πUgadaj, what setting we looked at full moon with @inessik_ak47
⚜ ️ ⚜ ️ ⚜ ️ ⚜ ️ ⚜ ️ ⚜ ️ ⚜ ️ options:
1 ️ ⃣ ballet Don Quixote
2 ️ ⃣ Ballet snow white and 7 dwarfs
3 ️ ⃣ Opera-mystery of Juno and AVOs
#Astrology #astrologer #kristinaragovik
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
πUgadaj, what setting we looked at full moon...
##Esoteric magic ##self astrology
##Esoteric magic ##self astrology
The Sign Of Leo
From 23 July to 22 August...
The Sign Of Leo
From 23 July to 22 August, the Sun is in Leo. Its symbol is the phallus, spermatozoid, three cell. It is a symbol of Solar fire, life-giving energy, strength and luck, temper and rudeness. The key phrase of the mark of the lion-"I will" iz'javljaju, and people born under the Sun in this sign, usually show a hefty commitment, which is called willpower!
Phase of the lion-hot hell time overflowing energy, strength, redundancy. All matures and should be removed. Energy is spent not on themselves but on a new life. In this phase, all "loaded with fire." Plants fertilized alhagi. It's time to assert themselves. Plants in the juice, and a new life in full powered accumulated energy. This phase is correlated with the Sun, and not only because it gives us light and heat, but primarily Poto
Human nature being born under the sign of Leo, absorbs all power AugustΓ³w plodonosjashhej nature, zhivotvornymi, naturally in the Sun. Strength and consistency-the main features of this sign, which protects the luminary, serves as an inexhaustible source of energy on Earth. The Lions are equally understandable and high spirit and the power of matter. They take all the created nature and civilization, as well as appreciate the beautiful creations of human hands and UVA
In the circle of the Zodiac (from fish) Lion character corresponds to the golden section point that defines the right proportions of earthly beauty. People are like gods and they can become: all you need to do is to show data to each talent and excellence. But the creative implementation assumes its not, and over-personal will is constant discreet execution of space law, an example of which every day is us luminary. Donated by sending all the warmth of its
Leo absolutizes the present, fully relying on the whole being shown that he clearly sees itself not allowing otherwise. But only leaving a place unknown to the movements of his soul, he will avoid isolation in sozidaemom they own the world. In astrology, the Sun is associated with the heart, and love helps her forget the lion false and reveal its true self, patronizing other energy of their feelings and generosity of gifts. The heart is the Sun each: true tv
Improving their skills and showing their individuality, Leo takes responsibility for their lives and their love. This sometimes requires the heroism of the individual in society have to matter to prove their right to be themselves and manage life on your own. In the conflict of the individual and the society personality often fails if assumes no responsibility for other people. Only taking her man becomes King of nature and the son of the Suns
#Astrology @ asmodeus_4
Today heralds the success of someone...
Today heralds the success of someone who is not accustomed to leave unresolved cases and questions. The stars are declining to clarity in everything from thoughts in your head and ending relationships with loved ones. Any ambiguity can cause bouts of sudden irritation. For this reason, communicating with others, it is better to avoid any innuendo or vague allusions, today much more appropriately will live according to the formula: "Yes, Yes, no, it is not, the rest is from sly
π Love: a day of tumultuous passions! Today promises to be at an altitude of temperament. Take advantage of this by giving free rein to positive feelings, but with negative should be cautious. Do not throw-ups with a loved one, or else can walk almost to bursting. And be careful with the words: today a couple of inadvertent words can lead to severe scandal.
πΌ Business: the day is extremely good for solving complex issues. Today there are all chances to get to the essence and bring any business before the final clarity. Inferences to which you come on this day will be deep and nuanced.
π Health: start your day with that in the morning, take a shower, put themselves in order and then the whole day will be held in a good tone. Generally today, better not give yourself down in all that relates to hygiene and cleanliness. Of course, stick should not be bent, but remember that cleanliness is healthy, and this day is a particular.
π Favorably: rest
π Day is propitious for born in the year of the monkey, Dragon, rat.
⛔ Not favorably: not suitable for important cases
⛔ Day not favourable to those born in the year of the Tiger.
π Individual love, business calendar-forecast or calendar 365 days health can be ordered from the astrologer [id234113011 | Elena Ivanova].
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui #BaZi
Fumigating the House of herbs is a...
Fumigating the House of herbs is a very powerful way to cleanse the space people enjoyed since ancient times.
Bad when there is no power in the House, but when it is filled with negative energy is even worse. It not only brings tiredness and irritability, quarrels and the diversion of money but also of illness and even depletion ther. That's why House you must clean from time to time. Do such energetic cleaning track em 3-4 times a year, like regular General cleaning of the apartment. When quarrels, stress, etc. around us are formed primary heavy, negative energy
Sage is the strongest cleaner.
Smoke drives away negative energy Bliss, formed as a result of quarrels, heavy emotional national experiences, cleans about space.
After Sage recommendation sulking use wormwood, it seems to be the remains of Noah's "mentality and neutralizes dust after Sage.
Sagebrush helps clear the Atmos feru "from the irrelevant constant close influences — someone's or your own thoughts" not the case ". Fumigating wormwood can look too from home virtually any chist' not. It is used for the okuriva tion of the ill household. If ve point wormwood hang above the entrance door or put in a vase, it will already be enough to protect your home.
Clears the Atmos feru and banishes the various entity thought to their desire, guarding the House, for shhishhaet from spoilage and other magic eigh FIR attacks, cleans, purifies and refreshes the air. Obezza razhivajushhee action had known — Juniper smoke in the villages of disinfected-pogre BA, treated barrels for salting, used plague barracks.
Protects from negative entities and damage, because it is one of the most powerful antidemonicheskih plants, protects the House from negative energies and attack evil people cleans not only from harmful vibrations and negative energies stratification, but also from the presence of evil forces.
Very easy and nice way to liven up a room is to light a stick of incense where you clean room specification. The smell gets into your space, filling it with not only a pleasant aroma, but also helping clean up this space. Smells that you are using the IP, are very important. The energy of the IU carried from one situation to another and, consequently, change your needs in various ERS smells.
π±π±π±Kak to carry out fumigation?
If drying plants were linked in Pu chalk, light one edge. When will flare up, fire zadujte. O Ka must continue to smoke. Der Resi bunch over any heat resistant dish, next must be a bucket with water to extinguish it immediately, if something is wrong.
If you okurivaete pine needles or melkolistovymi races tenijami, from practice — take candles in metal COR pusah, put in a low banoch Ku, ignite. On top of the jar to put a small metal strainer.
Put on the filter needles or leaves. How to begin to smoke, would find the move from room to room and Oku to consider. This "construction" should follow in order to avoid the risk of fire.
Remember that smoke should be very strong.
Start work clockwise from the East corner of the room, direct the smoke around the perimeter of the com NATA, the main thing is to fill the room with smoke.
Except for okurivanija wonderfully removes all sorts of energy pollution of ordinary coarse salt. Spread it on the corners of the 2-3 days, Le PIC gather and descend into the toilet bowl.
This practice seemed Kim cleansing of space and body. Pro led her regularly and also as needed — illness households, major quarrel in the House, a large concentration of people.
#Astrology #cimen' ##centrfjenshuj cleanse ###baczy Feng Shui Feng Shui
Now fashionable word-reset. Many who have landed in a swirl...
Now fashionable word-reset. Many who have landed in a swirl of black lines, dream reset and start again. Close the door to the room where the smell taste worse mistakes, and with a pure soul to go further. I came to mind an allegory with a removable housing. Here we came to a cottage on the weekend and on Sunday evening for the keys. Adult clean up after themselves (let the removable and someone else's) House-a matter of honor. Not because he is waiting for praise, but because this House Paudel
Time to be a strategist, an active pumping through the...
Time to be a strategist, an active pumping through the brain!
February 16 Mercury in sextile with Mars, activity time aspect 10-21 February. The effectiveness of mental effort in this period is high. Solutions to problems can come more easily than at other times. Energy aspect helps mental concentration, the isolation effect, the important components of a variety of parts and chaotic flow of information. Period favorable for the development of business strategy. Who can master a large amount of mental work, and if this claim
##Astrologicheskiy_prognoz astrology prognozy_ot_metrov ###konsultatsiya_astrologa astrologicheskaya_konsultatsiya
Get astrological consultation can be a professional astrologer Hope https://new.vk.com/bukaris (the nature and fate of horoscope, the partners will work, forecasts, any questions and situations). Phone 89214456643, 89817172245π
Good morning, dear subscribers center of personality development "ASTERA"! Good...
Good morning, dear subscribers center of personality development "ASTERA"! Good morning! Let the day begin with a light of bliss and sweet anticipation beautiful day. Good mood and well-being, chic ideas and plans. Let get all our plans, meet the right people and will decide important matters. Smile, ahead of a wonderful day!
We continue to publish amazing rubriki- "Character and Destiny Date of Birth" In it you will find your unique traits will discover something new, get valuable advice on strengthening your advantages, harmonious development, to strengthen your health tips, astrological stages the formation of fate according to the date of your birth, and much more.
A detailed horoscope for each day of the calendar year, you can find on our forum section -ASTROLOGIYa.http: //astera.forum2x2.ru/
February 11 -19 February
Mysterious Moon dominates the characters were born in this period, presenting their modesty, sensitivity, honesty. Here with someone nice to talk to. Sometimes they show enviable stubbornness and inflexibility. The worm of doubt or dissatisfaction constantly stirs their being.
Important years: 8,16,24,32,40,42,48,56,64,72.
Belladonna - the symbol of these people.
They are distinguished by modesty and attractiveness of their hard work to be envied, and strong power sets them apart from others. More than they have the capacity to heal physical ailments and emotional wounds. Their elusive charm captivates and beckons them to blows stability and peace, quiet joy, attracting others to them. And next to them is really warm and calm.
BORN 13 February
Fate: stubborn and Screwtape born on this day. Karmic debts will follow them all my life, so their behavior will be caused by their own life, their attitude to others and dominant traits. Degradation pathway of development will lead these people to the existence of the evil, which will reign cunning and hypocrisy, resourcefulness and meanness, betrayal and humiliation. And from the world in return they will receive the same, it is easy
Mystery birthday: These people gush of energy, internal stimuli lead them away, and they sometimes abruptly change direction. Create amazing events for them is a pleasure, and the more they like to be inside them. With the soul wide open living life born on 13 February. If they do not seek public recognition, then they require such in their family or social circle. His emotion born 13 f
Despite all this, born February 13 optimists and sincerely hope that all will come to order. Maybe that's why they do not grieve over their tribulations, knowing that they were inevitable, and guided by the rule "all the better." Despite the apparent recklessness born on this day are not without a rational basis and mind, although it seems that they forget to use them. They follow the desires of his body and heart. Their unpredictability and ekstravaga
Most born February 13 open to others and friendly set. Less enlightened person may deviate from this behavior, choosing a destructive way. Typically, born on this day cultivate within themselves softness, which passes, however, excessive coldness. Birth February 13 is not recommended to experiment with a change in his character. Take control of your spontaneity for them may mean the oppression of his "I", and nowhere on
Born February 13 fallible, pushing the emotional response as a fundamental. They can easily be convinced of the truth of inappropriate, because they used to trust people. Pushing yourself to great goals, born February 13, as a rule, their reach. But it may be worth the nerves because often they are impatient and intolerant, if something is not on their plan. They need to really look at your desires and ways of Ven
Health: Carefully monitor the condition of their health born on 13 February. Particular attention they show to the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, they do not neglect the lessons of yoga, tai chi, meditation. A strict diet is a born February 13, in spite of their rather eccentric eating habits. They should give up sugar, fatty foods, butter and red meat, as well as various stimulants. Sexual energy is born this day so
Tip: Often spend the analysis of his life. Be attention to other people's opinions, feelings, attitudes. Cultivate self-control, will train. The naturalness is beautiful, but it is not necessary to forget about the rules of decency in society
Astera #astera ###@ astera astrology horoscope @ astera data_rozhdeniya #@ astera