Gary Goldšnajder, Joost Èlffers-Eternal horoscope. The mystery of the Zodiac/Gary Goldšnajder, J
"Eternal book horoscope. The mystery of the Zodiac "will be your reliable guide in the complex world of cognition. In its pages coexist astrology, psychology and history, Numerology and Tarot. /Book, Eternal gorosk
#Голдшнайдер_Гери #Вечный_гороскоп #astrology
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Friday, October 21, 2016
Gary Goldšnajder, Joost Èlffers-Eternal horoscope. The mystery of the Zodiac...
✅ Friends, invite you to a workshop on Numerology [club66466145 | " Your...
✅ Friends, invite you to a workshop on Numerology [club66466145 | " Your child's talents by date of birth "] 22 October!
Wine workshop discovery for every loving parent
➡ Teacher-[id4822728 | Marina Shakhova], an experienced specialist in Numerology, the founder of its Center, instructor courses, trainings and master classes with many years of experience.
⭐ Testimonials, treated Marina:
🔽ÈTOT SEMINAR for those who want to:
✔ find out more about the personality of your child
✔ determine its inclinations and talents
✔ help your child find themselves in life
✔ find the right approach to child
👉Zapisat′sâ seminar: ☎ 8-913-713-75-15, 239-67-22
(In advance of the matrix will be developed for each child, would require date of birth).
Parallel to the theory and practice will be considered.
Every parent wants to give their child the best. Unfortunately, at birth to beloved Chad not included instruction manual (and so sorry:))) so parents, mostly moms, more and more concerned about the issue-how to help a child develop, given the nature of the data ability? Because quite often they (these same skills and predispositions) are not very pronounced and hiding from vigilant Oka moms.
And then she comes to the rescue-Numerology! This is an ancient method of determining abilities by date of birth by constructing digital matrix.
✔ "Professional career guidance"-what areas of activity will be easier to develop from an early age priority.
✔ "Health"-what organism have a predisposition and what diseases he has inclinations.
✔ Psychology-psychological correction methods help you the status and health of the child.
Wine Is not individual boring lectures and practicals, where your questions will be discussed, with specific examples-matrix of your children. You will learn how to Numerology can help you in raising more harmoniously developed personality.
The number of participants in a group ‼ is limited by the need to develop your individual cases ‼
⏰ Date: 22 October from 10:00 to 14:00
Price: 1500 USD.
The workshop duration is 3–4 hours.
Место проведения:
[club66466145 | Šahovoj Marina Numerology Center]-m. Pushkinskaya St. Sunrise 20, of. 611
Enroll: ☎ 8-913-713-75-15, 239-67-22
or HP [id4822728 | Šahovoj Marina]
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[club127400383 | The registration on 18-th new year Festival Vedalife in...
[club127400383 | The registration on 18-th new year Festival Vedalife in Sochi, while discounted <-join us!]
☀ ANSWERS to 10 of the MOST COMMON questions about VEDAS. Part 1
❓ 1. What is Veda?
Veda is a revealed Scripture, which describes in detail the nature of this world, human nature, God, souls.
The word Veda means "knowledge", in other words, the Vedas represent science, rather than just a set of any myths or beliefs.
Vedas in Sanskrit are called apaurusheyatva. What does "not human". The Vedas are eternal, and each time the creator of the universe, Brahma, after another cycle of destruction "remembers" the imperishable Vedas to create this world again.
In this sense, the Vedas are eternal categories such as God and spiritual energy.
● There are four Vedas:
Rigveda, samaveda, Atharvaveda and Yajurveda.
● Three of them are major and largely overlap with each other in content: the rig, Yajur-Veda and SAMA.
● Atharvaveda stands alone, because it deals with matters which are not included in the other Vedas.
The first three Vedas consist of prayers, or mantras to the Supreme Lord in his many personal and ecumenical aspects, whereas in the Atharvaveda vede presents knowledge about architecture, medicine, and other applied disciplines.
Sounds of the Vedas have special energy, so it is very important to keep these sounds in the original form.
In Vedic culture developed a method for transmitting the Vedas in the uncorrupted State.
Despite the fact that 95% of the Vedas for the moment lost the remaining five per cent have come down to us intact.
✓ "In the whole world there is no teachings are so beneficial and rise as the teachings of the Upanishads. It was consolation of my life, and it will be the solace of my death ".
✏ Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher and writer
❓ 2. How the Vedas were able to survive?
The secret lies in the language of the Vedas is Sanskrit.
The Vedas to another are called shruti, "heard".
For many centuries and epochs of the Vedas were passed by word of mouth, there was a well developed system of mnemonic rules memorization of the Vedas; so far in India, there are people who can memorize read one or even several of the Vedas.
It's several hundred thousand verses in Sanskrit.
The Sanskrit word means "perfect, has perfect structure.
● Sanskrit is a language with unique grammar and phonetics, and many languages of this world are descended from him; in particular, all Western European languages, dravidian, Latin, ancient Greek and, of course, Russian.
Sanskrit phonology on his scientific organisation has no analogues. In Sanskrit, twenty-five consonants, they are divided into five series by way of sound, five letters in each row.
● These five rows are of direct relevance to the five primordial elements, of which the constructed world.
The first number refers to the ether,
the second is to air,
the third is to fire,
the fourth is to water,
the fifth is to Earth.
● In the Vedas States that every sound of the Sanskrit alphabet bears a certain thin energy and this energy is based all the Vedic culture.
❀ Mantra, consisting of these sounds, spoken correctly, can awaken latent, subtle mechanisms of nature and ancient sages, rishis ("capable of seeing through a tough reality"), using the correct pronunciation generated a wave structure, which allowed them to perform miracles.
✓ "When I read the Bhagavad Gita," I wonder how God created the universe? All other issues seem superfluous.
✏ Albert Einstein
❓ 3. What are the Vedas?
Each Veda is divided into four sections, called
Samhitami, Brahmins, Shrautasutras and Upanishads.
● Samhity represent collections of mantras.
They, in fact, called the Vedas.
● The Brahmins give guidance as to how, what ceremonies and at what time these mantras should be pronounced.
Also Brahmins contain laws that must respect people, to live happily in this world.
● Aran′âka is more metaphysical nature; Here explained inmost meaning and a purpose of rituals.
● And, finally, the Upanishads give philosophical justification for laws of this world; They tell about the nature of God, the individual soul, relationships that link the world of God and the soul.
● In addition, there are 6 vedanga, ancillary Vedic studies.
• This Shiksha, rules of pronunciation sounds sankritskogo alphabet;
• Chandas, rules of rhythm and placement of accents in the verses of the Vedas;
• Vyakarana| where due to grammar and metaphysics Sanskrit — how in Sanskrit reflects the profound nature of human life and the structure of the universe.
• You should then Nirukta, etymology of the words of the Sanskrit alphabet based on verbal roots, which date back each part of speech of Sanskrit.
• Then comes the Kalpa, rules of rites and rituals,
• And finally, Jyotish, or astrology, which explains what time you need to hold these ceremonies, to any undertaking a success.
✓ "Particularly attracted me philosophical ideas of the Bhagavad-Gita. They practically coincide with the understanding of reality to which led me to study quantum mechanics. "
✏ Eugene Winger who won the Nobel Prize in physics
❓ 4. When the Vedas were written and by whom?
Five thousand years ago in the Himalayas they were written by illustrious Sage Srila V′âsadevoj.
Its name refers to someone who "shared and recorded (translated into Russian language" vyasa "means" Editor ").
V′âsadevy life story is contained in the Mahabharata, his father was Parashara Muni, mother — Satyavati.
V′âsadeva recorded all the Upanishads, Brahmins, Aranyaka, classified Samšity.
● Here it should be noted that originally the Veda is a coherent whole, one huge volume.
But V′âsadeva divided this volume four, and each has made relevant industry knowledge, above vedangi.
● In addition to the 6 is the vedanga Smriti is literature "to remember", transmitting the same message of the Vedas in a simpler language, the example of real historical events, or allegorical narratives.
● To Smriti include 18 main and additional 18 Puranas, as well as Ramayana and mahābhārata, historical chronicles.
● In addition, there are Kavii, poetic compilations.
They are also sometimes referred to as Vedic literature, because they are based on the Puranas, only with more detailed elaboration of the story and the stories contained in the Vedas originally and then recorded in Puranas.
▷ To study Vedas required very high qualification, and incorrectly understood the meaning of those or other mantras, you can harm yourself and others.
Therefore, Vedic culture there were certain restrictions on study of the Vedas.
● But Smriti, historical narratives, no such prohibitions.
Puranas, "Mahabharatu", "Ramayana" can read without exception.
These books are the original ideas of the Vedas, the eternal sound, which spawned the universe.
Language is not such a complicated, Puran so scientists distinguish Vedic Sanskrit and Sanskrit Smriti.
V′âsadevu called the author of the Vedas, but V′âsadeva just wrote that there were many millennia before him.
● The word itself means "ancient Purana".
These books were always, including unified Purana and V′âsadeva presented her in a language understood by people ages Cali, century degradation, in which we now live.
● Why the Vedas and Puranas are equally authoritative.
They convey to us the same message, they are written the same Sage and constitute a harmonious, coherent corpus of Vedic Scriptures, in which one part complements the other.
❓ 5. What areas of expertise cover the Vedic Scriptures?
• First, the main theme of the Vedic Scriptures, is the spiritual knowledge, knowledge about the nature of the soul.
In addition, the Vedas there are a huge number of other information regarding just what is necessary for the person for a long and happy life.
• This knowledge about the Organization of space, vastu: how to build a House like his have to feel good, not to hurt, to live in peace and prosperity.
• This medicine, Ayurveda, the science of life extension.
• It is Vedic astrology, which explains how the Earth and the human microcosm related to macro-Cosmos, the universe, and how people have to plan your day trip, important endeavors in life.
• In the Vedas also has a section about the music, which refers to the seven basic notes that correspond with the seven chakras, energy nodes in the human body, allowing for special built melodies (ragam) soothe and heal a person, create psychological comfort.
• Is described in detail in the Vedas, yoga, or a set of various techniques and exercises that allow you to reach a huge degree of mental concentration, calm the mind, to gain the mystical forces and eventually realize their spiritual nature.
• There are also books on military art.
• There are sections of the Vedas, which are spells and mystic rituals.
• Handbook on economic prosperity, applied psychology, management of the State diplomacy.
• Kama Shastra, the science of intimacy that allows humans to move progressively from the gross material pleasures to increasingly thin and how to understand what such pleasures are not the goal of human existence.
🌴 [club127400383 | Join] - will be fun!
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✋ At the seminar "Harmonization" Vitaly Efremovceva wise we'll pass...
✋ At the seminar "Harmonization" Vitaly Efremovceva wise we'll pass on the planets.
The word "Mudra" translated from Sanskrit as — print, sign. Wise-it's Yoga for the fingers. Certain position fingers closes the energy channels in the body a certain way. And with their help, energy flows in the body differently and solves the tasks which are the responsibility of this mudra.
Have you noticed how much confidence us attaches to the standard crossing arms on the chest? Most so-called "wise" gives immediate effect — you immediately will feel a burst of energy, mental clarity and peace. If you stand in front of a more serious problem (or problems), it will require discipline and perseverance, as well as regularity.
Wise, there are many, here we have given only a few for your reference.
✨ 31 October-5 November in Cheboksary-astrological consultation,
💎 2-3 November-seminar "Harmonization" of Vitaly Efremovceva
🔻Uznajte all the details at the link 👉
For all questions please call:
☎ 385-108, 8 (927) 668-51-08
✏ or email [id97298329 | Leonid]
###Jyotish Astrology Astrologer #Mantra #Wise #Yantra #Veda #Cheboksary #Veda21
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