Astrology ###pluton mlechnyy_put
Mysterious Pluto
the continuation of the publication of excerpts from the book Donna Cunningham "Healing Pluto Problems"
The following interpretations considered Pluto in various aspects, and houses in some of the signs. Interpretation houses are arranged in order, similar provisions are grouped together. For example, Pluto in the third house is grouped with aspects between Pluto and Mercury, and Mercury in Scorpio, because all it has similar symptoms. None of the aspects is not like the other, but there are similarities that can help to find an astrologer similar themes. Nap
The strength varies grouped combinations. An exemplary procedure is as follows:
Pluto in hard aspect to the planet.
Pluto in the house.
Planet in Scorpio.
Planet Scorpion in the house.
Scorpio on the cusp of the house.
Pluto in the sign.
In addition to the position of Pluto in the first house, the location of individual interpretations consistent with their approximate strength, I appreciated it, and it can sometimes vary. Aspects covered in the main voltage (conjunction, polukvadratura, quadrature, polutorakvadratura, Quinconces, the opposition). Sometimes even a trine from Pluto can give you some of these trends. Conjunction - the most powerful of all, and the influence of sextile can be almost neglected.
🍀INTERPRETATSII position of Pluto
🏈PLUTON in the first house
(All strong Pluto aspects to the Ascendant, Ascendant in Scorpio, Scorpio Planets in the first house. The aspects of Pluto and Mars will be considered separately).
This is a difficult situation, especially when the Pluto close to the Ascendant or its aspects the. These people are most likely can be attributed to plutoniantsam (see chap. 2). Fighting energy can be manifested in their physical appearance. These people manage to look quite different, stand out from the environment - for example, wear black leather jackets, sexually provocative clothing, have a weight problem, or gloomy, dejected look. You can almost hear them saying,
Plutoniantsy can alienate itself from the other, because they can go with a defiant look, radiating indignation. They can strictly control its external expression, not trusting the world any important information and looking at all invariably critical. Being angry or offended, they are removed in solitude. In the relationship they can do for others too much, and can bind other to his communication like a symbiosis. If this fails, RESULT
It's a powerful position, if used constructively, because these people can have a huge impact on their surroundings. If they master the use of energy, their impact on others will be very large. This is one of the hallmarks of a healer or therapist, because such people can look directly into the root of the problem and give other people the ability to heal themselves. They can also be mediums consciously or not.
🏈PLUTON in the second house
(Planet Scorpion in the second house, Scorpio in the second house)
Fighting forces can focus on the money, which no doubt is an important topic for parents. When parents give a child something, they largely control it, so the "Giving" was accompanied by resentment: handouts to the rope was tied, holding the child close to the addiction. As a result of these differences do not plutoniantsy between money and control, or may have a lot of money, or do not have them at all.
Some people like to spite fail, they are accompanied by chronic financial difficulties. This can happen if the parents the child had predicted that he would never not achieve anything in the field of finance. There may be a strong resentment against the people who have the money (one customer calls the "philistines" rich people). Some people rise up against any of the methods of making money, confusing leadership in the process to control. Resentment associated with de
Poverty itself can be a control mechanism in the relationship. This means that such people can form bonds by type of symbiosis with those who "helps" them to form a relationship to control or being rejected. Word about the lack of money they finish any sentence, it is their trump card ( "I can not do what you want, because I have no money"). What kind of a role here can play and sexuality, but then both sides, etc.
The reverse side of the coin can be seen in individuals who earn a decent amount of money, but they do it for the sake of establishing control in the relationship, or on the environment. These plutoniantsy - "helpers" associated with people who can not do without their financial support. This seemingly gives plutoniantsu second home better position in the relationship (because he who pays the piper calls the tune), and also creates a sense that he is not Mauger
If you put a number of keywords for Pluto, and for a second home, you get the "earning power", which is the structural interpretation of the situation. People with Pluto in the second house, working hard to get rid of the negative trends of plutonic, t. E. Resentments, anger, guilt, combat forces and governance based on finances, can achieve incredible success. They can literally be money magnets, wizards, spo
🏈PLUTON in the third house
(Pluto Aspects Mercury, Mercury in Scorpio, Scorpio in the third house).
These people believe that the word has the power to destroy. They are extremely careful with respect to what they say as if not to give any information that others could use to harm them or to control them. Such conditions are added, if at least one family member had a black belt in karate language - sarcastic, sardonic man who had a child to resist forces. It could well be a brother or sister
As an adult, plutoniantsy third house may be afraid or verbal abuse, or themselves be unrestrained in words and sarcastic, sharing the view that the best defense - attack. Another possibility is that the words can be in the focus of combat forces - as long as they have not had their say, they have the upper hand. In the relationship they can do alone. As subordinates, they can withhold documents or other important information. Being a student
People who use this situation constructively, receptive and deep in thought and communication. They are gifted with the ability to see other people's motivation and can penetrate deeply into any problem. They can use the word for healing, getting right into the heart of the question. They are analytic great writers and teachers. Instead of being manipulated, they can use words to influence others and inspiring them to do good works.
🏈PLUTON in the fourth house
(Pluto Aspects of the Moon, the Moon is in Scorpio, Scorpio planets in the fourth house, Scorpio in the fourth house).
This is a very plutonic personality. especially when Pluto is near the cusp of the fourth house. One of the parents, most likely the mother was a domineering man, seeking to impose their views and manage others. If one parent has dominated open, the other can more finely manipulate the child: "We are together with you against this monster." Often in the building there is a strong, but not pronounced insult, particularly in regard to the needs of Reb
If a man Moon in Scorpio or an aspect between the Moon and Pluto, it can be hard to trust women; It can be an insult to them or the desire to manipulate them, to make women symbiotically dependent and thus avoid rejection. The parent with such a situation may arise outrage to have to take care of the child, and at the same time it can overcompensate or symbiotically tied the child, making it too for m
When a person with a Scorpio or Pluto in the fourth house becomes an adult, his house could become a battleground for the struggle between the forces; or to avoid a repeat of what was in the parental home, he decides to live alone. It can be difficult to live alone, unless this person has no absolute control over the situation. He says: "My house - my fortress, my secret hideout, and I can not stand the need to share it with someone." It is essential that people with t
If they will heal childhood trauma and resentment, it will be easier to live with someone else. Then family life becomes a source of refreshment, it gives them a healing energy, which allows to go to the outside world. They have the ability to heal itself from the fresh trauma and teach it, can share their knowledge with other people with similar injuries.
🏈PLUTON in the fifth house
(Planet of Scorpio in the fifth house, accented by Pluto in Leo, Scorpio in the fifth house. The aspects of Pluto and the Sun will be discussed separately).
For those who have Pluto in Scorpio or planets in the fifth house - at least in the older generation - often there is a situation of forced marriage because of pregnancy. And even for people who are married, pregnancy can be used as a means to establish control in the relationship - for example, as a guarantee that the spouse will not go away. Since this is not the most successful way to control such people as a result of h
On the other hand, people with such a situation may opt out of the idea of having children. If the parents denied the child, he grows up, it becomes fear or prejudice to requirements which may bring his own children. He fears that parental responsibility will prevail over the rest of life, and will not leave him anything for themselves. In addition, parenthood - is unwanted energy consumer. A childlessness can be a kind of revenge -
When Pluto is in the fifth house or accentuated in Leo, one of the parents could read reverently creative abilities of the child and see it as a means to achieve wealth and power. Overdone, it can go too far, and then talent becomes the focus of combat forces. It has happened to many people with Pluto in Leo - because it was the first generation that has enough free time and resources to develop
🏈PLUTON in the sixth house
(Planet of Scorpio in the sixth house, Scorpio in the sixth house, possibly Pluto in Virgo).
This situation often points to people obsessed with work to such an extent that they become workaholics. These people are, but do not tolerate the situation servants work insatiably, but do not tolerate working too hard. Such people believe that the work - it is their own way to power, and indeed unnoticed gain influence, becoming absolutely necessary. Because this desire for power is easy to notice and the head and staff, these people are not
Sixth House - This is another house of health, so the natal or transiting Pluto here indicates the possibility of the disease because of accumulated grievances. The disease may be the only available means to stop the insatiable employment work. If you get through the work of the power failed, plutonianets sixth house can be controlled by other diseases - become disabled, around which everything will run. Guaranteed a symbiosis: one compulsory
As used constructively, this provision refers to people who work by continuously transform themselves, knowing that the work and relationships at work - it's a microcosm that reflects life.
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