26.10.16. the Moon transits the sign of practical earthly Maidens, increasing productivity and organization. Harmonious aspects of the moon to Mars and Pluto are helping today determine the choice of successful projects and direct energy on their implementation.
Harmonious aspect formed in the evening between favorable by their nature the planets Venus and Jupiter is further enhanced by their mutual arrangement. This aspect raises the level of harmonious cooperation, gives the opinion of others and fatal desire to please others. If you caught yourself enjoy socializing, or myself are experiencing what all around became friendly-it is thanks to this
Have a good day.
P.s. Subscribe also our community in via Instagram: astromaestro108 😉 ✌
*** Astrological day presented as introductory information about the current movement of the planets and their interaction. The extent to which planetary energies affect you personally, and how long will the impact can be assessed only in the preparation of individual ASTROPROGNOZ. Think of this information as the basis for the observations of their own emotions and actions, but also remember that for more accurate information Mauger
Astrologer horoscope ####astro-forecast astrology
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
26.10.16. the Moon transits the sign of practical...
#26lunnyjden′ #lunnyjkalendar′ ###taningoroskop horoscope prediction #astrology
I want to output...
#26lunnyjden′ #lunnyjkalendar′ ###taningoroskop horoscope prediction #astrology
I want to output already, but today collect all their physical and spiritual strength and not give in to provocation! Today may happen and scrape and emotional splashes. The mood jumps like a frog. It is a symbol of the day. Feelings can tighten into the quagmire. Don't settle for adventure and do not leave unattended bags and purses. Be careful on the roads. Keep it simple, use a sense of humor and irony, not globalizirujte problem. Any financial
October 26
🐍 Day Metallic Snake, is unfavourable to those...
October 26
🐍 Day Metallic Snake, is unfavourable to those born in the year of the pig
☀ Favorable for snakes, Bull, Cock
⚠ Sha robbery of the year-subject to loss of documents and money, robbery, troubles while traveling.
🌟 Annual Star of prosperity
👍 excellent: day-to-day affairs, meeting with friends, prayer, the demolition of old buildings, meditation
⛔ Is not suitable for starting a business, travel, weddings, signing agreements, treaties, investment
🌱 Wednesday-planet Mercury
Harmonious colors-green, metallic.
Harmonious stones-emeralds, green Onyx, malachite, jade, Peridot, as well as silver.
#baczy prediction ####horoscope Astrology Feng Shui fengshui ##astrological forecast
Friends, tomorrow, Wednesday, will be already the 38th...
Friends, tomorrow, Wednesday, will be already the 38th lesson my copyright Vedic Astrology course. A total of 144 units in a year. Join us at any time! Each lesson is available in video. The details on my website http://vedica.ru/kurs
If you are not sure, suits you our training or not, you can watch the trial lesson on learning page here: hhttp://vedica.ru/kurs.
###astrologer Astrology Jyotish #vedičeskieznaniâ #vedičeskaâastrologiâ #vedičeskijastrolog #kursastrologii #obučenieastrologii
3 day beats in my breast klokotanie.
Want to participate...
3 day beats in my breast klokotanie.
Want to participate in my game "ŽIRAMNET" (https://vk.com/ziram_net) girl.
People have a desire to develop yourself, change your body, work with them.
But, "I have a Husband wildly jealous-just trying to deal with a-immediately start scene" I love you, for someone you change you?!?! ".
No, not sorry for woman beating in me. And not women's solidarity.
Understanding the nature of this jealousy.
That here the nature of jealousy the husband can tell me?!
The man himself can't be free within ourselves. DO NOT give yourself freedom in something. Has limited itself to the framework, systems, conventions.
And as soon as my wife starts to do, Be, live for yourself-she immediately puts the ban.
Envy-I can't be free and you will not give.
Why?! Because your freedom you show me the pain of my soul-not skill of my soul to be free.
I really wish Ûlinoj Soul freed, Be for yourself.
And again-partners are attracted in relationships, not to give each other pleasure with love. and, in order to show each other our pain and help from them.
#Astrology #psihologiâotnošenij #relationship #sports #zozh #diet

🌔26 Moon sutki🌖
Waning Gibbous Moon
Wednesday, c 2:12...
🌔26 Moon sutki🌖
Waning Gibbous Moon
Wednesday, c 2:12 26.10.2016 3:21 on 27.10.2016
Stones-aurigšgment, yellow jade, Jadeite, chrysoprase.
Negative, nasty and dangerous day. People are prone to conflict, strained and commit stupid acts. The number of burglaries and robberies. Do not underestimate your belongings when you are in a crowded place. Surrounding are totally clueless and unpredictable actions. Limit your social circle. Do not engage in quarrels do not support blank chattering. If you started to gossip, avoid chatting or even escape. You will induce
Date affects the person and the human psyche. You can fall into complacency. Want to boast, to rise above others, overstate their abilities. Remember, pride and mercenary lie strike not only your karma, but also your health. Subsequently, you will be very embarrassing for the committed errors. Don't react to evil jokes surrounding your address, if any. About calmly to hanžam and hypocrites, of
Symbol today is a toad. Its quality is blasphemy, self-righteousness, contempt for others. If you awoke desire to feel like the center of the world, you are going down the wrong path. To overcome the arrogance in itself can only be strengthened self-control. You must reset frogs ' skin and learn to see sincerity and feeling good "frog skin" of other people.
Twenty-sixth lunar day is also marked by highly unstable emotional background. People go into extremes. The amuck having fun, then dipped into a deep gloom. Therefore, all statements made today, threats, vows, promise, recognition is almost worthless. Man utters them in a fit of emotion and soon forgets. So it's not accept all heard close to my heart. Try to control your mood. Also refrain from shopping. Today
Health and nutrition. Refrain from eating too much. Better starve. Exclude from the diet of meat and saturated liquid fruit and vegetables. Feast and rowdy parties with richly tempted table do not visit. Today, you cannot drink nor smoke. Restrict yourself from exposure to smoke. "Under attack" are your teeth, today you cannot delete them. A haircut is not worth it, but the coloring or perming hair can occur and lead to unexpected joy or good WPI
Discovered the disease, you must begin to treat immediately, so as not to cause complications. Otherwise, the disease can be dangerous and even deadly. Often today's diseases are throwbacks to the old diseases. Be treated better in an integrated way, gradually healing the entire body. Conduct operations impossible. It is recommended that the patient a lot of sweat. Will be useful for massage, acupuncture, impact on energy channels and points.
Love and relationships. Contact with people suppose, either by necessity or if you trust the person. In other cases, the communication can lead to misunderstanding, conflict and rupture relations. Despite the negative energy of the twenty-sixth lunar day it suitable for conclusion of betrothal and marriage. To conceive a day also favourable. Born rich by in the future, however, will be unhappy if you don't win in itself the vanity and arrogance. Help him
Work and creativity. Day is very dangerous for the representatives of almost any field of activity. Important issues today cannot be solved, make only small Affairs. No transactions with money, commodities, real estate hold is not recommended. The slightest mistake can lead to a crash. Teamwork also will not succeed — employees are nervous, snarl, quarrel.
About travels and business trips better forget for today. The boss does not fit, try to communicate less with their colleagues. Today carries only lawyers and students. Lawyers are easily their opinion in court, while good students pass exams. The rest relies on vacation. Businessmen should be especially cautious. They need to look at their partners, their surroundings.
Born on this day will be a lifetime struggling with their vices — vanity, arrogance and effrontery. If he can overcome them, it awaits a happy rich life. If not, it would become mired in gossip, is obsessed with envy. Such people do not seek in life, because do not aspire to anything. However, they are infinitely happy with themselves and laugh at other people. The person born on this day and knowing the nature of your vices, can
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#Astrology horoscope ##konsul′taciâastrologa #astrologkrasnoârsk #compatibility #star #astrologer #uslugiastrologa
25 lunar day: (Oct 25...
25 lunar day: (Oct 25 1:10 - On October 26 to 2:20)
Moon waning. The fourth quarter.
Symbols: sinks, vessels, turtle.
Stones: spars, tiger eye, hawk eye (blue and blue), cat's eye (green), prase, all fossils - wood, coal; sink, as well as heliotrope, pink marble.
Day passivity and contemplation. Do everything slowly. For beginnings, of course, is not the most resembling time.
Do not turtles are less likely to reach the finish line first, than the hare. (From the book changes)
This is a great time for fasting, fasting, and other cleansing procedures.
At 06:16 Moon enters Virgo: again focuses our attention on health, normal, daily activities.
Twenty-fifth lunar day are optimal for self-knowledge practices, dating to himself by any suitable means to you personally. It is for this reason that the post is not published a little earlier, namely when the day has come.
I suggest to pass association test. Test Author - British psychologist Pip Wilson (Pip Wilson). First, select the man most like you, and then click on the image. Decoding can be found on the left of the image or in the comments (leave a bit later).
All harmonious day!
Astrology ###lunnyykalendar 25lunnyesutki