Astrology ###astro-forecast lunnyykalendar
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Monday, April 3, 2017
Astrology ###astro-forecast lunnyykalendar
= Cejskoe Gorge or all relative or Astrology you can trust...
= Cejskoe Gorge or all relative or Astrology you can trust =
I chose an excursion according to horary astrological map. It turned out that the best choice would be the "Cejskoe Gorge" #tsei #mount #travel in North Ossetia. Well ... okay) ... bus road, gray skies, snow-rain outside the window, but the Guide "caught". The road ... very sad ... passed Tskhinvali and Beslan ... what could be sadder ((Stopped in one small Ossetian town to visit local church. this town the most valuable to

What is karma?
Karma in Sanskrit "action".
It is equivalent...
What is karma?
Karma in Sanskrit "action".
It is equivalent to Newton's law, "every action has its opposition.
When we think, say or act, we are initiating a force that will respond accordingly. This force then maybe modified, amended or suspended, but most people will not be able to get rid of her actions.
The law of cause and effect exists, not as punishment, but entirely for the sake of education or training.
A person cannot avoid the consequences of his actions, but he will suffer only if he himself has created the necessary conditions for their own suffering. Ignorance of the law does not condone his actions, regardless of whether it is man-made or generic.
In order to stop being afraid and succeed in the worlds of karma and reincarnation, you are what you need to know about the karmic laws.
1. The great law
-"What you sow, so shall you reap". It is also known as the "law of cause and effect;
-Whatever we have sent into the universe, certainly to us and come back.
-If what we want is happiness, peace, love, friendship. Then we should be happy, calm, loving and being a true friend.
2. the law of creation
-Life is not now, it requires our participation;
-We are one with the Universe, both inside and outside;
-All that surrounds us, gives us clues to our inner State;
-Be yourself and surround yourself with those whose presence you desire.
3. the Act of humility
-The fact that you refuse to accept, you will continue;
-If you see someone an enemy, or some character trait that we find you think is negative, this means that we do not focus on a higher level of existence;
4. the law of growth
-"Wherever you go, there you are";
-For us to grow in the spirit means that we ourselves must change-not people, places or things around us;
The only thing we have in this life is we ourselves, and this is the only factor over which we have control;
-When we change someone or something in our heart, our life will follow their example and will change too.
5. the Act on responsibility
-Whenever there is something wrong in my life, it means there is something wrong in me;
We mirror what surrounds us and what surrounds us mirrors us; It is a universal truth;
-We must take responsibility for everything that happens in our lives.
6. law connection
-Even if that is what we are doing, seems to us to be irrelevant, it is very important to do so, as everything in the universe is interconnected.
-Each step leads to the next step, and so on and so forth.
-Someone has to do the initial work to deal was done.
-Neither the first step and not the last may not be more important
-Because they both were needed to accomplish the task.
-Past-present-future, all of them are connected.
7. the law of the nucleus
-You may not think about two things at the same time.
-When our focus is on spiritual values, it is impossible for you to attend lower thoughts and States, such as greed or anger.
8. Act of Thanksgiving and hospitality
-If you think something is true, then sometime in your life you will aim to demonstrate that this is so.
-That's where we need to demonstrate our knowledge of the allegations, in fact.
9. Practice. The law here and now
-Looking back, to analyse what has passed will not allow us to be totally in the here and now.
-Old thoughts, old patterns of behavior, old dreams.
-So guard us from owning something new.
10. The law of change
-History repeats itself until we draw from it lessons that change our path.
11. Act of patience and reward
-All the awards require the original work.
-Awards with lasting value require patient and persevering labor.
-True joy comes when we do what we are supposed to do, and the expected reward comes in its time.
12. law of value and inspiration
-You get back from something whatever you put into it.
-The true value of something is a direct result of the energy and intention that went into it.
Every personal contribution is a contribution to all that there is.
-Inglourious contributions do not influence at all, that is, they are not able to downplay it.
-Made with love can breathe life and inspiring, All that is.
Aloriya_Sobinova ###runes tarot astrology ##Karma
April 2017: breaking through barriers
Author-Natalia Nesterenko
Usually light, sunny...
April 2017: breaking through barriers
Author-Natalia Nesterenko
Usually light, sunny and positive April this time would prove difficult and serious period, when we will have to take serious decisions and deal with the complex and entrenched problems.
Throughout the month of April both internal and personal planet-Venus and Mercury are within its loops, this means that the trends in the March of change will continue at an even more profound and serious levels, and the greater part of the month will be busy restructuring and reorganization of the separate fragments of their realities. In April as a result of changed priorities in our affairs, resulted in changes in relationships with others, in practical and Fina
The main tendencies of April will be formed a tense aspect of slow and unfolding to direktnomu movement of Venus to Saturn, loop and retrogradnost'ju of mercury, the culmination of a Jovian-Sun cycle.
Development time, approaching new horizons and opportunities
For April and, especially, in the first half of the month falls between climax and the maximum manifestation and realization of our aspirations for growth, development, expansion in the current year. At this time, the Sun, in its apparent motion passes the opposition to Jupiter, and actually land in its real traffic approaching the biggest of the visible planets.
While Earth was approaching Jupiter theme Jupiterianskie maximum manifest and are disclosed in our earthly Affairs. This is primarily manifested in important and loud events in international relations, politics, and culture. In the life of an ordinary person, this period may be shown brightly as important events connected with education, travel and travel, new horizons, in connection with our ambitious plans concerning large terrac
Since Jupiter is moving the sign of Libra, opportunities and perspectives will come into our lives through other people, will be linked with the themes of relationships, interaction with the audience, the society and the world at large.
The truth is, at this time, we get the maximum in those scenarios, goals and aspirations, which are scheduled at the end of the year 2016, as well as within the framework of our internal borders and limiting installations. Therefore, gifts of Jupiter in the first half of April for each of us will have different dimensions.
Similarly, in the period from 5 to 15 April Sun in opposition to Jupiter again reunite his strained relationship with the higher planets, Uranus and Pluto, so new opportunities and chances may come in our life is not quite the way we would like, through crises, transformation, dramatic changes and violations of the plans.
The truth is, just dispozitor of Jupiter Venus nearly all of April will be in a complex relationship with cold, limiting and restrictive Saturn. This means that the chances and opportunities in April can come into our lives as a result of the complex and difficult work, tests of strength, and we may be forced to sacrifice, to assume complex undertakings in order to take advantage of these favorable vozmozhnostja
Difficult choices time, overcome obstacles and strength
Venus, while in its loop, April 3 already goes into fish and after a period of sudden and dramatic change in the relationship and interaction with others, after sudden changes in our priorities, our financial affairs, we move to a phase of rethinking and integrating changes that occurred in his life.
By the beginning of April we had already taken the key decisions and have already made the choice for us in important situations, say goodbye to those problems which we have something left in the past. Now, we need to translate decisions into reality, to understand how they fit into our lives, to confirm in practice its willingness to abide by the selected criteria and pursue his life marked by values and priorities.
And at this point in April, especially in the period from 4 to 24 April, we are faced with either the challenges and obstacles or limitations and the necessity of hard work or, in negative ways, deal with the consequences in the form of losses, troubles and problems. At this time, our desires are faced with reality are not the most comfortable way for us and tested various difficulties and problems.
Throughout most of April, we may experience difficulties and problems in the relationship. Our links with other people can rebuild due to changed priorities, past environment can hinder us in our plans. On the one hand, we may be forced to terminate those relationships that are not consistent with new and overriding values lose those meanings have been exhausted, or go through a period of complex foll
In April we will be forced to address complex issues in our practical and financial matters. Here the same way we may have to sacrifice something, go to the complex changes and difficult decisions, to rebuild its business and financial plans for the sake of changing priorities, to take some losses and limitations for the sake of the future. Until April 20, many of our plans, desires, aspirations are undergoing very complex reality check, and most
In fact, whatever problems and challenges we come across in the period up to 20-24 April, all they are is nothing less than the materialization of our internal barriers, negative and limiting installations, primarily relating to relationships, wellness, resources, finance. It was in April, the key will be concentrated and the maximum shown in the form of external challenges and obstacles. And if you feel particularly strong pressure FCU
A time of changes and updates in our relations with the material side of reality
Already since the end of March, Mercury, planet symbolizing all of our methods, tools and algorithms for the interaction with the outside world, moves in a continuous loop, and since 10 April unfolds to the retrogradnomu movement. Mercury in the loop always invites us to refine its approaches to the different areas of our lives, to abandon the broken and obsolete models, programmes and acquire new ones. This time loop Mercury joins the last 5 degrees of Aries and first 5 Gras
Important dates and periods
Until 20 April we can encounter obstacles and difficulties in our affairs and, as a result, we have to change something in their practical and financial plans to rebuild its relationship with the material aspect of reality. It is possible that at the same time, changes in financial and practical issues will be the result of changes in our long-term goals and values in relationships with other people. Anyway, at this time can be important mate
During the first two weeks of April, first and foremost in our affairs are development issues, training, travel, new opportunities, listings, outlooks, projects and plans. Between 5-15 April it can all appear in our lives as a result of sudden and unexpected changes, sudden and unforeseen circumstances, through violation of existing plans. Or, during the period of 5-15 April as a result of the emergence of new opportunities and Perth
8-16 April-days the concentrated manifestation of financial, material issues days important values election, turning the decisions and important events in finance, income, property and practical affairs. These days at the same time become very slow and change the direction of its movement of Mercury in the sign of Taurus, the sign of finance, resources and values and Venus, ruler of Taurus and the respective spheres of life. This means that the relevant
8-11 April-days of in-patient mercury and spread to retrogradnomu movement against the background of the full moon in Libra. Dropdown at this time circumstances possibly related with other people and relationships, can slow down our plans, cause changes in our affairs and push to find new solutions. These days there may be a problem in communication with others, delays in obtaining goods, services, increased likelihood of errors that can
12-17 April — these days, Venus stacionarna and unfolds to the direktnomu movement. These are very important days, events, decisions and initiatives which, in a sense, lock into material reality previously defined values previously made election, determine the prospects of translating them into reality. Undertakings and businesses these days, especially when it comes to relationships, values, financial issues, income will have long-term prospects
19-20 April-days "burned" mercury and the beginning of a new solar-Merkurianskogo cycle. On the one hand at this time, our ability to adequately interact with the outside world are being violated, the likelihood of errors, miscalculations, losses of various misunderstandings, especially in all that relates to the contact, links, travel. There may be a problem with the technique and means of communication. On the other hand, at this time, more on internally generated plans
23-25 April-the last days of the ending of the lunar cycle on the eve of the start of the new. These days worth to concentrate on completing the process begun earlier and preparing the ground for new plans, projects and initiatives. Often in the last days of the lunar month of our lives something goes away and we can use this time to get rid of unnecessary, to draw a line under those subjects that are worth keeping in the past. At the same time these days worth to take care o p
26-30 April, mercury, slowing before reversing to the direktnomu movement, will be located near Uranus-planet revolutions, abrupt and sudden transformations and changes, new technologies, unusual ideas. At this time, unusual ideas, dramatic changes and updates can affect our business, and in some cases — and push to unexpected solutions. Any non-trivial circumstances these days can be a source of new chances and opportunities, but
New Moon in Taurus on April 26 continues to topical themes in recent months, resources, finance, practical cases and questions, and probably draws the line under all over these areas changes, placing them in certain subjects. New Moon happens on the background stationary Mercury in conjunction with uranium and put in front of us for the next month the tasks related to the materialization, and in reality, any non-standard ideas, n
#светлая_радость_счастья #Astrology #astroprognoz #aprel'2017
In the Sunday night the Moon 🌙 goes into caring, home...
In the Sunday night the Moon 🌙 goes into caring, home sign is cancer ♋ ️ where will stay until Tuesday night.
We become more emotional, sensitive to the words and actions of others. Our feelings may be vulnerable, so will be kinder to yourself and others.
Cancer-family sign. At this time it is good to give careful attention to the family, their loved ones. Visit, call, share their warmth.
Go home to it was cozy and comfortable the whole family 🏡
#Astrology #astropsihologija ##horoscope star #Karma #fate #astropsihologmarijavagner
Astrologer's advice 979
2 April 2017
Sunday, Governor of the...
Astrologer's advice 979
2 April 2017
Sunday, Governor of the Sun
The motto of the day:
"It's strange that we ask God to change our situation, not knowing that he sent it to us, so that we can change." the Internet
13th solar day, Sun in the sign Aries
7th Lunar day from 09:19, Growing Moon in the sign Gemini / Cancer from 21:26
The moon from 17:44 to 21:26 on Moscow time "without a course"
13th Sunny day.
A good time for long walks and thinking about plans for the future.
7th Lunar day.
The word has power.
Foul language and abuse are punishable.
Prayers will be heard.
You can not eat chicken.
It's good to spend the day actively, with a trip to nature.
Symbol 7 of the lunar day: a rod, a wind rose, Aeolus.
The power of the word, creativity, the other side of reality, depth of understanding, creativity, creativity, communication skills, speech control.
The seventh lunar day passes under the sign of the magic of the word.
The power of the word on this day increases many times, not only the sacred word of prayer, the spell, but also the ordinary, thrown by you in vain.
That is why during this period it is necessary to be very cautious about the spoken words !!!
The day is given for verbal work on oneself and current situations. And also with books and records - work with a word in all its forms is necessary today.
You can not tear paper, books, letters, manuscripts.
Prayers, mantras, correct speech, care of the respiratory system and lungs (either singing and saying correctly, positively and beautifully, or generally silent) is the priority of the day.
And of course, honesty - any lie will lead to a health problem. All words will turn either for or against the speaker.
The moon in Gemini until 21:26 Moscow time.
He does not sit still.
People begin to grab hold of several things at once; Should take care of the lungs and hands - they are vulnerable today.
We remember that fraudsters today are also strong in the word !!!
The moon from 17:44 to 21:26 on Moscow time without a course,
And she recommends simply resting, meeting nice people or walking around the streets with a good sense and without sense, if you can afford it: Sunday, the day of the sun, the warmth, joy and creative manifestations of yourself.
It is filled with surprises and confusion.
There may be strange events that can break or change plans; Adventurous amorous moods, the propensity for casual acquaintances. But - severe Saturn is able to freeze any manifestation of feelings, there is a possibility of manifestation of melancholy, lack of vitality. There may not be enough faith in yourself, there is the possibility of feeling abandoned in this world.
The past is remembered, and these memories are heavy and sick, and can not make you feel happy in the present.
Moon from 21:26 to Moscow time in the sign of the Zodiac Cancer.
Here it activates the work of the subconscious, exacerbates emotional sensitivity.
Health also depends heavily on the mood, but it can be improved by something delicious and nutritious.
Visiting doctors, psychologists and esotericists will be very effective. Roughness can greatly damage the relationship, cause not just resentment and irritability, but cooling and even breaking.
The evening square of the Moon with Venus in Aries and the desire to communicate on the emerging positive aspect of the Night Luminary with Mercury in Taurus
Can play a cruel joke: beautiful ladies are better not to touch poorly thought out compliments or low-quality humor, they are not inclined to forgive gaffes this evening.
All and all of them can be annoying.
Walking before bedtime, reading good literature is the best way out of the unnecessary flow of contact on a Sunday evening.
To hear what you are silent about, only the heart that feels your soul can.
It's strange that we ask God to change our situation, not knowing that he sent it to us, so that we change.
"The inner strength is the ability to respect other people's music, but to dance to your own melody and listen to your harmony."
Doc Childra
We read books, speak consciously and everything in the nature !!!
A full rest in a positive !!!
#Astroprognosis #put on #2апреля #astrology #life