April 12, 2017 year
Aspects of the day:
Opposition Moon in Scorpio to retrogradnomu Mercury in Taurus,
bikvintil' Mars to Jupiter retrogradnomu.
Image of the day:
Forrest Gump
Instead of being angry that your projects are hampered by, go for a jog. This will not only help you lose momentum yesterday grams (hopefully not pounds!), but will soothe your raging emotions and does not give off on others.
And though now long distance runners, who ran last year, even a single physical occupation of several clear your head and help keep the emotional wave of the day.
##Astrology forecast #astroprognoz, #obrazdnja #astrologer #ol'garovnaja
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
April 12, 2017 year
Aspects of the day:
Eternity like a twink ... 🔮
Twink love is eternity 🕉
With love...
Eternity like a twink ... 🔮
Twink love is eternity 🕉
With love, your World-Catherine soul Mira🌍तारा
The founder of the school network. Esoterics, tarolog, a teacher of Yoga and Pilates. Help find harmony, love and freedom. Consulting and training for Tarot.
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#Astrology #MPPG #prosheptalbog #nauho #each #sign #zadiaka #horoscope
One legend has it that one day at dawn, God gathered 12 children and each whispered its purpose. This is the main secret life of each zodiac sign.
You, Aries
I give you the responsibility always and everywhere be a leader to lead people for themselves and Kindle the fire in the hearts of men. Go to your dream out zhelaniya and inspire people. You're going to be stubborn, many will scold you for this quality, but you never forget that without stubbornness does not achieve the desired!
You, Taurus
I give you an easy way to increase your benefits. But this happens only on one condition: If in your heart you will love. Try not to confuse love and material. Remember, that love should always be in the first place, and then you will do it.
YOU, Gemini
I would be giving you a special gift: you help people understand each other. But for this you need to pass one test: find harmony with oneself and the world. If you succeed, then the universe will get another first-class psychologist, politician or diplomat.
YOU, Cancer
I give you wisdom, sensuality and sensitivity in one bottle. Do you like no one else can help people by the Council. Please don't becomes the hermit. You need people!
You, Leo
As Aries, I give you the ability to lead the people. You always help people wise Council, let they scolded you for selfishness. If not your ego (and without the disadvantages of men can't exist), you wouldn't have been able to achieve well-being. In addition, I would be giving you wide soul, that you helped all those who need it.
You, Virgo
I entrust you to follow their interests. Be true to itself, whether it be dotoshna to detail and spread knowledge around him. If you posleduesh' this purpose, then you will reign around the aura of peace and tranquillity, where you can share with others.
You, Scales
I give you the ability to see beauty in everyday things. Watching all that you see. Vospevaj all beautiful. Way may be the one you want: singing, drawing, writing, etc. with a birth weight of talent you possess!
YOU, Scorpio
I give you the most pleasant gift. But, please, no offence at me. From an early age, you can see the souls of others. This will bring you a lot of grief, but will have to accept the fact that the man strongly animal origin. If you accept things as they are, you can get everything you want.
You, Sagittarius
I give you the opportunity to bring people joy and Kindle in them fire. Who would not have met thee in the way, that instantly learns something wonderful and amazing. You people will be better able to recognize themselves.
You, Capricorn
I give you hard work. In life you will be able to accomplish much, if you work hard. You people will be filled with boundless energy, which will help them make the most of different heights.
You, Aquarius
I grant you the right to be happy and free any second life. Through you I can remind people about himself. Don't forget to please oneself, to be able to fill the other.
You Fish
Youngest child I give heavy burden. You're going to be very sensitive to the world and you will notice everything, both good and bad. You're all going to pass through itself, but do not grieve. In the most difficult moments I always come to the rescue.
As you can see, God has given each a certain skill, which are based on love. Some he gave and difficulties, but forgot to mention that during the most difficult moments He will always be there.
Sometimes it seems that not we are masters of these...
Sometimes it seems that not we are masters of these little dogs, and they are ours.
#dog #dogs ##Astrology horoscope
Kalb Al-Asad. Or The Heart Of A Lion.
The star...
Kalb Al-Asad. Or The Heart Of A Lion.
The star Regulus in the natal chart the present gift of fate.
#Princess #Astrology #natal najakarta #tajnarozhdenija #malen'kijlev ##destiny star
The SUN symbolizes the...
The SUN symbolizes the male principle, sense of individuality; creative energy; Shining inner "I" (soul); inalienable values. It is peculiar to encourage and create. Gives a person need for recognition and self-expression. If the eastern sector, which is operated by Sun, negarmonichen, suffers from health, primarily in males, decreased vitality, suffers career. The nature is evident pride; arrogance; excessive desire b
The MOON symbolizes the feminine principle, emotional responses, conditional response. Stimulates the need to feel domestic support, demanding reach home and emotional safety. The Moon dictates the need for emotional serenity and sense of belonging to something, need to correctly perceive themselves. If Northwestern sector, managed by Luna is defective, it primarily affects the relations between households, i.e. jemoc
MARS is a symbol of the desire, the will to act, initiatives, activities, physical strength and vitality. It gives a person an energetic and aggressive solicitation of sexual motivation, the ability to act decisively. Determines the need for attaining desires, as well as the need for physically and sexually aroused. Disadvantages of the southern sector, which manages Mars always lead to passivity, indifference, apathy, which in turn, I
MERCURY is responsible for communications, the conscious mind (i.e. logical or rational mind). Reflects the need to express their perceptions and intellect through skill or speech. It symbolizes the need to establish relationships with other people, as well as the need to learn. Defects in the northern sector, managed by mercury, lead to lower achievement in school, as well as problems in the material sphere. In nature manifested wrong used
JUPITER is a symbol of abundance and grace. Stimulates the motivation in a person to greater order or connection with something greater than their own selves. Provides the need for faith, trust and confidence in life and yourself; the need for self improvement. The worst is when there is a defect in the north-eastern sector. It was from there that we receive all the good, including luck and wealth. Nature manifesting excessive self-confidence, laziness, RAS
VENUS is responsible for emotionally painted a taste, values. absolute energy exchange with others through their own impact and receive from others, the ability to share. Encouraged to have public recognition, love and express their affection, and also determines the need for pleasures. From Venus dependent relationship with your loved one, it defines the ability to feel comfort and harmony, as well as the ability to show their emotions. Handicap
SATURN is a symbol of discipline and restrictions. Induces a person to protect the integrity of its structure and ensures the pursuit of reliability and confidence through the osjazae menting achievements. Provides the need for public recognition; the need to rely on their own means, abilities and work. As a result of disharmony in this sector declining social status, a person can become rashljabannym and poignant, that is called "without a King in the head. In HA
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#Astrology Jyotish jenergiiplanet ##arturvedadp ##dnepr

In this period, any transportation is difficult, more...
In this period, any transportation is difficult, more often than usual, traffic accidents. Computers, software, any office equipment are more often out of order. This is not the right time to purchase computer equipment, it is not recommended to purchase vehicles and other items related to communication and moving, as well as any serious acquisitions, because With a high degree of probability there will be some weeks
This is an unfavorable time for starting serious negotiations, making any agreements, contracts, travel, employment, changing the type of activity, starting new projects.
The conclusions drawn at this time are likely to require re-examination and rethinking. Communication is difficult. Distortions, backlogs, difficulties with execution of documents, discrepancies, confusion, delays in payments hamper effective conduct of business.
This period is more suitable for restoring old ties, analyzing and adjusting the work done, finalizing past tasks. This period is favorable for those cases, agreements, deals that in the past failed.
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