He lived in a beautiful underwater Sea King's Palace. And was his daughter-Sea Princess. It was a beautiful, smart and kind girl. It was soft and gentle voice. When she sang, all residents of the maritime Kingdom sailed to the Palace to hear its magical song, and even stormy seas uspokaivalos'.
Often the Princess rose from the sea depths to the surface to take a ride on the waves and see whether people who traveled by sea on ships and boats. If she saw that a ship lost at sea or struggles with big waves, it indicated to the master path, or a safe place. The Princess always came to help people who have suffered a disaster at sea.
Princess once rolled on the waves. The waves then raised it upwards, then rapidly lowered almost to the very bottom, and she laughed gaily.
Here's the wave brought her to a large stone, heated up by the Sun. The Princess sat on it, was the face of the Sun's rays, and sang its magical song. Even sea waves zaslushalis' it and stopped beating on the coastal cliffs.
The Princess was so absorbed that singing not noticed, as a handsome young man came out of the water. It was the Prince of a neighboring Kingdom of the sea, where the rules of the good and wise Sea Queen.
Sea Prince was fascinated by the beauty and singing Princess. Neither on Earth nor under water he never seen a girl more beautiful than she. The Princess graduated from singing and felt close to her someone worthwhile. She turned around and saw a beautiful young man, whose eyes brimmed with kindness and tenderness.
Sea Prince and the Sea Princess fell in love. Since that time they are not parting even for a minute. Together they solved the case in their underwater States, however, skated on the waves of the sea, help travelers. When the Princess accompanied Prince sang it at the underwater musical instruments. The Prince and Princess have always understood each other, read many books, wise drew amazing pictures composed poems and songs. They loved the underwater inhabitants and w
Underwater Kingdom changes, water is Emerald-transparent, elegant fish swam around with brightly coloured tails, seahorses led dance flourished amazing underwater flowers. Everything was filled with a sense of celebration.
And the constellations looked from the sky to the Sea Prince and Princess and rejoiced that love lives on Earth. Once the constellation-launched into the sea star track and invited Prince and Princess to come live with him in heaven.
When the Prince and Princess have risen in Star country Zodiakaliju, they hugged each constellation and all starry sky filled with their love.
Under water and people looked up at the sky and saw there a constellation of two fish. Now anyone who looks at this constellation, feels great love in his heart.
Once a year, from mid-February to mid-March, the constellation of PISCES becomes the main on the starry sky. Who is born on Earth at this time, fish give love for all living things, the gift of seeing the best in each person, and a lot of patience.
Here we met with all twelve inhabitants of stellar country Zodiakalii. You know that they shared a year and each constellation is to us once a year. Zodiakalii residents live very amicably, each calmly waiting for his time.
You can also make friends with them. Constellations are friends and help those who listens to your heart, don't lose time in vain and always brings the case to the end. All people and stars know who in heart love lives, have executed the most cherished desires.
Goodbye I, Star Fairy, I want to say that the constellation Zodiakalii, starry sky will always be with you guys. Make your most cherished desire, look at the night sky, and the desire to necessarily come true.
Job Star Fairies:
Now imagine that the Stellar wind played music and
Constellation zakruzhilis' in dance. Let's take off and together we dance!
1. Why the marine Prince loved the Sea Princess?
2. That the Prince and Princess were doing in order to understand each other? As you know, that you understand and love?
3. Why is this remarkable maritime Kingdom?
4. Draw the Prince of the sea and Sea Princess. Tell me how may have their lives on.
5. Now, when you know the history of each constellation, say residents who Zodiakalii you became the closest thing (this is not necessarily your zodiac sign). Why? Could it help you in your cases? How? Vylepi or draw yourself zodiacal Assistant.
#Astrology #znakizodiaka #fish
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Thursday, December 29, 2016
Powered by zodiac signs.
Element is Air, the planet...
Powered by zodiac signs.
Element is Air, the planet is Saturn. Aquarius should be included in the diet as much as possible.
The primary food for Aquarius is associated with water is all the gifts of the sea, River and Lake Wednesday. Should be used as much as possible fish, crabs and other crustaceans, molluscs. Their culinary processing can be very diverse. Featured fruit and melons for born under the sign of Aquarius is Quince and melon. It is advisable to always present in the diet eggplant, beets, fennel, parsley, these vegetables are especially useful for Aquarius.
And another note, which must take into account the born under the sign of Aquarius: in regions with colder climates they feel significantly better than in natural areas. For them the ideal winter sports-skating, skiing. Useful daily cold rubdown or a cold shower.
#znakzodiakaipitanie ##pitaniepoznakamzodiaka #Aquarius horoscope Astrology ##interesnajainformacija #kakpravil'nopitat'sja
The record three days of open lessons "Introduction to ASTROLOGY...
The record three days of open lessons "Introduction to ASTROLOGY" with the President of the first all-Union Astrological organization with Vitaly Alexandrovich Vaisberg ➡ ➡
Reviewing the 3 open lessons you will learn: 👇 👆
1. What is Astrology when and why it was born and why Astrology "works".
2. The various branches of astrology (their similarities and differences):
🔹Horarnaja or hour.
🔹Astrologija relationship and compatibility.
🔹Meteo astrology.
🔹 "Occult" Astrology or the true meaning of "magic", "divination".
✅ 3. Why study the science of the stars, even if you are not going to become a professional astrologer.
✅ 4. As for one minute using the pencil and just 8 words to draw your character. Four pervojelementa and their properties.
Course author: ASTROLOGY
One of the founders of the Academy of astrology, Vice-Chancellor and Rector of full-time correspondence Department (about 10 thousand students).
The first President of the all-Russian Union of Astrologers.
He has created many analysis techniques of astrological charts, which today became "nationalized".
This is the theory of ownership chains and exile, and chains, and shestiball'naja afetika, and many others.
A number of his students have written on these techniques books, for example,
"Theory of mind" by Alexander Astrogora, "short course scientific Astrology" Pavel Maksimov. The list goes on.
Ph.d., radio-engineer; psychologist, Professor of Psychology (psychological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University) teaches astrology.
One of the devices on which worked Vitaly Alexandrovich, traveled in space as on the American Chatelet and the Russian space station.
All those who wish to touch the mystery of Astrology with the first President of the all-Russian Union of Astrologers and view our on-line master-class can now ↩
➡ ➡ ➡ the following link:
#Astrology #esoterics #magic #mantica #teorijadushi #self-development #astropsihologija
🍀 Favored: wedding, the beginning of training...
🍀 Favored: wedding, the beginning of training, receiving awards, inauguration, engagement, debt collection, contract signing
⛔ not favorable: the beginning of the treatment, the search for medical care, legal affairs, loans, funeral
🍀 day is favorable for those born in the Year of the Dragon, the Snake, the Bull.
⛔ day is not auspicious for those born in the Year of the Rabbit.
Mercury retrograde period.
🌛1-day moon. Symbol - Light. The process that takes place in these days - cleansing. The lunar cycle is just beginning, so this day is ideal for creative ideas and plans for the month ahead. Plans and dreams of this day come true, if the intentions are pure, and if you have them in detail thought out and as vividly as you can imagine. It is very important if they meet your true desires and needs and are really important to you. In this case, they have successfully
📌 Order individual calendar-forecast you can have an astrologer [id234113011 | Elena Ivanova].
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui #BaZi
🌙♑ Transit Moon in Capricorn with 29/12/2016 2:13...
🌙♑ Transit Moon in Capricorn with 29/12/2016 2:13 on 31.12.2016 12:29
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Good morning, dear subscribers center of personality development "ASTERA!"...
Good morning, dear subscribers center of personality development "ASTERA!" The sun had already risen. His warm rays it knocks on your window. Wake up! you will find a day full of smiles and surprises. Remember cherished dream, her every little thing, every detail. Tune in to a positive and feel free to go in search of her. Wishes come true for those who are waiting for them and believe in them!
We continue to publish amazing rubriki- "Character and Destiny Date of Birth" In it you will find your unique traits will discover something new, get valuable advice on strengthening your advantages, harmonious development, to strengthen your health tips, astrological stages the formation of fate according to the date of your birth, and much more.
A detailed horoscope for each day of the calendar year, you can find on our forum section -ASTROLOGIYa.http: //
Also, we have prepared you an article on the choice of stone on a horoscope, in our store "Three Broomsticks" to select the amulet and mascot who will be your helper and protector for life.
Birth 28 December
Fate: Energy splashes over the edge in those born on this day, it is an activity people bubbling with optimism and cheerfulness. This nature of strong character and directs the energy of them all the time forward to the goals. And to him they go with the tenacity of a moving avalanche flow, so do not svernesh. They are rarely heard complaints, and all of them meet adversity with his head, boldly, firmly, firmly. And the main reason for their success - realistic in setting goals as
Mystery birthday: What are the differences of birth 28 December from others is the ability to invest in any business completely, using all his energy. And it comes at them sometimes beautiful, if not elegant. They can create the impression that their success is due to mature in experience, and such imitation is under the soil in the form of self-reliance. they are often used children's experience of taking as a basis for building a family life and
Serious around, they painstakingly and carefully perform scheduled tasks, goof off at work - not for them. While fun and they do not mind, but always know the measure and the boundary between leisure and work process. And, as a rule, this distinction starts at the place where the work is already beginning to be infringed. Born December 28 should be to focus on one thing to use its enormous energy correctly and efficiently. EC
The weakness born on this day is considered to be a denial of their difficult situations before, it is easier to withdraw than to face the emerging challenges. Typically, planning has a special story of their lives, time and distribution of forces allows to be prepared for different situations, when they already have the necessary knowledge and have prepared it. So they are trying to prepare for the unexpected and we are sure that this is the surest means. However, this is not the
Born December 28 dream of having an all-knowing authority of a man who in the bosom of ready-made solutions for all occasions. However, if they want to win the confidence, respect, and love, do not push yourself, and it is better to devote time to studying the opposing opinions and attitudes. You should not always give up assistance, guided by false pride. Mutual relations, on the contrary, splochayut people, make them closer and helps to establish
Health: Allergies can pursue born December 28, and it is often the case with those who looked with apprehension at the world around us. Frequent and bowel problems and venous circulation. And self-control can bring serious problems. Therefore, born December 28 shows impulsiveness, spontaneity and sincerity. The beneficial impact of the active games on the team, competitive sports, opening them to communicate with others and producing zdo
Tip: Do not go to extremes, choosing honor or superiority. Stop in the middle between them. Stop for a moment to listen to ourselves. Listen to the opinions and objections of others, they can be individual. Remove the useful knowledge.
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