29.09.2016 at 04-29 Moscow time comes 28 LUNAR DAY
An auspicious day, the day of the Sun, in which perhaps a spiritual Epiphany. One of the most tranquil and bright days of the lunar month, the essence of which lies in its symbol-Lotus, embodies the human spiritual growth. This image says that everything in this period on the spiritual search ends successfully, because the good Lord blesses such acts. Twenty-eighth lunar day-period of spiritual maturity, gaining wisdom. Lunar
There are also very different. People born in 28th lunar day, you want to work with us.
Child, conceived on this day, can be taken for any case-they will be a success. It belongs to the whole world. Serenity and joy your self-understanding and knowledge of the mysteries of the world in his heart. The secrets of heaven and Earth is always with him. But there is a danger of lentâjstva.
STONES-agonit, chrysoprase, belomorit, Milky Opal, jade, aquamarine, Amethyst, plasma.
Earlier today signed contracts can bring early results. You only need to take them correctly, and it is, in fact, is not so easy as it seems at first glance. Do not throw an instant presentation of its success, on the contrary, keep the first fortune in secret and trust only their closest and devoted people. For the rest, should follow the three rules, which have been described above. Very good in twenty-eighth lunar SUT
Twenty-eighth lunar day-the last time when you can enter into Marriage. On this day, it is desirable to establish a family people mature, with a lifetime of experience. And here is the young couples better to abstain, because the family, created in this Lunar day, will constantly experience the influence of parents who try to remake life newlyweds as they want, which is, of course, will lead to divorce. Weddings at the twenty-eighth lunar day must be calm without persons
During this period, the human body is positively charged and is able to commit much, but we must remember that we are talking about the inner workings, and not about foreign, i.e. pay meditation, breathing and energy exercise more attention than physical. Large loads are permissible, but is usually not recommended. In the twenty-eighth lunar day can do various cleaning systems. Useful water treatments-from swimming to the BGC
Sex should be, if you will, "openwork", that is very delicate, tremulous and romantic. Today, it is not recommended to "make love", today should be just love in all its manifestations-both spiritual and physical. Avoid any coarseness, netaktičnosti and rudeness. Be tender feelings as much as possible, let the woman feel feminine and masculine male. Any sex that has no spiritual relations and Ta
Images of dreams in the twenty-eighth lunar day associated with human cardiac affections, with the area of subconscious mind, responsible for the sensual and emotional experience. In the interpretation of dreams in this period, it should be remembered that the man actually wants only one-love, in the broadest sense of the word, and images of dreams indicate ways to address this need.
Many mystical schools prefer today to hold initiations in those or other secret teachings. This day is very good for holding large prayer practices, POOJA, read mantras, chanting Dhikr, and so on. It is useful to study the sacred texts, seek their interpretation to knowledgeable people. Astrologers of all destinations are advised to devote this day solely to meditation and spiritual exercises. Boxing Day and finds work on caches of consciousness
Practice days: practice of the uplifted mood. In this Lunar day cannot be to succumb to discouragement, you must replace the positive attitude, joy. So no matter what happens in life is the only tested and lessons. And tests are given by human forces. Than they are harder and harder, the hope lies in the man from God. In fact, when a person overcomes them, he becomes stronger and wiser. This convinces us to rejoice in its difficulties in life,
#Vk.com / astro_taro #www.astrotarot.su ##tarot astrology #spirituality
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
29.09.2016 at 04-29 Moscow time comes 28 LUNAR...
September 29th
Aquarius have today not quite stable and...
September 29th
Aquarius have today not quite stable and friendly attitude to fight-whether it is necessary or not. They don't know where they will lead the competition, or to any pole itself, which within itself proceed and what wouldn't. Perhaps they will have a desire to brag, or even take on more than they can make.
#Таро_гороскоп ##гороскоп_Водолей #horoscope Aquarius #Tarot #Astrology #знаки_Зодиака #гороскоп_на_29_сентября
September 29th
Scorpions can part ways with their fears...
September 29th
Scorpions can part ways with their fears and experiences. Despite the fact that they have reasons, and they may be these impulses-take myself in hand and will consider options for action. Take a look around-the situation is quite stable.
#Таро_гороскоп ##гороскоп_Скорпион #horoscope Scorpio #Tarot #Astrology #знаки_Зодиака #гороскоп_на_29_сентября
I love when there is time for productive work, so...
I love when there is time for productive work, so I must say that from this moment on and until November 9 to sharply increase the chances for productive activities. Firstly, before 9 November worth finally materialize what has long been in development. Or if you are worried about what your plans are of a purely theoretical nature, now is the right time to try them out in practice. Secondly, any risky assets
#Sagittarius @ carinanebula ###horoscope Zodiac Astrology #prediction #esoterics
#Sagittarius @ carinanebula ###horoscope Zodiac Astrology #prediction #esoterics
ARIES man. Wants to see...
ARIES man. Wants to see in beloved hot temper and determination. At the same time, it should be open and sincere, with a well developed sense of humor and sense of duty. Requires 100% fidelity. It makes to external data chosen one: dark hair, deep glance, full, sensual lips, average height, feminine form.
ARIES woman. Wants to close was a true Knight who should emphasize the exclusivity of the beloved, in any situation to substitute his shoulder. Externally it is: hair color doesn't matter, but above-average growth and athletic physique required.
TAURUS man. Dreaming about a woman able to easily create a pleasant Emotional atmosphere and different good culinary abilities, which fully shares his tastes. She has a calm, balanced character, reliability and a degree of conservatism, intelligent and responsible.
TAURUS woman. Whole life looking for "forever young" man and fifty will behave like a boy-rebel. Every day together he will turn for her holiday. Even at home they do not miss: prepare an exotic dish and wash the dishes-all do together. In a Word, it is resourceful, enterprising fellow, wants to make his woman happy.
GEMINI man. His ideal woman is generous, friendly, unbiased, erudite. Able to see around. Will never impose its society. Do not allow the "Showdown" with shouting and smashing crockery. Enjoys music, drawing, dancing. Has a good education and mind. Slender and delicate brunette with rapid gait.
Twin-woman. Prefers to see a man with a strong character, able to keep all their emotions under control. In it she sees a reliable companion right next to which you can safely engage in housework, child-rearing or just art: painting, sculpt statues, make flowers.
Cancer-man. Dreaming about a woman capable of being full of al′truistkoj that will be satisfied with little, and give themselves entirely. Typically, this blonde medium height with light eyes and "played with mermaid" hair. It will provide lifetime favorite tasty meals, clean shirts and scarves, a thousand times a day harping on its uniqueness and indispensability.
Cancer woman. Used to keep the situation under control and wants to see a pokladistogo Cavalera intelligent appearance, high intelligence and high degree of decency. About fleeting passions and petty quarrels here there can be no question-it will not allow myself to stoop to this level. Appreciates the virtues of his partner and pays him an exceptional fidelity and trust.
The LION-man. Ideal for him-the Merry Adventures, I love traveling, kids and General signs of attention. And there is no room for jealousy-on the contrary, he is proud of his companion, radiating catching smile and totally confident in her devotion. She would never give him bored from any situation will easily find out and tells the wife the right decision.
LION-she. His ideal man, able to appreciate her natural talents. It must be an active, resourceful and optimistic, to ensure its "lioness" coziness and children surround a special care and attention. One of the main items for her-feel complete unity with a partner.
VIRGO man. His dream has gentle, appeasable character, comprehensively developed personality. Monitors the purity of home and relationships, gallant and pedantična. She would think ten times and once to answer. Her hands, small, delicate skin, can bring its crazy. This woman is fluent in sign language. The look, turn your head is able to determine that the soul of your beloved. Words are unnecessary in this case.
VIRGO woman. Above all appreciates the tenderness, sensuality and goodness. Therefore, her masculine ideal differs knightly qualities. He is attentive, caring, constantly tells her gentle words makes touching gifts in the form of a bouquet of wild flowers or cute puppy. In any situation, seeks to highlight her femininity and refinement.
LIBRA man. Looking for a woman, capable to satisfy all his spiritual and physical needs. A great family man, but it is extremely important the fact stands that all family members recognized his authority, considered spoken word law. In return he would provide gentle care and in a critical situation will become a secure foothold.
LIBRA woman. It attracted men with beautiful looks and piercing gaze. The male ideal in this case must perfect control of their emotions, have high intelligence and refined taste. It will give your heart to someone who will constantly maintain its confidence in exclusivity and features and words, and actions.
SCORPION-man. His woman-confident in himself, energetic and courageous. She is able to stand up for their rights and to repel anyone who insult her personal interests or affect honor partner. "The fighting Lady" leads him into raptures, and though he himself was not of the timid, it he is willing to concede around. Has excellent intuition in intimate terms and feels that you need a partner.
SCORPIO woman. Keenly aware of their purpose in life and is prepared to follow it to the end, but only if the one man she dreamed. This "passionate macho" must be of a sufficiently high position in society, in any situation to his original opinion, be mobile and communicative. Otherwise, the world has lost all it's enough for her that smile on your face will seem miraculous. Sooner or later, "that" man is found in its path, and the
SAGITTARIUS man. Prefer generous and kind women. Very cherishes its fairness, sincerity and restraint and determines the main priorities for it: children, kitchen, Church. It should be skillful mistress, caring mother and leaner mistress, although most in the world likes to have fun. Its physical parameters should be as close as possible to the standard 90x60x90.
SAGITTARIUS woman. For it has a valid value, as his appearance and inner content. Looking for the right combination of masculine looks and soul long enough. Brunette medium height or the same blond her completely satisfied with. The most important thing is that she constantly felt his unconditional devotion.
CAPRICORN man. Will close with a woman capable of understand his sensual on tour. Typically, Darling-is respectable, stable, calm and cautious, honors family traditions and all have their own judgments. To marry such a man is preparing for a long time, develops all the details. And a spouse can be confident in its reliability.
CAPRICORN woman. His many admirers she keeps at a distance. The partner must respect her desire to be independent. Prefers serious men capable of family material and spiritual comfort. Sometimes the woman happens to be shy and romantic, but diligently it hides. More than anything, she wants to avoid an awkward situation.
AQUARIUS man. He needs a wife-mastermind, which will periodically pull it from bouts of laziness, protected from everyday routine. In short, every day turn into a celebration. In difficult moments it feels insecure, but it's worth it just to feel the support of his companion, and it is already full of serenity and enthusiasm.
AQUARIUS woman. Charming and makes their fans when the whole gamut of feelings. Frequent mood swings, fickleness views-all this one excites and makes even more "chasing his dream", and the other makes you backtrack. She is looking for a trusty companion loves elegant, handsome men.
FISH-man. Has a very fine intuition, humanity and external calmness. Appreciate women who are always able to restrain their emotions, generous, fair and sincere. Selects a partner for a long time, but their selection is almost always turns out to be true. Appreciates the femininity, love for art and nature.
FISH-woman. Dreams to favorite guy was much older and had created for her special world of coziness, comfort and luxury. Prefer cheerful, enterprising men, smart and strong, ready to sacrifice not of alien literature and art.
#Yoga #Mantra ###Vedic Vedic Mantra #Love #Abundance
##Astrology Numerology #Horoscope
As of release from muscle clips people become more flexible...
As of release from muscle clips people become more flexible, is fundamentally changing all their genesis and life style.
It often happens that we don't know how to express anger or fear in such a way as not to harm yourself or people don't want to know about these feelings and feelings of our loved ones, preferring to overwhelm them. You cannot deceive the body and what we hide from others and from his own consciousness, it remains in the form of voltage. Such chronic muscle tension of the body is called "muscle armour", which subtly makes its evil case:
🌱-He spends a lot of energy, and this means that the person constantly feels its lack;
-tense muscles compress the blood vessels, and in those places where muscle tissue, constantly loses nutrients and oxygen, raznosimyj blood, metabolism, which in turn leads to the weakening of organs and to various diseases;
-the human body becomes depleted.
🌱Ustranenie muscle clamps is achieved through:
-accumulation of energy in the body;
-direct effect on chronic muscle blocks (massage);
-an expression of emotions that releases when it identifies;
-spontaneous movement, tanceterapiâ, relaxation exercises, yoga, qigong, holotropic breathwork, etc;
- The revival of natural voices; its sound relieves internal stress.
🌱GLAZA. Protective armour is evident in the stillness of the forehead and "empty" eye expression, which seemed to look due to the fixed masks. Melting is carried out vehicle eye as widely as possible, in order to enable the eyelids and forehead; gymnastics for the eyes.
🌱 MOUTH. Compressed mouth blocks the transmission of feelings. But the mouth is the first channel of communication. We let those who want to express their tenderness and love.
When we do not allow ourselves to feel the longing for love, based on experience, which tells us that love can bring only pain and disappointment, this retention of natural human needs reflected in the clamping area of the mouth. The same thing happens when we do not allow yourself to verbalize their feelings. Compressed mouth leads to disruption of communications, and together — to dissatisfaction with life.
To relax the blocks around the mouth, there is a need to systematically perform the following exercise.
Lie down in the pose of the embryo, that is, lying on its side, pull your knees, fold your hands, folding them on his chest. About this pose saying "curl up". Start making the sucking movement of the lips. Do this for as long as possible, until the lips can suck. Then relax and lie some more.
During this exercise, many people begin to cry. This is because the rises and begins to go long suppressed longing for affection and security. In no case does not hold back. Sobbing the entire body is useful. It helps to defuse accumulated negative voltage not only around the mouth, but also throughout the body. Children are always rydaût is entirely from head to toe.
🌱 the throat and NECK. Ring voltage throat corresponds to unconscious protection from forced "swallowing" bad from the outside. At the same time, it is the unconscious while maintaining control over anxiety, protection from those feelings and reactions, which, in the opinion of the person, may be move must be condemned and unacceptable to others.
Clenched jaw override any sound, trying to break out. The same ring get pinched and vocal cords. The sound of the voice creates the impression that the man said he finds it hard to give hard, sounding a different intonation. Sometimes the voice becomes monotonous, sometimes in a Husky or Husky and sometimes too high. This is because the muscles involved in zvukoobrazovanii become stiff.
Compressed the lower jaw is equivalent to the words "they". People though does not want to keep to yourself of unwanted people, but let go of those who live in the soul, too. It is closed and cannot accept changes that are inevitable in life.
When the body needs more energy, for example, when he is tired or wants to sleep, the mouth should be wide open for a full breath. This is why we yawn. When yawning ring voltage, which includes the muscles that move the jaw and temporarily released, and it operates on the mouth, pharynx and throat wide open for them to skip the required air. Therefore, in order to relax the jaw, it is necessary to yawn.
🌱Široko open mouth and synchronize your hourglasses. Do it morning, afternoon and evening.
Blocks in the jaws arise due to constrained desire to bite on a psychological level that means curbing the impulse of anger.
Take the measure of the elastic and soft ball. You can use a specially designed for this purpose dog toys. You can take the rolled towel. Safety first with all the power. At the same time ryčite, vyryvajte toy of their own teeth, but not loosen bite. Invest in this process all the rage, all the anger, gathered in your soul. When tired, relax your jaw. At this time the lower jaw drops, mouth is ajar.
🌱Vydvin′te Chin forward and hold it in this position for 30 seconds. Move the tense jaw right, left, holding her forward. Then open your mouth as wide as possible and check if you can open it enough to fit between the teeth, one above the other three middle finger Palm.
During this exercise you may feel anxious or growing anger. That's nice. Many people are hesitant to unblock his emotions for fear of not coping with the flood of feelings. But it was the release of feelings in special conditions (e.g., exercise) makes this process safe and very useful. Many people have the Chin muscle tension prevents them widely disclose Roth.
🌱Čelûsti energy associated with the eyes. In the lower jaw voltage reduces the flow of energy to the eyes and reduces the Visual possibilities. The expression "extinct eyes" has a literal meaning: lack of nutrients, in particular because of the locks in the jaw, affects the cornea, and it becomes less shiny. And in the opposite direction: chronically pent lament leads to voltage in the jaw. That is why the performance of exercises on exemption from
🌱Iz-for the constrained desire screaming from pain and fear arise blocks in the vocal cords. So the best way to unlock the clamps in the throat is a loud and long Creek.
If you have the opportunity to shout that there is urine (e.g., in the forest or in the country where no one is nearby), scream. Shout about their suffering, their anger and frustrations. Do not need to speak the words. Let it be a single sound with the power coming out of your throat.
Often this Creek goes into sobbing. This happens due to unlock the emotion and very useful. Many people can't afford to cry — conditions do not allow, or clips are so strong that you can't cry. Then you can perform the following exercise.
🌱 chest. Chest: broad segment of chest muscles, shoulder muscles, shoulder blades, chest and hands. Hampered by laughter, sadness, passion. Containment of breathing means suppression of any emotions. Carapace dissolved work on breathing,
Many people have chest does not move together with the breath. And very breath is shallow and frequent or shallow and uneven. Delays on inhaling or exhaling. Bulging chest is a form of invocation, defiance, as if the body said: "I will not let you come closer to me". Other people's breast is compressed and never cracked down completely. In the language of body metaphor that means: "I am depressed and can't take from Ms
Breast clips belt cause respiratory disorders. (A) any difficulties in breathing process also cause fear. When a person does not realize the root cause of fear, he becomes anxious and looking for this cause in the world.
🌱Čtoby check whether you have breathing problems, perform the following exercise.
-In the position of sitting on a Chair, say his usual voice, "Ah-ha", looking at the second hand of the clock. If you are not able to keep the sound for 20 seconds, it means that you have trouble breathing.
🌱Lâgte across the sofa so that the foot without shoes stood on the floor and buttocks slightly hung over. Under the waist put roller (for example, tightly roll the platen vatnoe quilt) so that the chest was maximally deployed, head and back below the waist. Put your hands over your head, palms up.
🌱Načnite deeply and infrequently to breathe. Often you can't breathe, it will be a different breathing technique, which is performed only with the Assistant, you may encounter as side effects. Breathe for 30 minutes. If you suddenly start crying or weeping the whole body, or laugh — don't worry. This good reaction indicating release suppressed emotions locked in muscle clamps. When the muscle relaxes clips, energy is released and
Do this exercise every day during the whole time of your self-therapy. After a while you will feel what a positive impact of this breathing technique.
🌱 APERTURE. This diaphragm, solar plexus, inner organs, muscles vertebrae at this level. Carapace is expressed in depth the spine forward. Exhale turns out to be harder to breath (as in bronchial asthma). Muscular Unit holds strong anger. Need to largely dismiss the first four segments before moving on to the raspuskaniû.
Also, if the fear becomes chronic, the diaphragm is in constant tension, respiration creating problems and provoking the emergence of predisposition to experience fear. Thus a vicious circle. Fear begets clamp and the diaphragm gives rise to anxiety.
The diaphragm is located above the waist, which connects the thorax with abdomen and pelvis. Muscle clamps in this region interfere with blood flow to the genitals and the senses and feet, causing anxiety, which in turn leads to disruption of the respiratory system. And on again still the same vicious circle.
Conclusion from all this is only one: you must relax chronic clamps and releasing the accumulated fear.
In order to test how squeezed or your waist, do the following exercise.
🌱Vypolnâjte this exercise standing up. Put the feet in parallel, knees slightly bent, weight of the body is shifted slightly forward. Raise your hands with bent elbows at shoulder height. Brush free floating. Turn the body as much as possible to the left and be retained in that position for about a minute. Then rotate the body to the right and about a minute stay in that position. Note the muscle tension of the back and waist. Whether you are in a position to inhale the lower part of the w
Lie on the floor on your back, hands at sides, palms up, legs together. Bend your knees at an angle of 90°. Rotate both feet first to the left, so that the lower (left) leg completely lay on the floor and right lying on it; feet remain bent at the knees. Then similarly turn foot to the right. When the spin to waist remains pressed to the floor. Repeat up to 10 times.
🌱Vstan′te on all fours with your knees at an angle of 90°, the hands that you have, keep straight. Arch your back waist down as much as possible, and then the maximum vygnite back up. Perform up to 10 such movements.
🌱Vstan′te on all fours as described in the previous exercise. Then slowly pull the chassis forward and hands stretched out, slipping on the floor until they are almost entirely not will fall on the floor. Your posture will remind pose potâgivaûŝejsâ cats. Stay a while in this position and slowly pull your hands to the starting position. Do this exercise several times (as much as osilite).
🌱Sâd′te on the floor, legs slightly bent at the knees and a little apart. Palms place at the back of the head. Tilt your torso to the left, trying to elbow as much as possible approached to the floor (ideal if it touches the ground). Stay in this position for some time. Then slowly straighten up and do the same to the right side.
🌱Nesmotrâ that these exercises help to remove clamps around the waist, for liberation from the "clusters" impulses of fear they are not enough. Fear can be released only through the release of blocked anger. Release anger outside special ways makes it safe because he no longer is collected and discharged in a timely manner. A blocking belt around the waist clips violates the integrity of the processes occurring in the body, makes it divided. Top and no
🌱 BELLY. The abdominal muscles and back muscles. Strain of lumbar muscles associated with the fear of attacks. Muscle clamps on the sides associated with suppressed anger, resentment. Blooming of carapace in this segment relatively easy, if the upper segments are already open.
🌱TAZ. Includes all the muscles of the pelvis and lower limbs. The stronger the muscle spasm, especially a basin stretches back. Buttock muscles tense and painful. Pelvic carapace serves suppress arousal, anger, pleasure.
based on the book "Wilhelm Reich and psychology of the body" 🌱
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#Relations, psychology #, #, astrology, astro-psychology ##horoscope, formula_dushi ###esoteric meditation, aromatherapy #
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Brigitte Bardot!
Ascendant in Sagittarius often give their...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Brigitte Bardot!
Ascendant in Sagittarius often give their owners the liveliness, vitality, fast rapid gait, smiling, adventuristic, sporty style of dress or casual. Hair representatives of the Ascendant often gathered in a ponytail. Usually they look very erudite, knowing a lot, like to joke, and no less sunny Sagittarius adore animals. A good representative of the Ascendant is a world-famous beauty, the splendor
Sun in Libra in her, as well as Jupiter, managing Ascendant. A Libra - a sign of beauty and harmony, so nature has endowed beautiful appearance. She is easy enough, gentle nature about it, apart from the Sun in Libra, Moon in Gemini says, and the total dominance of the air signs in the horoscope.
But, interestingly, Bridget for a long time could not believe the beauty and attractiveness. In his memoirs, she wrote that as a child does not consider herself beautiful, parents often compared it with the younger sister Mizhanu, and this comparison has always been not in favor of Brigitte. Mizhanu house felt the beauty and Bridget - homely. Besides Mizhanu he studied well, and Bridget special diligence in study did not show. Yes, and how he had come from, if it ruler 3
Greatly reduces the self-esteem of the young Brigitte malocclusion, which is why her lips always looked inflated, glasses and squint. For the self-esteem of women meets its Venus and Brigitte Venus is not very lucky, she in her Virgin, a sign of its fall and without issues. Therefore, even if already a star with a worldwide reputation, the girl could not understand - that there are around, it seemed that they are wrong, without exception mistaken about her, in her heart she did not m
Several position aligns its reception of Venus with Mercury, on 9 and 10 houses of the horoscope, it is an indication of good style, communicative, and that profession, career positive impact on her self-esteem and give to believe in themselves. Moreover, Mercury in her horoscope is in conjunction with Jupiter, so it is naturally attracted to people who contribute to the advancement of her career, success.
Well, because in her horoscope Mercury also operates 7 home, home partnerships, it is also a large number of marriages in her life and career success - thanks to the partners. It is known that the best movies with her participation took her first husband Roger Vadim. Moreover, cooperation with them continued for many years after their separation as a married couple.
From her best films can distinguish "And God Created Woman" and "Babette Goes to War" - her hairstyle in the film became a household name, "Babette" and gained a lot of popularity around the world, including the Soviet Union - among the generation of young women, born in pre-war and wartime.
Her popularity and the high level of revenues in the horoscope indicates Jupiter in the 10th house in harmonious aspect with Saturn in the 2nd house. And because Jupiter she manages the Ascendant, for the realization of her career in the - one of the most important spheres of life. When with the shooting in the movie was finished, and it happened in 1973, Bridget, as a true Sagittarius on the Ascendant, chose a new goal and a new role - a fighter for the rights of animals.
Also, since 1990 it has repeatedly criticized immigration and Islam in France, homosexuality and interracial marriages, resulting in five times was sentenced for "inciting ethnic hatred"! It lost money aspect of it squaring Mercury to Pluto, the ruler of 9 and 12 houses. In fact, she had warned his countrymen that nothing good immigrants to France did not bring. But, unfortunately, it no one listened ...
Astrologer Larina Muraveva (s).
Bridzhitbardo ###goroskopbridzhitbardo lichnyygoroskop astsendentvstreltse ###zhenschinavesy krasivyelyudi horoscope ###konsultatsiyaastrologa astrology #astrologiyadlyazhenschin