December 12
When the Moon in "idle" do not start anything new, especially if you are expecting a good result. For example, any new cosmetic procedures to result may be unsuccessful. Better in this day continue earlier. The operation to do yet.
🎈Fitnes: cardio workout, swimming, Aqua-aerobics. Medium load.
13 December
The approaching full moon, and thus stands to postpone all the complicated procedures and operations. Spend the day relaxing. Go for a walk, take a massage or relax in the sauna. This is one of the best days for rest and relaxation. Today, it is better not to do manicures, but you can strengthen your nails using the baths with brine.
🎈Fitnes: rest.
The moon begins to wane, and that means it's a better time for operations, tattooing, piercing and other sophisticated beauty treatments. For the first half of the day, it is better not to plan the operation. But after 15:00, when the Moon enters cancer, skin loses the vulnerability, so you ears pierced, do tattoos. It is also a good time to write to the dentist.
🎈Fitnes: after the full moon begins another more intensive load than in the previous week. Be active today, you can simply take a walk outdoors or go jogging.
December 15
Good day for various cosmetic procedures, aimed at cleansing the skin. Complex operations better to postpone because results can be unpredictable. Valid any cleansing masks and scrubs at home. An unfortunate day for a hike in the barbershop. Effective to remove unwanted hair, especially in the toe area. You can visit the dentist to remove the Tartar and tooth whitening.
🎈Fitnes: power exercises for thighs and legs. You can give the load on these areas, but be careful: If you are not accustomed to strong stress you may have muscle pain. There is the risk of unexpected injuries!
December 16
Today, it is best to continue proceedings begun in the past. New businesses do not plan at the time of the Moon because you don't get the desired result. Still pretty effective may be cleansing facials, cleavage. You can make homemade scrub natural ingredients: coffee, sugar, salt, etc. in the evening, you can go to the hairdresser or nail salon.
🎈Fitnes: cardio exercise, aerobics, jogging, biking (better deal in the morning).
The day a bit overshadowed by the negative aspect of the Moon and Venus, which can make you more irritable and capricious. But after 11:30 your mood is already significantly improved. It is the afternoon plan hike in Barber for a new hairdo. And here's a hair dye today: paint wash off quickly. Good at doing small, building perm hair and also make any curvy styling.
🎈Fitnes: strength exercises for the legs: good work with the Shin muscles which also need training.
Another lucky day for a hike in hairdressing, but try not to use too hot hair styling devices, because you can burn through the hair. Also try today not to dye your hair. You can strengthen your eyelashes. If you have too rarely grow eyebrows. Can pluck them today. They will grow slowly, but the hairs promise to be more dense and not as thin.
🎈Fitnes: Yoga, stretching, working with the muscles you worked yesterday. You can also work with the muscles.
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui ##BaZi lunnyykalendar
December 12
When the Moon in "idle" do not start anything new, especially if you are expecting a good result. For example, any new cosmetic procedures to result may be unsuccessful. Better in this day continue earlier. The operation to do yet.
🎈Fitnes: cardio workout, swimming, Aqua-aerobics. Medium load.
13 December
The approaching full moon, and thus stands to postpone all the complicated procedures and operations. Spend the day relaxing. Go for a walk, take a massage or relax in the sauna. This is one of the best days for rest and relaxation. Today, it is better not to do manicures, but you can strengthen your nails using the baths with brine.
🎈Fitnes: rest.
The moon begins to wane, and that means it's a better time for operations, tattooing, piercing and other sophisticated beauty treatments. For the first half of the day, it is better not to plan the operation. But after 15:00, when the Moon enters cancer, skin loses the vulnerability, so you ears pierced, do tattoos. It is also a good time to write to the dentist.
🎈Fitnes: after the full moon begins another more intensive load than in the previous week. Be active today, you can simply take a walk outdoors or go jogging.
December 15
Good day for various cosmetic procedures, aimed at cleansing the skin. Complex operations better to postpone because results can be unpredictable. Valid any cleansing masks and scrubs at home. An unfortunate day for a hike in the barbershop. Effective to remove unwanted hair, especially in the toe area. You can visit the dentist to remove the Tartar and tooth whitening.
🎈Fitnes: power exercises for thighs and legs. You can give the load on these areas, but be careful: If you are not accustomed to strong stress you may have muscle pain. There is the risk of unexpected injuries!
December 16
Today, it is best to continue proceedings begun in the past. New businesses do not plan at the time of the Moon because you don't get the desired result. Still pretty effective may be cleansing facials, cleavage. You can make homemade scrub natural ingredients: coffee, sugar, salt, etc. in the evening, you can go to the hairdresser or nail salon.
🎈Fitnes: cardio exercise, aerobics, jogging, biking (better deal in the morning).
The day a bit overshadowed by the negative aspect of the Moon and Venus, which can make you more irritable and capricious. But after 11:30 your mood is already significantly improved. It is the afternoon plan hike in Barber for a new hairdo. And here's a hair dye today: paint wash off quickly. Good at doing small, building perm hair and also make any curvy styling.
🎈Fitnes: strength exercises for the legs: good work with the Shin muscles which also need training.
Another lucky day for a hike in hairdressing, but try not to use too hot hair styling devices, because you can burn through the hair. Also try today not to dye your hair. You can strengthen your eyelashes. If you have too rarely grow eyebrows. Can pluck them today. They will grow slowly, but the hairs promise to be more dense and not as thin.
🎈Fitnes: Yoga, stretching, working with the muscles you worked yesterday. You can also work with the muscles.
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui ##BaZi lunnyykalendar
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
December 12
When the Moon...
Birth horoscope (natal chart) is...
Birth horoscope (natal chart) is a photograph of the Cosmos at the time of birth of the person, schematically shown in relation to the Earth. Astrologers use different elements that have an effect in the horoscope: the planets of the solar system, the Sun and the Moon, stars, kuspidy, asteroids astrological House, various bogus point and of course zodiac signs. Even minimal "set" of 36 items and relationships between them ensures the uniqueness of Ka
Interestingly, in the horoscope the same elements describe and character and the circumstances of his life. On the one hand, this directly explains all statements on the topic "character determines destiny". On the other hand, provides the key to understanding and changing your life.
Horoscope man contains within itself all possible events that can occur with it. In life there are periods of growth and downturns. But in this tutorial examines in detail the common patterns that apply regardless of changing circumstances.
Birth horoscope consultation can be carried out in two ways:
Overview horoscope, a description of the nature and characteristics of life. An overview of relevance with respect to the people you want to get to know, for example, child or future spouse. parsing a single theme (career, finances, personal life, kids, etc.) in more detail with the forecast major changes and developments in this field. This option is suitable if you are concerned about the issue of choice of profession, the prospects for personal business, problems of personal relations, the opportunity to emigrate.
Our Astrologer-Palmist:
For an appointment please call by phone + 380509553258
#Astrology Jyotish natal'najakarta ##arturvedadp ##dnepr

ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST for the WEEK of 12-18 DECEMBER 2016 (continued...
ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST for the WEEK of 12-18 DECEMBER 2016 (continued)
Thursday December 15 in be prepared to force majors, home and family conflict, disruption of plans. On this day, it is better not to prescribe talks and things. Avoid impulsive decisions and spending, don't give rash promises. Need careful behind the wheel.
At the end of the week, may have problems with transportation, communication on the road. Increases the probability of failure of machinery, accidents, catastrophes.
In relations with superiors, customers or business partners may worsen the problem. Partners or spouses may demand more freedoms to preserve relations will require flexibility.
Addressing issues of work, career and status will depend on the ability to negotiate and of correctness of previous decisions. For someone these days can bring the crisis in work and business, for someone in a relationship, for someone this time high concentration in the work which must be performed in a situation of urgency or under psychological pressure.
If things don't go as planned, take a break, take nuclear dawn above from happening. This allows you to see the situation from a new angle and find a solution that is not addressed in "head-on collision" with the problem. In finance are advised to be cautious, because there is a tendency to overstate both bad and good.
Since mid-December and in the second half of the month can back problems, which made itself felt in September or mid-October. The cases will begin braking, but the beginning of new projects would not be productive. This applies not only to the remaining days of December and the period until 8 January.
#astroprognoz #nedelja12dekabrja #Astrology #globa
#Lunnyy_kalendar lunnyy_kalendar @ ot_panterki ###moon astrology
🌔 NOVEMBER 12 to 16 hours...
#Lunnyy_kalendar lunnyy_kalendar @ ot_panterki ###moon astrology
🌔 NOVEMBER 12 to 16 hours -. 13 LUNAR DAY
The symbol of the day - the wheel. Not the right time for serious cases and initiatives. Today you can be compared to a wheel, rolling from the mountain, so keep watching and has already initiated actions. Good time for communication and collaboration.
In the 13th day of the moon are often repeated situation from the past, reminiscent of a pending case. Sometimes it may seem that we are "going in circles". It is recommended to think about their mistakes, something to reconsider and rethink.
Undertaking - bad
Communication - excellent
Appeal to superiors - good
Creativity - bad
Education - excellent
A visit to the hairdresser - good
Exercise - good
Home business - bad
Rest - neutral
Intimacy - good
All good day!
Mercury began a rapprochement with Pluto, their...
All good day!
Mercury began a rapprochement with Pluto, their connection will continue until 6 January 2017 and almost the entire period of Mercury retrograde planets are in aspect. Later they touch again at the end of January. So the theme of the interaction of the planets is very interesting and may have or continue in the future. What kind of energy create the world? Remember the legend of the Pied Piper, who, under the sound of the flute brought the rats out of the city, but for the fact that he was not paid for it, and later brought
Pluto gives rational Mercury emotional perception of information and under the influence of emotions a person becomes sober. Keep this in mind, first you much delight and very upset, and then take advantage of your confusion.
A week later Mercury will be retrograde, remind ...
##Astrologer astrology horoscope ###obuchenie_astrologii stanislava_boyarkina