Astrology ###astro-forecast lunnyykalendar
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Monday, January 23, 2017
Astrology ###astro-forecast lunnyykalendar
❦ #angmo_astro ➤ #SOLAR or as for #12dnej change 12 months #astromagija...
❦ #angmo_astro ➤ #SOLAR or as for #12dnej change 12 months #astromagija #Astrology #BirthDate
First day of ๐ฐ๐พ๐ธ
(from the moment of turning solar plus one day, it's the first day, it's not birthday) — indicates the talent activity. This day should be a creative activity. You want to be independent. Woman recommended to dress up and nakrasili, you can even completely change the image. It is desirable to devote the entire day to myself.
The second day of the ๐ฐ๐พ๐ธ
-indicates wealth, wealth, property. It is not advisable to be greedy, proud, borrow and receive gifts. It is recommended to do charity.
Third day ๐ฐ๐พ๐ธ
— denotes a curiosity, communicative, as well as sisters and brothers and relations with them. On this day, preferably more silent and talk a little. Beneficial is a short trip. Refrain from watching tv and reading. It is better to spend time with his family in nature.
Fourth day ๐ฐ๐พ๐ธ
— denotes a family home, family, parents. It is advisable to visit and spend the day with their parents and relatives. It is not desirable to start something new.
The fifth day of the ๐ฐ๐พ๐ธ
— denotes a children, hobbies, love, romance. It is advisable not to flirt and not to mimoljotnymi love intrizhkami. Favorably to devote this time to her husband and children.
The sixth day of the ๐ฐ๐พ๐ธ
-indicates your well-being, as well as self-discipline and relations in the workplace. It is desirable to devote day labour. The probability of promotion through the ranks. Day of tranquility, but beware of the routine.
Seventh day ๐ฐ๐พ๐ธ
-indicates spouse, marriage, divorce, litigation. Favorably will spend the day with her husband and discuss future plans. Cherish and take care of her husband and family harmony.
Eighth day ๐ฐ๐พ๐ธ
— denotes a crisis, the end of the old and the beginning of the new, as well as the conception and birth of a child. A very difficult day, it favorably to spend in solitude to rethink their views. Unfavorable in this day of jealousy. You want to control all of your thoughts and emotions. It is possible that this day of life can leave something unnecessary, and it is very good, because a loss will bring to his new and good location.
The ninth day of ๐ฐ๐พ๐ธ
denotes knowledge, travel-favourable long-distance driving, travel.
The tenth day of the ๐ฐ๐พ๐ธ
— indicates a profession, manifestation of ambition, plans for the future. Want to remember all their teachers and thank them for their acquired knowledge.
The eleventh day of ๐ฐ๐พ๐ธ
— denotes a friends and dreams of man. This day changes your destiny. On this day, changing your fate in a favorable direction, their wishes. You can safely make the most secret desires, and they are sure to come.
Twelfth day ๐ฐ๐พ๐ธ
— denotes a liberation from old. On this day, it is advisable to let go of all their grievances and to engage in the coming astrological year with pure heart for new happiness. #novyjgod #NovyjLichnyjGod
22 January 19:30 TIME MSK START 26 LUNAR day...
22 January 19:30 TIME MSK START 26 LUNAR day.
Characters of the day considered the frog and toad in a swamp created the abyss, the abyss, duckweed, quagmire, maelstrom.
It is believed that the Toad is the embodiment of wisdom, which does not bring any benefit to the person, because it lurks the false seduction own accomplishments, pride, vanity, samovozvelichivanie. Man can pull on gossip, farce, meanness.
The frog is a symbol of strength checks, the penchant for deception of their own wisdom. Remember the fairy tale about the Princess and the frog-the number of tests which had to go to Ivan-tsarevitch.
So this is a day of Atonement, deliverance from Frog skins-must strive to know life, the worst in people, to a sober assessment of the fact, the removal of any and all "masks". Otherwise, the person may slack off and tease, with bigotry and coarse materialism.
Considered one of the critical days, in which people are fighting and scurrying around in vain, wasting a lot of energy on the chatter. On this day people can outspend their energy. Therefore, it is better to refrain from active work, relax or be sensible and economical in energy costs.
Domestic and social terms fails to communicate and have a high probability of robberies.
Spiritually good work on texts, books, avoiding overvoltages or unverified material. It is a day of abstinence and fasting, which favorably silence. Pride often comes after Tosca-you can work on these properties. Easily outspend strength, so all the work should be carried out carefully. It is a day of brotherhood and unity of people not for external installations, for internal needs. The motto of the day-don't believe what you see
On this day spiritual teachers arrange checking pupils: those tested water, fire, seclusion from the world. But the most difficult part is often the test world. Man, having passed all the ordeals, can master the hubris and contempt for ordinary people. In this case, his wisdom is false, because each person you want to see the bright and high, it is implied, though, can be, and is not implemented yet. Only together can come to
Mystical sign in this day is, if leaving home to meet a person with full bags or buckets, then you can take it that you go through life correctly; If during sleep or waking to see lightning-this is a warning that not ukroshheny pride and vanity.
In terms of health, we recommend that you run less, more sweat; doing massages, cosmetic surgery, smooth wrinkles and warts and moles, affect point channels. On this day, it is better to eat more fish and herbs. Contraindicated there is all round fruits and vegetables, heavily saturated liquid. Sacred food-cranberries. Meat is forbidden. You should avoid smoke strongly smoky rooms. On this day, it is not recommended to remove the teeth.
Based on materials P.globy "Moon astrology"
#Lunnyyden prognoznaden ###astrology horoscope
Imagine that you are flying in a hot air balloon...
Imagine that you are flying in a hot air balloon. In the basket only you and your luggage. Suddenly something went wrong, you began to rapidly lose altitude. You will crash less than ten minutes, if not you will think what to do. The only solution in this situation is to reset your stuff, at least half of it. Either things or you. You look at them and hesitate a few seconds. But in the end decide and begin throwing that hoarded all of his life. W
It happens every day with all of us in less dramatic circumstances. We become attached to things and thoughts that hoarded for many years, and simply don't notice how they hang on us goods, preventing moving forward. Here are the things that we need to let go, to once again shoot up:
1. Attachment
According to Buddhist philosophy, affection is one of the causes of suffering. We have a habit of bind to everything that was in our lives, including the fact that strongly keeps us on site: unnecessary things, nadoevshim places, meaningless actions, bad people. Ask yourself: have you tied to anything from this? Fold!
2. The guilt
Guilt have absolutely no function. What a change from what you feel guilt? No problem. It just keeps you in a State of grief and self-flagellation.
3. Negative thinking
Pessimistic mood and negative thoughts direct all our actions on this wave. This is a fairly dangerous path. Know that thoughts affect the world around us. It is enough only to think.
4. Self-criticism
Often this is the sore spot. Initially we criticize ourselves out of the best intentions to change and become better, but sometimes we turn all boundaries and criticism turns against us, making us the only worse. Release it and be kind and gentle to yourself.
5. Prejudices
Prejudices inhibit us. This limits our possibilities and inhibits our desires. Need to get rid of them.
6. the obligations imposed on
You keep doing something for no apparent reason just because you feel that you have to do it? It's time to honestly think about why you need it. You don't owe anything to anyone.
7. Need for approval
We often think whether our actions are approved by the public? It does not open up our desires to the fullest. Don't listen to the other, listen to yourself.
8. Limits
Most of the boundaries we set ourselves. But in life there is no limits. They are only in our brains. Transcend.
9. Discontent
Let me explain: everything, absolutely everything dissatisfaction affect our health. Science has long been proven that such emotion, like anger, is associated with heart disease.
10. The habit of postponing all for tomorrow
In the subconscious of each of us lives the smallest saboteur who tries to prevent us to perform important tasks. When you want to leave something for tomorrow or just to lazy to do, think about its existence, and it deliberately to make you focus on your business.
11. Anxious thoughts
They are born from our fear and uncertainty about the future. The thought of what might happen something unpleasant is only far-fetched idea, which we have created ourselves. Ask yourself: "it's got real proof?" if not, and harassing himself is not necessary.
12. your ex
Love the collapse survive difficult, and often depression after it lasts pretty long. Your heart locked, your brain thinks only about one. Actually you do not suffer from losses, and thinking about the loss.
13. Bad memories
Bad memories make you again and again to relive those sad moments and unpleasant history, what happened to you. Keep them where their place is in the past.
14. Useless stuff
Often we accumulate all kinds of junk that clutters our room or in the pantry, and suddenly comes in handy. Get rid of it, make the atmosphere in your home or Office more free and harmonious.
15. Bad company
If your environment is insincere, envious or manipulating you folks-stay away from them.
16. Its position
This is a very common mistake: we perceive ourselves as we are accustomed to perceiving surrounding throughout our lives. This limits our actions in the present and plan for the future, because we're stuck in a certain manner. You may be one person in the past and totally different now.
17. The identification of yourself with the profession
This is one of the consequences of modern business life: once we choose profession, we vzhivaemsja it with full dedication. But we must remember that this is just a role.
18. the patterns of behavior
There are popular acts or patterns of conduct that are imposed on us in a particular society. And we follow them, even though that we are not interested in: starting from viewing popular transfer and ending with the fashion for anorexia. Do not follow the crowd, be unique.
19. The perception of all things close to my heart
Very often we are too sensitive to events in the lives of others. We are worried and suffer like they have experienced them personally. Look at things from a more distant perspective, and life will be simpler and more objective point of view, and more balanced, focused on their priorities.
20. Time
Time is one of the main causes of emotional tension. We are enslaved to the concept of time, even in moments of relaxation. This idea captures our true freedom and our space. It should be remembered that don't really time itself, and our perception of time.
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#Relations, psychology #, #, astrology, astro-psychology ##horoscope, formula_dushi ###esoteric meditation, aromatherapy #
Be yourself.
It is an easy ...
It's as easy and...
Be yourself.
It is an easy ...
It's as easy and natural as the wind moves like rivers flow, grow grass and sunrise ...
But we have forgotten about it, we have lost memory, we believe in something that is not true ...
On what grounds do you know
that your memory can be resurrected?
When all the difficult, complex, uncertain and no longer go out to attract you. When their roles, images and masks
you can leave without regret, as the old clothes off and forget
Everything will be just ...
You just be at peace and happy with how your life is flowing and what pictures contemplates your soul ...
Life is flowing in and through you ...
And that Your Being, beyond the boundaries of your mind available ...
This condition is the ease with which you fall asleep and wake up your ease, like when you're kissed by his Spirit, and love in all that they see your eyes ...
Already there is nothing that disturbs your mind and your heart to rest quietly and breathes Love ...
Elena Ma, Vedic astrologer
Jyotish astrology ####elenama Saturn ##tvorcheskayavstrecha presence
Aquarius. Astrological forecast for 2017.
In 2017, Aquarius is recommended...
Aquarius. Astrological forecast for 2017.
In 2017, Aquarius is recommended to strictly follow the letter of the law, to be attentive to their actions. Some Aquarians will have to defend his case in superior organizations.
In mid-February, tensions may arise related to long journeys, obtaining higher education, relationships with brothers, sisters, neighbors.
May and August will bring love and harmony in the life of Aquarius. Successful relationships are, including people from afar, people of creative professions, politicians and athletes.
In early autumn, there began a period of increased spending, unfavorable at this time to borrow, lend, invest in joint-stock companies, losses are possible due to the distance, they travel, treatment, fines or fraud.
In November 2017 at the Aquarius starts favorable period in the professional life that will bring a good attitude of society, highly appreciated your talents and increase revenues, some waiting for Aquarius growth careers. The flip side of the coin can be deterioration of relations within the family, there may be conflicts and misunderstandings.
The car at the Aquarius this year may require repairs related to the specifics of the planets Uranus and Jupiter, it may be electrical, lighting, glass lamps.
At the end of the year should beware of stress, which can be loose in the health of Aquarius.
Astro-forecast ##Aquarius #astrology, #astrologicheskiyprognoz