25 January, Wednesday ✨ #astrological forecast
Who passed yesterday? Complaints of headache, Hung phones, "Cupid having descended» Internet and slow work SB😕. And how are you? Share in the comments 😊📋
Today will allow us to really look at things and clean up the mess in your head, on your desktop and in the home. To achieve success and satisfaction is by the end of the day:
✳ follow the planned schedule.
✳ say briefly and to the point.
✳ follow rules and regulations.
The day is favourable:
✔ for the signing official papers,
✔ long-term, serious and thoughtful cases requiring perseverance and concentration,
✔ for real estate operations, repairs
✔ for getting rid of bad habits
✔ for consultations with doctors
✔ to reclaim debts
✔ reporting and other financial and accounting documents
Sunny mood whatever the weather !!! ☀
#Astrology ###astrological forecast astrologer horoscope #lunnyj_kalendar' 😊
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
25 January, Wednesday ✨ #astrological forecast
Who passed yesterday? Complaints of...
FORECAST for 25 JANUARY, 2017.
All the energy of the...
FORECAST for 25 JANUARY, 2017.
All the energy of the day contributed to the determination and put stress on the topics of career growth. Also deals with themes of professional education and training. Day empowers us to clearly formulate thoughts on time and correctly use the information received and not neglect useful advice.
Communicating with superiors and officials will take place in the best possible way, as well as meeting.
It is a day of summing up, which can be combined with the discussion of news and Envisioning the next phase of any activity. Based on the latest data could be made an unexpected creative solution. But starting something new is not recommended.
You have a great possibility to negative to positive, using knowledge, relationships, and an original approach. Be sure to take care of compliance regime of secrecy regarding their ideas.
Direct all their efforts on those cases which can finish today, relieving thereby themselves for new opportunities. Be attentive and receptive to the needs of others, do not deny them help and support. On the front is the ability to forgive and sympathise with. Welcome also open-minded.
Do not engage in soul-searching!
The most successful are purple, gold, green, red, white color, you can use olive oil.
###Astrology horoscope Numerology
"We need to be contemporary and write what...
"We need to be contemporary and write what you see."
© Edouard Manet
And excellent analysis from [id22699192 | Igor Sivaka]:
When Ms venerianskom sign of TAURUS is one of the most likely areas of professional activity is that which, in one way or another, related to art, aesthetics.
But in order to "bind" the profession of art, one only MS in the sign of VENUS, of course, is not enough.
In the horoscope you need to find the factors confirming this initial hypothesis (or disprove it).
In addition to MS VENUS also manages the 3-m home communications (one of which is art) and is in the major aspects of the two rulers 5 home creativity-Jupiter and SATURN (both planets — angle!).
In the 3-m House we notice Moon in venerianskom the sign of Libra. She aspektiruet as its dispositor, Venus and Neptune, planet 5 home creativity and second signifikatora "aesthetics and art.
In principle, this could be and finish the analysis of the professional profile, which, as shown above, undoubtedly linked to the "creative aesthetic communication.
But it's worth considering horoscope for professional selection standard by is to open some nuances.
Uranium, as a final dispositor and aspektiruja square MS, points to the singularity and innovation that revolutionized nativ scope of their professional activity.
URANIUM sekstilem is associated with Venus, which reinforces the evidence of "aesthetic" direction of the profession.
JUPITER, the second planet dispozitorov chain is a corner and aspektiruet ASCENDANT, which strengthens its role in the choice of profession.
Jupiter is in 7-m House public and manages the 5-m home more creativity that brings us closer to a professional artist profile (person associated with art), "formula" which, I recall, includes relationship MS with 3, 5 and 7-m homes.
JUPITER is also in the aspect of kvindecilja ("obsessive intensity) with Saturn, 5 soupravitelem home and planet 1-home, aspektirujushhej Ms.
5-th House includes mercury (natural significator of communications and the ancient ruler of any artist) in contact with Saturn and Neptune, MS aspektirujushhij and the Moon in the 3-metre House that nominates him for the first several significations of the profession in this horoscope.
Being, along with Venus, signifikatorom "aesthetics" painting, Neptune is already quite explicitly associates the profession (as a "vocation") with the arts in General and painting in particular.
#iastro #astrology #iastro #Astrology #JeduardMane #quote

#Astrology #esoterics #horoscope
Moments in the life of zodiac signs...
#Astrology #esoterics #horoscope
Moments in the life of zodiac signs
Good luck-loyal companion of Ovnoy, but the problem lies in the behavior of these people. Aries ' imprudent and adamant. They Rod as tanks, not noticing the small things in your life. Fate gives them the signs only events indicating possible changes, and changing the way. Pay attention to what happens to you in moments when everything goes on as usual, but then abruptly changed.
Calves stars offer subtle strings, for which you want to manage to grab to get to a strong rope and tackle it with both hands. The problem is for Calves that make out in a stream of cases and events of these thin strands almost impossible, but there is a way out of the situation. Try to just take all the interesting cases and then sift through them in order of importance. So you will be able to select the correct "niti" fate.
The universe constantly guides you along a path that can lead you to the harbor. If you're strongly opposed to what is happening in your life, the consequences can be dire. Gemini is the Sign, whose fate depends on the logic. Try to avoid the miscalculations that make you go on the road, devoid of meaning.
Cancers fate indicates errors. If you want to keep your luck, then pay attention to the situation where you feel like all life goes downhill. If your marriage has collapsed, the business fell into decay or children disobey, then it proves that your life comes the fateful time when each of your steps for the future. It may be even better than the bright days of the past, so don't lose hope and uverennos
The Lions apparently useless giving signs, so the universe simply does everything herself for the Lions. This happens rarely, but aptly. In most of these cases, these people just accept any facts, then change their minds about people, events,. Sometimes this is very painful, but then everything becomes good. Parted with a loved one, and after a couple of months have created a strong marriage is about lions.
Virgos are seldom moments, because they deliberately ignore them. They have enough wisdom and knowledge in order to understand that this is the case, when their decisions for the future, but they lack courage. These people are afraid of change and want everything has always been so, as of now, at this point in time, therefore, to any situation headway, Virgins only need to force yourself to act.
Weight scales
Fate loves to give signs of Libra, because in such a case, they can simply go insane. Universe prefers simply to "adjust" the movement of these people, not letting them fall into the dirt face. Moments in the life of a Libra is a small fortune, which can be found every day. Someone found a lost wallet, somewhere happened to earn on the side, got a discount on expensive product — all gifts of destiny, not otherwise.
Scorpions destiny gives a chance to change your future just two or three times in my entire life, but it is a very great gifts that require certainty. Be aware that if fate puts you in front of the choice, with any one of them is positive for you and you are sure that this is your chance to make your life brighter, then pull. The universe will not wait for you to compare all the pros and cons. Make a decision using the inner voice. He will not disappoint you.
Archers in their moments of life can feel a strong tide determination, the wave of good mood. When life prepares you to "delicious cake" in the form of an event that at such moments as if air is heated. Around you as if you receive a certain aura, attracts good luck. If you are inspired, excited, then it is time to change its present and its future.
Capricorns have all is progressing. In childhood and youth Universe rarely intervenes in the lives of these people, but then the degree of assistance grows proportionally. That is why hardworking Capricorns often seek success than lazy. Consider these interventions of fate in their life they almost never can, therefore, think that only their genius and subtle calculations.
Aquarius have a similar situation with ibexes. They know what they want, but go to this only in the case of full freedom of action. When the Aquarius is the initial impetus, they become happier, richer and more successful. If you feel that you have a definite goal in life and the means to achieve it, you should know that this is the sign of destiny, telling you: "forward".
Fish signs of destiny can serve as quiet moments, when nothing distracts them from their problems. When you left to themselves, it is said that pleasant coming changes that at first may seem not very pleasant. One way or another but the fate to you kind until you want to find their place in life.
Horoscope for today from StopKilo for all zodiac signs:
Horoscope for today from StopKilo for all zodiac signs:
Read: http://stopkilo.net/horoscope/
##Znakizodiaka astrology horoscope ##forecast #StopKilo
STAY energetically pure
1. Avoid contact with people who you...
STAY energetically pure
1. Avoid contact with people who you are unpleasant and uninteresting. Not to attract their attention, do not get involved in the debate, do not make in respect of their good deeds.
2. Being in crowded places, try not to let strangers close to your spine - in the 10-15 cm away from the back passes human energy axis, the most vulnerable - to influence the subtle energies. Good to use as a perfume with essential oils of rosemary, eucalyptus and clove - their scent around you will create a strong protective energy field.
3. Try not to eat food prepared unhealthy, tired, irritable or bad related to you people, even if you are very hungry.
4. In the apartment you have to be your area, your personal living space - the so-called personal comfort zone, where no one can invade without your permission.
5. Handle with found objects, especially jewelery, amulets, personal things - you do not know the fate of their master, and they can be saturated very negative energy information.
6. Gifts also be treated with caution - many of them can weaken you, even to the serious and long-term diseases. Take only those gifts to which you "is the soul."
7. Exercise:. Running, swimming, fitness and aerobics, work out cycling, etc., etc. Take care of your health, physically unhealthy people not only can not resist the attack of energy, but he can gradually turn into a vampire.
8. Do not try on, and do not wear other people's things. Do not use personal belongings sick and dead people. Do not let their personal belongings for temporary use.
9. Be kind, most diplomatically and psychologically flexible. Try to move away from conflicts or mitigate them. Learn to forgive. Do not respond to evil with evil - with irritation and anger of you go vitality.
10. Smile more often. Learn to enjoy every day of your life, notice the beauty of the surrounding world. Love yourself, love people, love life.
astrology #astropsihologij ###power #spirituality purity