Today's new moon in Aries. And we worked on it perfectly. Active games played, arranged so that our desires are never faster!
In General, crippled from Aries all that could.
Photo at the start of the evening. Therefore, not all even approached. Behind the scenes @astrolog_kseniya
Girls! Thanks for coming! I love you!!!
#moiastrologi #shkolaastrologii #prorabotkanovolunija #astropatilunavumate #astrogoliki #Astrology #bonilena #new moon
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Today's new moon in Aries. And we worked on...
Effect of...
Effect of eclipses in houses of the horoscope
ECLIPSE IN THE 1ST HOUSE. Eclipses are usually the true attitude to problems at home. When fatal'nom horoscope man inexorably and fatally carries into the abyss. Very often the person does on their own fateful error, try something that is taboo. Triggered the tree of knowledge of good and evil. We can say that Adam and Eve were born in Eclipse. Eve plucked the Apple when Eclipse was it (I) home, and Adam to the 7th House. Beguiled their snakes, w
Loop snake is the Lunar nodes. Venus was in Taurus means, Eva on ascendentu was a Taurus. Venus and Sun were on the Asc, and Adam at the Asc was Scorpio. When the Eclipse in the 1st House person is useless to prove something, it pulls to try the new, he behaves like a child becomes infantil'no curious. But for your curiosity might suffer on the functions of this House. Even smart people with Eclipse in the 1st House become blunt, meets trouble. When then
ECLIPSE IN II HOUSE. To Eclipse the man usually normal attitude to money and riches, and when Eclipse becomes pathologically greedy, begins to accumulate. In this case, his relationship to the problems of fatal house II. Money will fail as in the sand when sunny Eclipse and when the Lunar Eclipse — in the swamp. Will fatal wasting, Eclipse as though selects extra finance. The food is not going to be retained, the person starts to eat more. It is as if hungry. But any action
Eclipse in the 2nd House gives a person the unsteady ground. He becomes unsure of its security, indecisive as the base. Due to fatal uncertainty people turns into chrevougodnika, fatally attracted material problems. It even warned that he would not spend funds for the purchase, but he still spends. All purchase go ashes, for example, he bought a carpet, but it eats Mole, car-crashes, dear
ECLIPSE IN THE 3RD HOUSE. Fatal problems can arise from relatives, contacts, gossip. People don't run away from your contacts, it will always say. On a more serious level appears fatal fussiness, small weight and pointless Affairs, events. This is a very serious figure. Positively they operate only for serious people, who have prepared for change. Eclipse acted according to the principle, if they do not destroy, then reinforce.
Man, that has stood the test of Eclipse, strengthens its position gets full compensation by the end of the cycle. But this will only occur when a person prepared to it. When evil Nodes, if a person is not getting ready for Eclipse will be incomprehensible conflicts with relatives, travel troubles, it hurts reflected denunciations, gossip. Everything will be at best vanity, meaningless, stupid and unnecessary talk, promises. Specia
ECLIPSE IN THE 4TH HOUSE. The most severe effects gives the Eclipse when it plays in the angular houses. One of the worst manifestations of Eclipse on IV home. The closer to the nadir plays Eclipse the more touches home, family. In the worst case possible divorce, robbing houses. The troubles that occur in the home, you need to determine the sign. If it is in the sign of Water, then the House can pour water, fire sign is fire. This test under the roof of his house. In academia
ECLIPSE IN 5TH HOUSE. Eclipse can cause abortions, miscarriages, trouble with children, lost in the games. Adversely affects the health of random links.
ECLIPSE IN THE 6TH HOUSE. In the best case, the fatal addiction, Submissive, heavy load at work. Chronic diseases can occur.
ECLIPSE IN THE 7TH HOUSE. Often people imprisoned, a sharp conflict, fighting with opponents. When the Eclipse in the seventh House of the husband and wife must try less contact pulls swear.
ECLIPSE IN THE 8TH HOUSE. Does not cause the man to death, is not as terrible as, for example, in the 7th House. There is a fatal fear, threat, some morbid expectation of danger. In the worst case, a person becomes witness something terrible, increasing the risk of exposure to black magic, spoilage. This impact will be rather metaphysical, not shown on the physical plane. Because the House is not angled, and the average, so the effect of the Eclipse is weaker.
ECLIPSE IN THE 9TH HOUSE. Proigraetsja weaker than VIII home. Often this ideological infighting, disappointment in the teachings, the failure of the long-haul travel, travel. May appear serious enemies from afar, all roads are destroyed. People quickly falls under the influence of false ideologies.
ECLIPSE IN THE 10TH HOUSE. Possible collapse, falling from a height. Destiny at stake, can lose just made, total destruction. Possible total collapse and fail. For politicians Eclipse in X House can serve as a collapse in his career. In the best case will test the strength, hardening and loneliness since significator X home Saturn. Rarely in humans are in trouble.
ECLIPSE IN THE 11TH HOUSE. All plans come true with precision "to the contrary". Identifies the true value of the human environment, who is a friend and who is foe.
ECLIPSE IN XII HOUSE. Man in jail is not planted, but may appear as mental illness, fears, miserable and low position. All secret becomes obvious. Prison metaphysically plays at the domestic level, burned out the mystery. A person becomes a pathetic, despicable person, very passive before any tests, an exaggeration of the dangers in life. On eclipses in falling houses don't need to deepen, because this is the weakest of the Eclipse. But if these Eclipse
from the book "Globalization negative predictive Astrology P.p.» Minsk, 1995
#лунное_затмение ##лунный_день #Astrology forecast
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#Astrology #viv'enrobson #book #gift #natal'nyekarty #informacijadljaastrologov #ljubov'kastrologii

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🙏 CENTER "AGE of AQUARIUS" recommends! 🙏
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-Introduction to astrology
-Signs of the Zodiac, planets stewards
-Classification of the signs of the Zodiac on the elemental spheres, crosses
-Planets and their cycles
-Planets in the signs of the Zodiac
Aspects of planets (minor, major, harmonious, tense)
-Houses or fields of the horoscope
-Formula of happiness or unhappiness in the horoscope
-Lunar nodes, vital human space program purpose
-Karmic or fictitious point in the horoscope: Black Moon and the white moon. (Lilith and Selena)
-Sinastricheskij analysis, compatible partners in marriage, business, etc.
-Profession according to the signs of the Zodiac
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Practical activities
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#Gift #beauty #Venus #знаки_зодиака #astrology
#Gift #beauty #Venus #знаки_зодиака #astrology
(Inside a gift for all participants! 😃)
Every woman in the map have Venus in the sign and House. Her position will tell you how and what to do to a woman to become attractive. In other words, your code on the beauty and success of men look on the status of Venus in the natal chart.
Venus in Aries
Add to your image and manner of dress something bright, provocative and exciting. The color red to help you. Venus in Aries is similar to Amazon, fiery, flamboyant, dangerous. As often as you update your wardrobe. Improvise, change your image, hairstyle.
Venus in Aries is ignited from the whole of the graceful, elegant and a bit of shouting. Actively show your feelings, you are a woman is the leader!
Venus in Taurus
In terms of image and clothes you recommended classic, vivid and provocative colors are undesirable. Stick the image calm, a little home and confident women. Expensive accessories, decorations also include your Venus.
Venus in Taurus especially ignited from a good perfume, cosmetics. Also go easy fitness or yoga, massage regularly.
Venus in Gemini
You light and a little youth style. In the image are allowed different experiments. Your goal is to create an image of a light and cheerful woman. In terms of accessories do not use expensive or heavy jewelry. The simplest clothes and jewelry will fire up your Venus.
Venus in cancer
In image and clothes primarily follow the rules of comfort. Avoid provocative and strident style. Silver jewellery and pearls will help engage your Venus. You also don't want a strict style.
🎁🎁🎁PODAROK-in order to determine the position of Venus in the sign of the zodiac in your horoscope, write in a personal message to Yulia Astrologer Khoroshko marked with "Venus"
Venus in Leo
Here you all bright, unusual. Your goal is to create an image of the Empress. Ornaments of gold are welcome. High heel, elegant hat and mysterious dark glasses razzadorjat quickly your Venus.
It is also recommended that you stick to any brand. A proud, showcase your originality, even if you are feeling shy or not quite sure yet.
Venus in Virgo
Here is a classic, as they say: "no sex". Strict clothing, pastel colors. Your image should not be flashy but practical and convenient. Be extremely careful with experiments in clothes or haircut.
Especially Venus in Virgo is lighted from all kinds of beauty treatments aimed at rejuvenation. Use light and unobtrusive Accessories: neckerchiefs, elegant brooch. The best will be the style of minimalism.
Venus in Libra
Austere modern, elegantly chosen accessories under the eye color will warm your Venus in Libra. Extremely not recommended free and easy style.
Venus in Scorpio
We recommend that you add to your image something very provocative, blatant and dangerous. Crimson and black tone will help. The challenge is to create an image of a woman of mystery, puzzle, which I'd like to reveal.
Venus in Sagittarius
You easy and playful image. Ethnic style thereby your Venus in Sagittarius.
Venus in Capricorn
Uniquely classic business style. Nothing superfluous, nothing brilliant. Elegant minimalist Accessories: dark belts, scarves will include your Venus in Capricorn. In the image there should be restraint and austerity.
Venus in Aquarius
Allowed image everything unusual, extraordinary, any experimentation with fashion or appearance is very welcome. Unusual hair color, an unusual accessory undoubtedly will include your Venus in Aquarius. A more conservative look suggests that your wardrobe unique dresses (which no one else has).
Venus in Pisces
You are advised to stick to the image of women. Scarves, shawls, kerchiefs, light exotic accessories will help you. In clothing can attend some razboltannost' or as they like to say painters: creative mess.