Friday, November 11, 2016

#Mission #Astrology #esoterics
Did you know that each generation has...

#Mission #Astrology #esoterics
Did you know that each generation has its own mission? Know what mission is designed specifically for you, you can by year of birth)) in my example:
Uranus-planet of sudden change-hardest expressed in Scorpio, the sign of dying and regeneration. This generation must get used to the idea that in their century old forms of civilization will be permanently destroyed. New since 1975. signifies the start of the final destruction of the century. This generation will witness the major coup of civilization.
The feelings of these people they can't stand intense inactivity and laziness. They have a lot of ideas, a talent for technical and scientific inventions and discoveries, as well as to occult knowledge.
I wonder what generation about you? Write year of your birth in the comments and I'll send you your prednaznachenie😉

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