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###Astrology horoscope astrologer #konsul'tacijaastrologa #astrologkrasnojarsk
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Saturday, February 11, 2017
wine πΌDruz'ja, I advise all over Russia and abroad...
February 10
Heavenly Office wrote. Friday...
February 10
Heavenly Office wrote. Friday, the end of the week, like a lady's day, and it pleases us, pretty, easy and positive aspect. Sekstil' Air Mercury (in Aquarius) to fiery Venus (in Aries).
Thank [id5740760 | Antoninus] compiled by survey πππΊ
#iastro #astrology #iastro #poll #Astrology #transit #Mercury #Aquarius #Venus #Aries

Age astrology. The cycles of the planets.
Saturn cycle (continued...
Age astrology. The cycles of the planets.
Saturn cycle (continued)
Trigony Saturn to himself in 39 and 48-49 years, most often point to the business successes, fruitful work periods, when amplified by hard work and there is no shortage of motivation.
The significant point is the opposition of Saturn to its natal position, observed about 45 years since birth. It usually manifests itself as a test of the effectiveness of the methods of action selected after the return of Saturn. Man gets into situations of need to analyse how the goals and ways of achieving them. As a result, a person understands that the working methods have to change and take appropriate decisions, or (
Opposition of Saturn in 45 years can be understood as a midlife crisis, as a critical point of age zone "maturity". The individual begins to realize that a lot is already behind us, that the past will not return. Saturn at this stage makes above all appreciate time-universal resource. He unobtrusively recalls coming to the opposition that left little time, that activity should be more orderly, and the results are more significant.
#age #Astrology #cycles #planet #Saturn
13 FEBRUARY. Today, we...
13 FEBRUARY. Today, we adhere to moderate diet, including diet pickles (preferably homemade). This will not burden our digestive system vulnerable to this day. We continue to clean up the nails on the hands and feet, struggling with nodules, blisters and fungus in the foot area. Despite the fact that the Moon is not waxing, hair removal in the bikini area or underarms grow quite thick, so this procedure is better to postpone
π Fitness: the negative aspects of the Moon promises a busy day, which is important not to overwork. Today, high risks of exacerbation of chronic diseases, so exercise should be moderate. The emphasis is recommended to do at fortifying exercises, moderate cardio workouts. If possible, workout plan for the first half of the day.
14 FEBRUARY. On the waning moon in Libra can safely carry out the operation to remove the warts, papillomas and unwanted moles. Day for visiting beautician, trichologist, can whiten the skin. It is a good time to visit the dentist for the implementation of the various procedures. Today it would be good to visit a massage therapist to prevent stretch marks in the hips, buttocks and abdomen. Plastic surgery carried out today does not rec-
π Fitness: given the high risk of injury and danger to the back and spine, activity today is better to exercise in the pool. To support the overall tone of the body and help from yoga, pilates. The range of training can include stretching exercises. A hard workout is recommended to be neglected until the end days of Libra.
15 FEBRUARY. In addition to visiting the dentist, beautician and make-up artist at the Moon in Libra, you can think about permanent make-up. Also tattoo allowed (but not in the abdomen, upper torso or hips). Fans of piercing on the face may puncture today, nose, lips, eyebrows or ears. Today also shows exposure to fresh air, companionship. If possible, walk to the shops in search of new cosmetics, perfumes, clothing or jew
π Fitness: in principle all of the recommendations of the previous day can be used today, with the only difference being that in this lunar day increases the risk to the nervous system. Exclude active group games of the training program, and after visiting the pool or Pilates makes sense to take a relaxing bath, or go to the sauna.
FEBRUARY 16. Current day promises to be quiet due to the positive aspects of the moon. It makes sense to use it for preventive procedures in the broadest sense - from the anti-cellulite massage to sitz baths to improve the functioning of the body the genitourinary system. Today is also possible to conduct anti-aging treatments, but they are not recommended to start before 9:40 am, as a successful outcome in this case will prevent the Moon
π Fitness: this day will bring obvious benefits of the swimming pool. Try not to limit ourselves to a simple pereplyvaniem and Participate in training as part of aqua aerobics. Today we can also work on flexibility in what you can help yoga or Pilates. Breathing exercises also have the right to life.
17 FEBRUARY. Growing criticism and intolerance of small (not to mention the major!) Own imperfections figures, appearance. It does not matter, because today a very good time to clean up the face and neck. Massage these areas or fitness person pretty quickly help restore tone problem areas and restore your self-esteem. Despite the fact that today allowed surgery to remove tumors, tattoos and piercings, there are many
π Fitness today is careful with strength training (especially those that actively involve the muscles of the pelvis). If you do not wish to be limited to persons in fitness, we recommend you go to yoga; but remember that today it is not necessary to load the pelvis stretch marks.
18 FEBRUARY. The already difficult February this year throws us another difficult day. In this difficult period, do not take on too much, it is better to devote time to a simple relaxation and preventive procedures home (fortunately, many a day). Do not use hormonal creams, do not buy unfamiliar perfume, cosmetics or fashion: because today we show emotional instability, there is a risk that we will disappoint but
π Fitness: if you have big plans for fitness on this Saturday, have to disappoint you: the change of the lunar phase will require you to incredible efforts for their implementation. And then - the result may be no. Today, enjoy a yoga and other relaxation practices, breathing exercises will not be broken, and maintain a stable emotional background. It is better to take a break from training at all.
FEBRUARY 19. A good day to fight cellulite with special exercises. We recommend you to study the matter by a simple set of exercises that are particularly effective in the days of Sagittarius. But do not think that the recommendation now frees you from active fitness training! Believe me, this is quite an active day of your energy and optimism will last for many.
π Fitness: Today it is possible to perform light cardio, simple strength training aimed at pumping your arms, shoulders, abdomen and yagodits- your energy will be enough for all. However, you should avoid CrossFit exercise-related jumps and accelerations of the hip joints. Remember that during the fourth phase of the moon of your training must have a minimum load.
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui #BaZi
PERSONALITY OF THE DAY - 02/10/1911 Mstislav Keldysh (Moon...
PERSONALITY OF THE DAY - 02/10/1911 Mstislav Keldysh (Moon - one center, one planet, 6 ballroom Uranus orbit of Jupiter)
Soviet mathematician and engineer, academician
was born in Riga, in a large family associate professor of the Riga Polytechnic Institute Vsevolod Mikhailovich Keldysh, a major in civil engineering, later Academician and Vice-President of the Academy of Construction and Architecture.
The father and mother of Mstislav came from noble families, knew French and German languages, playing the piano, loved music and art. They develop creative abilities of children engaged in their education.
In 1927 Mstislav entered the Moscow University in the Mathematics Department. After graduating from Moscow State University Keldysh he was sent to the Central Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI), where he worked until December 1946 in various engineering positions. The young specialist immediately became known in the scientific team of the Institute, hit its ability quickly to solve new problems.
TsAGI Keldysh led successful research work to prevent the destruction of the aircraft, together with SP The Queen and I. Kurchatov supervised the creation of nuclear missile weapons. It is here that they are aware of Zhukovsky theorem was proved on the lifting force arising at a speed close to the speed of sound. Of great importance for the development of high-speed aircraft was the work of the scientist on the study of oscillations of aircraft structures.
Simultaneously with the work at TsAGI 1935 Keldysh began working at the Mathematical Institute of the USSR Academy. VA Steklov. In 1938 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences on the theme: "On the representation of functions of complex variable and harmonic functions by series of polynomials"
In the mid-20th century, the first hydrogen bomb test, and soon underwent successful launches of cruise missiles. launch of the first artificial Earth satellite was launched in 1957. In 1961, after the flight of Yuri Gagarin, Keldysh became president of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
He has developed a number of basic theoretical propositions of modern aerodynamics and rocket and space technology; based on discoveries made by him in mathematics and mechanics managed to solve a number of major scientific problems. The scientist played a huge role in the development of the country's computer technology and directed the work on the creation of a computer.
For his work he was honored with numerous awards. In 1956, 1961 and 1971 he was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor, he became a laureate of the State Prize in 1942 and 1946, and in 1957 was awarded the Lenin Prize. He was elected an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of many foreign states.
In the last months of his life seriously ill Keldysh June 24, 1978 the body of Keldysh was found in the car "Volga", located in the garage at his dacha. The official report states that the death was caused by a heart attack at the same time extended version that he committed suicide, poisoning the exhaust gases of automobile engines, staying in a deep depression
In the book "Sketches of scientists" (Bishkek, "Uchkun", 2002. - S. 166) Yaroslav Golovanov wrote: In recent years a lot and was seriously ill, he asked to be re-elected president of the Academy ... He died on the 69th year of life. Later there was a ridiculous myth about suicide Keldysh. And it was so. Mstislav going to the garden to go to Moscow. He opened the garage, got into his "Volga", started the car and ... died. Behind the wheel of the included car found its neighbor to testify Academician Vladi
This same version was confirmed by the memoirs KGB colonel EB Kozeltsev talking on the phone with Keldysh, shortly before his death urn with the ashes of Mstislav Keldysh installed in the Kremlin wall on Red Square in Moscow.
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Keldysh ###nuclear Uranus astrology ###cosmogram formula_dushi Astropsychology ###Planet Horoscope