26 sunny day 7:56
Day Arshtata-World.
#Avestan https://vk.com/photo-95371638_391557105 Council
12 lunar day 6:43
Symbol-Bowl, heart (Holy Grail).
#Лунный_день https://vk.com/photo-95371638_392809675
With 4:44 November 11, 2016 year Moon in Aries
#Medical Council https://vk.com/photo-95371638_391588911
#Astrology horoscope ##Луна_в_знаках Council ##Луна_в_Овне
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Friday, November 11, 2016
26 sunny day 7:56
Lunar calendar on Globe
12 lunar day started and ended...
Lunar calendar on Globe
12 lunar day started and ended in 21:06 10.11 11.11 at 21:30
Symbol is the chalice. Day inclusion of cosmic energy of love, the divine revelations, thoughts, prayers, execution of sedation, the victory of wisdom over the mind and senses. Good show mercy: presents, handing out alms, comply with requests. Contraindicated angry, relax, eat and cry tough food (better — except Apple juice). Broken crockery and spilled the liquid — a sign of suffering and loneliness.
#lunnyjkalendar' #today #Irkutsk #astrologijadljazhizni #astrologijadljavseh #Astrology #astrologer #lunnyjkalendar'astrofresh
#mortal_kombat #poll #astrology
The struggle between what a pair of...
#mortal_kombat #poll #astrology
The struggle between what a pair of planets can be compared to the confrontation of these two characters from Mortal Kombat?
(excluding aspects between them)
Astrological consultation
On the eve of the New 2017 I...
Astrological consultation
On the eve of the New 2017 I invite all ASTRO to individual consultation, to know that the coming year you prepare, how to most effectively allocate efforts and to use the most of the opportunities offered by fate.
Personal horoscope gives you access to the laws of the universe and its plans for you. You become the master of your life.
Individual astrological forecast will tell how best to distribute force whether luck in cases where planned to wait for an event. In addition, through individual prediction can be picked up for your important undertaking the most successful point-after all started in auspicious moment case is doomed to success.
In addition, the individual horoscope reveals your potential destination, talents and abilities, says what's your good luck and financial prosperity. Also in personal horoscope you can see which partner will be most suitable to you, and what your particular building relationships. And, of course, suggests that and when it is better to take in amorous Affairs, relations were happy.
Consultation can be face-to-face or via Skype ... Astrological consultation, is original and very useful in run-up to new year gift.
Record by phone: + 380509553258 http://vk.com/gregartur
#Astrology horoscope prediction ##arturvedadp ##dnepr

#Mission #Astrology #esoterics
Did you know that each generation has...
#Mission #Astrology #esoterics
Did you know that each generation has its own mission? Know what mission is designed specifically for you, you can by year of birth)) in my example:
Uranus-planet of sudden change-hardest expressed in Scorpio, the sign of dying and regeneration. This generation must get used to the idea that in their century old forms of civilization will be permanently destroyed. New since 1975. signifies the start of the final destruction of the century. This generation will witness the major coup of civilization.
The feelings of these people they can't stand intense inactivity and laziness. They have a lot of ideas, a talent for technical and scientific inventions and discoveries, as well as to occult knowledge.
I wonder what generation about you? Write year of your birth in the comments and I'll send you your prednaznachenie😉
It is easy to fall in love with the whole...
It is easy to fall in love with the whole world, but it is difficult for the family! Therefore, God unites us with people of family ties, so we will not run away! Astrology reveals all the related problems in this life. Veda astrology ###happiness ###love God astrologer card ###love #natalnayakarta lesson
Each Nakshatra has a special energy or Shakti. It...
Each Nakshatra has a special energy or Shakti. It is also a force Devatas or gods, ruling Nakshatra. Each Shakti has an effective aspect of a higher order and lower, and the final result is the three components (shakti, its upper and lower effect). The images found common motifs - plants, healing, worship, marriage and death.
Ashwini - run Ashwins twins born horse. It has the potency to quickly achieve anything (shidhra vyapani shakti). Basis (Note: the translation is a word reserved as the author closest in meaning: nature, matter, the plan aspect of manifestation.) Above - the creation of which will be healed. Basis below - the science of healing. From these three the whole world becomes healthy.
Ashwini Nakshatra provides fast relief and vitalization ( "energises"). Ashwini healing potency apparent from these comments, especially their ability to rapidly and radically wonderful healing as well as rejuvenate. Ashwins - force Prana or life energy force that is quick in action - encouraging, helping and initiating a new level of activity.
Bharani is controlled by Yama, the God of Death. It has the potency to take (to select) something (apabharani shakti). The basis of the above - the removal of the life of the body; below - the transfer to the field of the soul of ancestors. The combination of these three is the transition to the next world.
Bharani Nakshatra removes that reached the lifetime, to the new conditions; It indicates the movement of the soul from the body. Yama leads the soul to another plane of existence, where she can experience the results of karma ending the life and prepare for the future. Yama - the personification of order and loss.
Krittika operated by Agni, the God of Fire. It has the potency to burn (dahana shakti). The basis of the above - fire, lower - the light. The result of these three: burning or bug fixes.
Krittika Nakshatra burns negative purifies what is mixed, and "preparing" something that is not yet mature. Agni - mainly the sacred fire of God, so that the elimination of mistakes - perhaps the dominant effect, not destruction (destruction), while eliminating errors include "destroying" the purification from impurities. Agni - as the fire that cooks our food and the way it manifests itself diligence. This fire has a clean, direct nature.
Rohini is controlled by the Prajapati, the Creator. Potency - growth (rohana shakti). The basis of the above - the plants below - water. The result of these three - creation.
Rohini Nakshatra gives growth and creativity at all levels, giving greater fertility. However, also it causes jealousy to some extent (others may be jealous of the fact that a person receives an abundance). In some cases, it may enhance the desire (passion, lust). But this is only the prosperity of the side effects. Prajapati - a creator who can give everything, so we must be careful with their own desires.
Mrigashirsha controlled Soma, God of the Moon, or the nectar of immortality. Potency - implementation (prinana shakti). The basis of the above - the addition of below - weaving (fabrics production). These three together make the world attractive.
Mrigashirsha Nakshatra fills or covers with joy. It is like a beautiful fabric that makes life more attractive. Soma - a great pleasure - to win, won, purchased or captured - never comes easily. However, that does not require any effort, it does not bring satisfaction.
Ardra is controlled by Rudra, the fierce form of Lord Shiva, representing thunder. Potency - force (yatna shakti), especially to create profits (accomplishments) in life. The basis of the above - hunting or search below - the goal. These three causes achievement.
Ardra Nakshatra motivates us to a great effort. This struggle can bring great rewards, but it is not possible without the persistence and luck. Rudra - the hunter and archer. The idea here also involves sending an arrow at a target. To this should be a good target, as well as the power to shoot. Rudra also wild animals the LORD.
Punarvasu controlled by Aditi, the Great Mother Goddess. Potency - the ability to get pribytok (wealth) or substance (vasutva prapana shakti). The basis of the above - the wind or air, lower - the humidity or rain. These three induce plant growth.
Punarvasu Nakshatra causes circulation of energy and vitality, like the return of monsoon rains after the dry season. It makes renew creative growth and respiration. Aditi - Earth Goddess, giving all the abundance and giving birth to all the gods.
Pushya controlled by Brihaspati, the Supreme God of wisdom. Potency - the ability to identify the spiritual energy (brahmavarchasa shakti). The basis of the above - sacrifice, worship; below - worshiper. These three lead to the creation of spiritual energy.
Pushya Nakshatra increases our good karma and supportive efforts. The importance of this nakshatra for religious and spiritual practices highlighted. Brihaspati - lord of speech, especially the prayers and all the forms of worship, including meditation.
Ashlesha governed by God snakes. Potency - causing suffering poison (visasleshana shakti). The basis of the above - snake bite, below the thrill and excitement. These three causes destruction of the victim.
Ashlesha Nakshatra paralyzes the enemy. This can be useful if we have enemies, but it may also give unfriendly. Snakes also give wisdom, but a practical wisdom, through which you can overcome enemies and obstacles.
Magha managed by Petrie (ancestors). This gives the ability to leave the body (tyage kshepani shakti). The basis of the above - a state of mourning, below - separation from the body. These three together cause death.
Magha Nakshatra causes a change in the condition or conditions, a kind of death. Typically, this shows that we reach the end of the cycle. This potency of the following in relation to Bharani, which indicates the movement of the body of the soul. Of course, in connection with the ancestors there are some aspects of the influence of this nakshatra as hereditary pride and power.
Purva (first) Phalguni controlled Aryamanom God treaties and alliances. This gives the ability to play (prajanana shakti). The basis of the above - the wife or female partner is lower - male or male partner. These three together cause the creation of the fetus.
Purva Phalguni causes unions and playback on all levels. However, it should be for the kind of formal agreement or marriage and is part of a new family or social order. Aryaman governs such productive alliances and arranges the marriage.
Uttara (second) Phalguni controlled Bhag God luck. Potency accumulation or prosperity (chayani shakti) through marriage or union association. The basis of the above - the wealth generated by their own family, below - the wealth generated by the partner and his family. These three together induce the accumulation of wealth.
Uttara Phalguni brings prosperity, which begins in the union. This points to the need for the union, and for the organization of the combined resources. Bhaga is also the God of Wealth, which is proportional to the proper allocation of resources. Previous Nakshatra indicates marriage; This - the establishment of a household to the newly married couple.
Hasta controlled Savitar, creative form of the Sun God. Potency - the ability to get what they want with their own hands (hasta sthapaniya agama shakti). Potential higher - search benefits (growth), below - the process of obtaining. These three together make up the desire to benefit his own hand (talent). Hasta gives the ability dostignat goals completely and immediately. Such goals are usually creative. Savitar are the personification of creativity, endowing the universe
Chitra controlled Tvashtar, Space Wizard. Potency - the ability to accumulate quality throughout life (punya cayani shakti). The basis of the above - the law, the following - the truth. By means of these three works is able to feel proud (to be honor) for his work. Chitra allows you to get the fruit of our good karma that comes through an honest, legitimate business. Influence Chitra highly spiritual. Tvashtar creates external forms, like the blacksmith, etc.
Swati is controlled by Vayu, God of Air. Potency - scatter like air (pradhvamsa shakti). The basis of the above - moving in different directions, below - to change the shape. The result of these three - conversion.
Swati Nakshatra makes things move and dissipate. It can be destructive if you do not know how to use this power to eliminate the negative. All these properties are mainly air which has healing and destructive properties.
Visakha is controlled by Indra and Agni, representing the potential for fire and lightning. This gives the ability to reach many and varied fruits in life (vyapana shakti). The basis of the above - agriculture, below - the harvest. These three gives us the harvest.
Visakha provides time effort to achieve our goals in abundance, like a farmer plowing his field. It does not give immediate results, but the maximum long-term value. Indra and Agni - Gods, protection to agriculture exhibiting ripening effect of fire (heat), rain and seasonal changes.
Anuradha Mitra controlled personifying Divine Love. Potency - worship (radhana shakti). Higher Nature - climbing, lower - descent. By these three - the achievement of honor and affluence.
Anuradha Nakshatra gives balance in relationships, respect for others and self-esteem, the desire to be noble, - whereby the acquired fame and popularity. Mitra - giver of compassion, dedication and the right (correct) relationship.
Jyeshta controlled by Indra, the ruler of the gods. Potency - to rebel or to win, and have the courage in battle (arohana shakti). Higher Nature - attack below - protection. The result of these three - heroism.
Jyeshta allows you to reach the top of its power, but it requires a lot of courage and effort. This shows karmic battle that require our full energy to overcome the difficulties. Indra - the king of the gods, elect, who must ultimately defeat the dragon, the most terrible of kites. Although his position looks hopeless, he wins the courage and reason, not by force of arms.
Mule controlled Nirriti, the Goddess of destruction. Potency - destroy. The higher nature - to destroy specific things (barhana shakti). The lower nature - crushing action. These three give power to destroy destruction.
In the circumstances of adversity, Mula Nakshatra allows you to destroy their roots until they are stronger than we. This is an indicator of destruction necessary for the continued creation. Nirriti - Alakshmi or negative Lakshmi (Goddess of wealth and prosperity) - Kali or the effect of "negative" time when we need to defend yourself or use what is happening in their own interests.
Ashadha Purva manage the water (Apas). Potency - adding strength and energy (varchograhana shakti). The higher nature - the power. Net - communication. Through these three - strengthening of lust, passion.
Purvasadha causes error recovery and regeneration, similar to the action of the energy received from the ablutions (bathing) water; It provides additional energy for our efforts. This result from the flow of the Waters heavenly nature (a subtle element), which can give the interior the elimination of errors.
Ashadha Uttara gods controlled the universe (Visva Devas). Potency - providing indisputable victory (apradhrisya shakti). The higher nature - the power to win. Nature lowest - a goal that can be achieved. From any of these three becomes the undisputed winner.
Uttarasadha leads to the top of their own strength, power and recognition, not only through their own efforts (which is more related to Jyeshta), but thanks to the support of the Union and of all the divine principles. Our victory depends on the right goal, which is acceptable to all those who we help. Here we are fighting more like a commander in chief of the army.
Shravan is controlled by Vishnu, the invisible presence of God. Potency - communication (samhanana shakti). The higher nature - communication. The lowest - "link." The result of these three - the interconnectedness of all.
Shravan allows you to connect people, connecting them with the appropriate ways of life. This requires sensitivity and judicious attention and commitment. Vishnu, the three links together three of the world - Earth, Space and Heaven, connecting all of creation with the Gods.
Dhanista controlled Vasu, gods of fertility. Potency - giving abundance and fame (khyapayitri shakti). The higher nature - birth, below - prosperity. These three give the power to lead people together.
Dhanista allows you to organize and direct people. This influence naturally after developing relationships sravanam: making them more practical. Vasu - deity of the Earth, which provide an abundance at the earth's surface. They are manifestations of Agni or the sacred fire and show that it is possible to distribute the potency to produce favorable results.
Shatabhishak controlled by Varuna, the God of the cosmic waters. Potency - healing (bheshaja shakti). The higher nature - or to extend the presence of all, lower - to maintain everything. These three make the world free from troubles.
Shatabhishak confronts difficulties karma through divine mercy and repentance. These challenges include not only the disease, but everyone else, including sin. While Ashwini gives instant healing is healing Shatabhishak development crisis to recovery. Varuna - God is sin, debt, damage and disease, who can not only bring these calamities, but also cleanse us from them if we sincerely appease him.
Purva Bhadrapada Aja manages Ekapad creature-snakes. Potency - fire, to raise the spirituality in their lifetime (yajamana udyamana shakti). What it is beneficial for all people - the highest nature. What it is good for the divine beings - the lower nature. The three support all over the world. Purvabhadra provides universal cognizance through the inner correction of errors. This strengthens our spiritual development and pulls out of the selfish attitude to life. A
Uttara Bhadra controlled Ahir Budhnya, kite depths of Space. Potency - Rain software (varshodyamana shakti). The higher nature - rain, coming out of the clouds, the lower - the growth of plants. From these three factors, three of the world get stability.
Uttarabhadra gives growth and prosperity in many ways, benefiting the whole world. This makes it very favorable Nakshatra. Ahir Budhnya - favorable snakes, bringing rain, connecting us with the creative force at the heart of the world.
Revati pushes controlled, form of care of the Sun God. Potency - power, symbolized by milk (kshiradyapani shakti). The higher nature - the cow, the lowest aspect - calves. These three causes food all over the world.
Revati creates abundance through the provision of adequate nutrition. It helps all the people in their efforts. Pusha - the Lord and the Lord of cattle path (travel). He guides, protects and collects a herd on the move, especially to new pastures. It also protects the soul in the journey to the next world.
By contacting an experienced astrologer, you will learn about their nakshatra, the pros and cons, and get important recommendations, in accordance with your astrological chart.
We suggest you order a personal horoscope or horoscope member of your family, as well as
get answers to important questions you may have!
Our astrologer: 380509553258
##Jyotish astrology nakshatra ##arturvedadp #dnepr

Nov 10
😇 day is favorable for podarkov🎁, work on yourself...
Nov 10
😇 day is favorable for podarkov🎁, work on yourself.
November ###astrology horoscope