few friends, and they do not enjoy success with women. Even if all the above is not about you (as if about you, much more), the following exercises will help you develop a strong will. An exercise
1. Search for the hidden forces This initial exercise. Its purpose - to identify and feel what "muscle will." We need to understand - what it is volitional voltage and as desired to show effort. We develop for themselves an easy task. Any but the best useful. For example, in the morning, when washed, fold the towel, and put it in a certain place. In the evening, at the same exact time you move the object back. Perform this exercise month. Even e
2. Understanding the power Choose for yourself interesting activities, sports game. For example, mint ball. It is fashionable now and do not require much space. You can replace the ball racket and ball ping-pong table. Coined twice a day for 30 strokes. The rule of thumb, if it is determined to make a certain number of strokes, they should be just enough and not one more or less. The point - to be able to restrain himself. We provide 30 days. An exercise
3. Normalization The point of this exercise - to make a controlled sleep. Teach yourself to go to bed at the same time, quickly go to sleep, sleep at least 8 hours and not more than 10. An exercise
4. Work and Play The goal - to make a controlled regime of rest and activity. Break up any activity at regular intervals, as in the school, about 45 minutes. Take regular breaks to rest 10 minutes Change the type of activity. It is desirable that this exercise there are not only training, but also a habit. An exercise
5. volitional communication in speaking and conversation control your words and emotions. Imagine how look the part, control their gestures and mimiku.Zapomnite good rule of thumb: the thought - action. Every action and word should be subject to reason. An exercise
6. The strong-willed meal perform simple: full control of the process of absorption of food. Quietly, slowly, consciously. We feel the taste and aroma, present and customizable as to charge the energy and become stronger. Not the belly fills up the blade, eat only when hungry. An exercise
7. Control of living space This exercise should become a habit. Keep your working and living space is always in order. Know what and where is. A good rule: remove everything that hurts the eyes. Then gradually everything will be in such form, as you imagine. An exercise
8. volitional planning Compose yourself plan for the day, month and year. The more accurate it will be - the better. Follow your schedule. An exercise
9. Looking for a lazy idea is that if you show things that you do not want at all, it is necessary, on the contrary, to make them immediately. I do not want to get up early - jump out of bed, do not want to clean the room - grabbed a bucket, a broom and made, and so on. An exercise
10. volitional strengthening point is that you need every day to exercise. This can be a normal run, and home fitness and steep section. The main thing that it came into your life and change you. Remember another good rule: first you strengthen your will, then it will work for you.