[from an astrological point of view]
Michel Nostradamus astrologer, physician and pharmacist, widely known for his prophecies, some of the most striking of which is the death of Henry II, the execution of King Charles I, the beginning of the second world war and the formation of Israel.
This ability to predict the future, with the precision specifying time implementing large-scale events, due to a specific set of indicators on the map. Astrology, prediction and the future of significiruûtsâ within the meaning of the planet Uranus, which map Michel is personality-harmonious forms a large configuration, Trina, tying 12, home and 8.4 is minor by 10 at home. Dvenadcatidomnyj Uranium also induces its owner to the scientific researched
Strongly pull involvement planet harmonious + configuration aspect of Trina with his adds-strong dispositor (Jupiter), realizing the function of the planet more than adequately shown the way.
Uranus makes aspect to the Sun-kuspidnye sekstilâ 0-mercury 10 houses, giving way to implement and fame through authorship, word prediction and demonstrate accurate unique knowledge.
Michel map active element of water that gives it the quality of deep intuition and the ability to see hidden motives of reality. Complements data quality Super harmonious skorpion′â moon on kuspide houses 8. Context predskazanyh them of events carries the pure skorpionij, 8-domnyj (penalty-death/war/large-scale conversion).
The story States that the ancestors of the fortuneteller served as healers and were fairly well educated, wealthy people. This is evidenced by the sign of cancer on kuspide houses of 4, as well as Jupiter and Saturn in the House stewards, 9 10 houses.
The element of learning into the kin been played on Jupiter (A9) in fact, when great-grandfather introduced young Nostradamus with astrology and Kabbalah, and also taught him mathematics and various languages (Latin, Greek, Hebrew).
Michelle, being a skilled pharmacist invented the tool against the plague, when all of a sudden epidemic broke out in the city. The ability to medical inventions indicate lights in arrangement with Uranus in 12, Neptune in house 11, as well as three plutoničeskaâ Moon in Trine with the Manager 11 houses, which gives the motivation to learn the medical sphere at a deeper level, delving into the causes, finding the root of the problems and creating a brilliant invention.
He also traveled a lot to see and learn sources/origins of plants and other protozoa of substances related to peaks of medical science. About travel with the purpose of research in the biological/medical field says Manager 9 House (Jupiter) in 4 House which makes aspect to Uranus in 12 Trina.
While studying at the medical faculty, because of sharp statements about teachers and entrainment prohibited pharmaceuticals, its almost expelled from the University. However, the conflict was resolved and Michel received his doctorate. The opposition between mercury and Jupiter, the Manager of the 9 houses, talks about conflict and difference of understandings with the teachers. This aspect also vividly describes the situation of attacks against authorities, when Nostradamus published his first astrological Al
First marriage turned tragic, Nostradamus of the plague killed his children and wife. In the map there are several indications on the death of children because of infectious diseases. In this case, Neptune (A12) strikes the planet, standing on kuspide houses 5, Mars, also aspektiruâ moon on kuspide 8, which is the Manager of 5 houses. Minor Manager 5 (Sun) connects to A6 and beats the opposition Jupiter (A12). Mars-weak, affected the planet on kuspide houses 5.
From the second marriage of Michel-ro 6 children, in the map sufficiently fruitful harmonic Moon (Manager of 5 homes) aspects on Jupiter, element 5 and uranium that at these rates gives an abnormally large amount. About polygamy says the sum of the following indicators on the Udc: sign of Libra on kuspide, Manager 7 (Venus) in Aquarius, 11 House + as complementary factor on kuspide Ketu 7, indicating that the implementation will be easy.
End of life with glory and render symbolizes the Jupiter-Saturn 0 (A10), standing in a large configuration 4 Trina. On the marble slab over his grave bears the inscription "here lie the bones of the famous Michel Nostradamus, sole from all mortals who proved worthy to capture their almost divine feather, due to the influence of the stars, upcoming events around the world.
Speaking about the task the incarnation, the aim of Michel on this life was moving from rational-practical, able to synthesize/collect information and its use (Ketu in Virgo/6 House) in a more intuitive, sensitive, insightful and host of subtle energy esotericism, learn to give large-scale projections and be in this main leader/authoritative carrier of secret knowledge (Rahu in PISCES, 12-1).
Author: Alina Pčelina
#Astrology #mišel′nostradamus #astrologiâličnosti #stat′i_alinapčelina
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Thursday, October 20, 2016
[from an astrological point of view]
[club127400383 | The registration on 18-th new year Festival Vedalife in...
[club127400383 | The registration on 18-th new year Festival Vedalife in Sochi, while discounted <-join us!]
Posted in Vedic [club42933644 | Vedalife Festival]: family relationships
A simple method to determine how the future will treat you future husband/wife of: look at how he treats his family, in a tone of talking with friends and family members.
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📞 7-988-487-6527, 7-965-468-6288
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📧 e-mail: vedalife@bk.ru
🌐 site: vedalife-sochi.ru
📅 program can be viewed here - »goo.gl/TSHc0X« -
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🌴 Festival [club125803319 | Vedalife in India from 8 to 28 February 2017. <- Join]!
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#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda
[club31691676 | the BOARD of the ASTROLOGER: DON'T COMPLAIN!]
[club31691676 | the BOARD of the ASTROLOGER: DON'T COMPLAIN!]
Don't waste your life on a timeless appeal. The man who is looking everywhere deficiencies rarely finds something else. Let your life be joyful exclamation, not boring excuse. Any complainant will tell you that success is just luck.
Children are born optimists, but the world diligently trying to rid them of "illusions". The fact remains: the more you complain, the less you get. Life in complaints-deep pit. The only difference between the pit and the grave in time. The spirit of complaint comes first as a casual visitor, then as a guest and finally becomes the owner.
Some people always only see the bad in this situation. You are familiar with these? Small things affect small soul. Some people are quite sure that they could move mountains, if only somebody removed their way all the stones.
© astrologer Vlad Vasil′vickij, party VEDALIFE
P. s. 12 and November 13, 2016 year Vlad Vasil′vickij reads two lectures in Kiev. We invite all new and old friends: ➡ vk.com/astrology_kiev.
Free admission.
#vedalife #wisdom @ vedalife_ua #Astrology @ vedalife_ua #relationship #Karma ##Astrology Jyotish #Veda #Влад_Васильвицкий
[club127400383 | The registration on 18-th new year Festival Vedalife in...
[club127400383 | The registration on 18-th new year Festival Vedalife in Sochi, while discounted <-join us!]
Posted in Vedic [club42933644 | Vedalife Festival]: spiritual teachers
How to achieve humility? from Bv Goswami Maharaj
1. Try to say as little as possible. Do his own thing.
Not to interfere in other people's business.
2. With thanks and happy to accept comments and criticism.
Not noticing other people's mistakes.
3. Resignedly accept insults and injustices.
4. Calmly relate to what you neglected, you forget that you don't like.
5. do not seek to please, cause the admiration of others.
Always be kind and gentle, even if someone tries to take you out of yourself.
Not work for rank and titles. Always yield to the dispute, even if you are right.
6. Always choose the worst place, the hard work, the hard way.
7. The proud relies only on himself, humble by God.
8. Proud always offended. Humble never angry, because nothing he was not offended.
9. Proud looking for special love towards ourselves, humble loves himself, expecting nothing in return.
10. Proud wants to be unique. Submissive finds pleasure in how to deal with the most simple and ordinary things.
11. All the good that is in us (talents, ability, beauty, etc.) we have received from God.
How can you be proud of what has been done not by us, but by them?
12. If you are humble, nothing turned you head, and no one will hurt you, because you know that you are in fact. If you will be accused of all sins, you are not vpadete in frustration. If you will be called Holy, you do not you will erect a temple yourself on a pedestal. Don't worry about what people think about you.
13. who looks for and loves only himself, he is always filled with worries and sorrows; who, forgetting himself, looking around the only God, he saves his soul in the world.
🌴 [club127400383 | Join] - will be fun!
❗ Seats are limited! Do not miss this opportunity!
Call, write, and sign up now:
📞 7-988-487-6527, 7-965-468-6288
🎅 Ask questions to our curators - »[id213878775 | Olga] and [id18759981 | Paul]" -
📝 sign up now - »goo.gl/forms/yscihG7frL« -
📧 e-mail: vedalife@bk.ru
🌐 site: vedalife-sochi.ru
📅 program can be viewed here - »goo.gl/TSHc0X« -
💲 cost here - »goo.gl/iYJcqO« -
🌴 Festival [club125803319 | Vedalife in India from 8 to 28 February 2017. <- Join]!
🎁 we often rallies to learn about them first and get discounts subscribe to our newsletter - »goo.gl/IgpFfB« -
#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda
#AlhimiâŽizni #Palmistry #Astrology #Numerology #Tarot #consultation...
#AlhimiâŽizni #Palmistry #Astrology #Numerology #Tarot #consultation #la108
#AlhimiâŽizni #Palmistry #Astrology #Numerology #Tarot #consultation...
#AlhimiâŽizni #Palmistry #Astrology #Numerology #Tarot #consultation #la108
19 October-DAY of LIGHT
#Astrology @ predskazanie_lenorman1 #predictions ##horoscope Libra
19 October-DAY of LIGHT
#Astrology @ predskazanie_lenorman1 #predictions ##horoscope Libra
Born October 19 — independent, strong-willed and well-known personalities, who enliven the surrounding world. However, they too are highly valued by themselves and too straightforward approach to life. Because they share the spirit of competition, not only do they love to participate in various competitions, but also able to artificially create a conflict situation even where this was not required.
A constant theme of their life are unremitting quest for the truth, therefore they are the hidden motives of dislike, sophisticated emotional manipulation and silent punishment. They have a tendency to explode in anger, but once the storm settles, they do not conceal malice and ready for reconciliation. Perhaps the driving force behind their desire is irritable, as mentioned above, to shed light on the true things, or that it would be more correct, prolyl
Not too developed personality, born 19 October, often fear that they will be known to all the lowdown. In this sense they can take defensive and even become increasingly paranoid, trying to hide from the public eye. But in moments of his triumph, they are able to completely get rid of their fear and shame, just as triumphant man boâvšijsâ height and climb the highest mountain. In this sense, their victory over with
In some cases, born 19 October may disappear from view of others, improve their skills, and then reappear and have an even greater success. However, at the time of such disappearance, they may find themselves in a rut or start to lead a lifestyle that will never be able to return to former occupations.
Born 19 October are good friends and loyal family members, but having a free soul, they will experience a legitimate outrage when the first attempts to bind them to the House. In fact they may wake up rebellious feelings if to bring. Often they are very critical of their loved ones, and sometimes their tough words can wound the much deeper than they think, because their opinion carries a lot of weight.
Born October 19 do not try to destroy its defensive reaction, in particular the motives of conduct and specific actions. They should also avoid outright power over people, such as a requirement to consider themselves "best friend," and not just "good friend" — this is probably overkill. Periodic perception secondary provisions and a conscious rejection of the main roles is a big progress in spiritual development born on this day.
On October 19 born are influenced by the number of 1 (1 +9 = 10, 1 +0 = 1) and Sun. Since 19 October born were born at the intersection of the Scales and Scorpion, they are also affected by Venus (Libra) and Pluto (Scorpio). In their lives inevitably present strong dynamics of sex, as well as a tendency to Obsession and control relationships.
Those affected by the number 1, tend to be ambitious, spite limitations and demand situation no. 1 in society.
Tarot Card-The Sun
Nineteenth map Senior Arcana is the Sun. It can be considered as the most favourable card in the deck. The Sun symbolizes knowledge, vitality, good luck. However, there are also negative aspects is excessive pride, vanity, make-believe.
Born 19 October must be alert to damages that occur as a result of their craving for competition. This character trait often invokes hostility from other people that may ultimately prove harmful to them physically and mentally.
Born 19 October are very emotional, and they can easily injure an unpleasant look and a bad word. The threshold of their nervous irritation is very low, so they are very sensitive to everything that surrounds them, in this regard, even allergies can be a problem. Born this day in the diet must be monitored very closely and, in particular, with regard to dairy products, fats and sweets. Contact sports may seem attractive
Learn to appreciate silence. Sometimes, let your actions speak for themselves. Balance your desire so that it depended on your need for friendship. Don't think people all of the time you will be forgiving.
Perseverance, independence, vitality.
Love of aimless disputes internal anxiety, obsession.
Forecast for October 19
Bliznetsovskaya moon today serves as a...
Forecast for October 19
Bliznetsovskaya moon today serves as a repeater for just three types of "waves", which are set according to people in nature. "Air" and very young people will tune into optimistic, sociable pastime. They are animated, lively, different communication deliver them a real pleasure. "Water", susceptible and insecure people succumb to the inspiration of those who think their "authority". These people are now scattered, frequently
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