Mountains of Krasnaya Polyana Olympic village Plateau Rose height 1170m in 2014 athletes lived here and now, here the class ski resort.
#adlerjoga #KrasnajaPoljana #jogaputeshestvie #jogatur #Happiness #Jyotish Vedic Astrology #@ #Rosa Khutor
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Mountains of Krasnaya Polyana Olympic village Plateau Rose height 1170m...
Inside every man there is a struggle of the evil...
Inside every man there is a struggle of the evil Wolf good. Always wins the Wolf, whom are you feeding.
Native American wisdom
#astropsihologij #Astrology #волка_кормит
One should never explain anything. Whoever doesn't want to...
One should never explain anything. Whoever doesn't want to listen, hear and will not believe, but those who believe and understand, needs no explanation.
#astropsihologij #Astrology #не_стоит_объяснять #hears
Karma and cancer (June 22-July 22). We...
Karma and cancer (June 22-July 22). We all throughout his life, trying to comprehend what Crayfish are born into the light: the most important thing, as people should care about its true I cancer lives in harmony with the world, when he finds his house inside is one of the challenges in life. Home is the place where people feel safe, where his love and where the care-and you must know the Cancer that he had such a place exists. Only then will he be able to p
#MagijaDushi #magic #esoterica #рак_знак_зодиака ##Рак_и_карма #horoscope astrology
Lunar nodes, or guide to life (continued)
Multifunctional obosobljajushhee quality...
Lunar nodes, or guide to life (continued)
Multifunctional obosobljajushhee quality Southern node often vividly manifests itself in practice. And South node happens to be more noticeable than the North node. And it is not surprising, because the South node-gained experience that differentiates us from other people with these experiences are not only useful, but also the problem of accumulation, the main sense which can be expressed by the words "not as others", "something is wrong".
To understand that it is not so-we must look at the position of the Nodes in the houses of the horoscope. One day I had to work with someone whose birth was known very inaccurate, and therefore, the birth horoscope was a mere hypothesis, derived from a long and difficult process of rectification. To check how acceptable this hypothesis, I took from the horoscope a few notable factors and met with a client, namerevaja
What question could I ask? 4-th House is the roots, origins, family, parent, and most likely from 2 's parents-most likely the father. Kuspid House-the point at which the quality of the House expressed most vividly, and if there really is South node, the parent of my client's family might be related to something special. The question sounded something like this: "wasn't linked to your parent family something that provided them, and therefore you
The answer sounded good: "my father was a prisoner and died from prison." Is it possible to illustrate the situation, isolating brighter isolating Southern site on 1 c? In another similar case a woman South node was in the middle of 4 houses. Not on kuspide, so the situation is not as bright, but still curious. Her grandfather was a Hindu, while all other ancestors-entirely Russian, she lived all his life in Russia. Again the exception from the General stream.
Interestingly, in keywords for Lunar nodes (Munkasey) often sound tunnels, culverts, pipes and other similar objects. A pair of Lunar nodes very well describes exactly the pipe, because the pipe gives some common thread (North node), but only due to the separation of its interior cavity from Wednesday (South node). It is also interesting that many people who had okolosmertnyj experience, remember about movement on a tunnel. Wasn't this direct FEA
South node is inseparable from the North. They form a complementary pair, and in the horoscope you can imagine vector, or arrow, based on the South node, and edge points to the North. A pair of Lunar nodes in the horoscope sets the vector of individual human evolution, indicating which way it is better to go to turn collective goals in individual experience to living in circumstances of ongoing life, gradually approaching the goal of her existence.
It remains to understand what he is talking about this vector. Here I would like to move from theory to practice and offer the key to the interpretation of the Lunar nodes. If you strive for brevity's sake, we can say this: go there, where shows North node and South node issues will be solved then themselves.
In an effort to solve the problems of the South node directly, you only usugubite. Remember the image of the "River of life". You can not swim to unexplored target, and back, on land already mastered. You will instantly feel that wrong-it will have to go against the tide. You decide so task North node, because will not move to the goal. But the problem remains unsolved also Host South, hardens in place-it will cease to grow projd
Author: Alexander Kolesnikov
(continued tomorrow)
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#lunnyeuzly #Karma #astrology
Start today! At 8:00 pm Msk
Secrets of aspects...
Start today! At 8:00 pm Msk
Secrets of aspects in practice
Aspects in Natal astrology is the most complicated and confusing topic. In many books, you'll find that means square between the Moon and Jupiter or opposition Venus and Pluto. But often, these interpretations are very blurry and does not fit the definition of personality.
Virtually no one is talking about the technology of reading aspects. What is the area of opposition? How can they be worked out? But aspects in astrology are making the most of the weather, creating the unique individuality and particularity of every person.
If you want to master the techniques of accurate reading aspects, learn how to develop intense aspects, then we invite you to take part in the new free webinar Paul Dementieva "secrets aspects in practice"
Read more:
You will learn:
How do aspects in Natal astrology
Reading levels aspects
Psychological and event aspects
The main rule of reading aspects
How does the opposition?
Prorabota the opposition with Saturn
Compensation technology of intense aspects
Want to participate and learn about aspects of