October 12, 2016 (12-9-2016 according to the lunar calendar)
Lucky day! A good day to stay home and deal with, for example, repairs or construction. Good day to address important issues. An auspicious day for weddings, prayers and blessings.
Not worth the travel and travel abroad.
The main caveat of the day: don't cut hair, otherwise it could incur trouble. Not open pits.
China ###Calendar LunnyyKalendar Astrology #Meditation ##LunnyyDen
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
October 12, 2016 (12-9-2016 according to the lunar calendar)
[club107496695 | m] from @lezniva-Really started and forgot to share impressions...
[club107496695 | m] from @lezniva-Really started and forgot to share impressions about the training on astrologii💫🌌🌠 ♋ ♌ ♑ so clearly and the nail I have never read about his zodiac sign, as I heard it from the stunning psychologist, astrologer Anastasia Casanovas, I learned a lot of new and useful information, there's something for everyone in the future, stressed now differently will applies to many signs of 😯😂 and now I know what to color clothes should
#darine_team #Put′kIdealu #astrology #-
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And you know your zodiac sign on the exact time...
And you know your zodiac sign on the exact time and place of birth?
#natal′naâkarta #purpose ###konsul′taciâastrologa horoscope astrology
11 October-twelfth lunar day
12 lunar day c 15:45...
11 October-twelfth lunar day
12 lunar day c 15:45 and 11.10.2016 until the next day
Characters-the heart, the Holy Grail.
Stones-lapis lazuli, yellow, coral, Pearl, Pink Pearl.
The day of love and wisdom. Open hearts towards mercy and divine revelations. The world today is especially sensitive to your prayers.
Useful to visit temples, churches and other religious and cult places. Today it is impossible to cry and feel sorry for yourself, otherwise you can get bogged down in this State for a long time. All vices in itself should suppress, you can't be evil and greedy, fail on others, venturing bad. Usmirite pride in yourself, spend the day in a relaxed state. Meditate.
Others should be treated with mercy, otherwise, the mercy will pass by you. Giving gifts to your relatives, do not skimp on the affectionate words, let us alms, especially, if you so request. You can spend the rest of the day in seclusion, in attempts to contemplate their inner world. Try to clear your thoughts. Focus on the Astral images or on the water. Today you can find your place in this world.
12-e lunar day is the period of accumulating wisdom, comprehension of the world and themselves. The Moon helps a person to rise above the ordinary and grasp the interrelationship of all things in the universe. In this day it is possible to realize how the fate of all people are woven into a single thread of life. You are given another chance to gain global experiences of transformation, you snizojdut an enlightenment, revelation. 12nd lunar day is the day of mercy and compassion, inclusion of the cosmic energy of love.
In the 12-th lunar day before the man of heaven were opened, and it hears the gods. Today he will be rewarded for his faith.
Health and nutrition.
It is impossible to overeat, we also recommend that you do not drink alcohol, tobacco abuse. Today a huge force of water, so everything that has to do with water, it will be useful to the body.
"Under attack" are heart, respiratory tract, and lungs. It is useful to do penance for these bodies, take an expectorant. The burden on the heart are contraindicated. Medicines and cosmetics today are most effective, they can confidently use to treat. Recovery will contribute to your good mood.
Love and relationships.
With others, and even more so with friends, people you can't quarrel. If you have to flame — make up will be very difficult or even impossible. So be careful in communicating. In a pinch, retire and get a date with yourself. In love relationships may appear loose. The twelfth lunar day is the wrong time for the showdown, so serious conversations with elected or only set on other den
Despite possible conflicts, the day is propitious for marriage. It is believed that all marriages are made in heaven. If your relationship is strong, or you fell in love in "at a glance", then your family will be a solid and durable. Couples, who played a wedding in the twelfth lunar day, almost never break up.
Work and creativity.
To date, choose a quiet, passive work. You can't start anything new, also do not take cases that are of great importance for you. All could collapse at any moment. Set up to better time the solution of financial issues, litigation, real estate. For active work extremely unfavorable day.
Students, creative people and representatives of Science also will be hard-working, "snaps". With superiors have no better case. Also not worth today resign or go to the interview. Travel, travel better.
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##astropsihologiâ #Astrology zodiac signs #self-knowledge #interesting
Let's formulate some principles on...
Let's formulate some principles on which is based the answers to the questions: "How do we know that these people are not random and can become partners?" and "what is astrologically manifested a relationship between partners?"
Principle 1. The situation can exist only in accordance with the natal card.
Here are a few examples. If a person in tense map Venus, his love stories will always create any difficulties and problems, so if other astrological observations you assume "perfect" resonance, these prospects are not implemented, because contrary to the natal chart. If the seventh House person have Saturn, the relationship with the partner does not arise if it is not expressing the energies of Saturn: strongly over
Principle 2. People (i.e. its map) must always match his astrological map image partner.
For each person in your map there is a planet (or planets) and House defined by its function in your life and symbolizing it. Mistress is Venus, the fifth house and, partly, the Moon; Moon's wife, 7th House and, partly, Venus; husband-Mars, 7th House and, partly, the Sun, etc. status of the planets and houses in your chart and determine what astrological essence should be your partner. For example, if your Moon is in Weight
Principle 3. Between the cards of partners should be "ties", i.e. the possibility of convergence reflected their astrological fate.
To enable people to coexist, it is necessary that at least in some areas, they have simultaneously occurred events. This is achieved by the presence of aspects between planets maps of both people. Depending on what aspects, how accurate are they, what planet they bind, we can talk about the power of "bands" of two people. For people to constantly communicate with each other, must be sufficiently strong interaction particularly
Principle 4. Interaction partners card must bear a certain balance total (allowing people to understand each other) and different (which makes communication creative).
Often beginners astrologers are surprised when "perfect" from their point of view in the map people does not give confirmation in a real situation. This is not surprising. If communication does not incur any problems, it simply would lose meaning. It should always be somehow affect man, transform it, kauzirovat′ its development. On the other hand, the excess creates insurmountable problems for contact obstacles not allowing
Principle 5. Partner is a reflection of the person and, therefore, the map should be visible partner topical human problems.
As we said above: "human mirror" partner, to be more precise, not human "in General", and the person "now and now." As a display of domestic human development partner reflects primarily actual problems. If we consider partners of any person in the dynamics, then the situation will gravitate towards one of two types: 1) in the maps of all the partners is visible one global problem, which is also visible in the natal chart of this person; 2) maps
However in a real situation is far from necessarily we meet one of these extremes.
Based on these principles, it becomes clear why there is no "universal" method of selection of partners. Therefore, all the recommendations of the type "Taurus and Aquarius are incompatible, and cancer and Scorpio compatible" practically useless because they never take into account the specific situation and specific needs of the person. Moreover, how should analyse the situation can sometimes only in Dynamics, i.e., after analyzing existing
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
🌔12 Moon sutki🌖
waning gibbous
Tuesday, c 15:45 11...
🌔12 Moon sutki🌖
waning gibbous
Tuesday, c 15:45 11.10.2016 16:14 on 12.10.2016
Heart symbol, Holy Grail.
Stones-lapis lazuli, yellow, coral, Pearl, Pink Pearl.
The symbol of the current day is the heart. The day of love and wisdom. Open hearts towards mercy and divine revelations. The world today is especially sensitive to your requests, so you can ask him anything or spend the day in prayers. Useful to visit temples, churches and other religious and cult places. Today it is impossible to cry and feel sorry for yourself, otherwise you can get bogged down in this State for a long time. All vices in itself should suppress, you can't be evil and greedy, breakdown
Others should be treated with mercy, otherwise, the mercy will pass by you. Giving gifts to your relatives, do not skimp on the affectionate words, let us alms, especially, if you so request. You can spend the rest of the day in seclusion, in attempts to contemplate their inner world. Try to clear your thoughts. Focus on the Astral images or on the water. Today you can find your place in this world.
Another symbol of twelfth lunar-Holy Grail. Enjoying a drink from the Holy Communion chalice, man touches the divine becomes closer to cosmic mysteries. The whole world today focuses on divine grace. If you are this day feel anguish and sorrow, this may be a sign of a breach of your spiritual path. Also a bad omen is spilled liquid or broken crockery.
Dreams today good and bright. Sometimes through them the universe itself interacts with man. Almost all dreams come true, so try to memorize them and trust seen in dream images. If you have nightmares, don't be alarmed. They will not affect your life and be dispelled in the morning.
Health and nutrition. It is impossible to overeat, we also recommend that you do not drink alcohol, tobacco abuse. Today a huge force of water, so everything that has to do with water, it will be useful to the body. Drink more liquids can go sokoterapiej. Only opt out of Apple juice. It is believed that Apple is the fruit of a seduction that is incompatible with a rich spiritual energy current lunar day. You can start treating dropsy, alcoholism, water was swollen
"Under attack" are heart, respiratory tract, and lungs. It is useful to do penance for these bodies, take an expectorant. The burden on the heart are contraindicated. Medicines and cosmetics today are most effective, they can confidently use to treat. Recovery will contribute to your good mood. If you are sick, be tolerant and kind to others, don't think about bad and don't make wrong then popravites′ fast
Love and relationships. With others, and even more so with friends, people you can't quarrel. If you have to flame — make up will be very difficult or even impossible. So be careful in communicating. In a pinch, retire and get a date with yourself. In love relationships may appear loose. The twelfth lunar day is the wrong time for the showdown, so serious conversations with elected or only from
Despite possible conflicts, the day is propitious for marriage. It is believed that all marriages are made in heaven. If your relationship is strong, or you fell in love in "at a glance", then your family will be a solid and durable. Couples, who played a wedding in the twelfth lunar day, almost never break up. The only exceptions are those people who got married against their will. Also a bad sign is a quarrel between
For conception day extremely unfavorable. The child will suffer a lot. Perhaps nature will reward his celitel′skim gift, but mastering them man, if the twelfth day should be cleansed through many sorrows.
Work and creativity. To date, choose a quiet, passive work. You can't start anything new, also do not take cases that are of great importance for you. All could collapse at any moment. Set up to better time the solution of financial issues, litigation, real estate. For active work extremely unfavorable day. Students, creative people and representatives of Science also will be hard-work "
Born on this day, gracious and kind. His soul is stronger than the body, it takes energy in cosmic sources. This man is close to divine revelations. He's always around to help other people. The good deeds he has always time and energy. These people are often out numerous suffering but heart kindness and assistance a higher power helped him pass all tests. In the worst case, people turn away from the Holy Chalice, reject all combining
#lunnyesutki #Moon #Astrology #lunnyjden′ #fazaluny #simvoldnâ #Ayurveda
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[Club127400383 | 🎅 The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in Sochi, while a discount <- join us!]
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#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda
At soloist freak-cabaret band "Silver Wedding" Benko (it is the...
At soloist freak-cabaret band "Silver Wedding" Benko (it is the author and performer of songs) in the natal chart is tau square Venus (opposition to Chiron - Uranus).
In her work - songs and poetry - he felt very 😊.
If you want the whole "skin" feel the tau-square - listen to songs 😊.