Astrological forecast for the week of 17 to 23 April from Vedic astrologer, a specialist in the selection of successful dates Helena Grushinoj
It will be a very successful week. Two planets, the Sun and Venus are in the biggest force. And it promises a lot of bonuses. Family Idyll, which lasted the whole of April and ends this week.
The Sun gives us success and in the profession, and in business. Open great opportunities for increasing profits have lucrative contracts and proposals. Open great prospects of career growth. However, luck will smile only those who are ready to take responsibility and show their personal "I", so to say, become a leader. After all, the Sun is the planet leaders.
Leaders will have a great opportunity to build the right relationship with co-workers, subordinates, partners with contractors. Worth a listen to recommendations of stars and work competently display personal boundaries. Quietly, efficiently, without pressure and despotism. This rise of the Sun (our) can exacerbate conflicts and quarrels, if doing all mindlessly and overly expressive. In addition, carefully analyze opportunities because there are
Relationship with the children soon, quarrels and conflicts will go on there, will reign the family Idyll and understanding. Parents require more attention, moms and dads will want to spend time with children. Separately the signs of the zodiac:
️ Aries ♈. You will find professional success, new career achievements. Move only forward. To projects that would benefit.
♉ ️ Taurus. This week you will have an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their creative energy in the profession, and good luck to you will be pulled back.
♊ ️ twins. Before you open up new financial opportunities, there is a possibility of receiving lucrative contracts.
♋ ️ cancer. The long-awaited advent of understanding with children, not Communists. Great time for a family trip with children.
♌ ️ Lion. A very successful week. You're on a horse, it is important to exercise leadership, firmness and brightness. Stop being in the shadows.
️ Virgo ♍. Be careful of money may be financial losses. Leading a reasonable dialogue with partners.
♎ ️ Scales. Misunderstanding may arise with partners if leave without attention to current affairs and too like other projects. As everyone was not udachnona work, do not forget about the family.
♏ ️ Scorpio. For you there will be a perfect time to refurbish homes, landscaping and creating home coziness. An excellent time for spring-cleaning.
️ Sagittarius ♐. Your children will require a lot of attention from you, see that they do not want to sit you on the neck. Correct personal boundaries with children will help you in the future when the kids grow up, avoid resentment and misunderstanding.
♑ ️ Capricorn. This week-time to devote themselves to family and his partner, it is important not to idealize him strongly not to lose your own luck. Try to find an opportunity and take time for yourself.
️ Aquarius ♒. For you the stars predict financial stagnation, stumble in the contracts. So stand on the break and devote time and attention to his family. Enjoy love and happiness.
♓ ️ fish. Family happiness next, just stretch out your hand. Review the requirements to ideal partners and cease to remodel the one you love. Accept the person as it is. And then you will find happiness.
🔮V Saturday, April 22, and Vedic astrologer Elena Grushina begins a series of encounters with those who are interested in astrology. It will be about the influence of stars on personal happiness. Admission is free to the first meeting. Each participant will receive FREE of CHARGE our meeting your card personal life and learns about the power of Venus in your horoscope. Come April 22 at 14.00 (Kirov str., 143).
Sign up for a meeting, you can by phone. 8 952 522 70 60 or write
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In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Monday, April 17, 2017
Astrological forecast for the week of 17 to 23 April...
Today we have wind, wave and tide. By the sea...
Today we have wind, wave and tide. By the sea I rest my soul, forces if get tired physically. Drawn to vode🙈😄 can because the Moon in my horoscope is in cancer (the element of water). Do you believe in horoscopes and astrology?) #Evpatoria #Crimea #sea #chernoemore #Astrology #luchshijotdyh @ Quay Bitter
Neptune and frustration in marriage.
Neptune descendente sometimes gives the...
Neptune and frustration in marriage.
Neptune descendente sometimes gives the happiest marriages in the world, with partner creative, sincere man. But that "sometimes". More commonly, lesions, there is disappointment when the partner is a matter of time and, accordingly, the quality Mark Cross, Cardinal — fast — fast medium or PISCES (with doubting "stay-go"), is not fixed soon.
In the case of a plot of this song, as it seems to me, Neptune was in a crucial sign:) The frustrations of marriage came unusually quickly 😄
And, by the way, the meaning here involved any element of 2/8 homes, the times we are talking about "bought". About such a marriage can be said that he was "not looking" was hasty and "bought": Neptune (fish) in 7 home; Mars (and 1st House); something from 2/8 houses:) And almost excluded, that marriage was the harmonious aspects:)
Here and total intoxication, and frustration, and repentance — a typical Neptune 😏
The lyrics of the song:
If only he knew, so had,
Than I got married so early.
Poor boy.
Before the marriage was healthy.
Complexion had Crimson,
As kogorchik.
I bribed a matchmaker,
One hundred roubles suggested-
And I'm sold.
Right so I surprised
In the upper room found myself.
Was scary.
There's the bride sits Lysá,
As oshparennaja rat.
All grey.
No teeth, face tart,
All it Yes ponavislo.
Like rags.
Bosota, take your time
And so early did not marry-
Everything will be OK.
If no capital
You proshhupajte first,
That take, Oh, that take ...
#marriage #illusion #frustration #remorse #Neptune #descendent #astrology
#Astrology #MPPG #horoscope #of one sign #half
Relationships with a partner with the same zodiac sign can be quite difficult, as the zodiacal colleague will reflect both your best and the worst features. Let's see how this works for every sign.
1. Aries
It will be a tough couple. You are both hot and hot-tempered; Both are bending their line and are inclined to blame each other when things go unimportantly. On the other hand, you mutually nourish your passionate natures and know how to have fun together. Your relationship is a constant struggle, and even the real battles of the Titans.
2. Taurus
Taurus monstrously obstinate and differ in inflexible and narrow-minded thinking. If you are driving on the same track, it's great. If not, then both of you should expand your comfort zones, and this is a difficult task for any of you. You are both unbending in your opinion, because if one Taurus is a liberal, and the second is a conservative, be a trouble. The only thing in what you are similar is in the love of sensual pleasures.
3. Gemini
Gemini with each other is never boring, and in this alliance is a lot of unpredictability. One of you should be more stable, so that the relationship has a future, because this sign is inclined to impermanence and windy, and also does not have deep attachments. Nevertheless, you know how to pronounce all your problems to solve them, plus you both adore a bright social life.
4. Cancer
One of the best alliances between the same signs. Both Cancers are people oriented towards family and coziness, convinced domestic folk and introverts. The biggest drawback: when you learn to tolerate the moods and moods of your partner (and not take them personally!), A sexual spark may disappear between you.
5. The Lion
The union is lively, cheerful and short-lived. You both need a lot of love and compliments, and, as a rule, the Lions suffer a lot, not receiving them. And they both want to be the only center of attention. Lion's relations are very passionate, which is good for sexual life, but in everyday life, be careful in words and actions, since they can destroy everything. A key condition in relations is mutual respect.
6. The Virgin
If you both serve one higher purpose, then this is the covenant made in heaven. Just do not try to improve your partner, analyze or criticize his behavior - it instantly kills all passion. It is better to plant trees together or engage in yoga, to identify each other only the best.
7. Scales
It can be a wonderful union, since both of you are set up to make your partner happy and always stand up for balance and justice. The danger, however, is that you will remain too superficial, that is, outwardly project love and affection, and inside conceal insults. Rinse out the boat periodically to work together to restore balance.
8. The Scorpion
Passion, danger, intrigue - this is the scorpion couple! Perhaps even too much passion and intrigue. Trust is the key component that this union is cementing. If one or both partners are prone to jealousy and suspicion, then the relationship will turn into a real hell. Share your feelings and emotions so as not to "store" offenses until they reach a critical mass.
9. Sagittarius
The most cheerful couple, crazy about activity! Both Sagittarius will race motorcycles or go kayaking, so as not to get bored. The principledness and conviction of both can lead to bitter discussions, but in their case it is in disputes and truth will be born. The problem with Sagittarius will arise when one of them wants commitments, and the second will prefer to remain free as the wind. They are connected mainly only by high
10. Capricorn
Romantic relationships you will not work, as you are both the most sober of all the sober realists. Nevertheless, your practical nature allows you without illusions to give an assessment to your partner. In this relationship, you can be yourself. Just do not let your ambitions, snobbery or aspirations for status prevail over your positive human qualities.
11. Aquarius
Aquarians are very open and can be tolerant of the antics of their partner. And so both partners-Aquarius - it's probably better friends than lovers. The emotional sphere is not their strong point, and the display of tender feelings for Aquarius is equivalent to getting out of the comfort zone. They are always so far removed from each other that a true passion between them is hardly possible.
12. Pisces
You are both rare dreamers - and it works for both you and you. Two Pisces can swim endlessly in their fantasies, never emerging out into the harsh reality. Pisces tend to wear rose-colored glasses, which means that you completely trust the partner and always justify him, even if he does not deserve it. Your weakness is the joint budget and inability to manage finances.