#деловые_женщины_в_контакте #Astrology #horoscope
❗ ❗ ❗ All that you are doing today, check and pereproverjaj is the probability of error or miscalculation. You will mainly engage in financial matters. At least, from the morning until lunchtime. In the afternoon, someone from close work environment will assist you in promoting your affairs. Don't forget to thank that person eventually.
Today you projavish' yourself. The guide will be delighted with such an employee! It is a pity that it's not forever. Your energy and initiative-Yes, all staff across the country. And yet, if you need money, it is today worth formalizing a credit loan, borrow at all. In the evening, relax and enjoy a good vyspis'.
Today you're going like hot cakes-your opinion and your Board will need many. The result in many cases and projects will fully depend on you-from your creativity, initiative, generally ranging from a desire to work on this topic. In the evening you'll feel universal fatigue, as well as the satisfaction of accomplishment and successful achievements.
On this day thou shalt perform many of the cases of which we are all aware of is not recommended. This period will be supportive of some privacy, intimacy. In the afternoon, whatever you signed-look both ignoring the treaties, protocols, etc., do not put your signature. It is fraught with consequences.
Today, someone who is stronger or older you will try to help you in your affairs. No otvergaj helping hand. Under your pressure and pressure of your assistants, event goals and projects gain greater stability and form. Keep moving in the selected direction and do not change yourself and your business. Remember: persistence is a sign of skill.
At the beginning of the day you will experience difficulty with a resolution of many production issues. You will have to seek help from colleagues. Which, by the way, they will provide you with joy. And you, and the guide will be very satisfied with the result. In the afternoon you will be able to resolve some important issues relating to the economic situation.
Weight scales
Today it is important how you will dispose with incoming information to you. The news will relate to the relationship to you of some staff and colleagues. In cases requiring immediate and practical solutions, emerges a clear success and progress. The afternoon will be made important acquisitions-and in the House, and in the Office. And in the evening you will go to the guests.
Day will be active early in the morning-you have to solve many organizational issues. You will assume the role of Manager and administrator. It is also worth to bring order to your workplace. In the afternoon you can establish your personal relationship with your partner, you'll come to an agreement and give each other another chance.
Someone will help you in solving your business. And this someone wish to remain invisible and hidden from your eyes. Thank him mentally. So much so that its service will be important and essential. Also today you can allow any of his family's financial problems. And in the evening expect surprise from their home.
A day you will be in "combat readiness" and going to try not to miss their chance to you and the right. You will engage in concrete and practical actions. By the end of the day you will see that day was not in vain, and you managed to do quite a lot. Program your Hydroplane on a romantic date night, with dinner, and, of course, followed by breakfast.
This is a good and successful day. During the workday, you'll catch a lot, so unspeakably will be happy your guide. You hear its many pleasant flattery and compliments. You earned them! You will be offered a lucrative contract with abroad. And will raise an issue on your business trip there.
Need to go on a business trip, or just leave the Office to decide any case outside will break your plans for today. Not worth severely upset about this. In the afternoon you will receive support and tangible assistance from colleagues and partners. Pleasant communication, presents and easy flirt are expected at the end of the day and evening. Enjoy!
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Monday, January 30, 2017
#деловые_женщины_в_контакте #Astrology #horoscope...
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
#astrobudushee #horoscope predictions ###divination esoteric astrology ##zvezdygovoryat
Wonderful poems about each Sign of the Zodiac! (part 3...
Wonderful poems about each Sign of the Zodiac! (part 3)
#Astrology #MPPG #horoscope of #vstihah #part 3
And you can imagine what your zodiac sign is dedicated to this poem?
Read with pleasure!
SAGITTARIUS 23.11-21.12
Oh, this sign! Fire! Around so much light!
Marie Stewart, Empress Lizaveta,
De Gaulle and Churchill, Razin and Plekhanov.
Various ages. Peoples. The country.
Kropotkin, Lunacharsky, Karamzin.
But look at the way one for them.
Musset, Toulouse-Lautrec and Berlioz,
The path of doom. Way ideas and tears.
Horace, Zhukov, Garibaldi, Twain.
The way the cleanest and highest change.
Beethoven, Strauss, Swift, Milton.
Sarcastic laughter, rolling stone.
Sagittarius-sign travel and Victories.
Dreams on Earth leaving a trail.
He is charming. Sincere and straight.
He strives not to greed and money.
Life for him-comfort and cleanliness.
It lead to Harmony, practicality and beauty.
He is the lightning! Mutable fire!
He is fast because he has a horse.
It is dangerous because it has a bow.
He is very loyal and good friend.
Optimistic and impatient.
He is stubborn. Dynamic. Not talkative.
Can accurately take reshen'ja.
Can wait. Transfer lishen'ja.
Knows how to flirt and loves it.
Gambling and ready to run to the edge of the world.
Sagittarius does not change its nature.
Life for Sagittarius-chain of adventures.
They are tireless. Adamant.
Zhizneljubivy and Restless.
CAPRICORN December 22-January 20
They don't like their light beckons twilight.
Motto-no need to change everything is very good and so.
Practical. Punctual and correct.
Reliable, as the Earth, are simple, honest.
Yes, cool, but love deeply,
And feelings to express them very easily.
In any work he had successes.
He can paint, wearing armor.
As Joan of arc, as Shishkin as Perov.
It can be a chain of words.
Zhukovsky, Kipling, Griboyedov, Miscavige and Moliere,
With goat's horns, they are not afraid of the barrier.
Everything before they have even tasted like a Pompadour or Marie de Plessis,
It may intrigue Plait,
That is not rasputaet her and the devil himself,
It is a sign of destiny. It doesn't need a charm.
Its appearance do not care does not entail.
It clean energy flows.
Gods invested in them as resistance in the machine,
That should rise to the top.
The fate of the main advantage they gave
-They nekolebimy like a rock.
He will dig though to skonchan'ja light
While not dig up the answer.
While he's in the lead, not make gold
He never would tell-all! The end!
Ascetic. Obstinate and hard working.
Stable. Secretly. Thy.
It's all good, but cons it is darkness.
Cruelty. Parsimony,:, Heartlessness, Emptiness ...
And yet he had success everywhere:
In the Earth and under the Earth and in the sky, and in the water.
AQUARIUS 21.01-19.59
They Angel in half involved with the demon.
The character of different interests.
Very sharp wit.
Does not like theatricality,
But all shocking them pulls on the complexity.
Fighters for Truth and justice. Servants Of The Faith.
But poshlovaty and preskvernye manners.
Gullible. Religious and mystical.
Sometimes tolerated, sometimes despotichny.
Nepronicatel'ny. Sometimes very naïve.
And the slogan they become such a simple but wonderful:
-"Don't do as I do, and do as I tell you!"
They are very visible difference deeds and words.
But The Air. Gabby. Cheerful and lively.
Stubborn and chatty, but evil.
Promiscuity. Coldness and calculation.
But objectivity, honor, teamwork, how to score in the standings.
Here's Lincoln, Burns, here's Byron, Edison, Jules-Verne, Maugham, here is the Galileo
Vysotsky, Shevardnadze and "Tatyana's day".
Charles Darwin was a scientist-Aquarius.
Gave the world "the truth," and we all believe it!?!
Not jealousy and pity is a plus.
But it is hypocritical, porvjot any Union.
But married and friends-it is very inconvenient,
As should always be free!
FISH 19.02-20.03
Intuition in them to the highest extent
Live simultaneously, and Mozart and Salieri.
They are honest. Hardworking. Systematic.
And at the same time, impressionable, pensive and very romantic.
Idealists. Their life-quest for knowledge.
Harmony, beauty, a chain of disappointments
That the world is not perfect and in reality
-No Spirit, and a gold in vulgar materiality.
Prefer the truth. Don't like the changes.
Born tired and full of doubt.
Water-but more like a gas.
Truth in them his own, not visible to the eye.
They live their lives special
Distant from people from the world of realism.
However, it is not always at odds with itself,
Between the Budget and the throne, Throne and prison.
A man's life will take place-just one loving.
He understands all-but not yourself.
However, cons: Duality and laziness.
Evasiveness. Withdrawal from life in shadow.
Plaque gloominess. Insane have.
And the joy of children's-Delight and Naivety.
Rossini, Chopin, Mikel'andzhello,
Hugo, Caruso, Handel and Einstein,
And Washington, and Gorbachev, Steinbeck.
The gods subject to everything-and Gad, and people.
And creating a fish, they decided to so
-Let it be the most constant and persistent sign,
Their not possible Neither persuade nor tame,
They can only win by force!
King of swords in combination with other cards of the...
King of swords in combination with other cards of the Tarot
With the card "the jester"-conflict with the child.
With the card "Mag"-the strategy in action.
With map "high Priestess"-knowledge.
With the card "Empress"-conflict with his wife.
With the card "the Emperor"-conflict at work, in the family. An influential man who keeps everything in its power and under control.
With the card "Hierophant"-actions that characterized the damage. Act according to the rules.
With the card "the lovers"-crisis in relations.
With the card "the chariot"-seek at any cost.
With a map of "power" is manifestation of great willpower, courage, the combination of mind and strength in the right order.
With the card "the hermit"-solitude; without response.
With the card "wheel of Fortune"-denting its line.
With the card justice-judge, lawyer or attorney.
With the card "the hanged man"-punished.
With the "death" card-a widower; sad changes.
With the card "moderation"-mental adaptation.
With the card "the devil"-cruelty.
With the card "the tower"-divorce; the loss; material damage; loss of credibility.
Star card-hope for improvement; Thanks to the power of the mind to blaze their way.
"Moon" card-to lose her sanity; disease.
With map "Sun"-mental update; the idea has received recognition.
With the card "Court"-development of mental abilities.
With the card "the world" project, associated with the World Wide Web.
#Алория_Собинова #Tarot #runes #Astrology #karma

Advice from runologa, an astrologer, numerologa Tatiana Kovaleva.
Cute girl...
Advice from runologa, an astrologer, numerologa Tatiana Kovaleva.
Cute girl, this post is dedicated to active planet with the male character, namely Mars. Today, 28 January, this assertive planet moved in a strong sign of Aries until 10 March!
What to expect? Of course, first of all we are waiting for the active and decisive action on the part of men of knightly deeds.
What should I do? Give us men win so themselves control your emotions, direct them to targets who have long waited for active action from you. Need a team? It's time to gather and become a leader. Time for action, not only at work but also in the gym. Long like elastic body? Our goal today-tomorrow we go to the gym.
Mars reveals the will, powerful energy, activity, dedication, resourcefulness and efficiency. However, this planet and have negative traits: short temper, irritability, anxiety, 1945, adventure.
So girls, switch to brutalov and softer than the former.
From heart to heart ❤ ❤ your Casket of happiness!
#larecschast'jaastrologija ###Astrology astrologer astrological forecast #esoterics #divination #движениепланет_лц
Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) can see and...
Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) can see and describe in different ways by different people. These signs are able to adjust to the interlocutor, based on with whom to communicate and allowing to see only what is expected of them. They never give themselves completely.
Astrology horoscope ####znaki_zodiaka twins Sagittarius ###maiden fish