Weekly forecast ✨ 💫🌙🔮🔭. The coming week promises to be difficult, therefore, to an important business should be treated seriously. The most auspicious days for all cases: Wednesday and Sunday. These days you can start projects, arrange business and romantic meetings. Wednesday, however, should be careful not to expose yourself to risk. In Monday and Tuesday should not start cases from which you intend to make a profit, Friday and Saturday should spare his w
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Monday, November 21, 2016
Weekly forecast ✨ 💫🌙🔮🔭. The coming week promises to be difficult, therefore...
With 20-29 November [STATIC NEPTUNE]
📍Polozhitel'naja side aspect:
With 20-29 November [STATIC NEPTUNE]
📍Polozhitel'naja side aspect:
-The period of the most visible and effective for people of emotion and creativity (artists/singers/actors/photographers for anyone who works with the theme of fashion/music as well as imagery, nuances, colours);
-Favourable spiritual/esoteric activities;
Energy practices/meditation/regression;
-Consultation with esoteric/spiritual professionals;
-Start learning the Tarot/psychology;
-Photoshoots/romantic events;
-Long-distance travel/contact with nature
📍Negativnaja side aspect:
-Unproductive work and laziness (if the activity had nothing to do with the creative/jezoterichnym/spiritual context);
-The State of Drowsiness, a sense of external "MIST" and nesobrannosti;
-The situation of confusion/uncertainty/chaos;
-Psychological podciklennost' on a specific issue/emotionality;
-Poisoning, intoxication;
-Reveal your past situation change/false information;
-Worsen liver disease, endocrine, eye, as well as all kinds of dependencies/psychological diseases
⚡ Risks are substituted for the largest implementation of actions and voluntary initiatives from the item "upside" dimension in reality.
(!) The exact result of common transits are directly dependent on their interaction with a personal card and birth is always individual.
Author: Alina Pchelina
#transits #tranzitynojabr' #astroprognoz #statichnyjneptun #Astrology #stat'i_alinapchelina
[Club127400383 | Welcome to the 18th New Year Festival Vedalife in...
[Club127400383 | Welcome to the 18th New Year Festival Vedalife in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!
Posted in Vedic [club42933644 | Vedalife Festival]: spiritual teachers
The importance of personal spiritual practice.
Question: how important is it for a woman to engage in spiritual practice? In the Vedas says that woman shares the fruits of her husband's practice if he practices. Usually woman overloaded with household chores, children etc do I need to inspire to practice or it will get fruit?
Answer: when to cite all of these things are related to the Vedas, first of all, we need to understand that the woman receives the karmic fruits of what makes the husband. This provision from the Karma-Kanda activities category. For vaishnavas, things are not so simple no one automatically receives no fruit because everyone must make an effort and everyone should somehow strive to Krishna. So of course, we must encourage both women and men, no matter what,
E. s. Bhakti Vijnana Goswami, Vebdarshan (7.07.2015,.)
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📧 e-mail: vedalife@bk.ru
🌐 site: vedalife-sochi.ru
📅 program can be viewed here - »goo.gl/TSHc0X« -
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🌴 Festival [club125803319 | Vedalife in India from 8 to 28 February 2017. <- Join]!
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#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda
ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST for the week with 21 on November 27...
ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST for the week with 21 on November 27, 2016 (continued)
Interaction planet-to 28 November-contribute to the freshness of perception, intellectual receptivity, development of new knowledge, developing pilot theories.
New solutions can come into my head more than usual at this time of good to try out new ideas and unique solutions. Become obvious solutions that previously eluded. Likely to obtain missing information. At this time you can make a breakthrough in the subject, which had not previously been possible, thanks to greater susceptibility to an unconventional look at the problem.
This is an excellent period for upgrading business and style of relationships in a team and with partners, a successful period for the activities of the IT sector, contacts with the media. A possibility of unexpected encounters, non-standard dating but promising will be the ones closer to 23 November. Probable sudden trips or visits.
During this period, it is easier to move away from the template and look at the familiar situation with an unexpected angle, and in the circumstances of the last ten days of November it will be not only useful, but also necessary, because the conclusion of November can bring nasty surprises.
#astroprognoz ###Astrology November consultation #globa
November 21
Favorably: talks, a betrothal, finding medical care, treatment...
November 21
Favorably: talks, a betrothal, finding medical care, treatment
Unfavorably: travel, investment, buying property, signing contracts, repair, excavation, the beginning of construction, laying the Foundation, start, funeral, beginning a new project, moving in, starting a business, finding work, wedding, inauguration, legal case demolitions
Don't start litigation
Obstruction of traffic, delays and obstacles, it is not necessary to deal with urgent matters
Do not start the project, which has a clear time frame, you don't put them
Not suitable for Ox
#выбор_дат #baczy #Feng Shui fengshui ####Astrology horoscope prediction #business #planning
Harp ###Astrology Rekomendatsii_na_kazhdyy_den
Heading "Astrology TIPS FOR EVERY DAY"
Harp ###Astrology Rekomendatsii_na_kazhdyy_den
Heading "Astrology TIPS FOR EVERY DAY"
November 20, 2016, 22 lunar day (23:07), waning Moon in Leo. The rhythms of the day set up our leisure. Idleness and laziness can lead to disease in the physical body. Good deal with a hobby related to manual labor.
Nov 20 - Sunday!
Features and Tips of the day:
Nov 20 - Sunday!
Features and Tips of the day:
Sunday - Day Solntsa☀!
Cutting hair is unfavorable;
22 lunar day c 22:50 20.11.2016 and till the next day;
Indicator of the Day "Danger"
The day is not suitable for important things.
This day is very good for the inner self, meditation, temple, prayers and mantras. On this day, a well-planned goals for the next week and distribute forces. This day should be avoided to engage in work, business. All the important things is not necessary to perform on Sunday. No wedding favors!
Well that day to read the Sun mantra: Om Namaha Suryayya
Om Namo Bhagavata Ramachandra Namaha
It is also very useful to read the "Ramayana" and do yoga, complex "Surya Namaskar" especially!
Favorable color of dress: orange, zhёlny. golden, light brown;
Let this day be a happy one for you, sunny and pozitivnym☀ vyborblagopriyatnyhdat ###metafizikarozhdeniya wellnessdlyadushi samyyluchshiymir ###zhiznvpotokelyubviiblagodarnosti vsebudethorosho astrology ##vybordat #moonsun #psychology