In Chinese metaphysics are not only Astrology Baczy and harmony Feng Shui space system. Is it predictive technique, which is used for I Ching divination. As in Feng Shui here use the Hexagram. I CHING is also called the book of changes.
At first concentrated on the issue that they want to clarify for themselves and who need an answer-tip. Then use either three Chinese coins, special sticks. And they receive the hexagrams. All combinations-64.
Then the resulting Hexagram decoding, receiving a reply.
Often use in practice this method for clarifying situations. Yet neither this method does not let me, as my clients.
For example, one woman lost her passport and could not find it. I Ching pointed to the North and/or North-East. But suggested that it would be difficult to find a thing in the House. As it turned out later, the passport was with a friend who lives from the client to the Northeast.
Another case: a girl called to two events and she could not choose where to go in the end? The answer was that walk south is not safe, there's trauma. Just one event was in the South side from her home, and the other in the East. She listened and did not go to one of the events, choosing what was carried out in the eastern side. As it turned out later, at an event that was in the South side at the party unsuccessfully squib exploded, hitting the pans on with
Another case: a familiar her friend asked to borrow a large sum of money for a couple of weeks. I Ching warned not to do so-and showed losses and parting. But the Lady is furious, because he still is close and familiar, awkward to refuse. Already a month and a half she is looking for a companion, which is actively hiding from it. Hiding along with her money.
And here's the girl sent on a business trip, in which she really didn't want to go. I Ching told her that she is waiting for a romantic meeting! Reluctantly he went on a trip. And back, told me that Yes, she met a guy on a train. They've spent time together several times and plan to meet yet.
On these and other matters I Ching answers. I work with an expanded technology, when I look at the Hexagram and look at your birth chart. And on the basis of these two powerful techniques I write you the answers.
If you have a need to learn something by using the I Ching, contact: oksanamarkoblog@gmail.com
Sincerely, consultant on Feng Shui, I Ching and Baczy Oksana Marco
##I Ching divination #prediction #uznajsud'bu #uznajotvet #najtiotvet #astrologMarko #Astrology #kitajskajametafizika
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
In Chinese metaphysics are not only Astrology...
[Club127400383 | Welcome to the 18th New Year Festival Vedalife in...
[Club127400383 | Welcome to the 18th New Year Festival Vedalife in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!
Topic Vedic [club42933644 | Festival Vedalife]: Health
Total component 4
¼ Cup baking soda
1 art. l. melted coconut oil
1:00 l. oil it
10 drops of essential oil (Peppermint, clove or cinnamon)
Mix the ingredients to a pastelike consistence, store in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.
How does it work?
Baking soda: provides optimal Habitat Wednesday bacteria. According to studies, soda removes plaque and stains are not worse than regular toothpaste!
Coconut oil: according to all laws of Ayurveda, coconut oil is useful for almost any part of the body. Oral cavity is no exception. To achieve the consistency of a paste, add the soda it is coconut oil, because he has the most powerful bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Neem Oil: since ancient times in India use Neem Oil to maintain oral hygiene: it removes plaque, eliminates inflammation and bleeding of the gums.
Peppermint oil: has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Besides perfectly removes halitosis, preserving a sense of freshness into the evening.
Oil of cinnamon: Besides the fact that your teeth will be safe from harmful bacteria, you will be guided by the delightful aroma of cinnamon.
Clove oil: it is similar to peppermint oil, but also has the ability to shoot a toothache.
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#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda
The next three days the Moon is in Sagittarius. These...
The next three days the Moon is in Sagittarius. These days will require from us a special ambition, compliance with the laws and respect for the rights of others. See far in the future and of course do not forget to bring arrows π
#lunavstrel'ce ###astrologer horoscope Astrology #selfigoroskop #like4like #like #selfi #astroprognoz
A few words about the gifts.
If you have not...
A few words about the gifts.
If you have not yet thought about the gifts to NG, it's time! 19 December, Mercury turns retro phase until 8 January. Long proven fact-shopping in this period.
Than face?
-bought gifts may not be in a topic, small/large duplicates of already existing, etc in short, large chance that they never come in handy owner will not once peredareny, in the worst case thrown out.
-increases the risk of stumbling upon the hidden marriage, which is found at the most inopportune time during operation. Especially in complex technology.
— stupor when selecting gifts multiply. Massively. So the queue promises to be fabulous.
— transportation delays. Don't count on delivering end-to-end-will not work. Book in advance.
If you do not have time to 19.12:
— eliminate spontaneity, carefully consider that buying. But better ask directly that who should. Overfill the delivery 2 times longer.
#astrolikbez ##Astrology prediction #retromerkurij #astropogoda #dekabr'2016 #mercury #novyjgod #gifts
Mars and Kartikeya
Some experts, O my lord, say Mars...
Mars and Kartikeya
Some experts, O my lord, say Mars -
this is Kartikeya, the intrepid warrior. Others argue
Mars - a planet, and Kartikeya - the star, which has the same
force. And because it is believed that those who were struck by Mars, could ease their plight by worshiping Kartikeya, then let me tell
about him.
Some experts have been known to say that Kartikeya was born directly from the seed of the lord Shiva. When Shiva and Parvati retired for the first time after the wedding, their love lasted continuously embrace a hundred million years. And intercourse is truly awe inspiring, was interrupted only because it distracted the attention of Siva Agni, the fire god. Having lost control of himself, Shiva allowed seed erupt, and so was born Kartikeya.
However, from other sources, my lord, it follows that Kartikeya was born of the seed of Agni, kindled a mad love for Krittika (the stars forming the constellation of the Pleiades). After all, the name of Kartikeya means "son Krittika."
R. Svoboda
India Jyotish ####Vedic Astrology Philosophy #
The first lunar day.
St. Petersburg: 29 November 15.18...
The first lunar day.
St. Petersburg: 29 November 15.18 - 09.43 on 30 November.
Naryan-Mar: 15.18 November 29 - 09.23 on 30 November.
The symbol - a lamp, the lamp, the "third eye". The stones - diamond, rhinestone. The body - head (the front part), the brain.
The first lunar day is the basis of the lunar cycle. You are at the very beginning. This time - a blank page on which to put all my wildest dreams, plans and expectations. Figuratively speaking, today, you are laying the foundation for the whole of the coming months, and the stronger the foundation is, the more successful will be held the coming period.
The first day of the lunar month - is very bright and clear day. Today, your thoughts have the power and are prone to to be realized in the coming months. It is important to think only of the good in the day. The bad and evil thoughts today is not the place, especially if they are directed at another person. Wishing on the first day of the Moon to anyone evil, there is a risk of failure to clothe themselves. On the contrary, all the thoughts coming from the heart will be a success.
This is a very unusual day. Its symbol is a lamp, which means the image of eternal Light, a spiritual connection with the universe. Therefore, all actions aimed at spiritual cleansing and development of huge benefit. For example, you can refer to the past, to reflect on their actions, to meditate, and if we remember insults, very good to forgive them.
Favorably affect monitoring of the fire. If possible, you can sit around the campfire or the fireplace, but you can just light the candles. If you listen to the sound of a flame, concentrate on the good, there will be a sense of peace and love. This means that you have felt the cleansing of his inner world of fears and negative emotions, and thus freed from that burden, and now we can focus on what really matters to you, and that will allow Dr.
The first lunar day can be described as a creative day. He does not like the hustle and bustle. And because all the new initiatives and addressing important issues recommend that you wait for other days. But in this lunar day can safely include your imagination, turn to intuition, to consult with the soul and begin to invent, to dream and to make plans for a whole month in advance. And this is the main work today.
It is believed that the first day of the lunar month - day work with mental images. That is all that you conceive will tend to its realization, and if your plans match your interests and needs, they will success. And best of all, that in this case, you do not require any effort. Crafty ideas come true with the same success, and in the same direction. This means that anyone wishing to evil, you yourself will fall into his trap. vnimate
At the beginning of the lunar cycle, you have very little energy, you have yet to collect it in full. Therefore, your defense is very weakened. In this connection, it is recommended to be very careful about the contacts. Particularly unfavorable collective action. If you avoid multiple contacts failed, it is important to be able to preserve the purity and inner calm. This will help avoid provocative moments.
But if there is a possibility that the first lunar day of good alone. For example, you can stay at home and read a book, listen to music, to sit at the computer or just to think and dream about their plans. But it's best to take a walk in nature, which is rich in energy. Sit by the fire. Rest of the practice that day is to be welcomed.
the first day of the moon is not suitable for marriage.
The first day of the moon follows one of the critical points - the new moon. At this point, one lunar rhythm gives way to another. There is a transformation. And this is fully reflected in our body. We can say that at this moment you are born again, dropping all accumulated in the previous month. So, right now, you are very vulnerable.
At this point, the immune system and psyche weakened. It increases the likelihood of ill. So on the first day of the moon, it is desirable to treat yourself with attention and care of himself. Recommended in the day to avoid the various loads. Alcohol, spicy and hot food could also adversely affect the weakened body. A good help for him may be all that will allow you to be in a relaxed and peaceful state. For example, a nice quiet
Not a bad effect brings starvation. First, you remove the burden of digestion of food to the body. And secondly helping him get rid of toxins, which are very easy to go out that day. This is because improving metabolic processes in the body. Welcomed a large fluid intake. It may be herbal teas, herbal teas, juices. But it is not recommended to use sugar and salt, or products containing them. Will benefit from warm
From a medical point of view, on the first day of the moon are particularly sensitive to the diseases of the brain and the front part of the head. It is undesirable that day to treat these bodies, as well as to influence them surgically. These recommendations do not apply to those cases where there is a risk to your life.
It is believed that the disease arose in this lunar day will be prolonged, but in any case ill recover.
It is believed that dreams are the first lunar day prophetic, but require the correct approach to the interpretation. That is the attitude to dreams is the same as everything else. Negative is recommended to let the dreams, and to the good you can attend. In any case, all you have dreamed, it is only a certain image, which you can listen, and you can skip past him.
On the first day of the moon happens to the whole spirit of the coming month. And the way you react to your thoughts, played no small role. If you dream something bad, poor, and you will be hooked on this mood, it will not be slow to manifest themselves in your life. But the same applies to pleasant dreams. You can treat them as a pleasant sign that promises only good.
Get astrological consultation can be a professional astrologer Hope https://new.vk.com/bukaris (the nature and fate of horoscope, the partners will work, forecasts, any questions and situations). Phone 89214456643, 89817172245
Astrology ###astrolog_Nadezhda Nadezhdiny_sekretiki #lunnyy_kalendar