🌙 ♏ Transit Moon in Scorpio with 24.12.2016 1:33 on 26.12.2016 14:20
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#транзитная_луна #лунный_календарь #луна_в_скорпионе
#астрологический_прогноз_на_сегодня #Astrology astrologer #информационный_центр_практической_астрологии #прогноз_на_день ##астрология_хабаровск
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Friday, December 23, 2016
🌙 ♏ Transit Moon in Scorpio with 24.12.2016 1:33...
24 lunar day: (23 December...
24 lunar day: (23 December 2:29-24 December to 3:35) Moscow time. The Moon is waning. The fourth-quarter.
Symbols: Mountain, Bear.
Stones: black jasper, obsidian air, malachite, jade blue, grossularite.
Day forces. Welcomed any active physical activity: the work in the garden, training, etc.
In communicating avoid excessive pressure and categorical.
The main thing in this day not to be lazy and not to deviate from the plans. Good starting point for the fundamental case for the long term. This is a general perspective of the lunar day.
But the reality today is that almost the whole day, to 17:32 the Moon without the course. So do day-to-day affairs and do not be surprised if the day will be quite silly. Tested in practice: on the Moon without a rate hike razreshajushhe-reviewers (tax, PF, USZN, etc.) is very effective.
Have a nice day!
#Astrology #lunnyjkalendar' #24lunnyesutki
🔥🔥🔥Rebjatki, nuts and ljubimki🎉🎉🎉-are INDIVIDUAL, your and only your...
🔥🔥🔥Rebjatki, nuts and ljubimki🎉🎉🎉-are INDIVIDUAL, your and only your HOROSCOPE for the YEAR 2017🌠 write in #lichku💫🔮💫💋💋💋 #novyjgod #cosmogram horoscope #space #star #planet #dreams #astrologer #astrology

Powered by zodiac signs.
Weight scales.
Element-Air, planet-Venus. Scales occupy...
Powered by zodiac signs.
Weight scales.
Element-Air, planet-Venus. Scales occupy a special position among the signs of the Zodiac, because for them the most suitable for vegetarian food. Especially it is necessary to those who suffer from high or low blood pressure, and headaches. Of course, born under the sign of Libra can eat meat and fish, but for them, according to astrology, this food is not as important as game for a lion or fish for fish.
Furthermore, they should refrain from eating sweets. In the daily diet of weights should be apples and grapes. In principle suitable for them, any vegetables, berries, fruits and cereals. However, especially useful for those that most clearly reflects the specificity of this zodiac sign. Among fruits and berries is pears, raspberries, peaches, plums, persimmons, bananas, cherries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries. Vegetables-tomatoes, spinach, peas, rhubarb, fennel, and parsley. With
Libra is contraindicated in bodybuilding. Recommended regular exercises in the morning.
#znakzodiakaipitanie ##pitaniepoznakamzodiaka #Libra horoscope Astrology ##interesnajainformacija #kakpravil'nopitat'sja
At present the astrologer must be real magic Board)) 🌙🌞 Until...
At present the astrologer must be real magic Board)) 🌙🌞 Until drew transits. On the back of navamshi and nakshatry. Very handy for viewing.
##Astrology Jyotish #Ganesh #Ganesha #decor
24 🌔 Lunar sutki🌖
Waning Gibbous Moon
Friday, c 2:22...
24 🌔 Lunar sutki🌖
Waning Gibbous Moon
Friday, c 2:22 23.12.2016 3:28 on 24.12.2016
Stones-black Jasper, malachite, obsidian, air blue jade.
Today, our body is under the control of the mind. The twenty-fourth day — the day of awakening and transformation of the male energy. Earlier that day, was associated with the fallicheskimi cults. So today is a good time for intrizhek, intimacy and conceiving a child. Conjugal relationship filled with warmth.
Also today the lucky day for control of their physical strength to control nature. Recommended load on muscles, exercises, active participation in the activities. Today you may open a second wind, you may feel like you are increasing physical strength, awakens new strength. Use them on creative processes. If you feel exhausted or from birth are a weak man, pace yourself with the exercises is not worth
The ancient Egyptians it was the day began for the construction of a new tab. They know that the energy of today makes all the undertakings. Today, you can start building a House, or lay the Foundation for large projects. Explore the surrounding you, it may be important. There is a possibility that on you seeing the revelation. In the past, people on this day practiced communication with the elements, with the forces of nature. Today's dreams in DOS
Health and nutrition. Today you can tightly to eat, because the energy in your body quickly burned. It is better to drink less fluid. Alcohol and tobacco are prohibited. Build up your health, try aerobics or yoga. Camping in the barbershop is best deferred. Hair today may incur on you illness.
Today, the disease is usually harmless, pass without complications. You can be treated using herbal decoctions, power exercises. Use medicines also are allowed, but in moderation. Today become vulnerable bodies playing and genitals. If you suffered a disease of the reproductive system, it is a sign that you expend energy, use it for negative cases.
Love and relationships. Surrounding today configured with complacency. Perhaps not everyone will want to communicate, but rude and rude to people today do not intend to. If you want to have lots of fun, be kind and cipro. Angry, cynical jokes and sarcasm may shy away from you interlocutors or customize them against you.
In love relationships, be sincere. Enjoy a romantic dinner, experiment in bed, but do not abuse sexual practices. For the wedding day is not the most successful, wedding better move. Conceived child will today a bit clunky, but a good man with a big appetite. Surrounding will love him, with the right upbringing he will achieve much. Parents should protect him from laziness.
Work and creativity. Successful day for all active and motivated people. You can start a new case and discuss current. Good day for financial transactions and trade. Today everything will pan out, if you put the effort. Moon also favors creative people. Today, with the success of the concerts, exhibitions, screenings, performances. Don't be lazy, use all the energy to implement any cases. The more you have time today, so much the better. Weak and are unsure
Born has a great energy in the day. Nature endows his talents in different areas. Typically, this person does not deviate from the cause for which took until bring it to the end. In others it may give the impression of a strange or eccentric person. Because of the misunderstanding it often wakes up the desire to withdraw into himself, to isolate themselves from society. On the other hand, these people have a greed, envy and selfishness.
#lunnyesutki #Moon #Astrology #lunnyjden' #fazaluny #simvoldnja #Ayurveda