Monday, April 3, 2017

What is karma?
Karma in Sanskrit "action".
It is equivalent...

What is karma?
Karma in Sanskrit "action".
It is equivalent to Newton's law, "every action has its opposition.
When we think, say or act, we are initiating a force that will respond accordingly. This force then maybe modified, amended or suspended, but most people will not be able to get rid of her actions.
The law of cause and effect exists, not as punishment, but entirely for the sake of education or training.

A person cannot avoid the consequences of his actions, but he will suffer only if he himself has created the necessary conditions for their own suffering. Ignorance of the law does not condone his actions, regardless of whether it is man-made or generic.

In order to stop being afraid and succeed in the worlds of karma and reincarnation, you are what you need to know about the karmic laws.

1. The great law
-"What you sow, so shall you reap". It is also known as the "law of cause and effect;
-Whatever we have sent into the universe, certainly to us and come back.
-If what we want is happiness, peace, love, friendship. Then we should be happy, calm, loving and being a true friend.

2. the law of creation
-Life is not now, it requires our participation;
-We are one with the Universe, both inside and outside;
-All that surrounds us, gives us clues to our inner State;
-Be yourself and surround yourself with those whose presence you desire.

3. the Act of humility
-The fact that you refuse to accept, you will continue;
-If you see someone an enemy, or some character trait that we find you think is negative, this means that we do not focus on a higher level of existence;

4. the law of growth
-"Wherever you go, there you are";
-For us to grow in the spirit means that we ourselves must change-not people, places or things around us;
The only thing we have in this life is we ourselves, and this is the only factor over which we have control;
-When we change someone or something in our heart, our life will follow their example and will change too.

5. the Act on responsibility
-Whenever there is something wrong in my life, it means there is something wrong in me;
We mirror what surrounds us and what surrounds us mirrors us; It is a universal truth;
-We must take responsibility for everything that happens in our lives.

6. law connection
-Even if that is what we are doing, seems to us to be irrelevant, it is very important to do so, as everything in the universe is interconnected.
-Each step leads to the next step, and so on and so forth.
-Someone has to do the initial work to deal was done.
-Neither the first step and not the last may not be more important
-Because they both were needed to accomplish the task.
-Past-present-future, all of them are connected.

7. the law of the nucleus
-You may not think about two things at the same time.
-When our focus is on spiritual values, it is impossible for you to attend lower thoughts and States, such as greed or anger.
8. Act of Thanksgiving and hospitality
-If you think something is true, then sometime in your life you will aim to demonstrate that this is so.
-That's where we need to demonstrate our knowledge of the allegations, in fact.

9. Practice. The law here and now
-Looking back, to analyse what has passed will not allow us to be totally in the here and now.
-Old thoughts, old patterns of behavior, old dreams.
-So guard us from owning something new.
10. The law of change
-History repeats itself until we draw from it lessons that change our path.

11. Act of patience and reward
-All the awards require the original work.
-Awards with lasting value require patient and persevering labor.
-True joy comes when we do what we are supposed to do, and the expected reward comes in its time.

12. law of value and inspiration
-You get back from something whatever you put into it.
-The true value of something is a direct result of the energy and intention that went into it.
Every personal contribution is a contribution to all that there is.
-Inglourious contributions do not influence at all, that is, they are not able to downplay it.
-Made with love can breathe life and inspiring, All that is.
Aloriya_Sobinova ###runes tarot astrology ##Karma

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