Wednesday, November 30, 2016

A few words about the gifts.

If you have not...

A few words about the gifts.

If you have not yet thought about the gifts to NG, it's time! 19 December, Mercury turns retro phase until 8 January. Long proven fact-shopping in this period.

Than face?
-bought gifts may not be in a topic, small/large duplicates of already existing, etc in short, large chance that they never come in handy owner will not once peredareny, in the worst case thrown out.

-increases the risk of stumbling upon the hidden marriage, which is found at the most inopportune time during operation. Especially in complex technology.

— stupor when selecting gifts multiply. Massively. So the queue promises to be fabulous.

— transportation delays. Don't count on delivering end-to-end-will not work. Book in advance.

If you do not have time to 19.12:
— eliminate spontaneity, carefully consider that buying. But better ask directly that who should. Overfill the delivery 2 times longer.

#astrolikbez ##Astrology prediction #retromerkurij #astropogoda #dekabr'2016 #mercury #novyjgod #gifts

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