#fish #Astrology #music #splin
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Sunday, December 11, 2016
#fish #Astrology #music #splin
Friends recall that at any moment you...
Friends recall that at any moment you can join training on our copyright courses on Vedic Astrology:
: white_check_mark: on Sundays and Mondays-FROM GABY SATORI
: white_check_mark: Saturdays-NAKShATRY FROM GIVEN SATORI
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##Astrology Jyotish astrologer ###vedicheskieznaniya vedicheskayaastrologiya vedicheskiyastrolog ###kursastrologii obuchenieastrologii
πππ Friends, have time to enjoy π ππ
✨ ✨ record is limited
7 (923...
πππ Friends, have time to enjoy π ππ
✨ ✨ record is limited
7 (923) 320-11-14
##Astrologer astrology horoscope ##goroskopkrasnoyarsk
ASTROPROGNOZ December 10, 2016, 12 lunar day (14:44), the...
ASTROPROGNOZ December 10, 2016, 12 lunar day (14:44), the waxing Moon in Aries / Taurus. A beautiful day for a visit to the temple. Sincere godly prayers today reaches the heavens, and are heard. It is advisable to pay more attention to home and family, it is recommended not to be away from home. Day of reconciliation and forgiveness, restoration and establishment of relations.
The whole day went well, but everything that happens you are not too happy. Later, analyzing the events of this Saturday, you will realize that you are lucky in many ways. If you plan to solve some operational and business matters, please pay attention to the little things, try not to lose sight of, and in the case of any difficulty, please contact the experts - their tips will come in handy. Day for communicating with women: they are good helpers and good company
Lucky day: stars are on your side, and you will be able to take advantage of it. In the morning is think about plans for the future, talk to people who can help bring them to life. You can easily infect minded ideas and a common cause will help strengthen relationships, to forget past differences and disputes. It will take only a few hours, and you can move from thought to action. The favorable combination of circumstances will quickly cry of
The day went well, especially for those who have been decided on the goals and know how they can be achieved. Any experiments should be well thought out; try to minimize the risk. There are good buys, and transactions, as well as unexpected gifts. Pay attention to the little things; details which at first glance seem insignificant, may soon play an important role. Likely surprises, incidents that violate the usual rit
A good day to start the appropriate cooperation and joint activities. You will find like-minded people will be able together with them to realize the daring ideas. Do not count on an easy victory: you have to work hard. Efforts not be in vain, you will get even more than expected. Business sense brings you not. Where it comes to finance and property, you do not make mistakes. It will be able to help the people you care about, give good advice to those
Pay attention to how your relationship with others: a lot will depend on what will be possible to find common ground, to reach a compromise. There may be differences due to the last detail. There is nothing wrong with what you are looking for different things; do not be offended if some of your ideas are not supported. The likelihood of success in cases requiring creative approach. You are not afraid of bold experiments, non-standard solutions. largely supported by stars
A suitable day to change something in my life. Here you can rely on your intuition: it does not let you down, time will tell what must be done. Surrounding do not always support your ideas, many Virgos have to act on your own risk. It will be able to learn a lot, to get information that will come in handy soon. Day for meetings with potential business partners, discuss issues related to cooperation and
The day will be controversial and quite stressful, especially for those who had planned a lot of different things. Hardly be able to do everything: every now and then on the way there are obstacles, the probability of various delays, sometimes unfortunate situation prevents to follow through. You can count on the help of friends: they are nearby and willing to come to the rescue. Useful change of scenery; even a small trip to cheer you give a lot of positive emotions. The second item
The day starts very well. In the first half of its possible surprises, unexpected gifts, as well as the matches, thanks to which you'll get the path to success. Likely interesting acquaintances, meeting with people who are just like you and later will not be disappointed. In the afternoon, likely differences with others; random row may initiate a serious conflict. It is necessary to postpone the discussion of important issues, family problems. simple
A suitable day to clean up the mess in your life, get rid of what has become unnecessary to define new goals and plans. Hardly anyone can confuse you: you know well what you want, and listen to your own inner voice, not by the Council. It will be able to make a successful purchase or invest money; Sagittarius return some old debts. Day approaches for meetings with friends - you will fine
Ambiguous day. It is not easy to realize what was planned earlier. But there are new plans that you can immediately implement. Many Capricorns are waiting for surprises, unexpected gifts, tokens. But the loss hardly be avoided. Special care should be those who have a lot of trips: it is very easy to forget something important. Auspicious day for study, visiting a variety of courses, seminars and workshops,
Keep calm. It is not easy, because a lot goes wrong, as you'd expect, and our plans is not always possible to implement. But if you give vent to emotions, it becomes easier, and the problem is only aggravated. It is important to keep a realistic view of things, not to overestimate their capabilities. Likely unexpected expenses, spontaneous purchases. The financial situation is quite favorable, you can afford a small waste; in the case of large
Calm auspicious day. It will be an opportunity to relax and rejuvenate, spend time with friends or relatives. There are new ideas and plans. Do not rush to their implementation: the time for decisive action is now not the most favorable. Probability of a successful match; often they allow you to change to a better relationship with their friends, family situation. There are gifts and surprises. Evening - the right time in order to
##Goroskopnasegodnya goroskopnaden horoscope ###astro-forecast forecast ##prognoznaden prognoznasegodnya astrology #horoscope ##slyubovyuozvezdah