The day promises to be intense emotions. Prepare yourself for the fact that you all will be the case. Errors as wrong and their own will irritate and evident, and the desire to share Board or hold a moral-ethical conversation with anyone will be particularly strong. Try to restrain the desire to teach (which today convince star) upset both themselves and others. It is best to use the potential of this day in peace key-show
💘 Love: admit it-wait, that today in your home or Office suddenly looks unintentionally Prince/Princess on a white horse and passing break you heart? Alas, today it is unlikely to happen. Romantic, sensual passion, the blazing fire of love-all this today is not too relevant. But the day is good for establishing family relations, marriage and the signing of the marriage contract.
💼 Business: a good day to restore order in everything from your own thoughts and feelings and finishing work. Use it to plan for the future, new projects, organizing collective activities. Arrangements and planning undertaken today will be of extreme clarity and specificity. Obstruction of traffic, delays and obstacles, it is not necessary to deal with urgent issues, buy and sell land and real estate. Not nachinajt
💊 Health: the best-start the day with a gymnastics or even just in time not to forget to brush your teeth: a day is good for health if not ignore elementary rules of hygiene.
🙏 Favorably: holidays, housewarming, debt collection
🙏 Day is favorable for those born in the year of the Dragon, rat, monkey and rooster.
⛔ Not favorably: travel, investment, buying property, signing contracts, repair, excavation, the beginning of construction, laying the Foundation, start, funeral, beginning a new project, moving in, starting a business, finding work, wedding, inauguration, legal cases, loans, demolitions
⛔ Day not favourable to born in year of the dog.
📌 Individual love, business calendar-forecast or calendar 365 days health can be ordered from the astrologer [id234113011 | Elena Ivanova].
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui #BaZi
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Friday, February 10, 2017
The day promises to be intense...
10 February with 5:01 TIME MSK BEGIN 15 LUNAR...
10 February with 5:01 TIME MSK BEGIN 15 LUNAR DAY
The symbol of the day considered the winged Jackal. For the Hindus a day associated with the Cobra. Another symbol of the Feathered Serpent. The ancient Persian God Varahram-same Anubis, zorvanism-Persian tradition man takes on a mission to clean the Earth from evil.
This lunar day is associated with reincarnation, directly obtaining revelation, contact with other worlds, the transition from one hemisphere to another, and as a consequence, with conductors from one world to another-such as black Jackal Anubis (or wild dog Sab) among the Egyptians. It is also a myth about the abduction of Proserpine and leaving her in the underworld.
With 15 day also associated symbolism of victory over the Serpent, i.e. over its low start: reflects human battle with their own passions and the possibility of entering light-to the upper hemisphere. Here symbols of Perseus, defeating the monster, George defeating a snake and exempting the Virgin (late sign of Virgo).
Druids (ancient Celts) with 15 day Moon tied wood Viburnum. Hence the symbolism of the battlefield at kalinovom bridge-tale dvenadcatigolovoe chudo-yudo, which defeats the hero. So kalinovye berries are considered berries apprenticeship, mastering (juice Viburnum recommended drink spiritual disciples to improve memory; he also expels "bad blood). They cleanse the thoughts, calming down human nature, promote better assimilation of information perception. When
On this day the person pulls for a fight, but it should be the protection of Justice, and people should not receive pleasure from victory and should not shy away from the battle under various pretexts-the battle as the fulfilment of duty, as Krishna taught Arjuna before the fight with Kauravami in the Mahabharata.
Negative day, a period of carnal temptations and Astral battles. In some texts it belongs to Or resisted the tempter (Angro-Mainyu)-spirit of the flesh, which relaxes the person makes it pliable, vnushaemym, lazy, beyond any earthly temptations.
The ancients believed that on this day before full moon takes place witches ' Sabbath-climbing activity of dark forces and people should be able to protect, ready for any eventuality.
Considered very heavy in relation to the so-called sexual temptations. 15 lunar day can bring short-term Bliss, which long disappointment, especially in love. On this day we must vanquish his flesh to be clean because it activates an internal "snakes" of each person.
First of all its negative influence on the relations between people, this day is often the conflicts and quarrels. The sexy: background all scandals or miscalculations, committed today, one way or another connected with sex.
This day is also associated with intestinal simvoliziruemym the serpent, which sometimes translates as human womb or his flesh.
In the social and domestic plan fails and even the critical day of temptation, deception, illusion and sins. The case may meet at any time. You cannot swear, do not take gifts. Very good at this time, protect, restore fairness, be a fighter for happiness.
Spiritually, it is considered that the need to practice any form of asceticism, win his flesh to be pure (aka Astral collapses). Summit man gets spiritual heritage, at the lowest-uryvaet other people's pieces, uses someone else's. The boys sleep on the fifteenth day, is considered to be prophetic for a month. A bad sign in this day-quarrel.
In terms of the health of vulnerable pancreas as well as diaphragm that separates one half of the body from another (lower world from the top). Day is dangerous for diabetics. It is not recommended to eat cabbage, onions, eggs. If a person does not incur any sadhana or not fasting, then it is possible on this day, there are hot meals, i.e., very jan'skuju, but one that will not affect the pancreas.
Remember that you do not have to rape when you live according to the lunar calendar, even with good intent. Learn to be grateful when something turns out, and not to get upset, if it didn't work out.
Based on materials P.globy "Moon astrology"
#Lunnyyden prognoznaden ###astrology horoscope
Dear friends! 😃 invite all the guests at the OPEN HOUSE...
Dear friends! 😃 invite all the guests at the OPEN HOUSE! 🎉🎉🎉 #VhodSvobodnyjNSK
✔ #11_февраля_2017 (SAT) is in the "Sattviku" on Family Shamshinyh, 64
✔ #19_февраля_2017 (Sun)-"Sattviku" on koptuga, 11
⚠ Entry is already underway! ⚠
What are you waiting for?
We have prepared a rich and varied programme!
Yoga classes in various directions and recreational gymnastics, Indian dances, lectures on Ayurveda and astrology, as well as Lottery, surprises and treats.
You can free access to any classes, meet our teachers and it is nice to spend a day off in an atmosphere of coziness and comfort of our centres.
Please note that the number of places in groups is limited!
Therefore, ❗ REGISTRATION REQUIRED, call: ❗
☀ str. Family Shamshinyh, 64 (BC "Aurora"), Office 402
Tel. ☎ (383) 23-93-108
☀ etc. AK. Koptyug, 11
Tel. ☎ (383) 349-50-02, 214-64-04
Schedule of open lessons 11 FEBRUARY (Shamshinyh, 64):
10.00-11.00 Yoga Iyengar (Lyudmila Asanova)
11.30-12.30 Indian dance (Milan)
13.00 — 14.00 Yoga "art of living" (Eugene Glazunov)
14.30-15.30 lecture on astrology "astrological forecast for spring 2017 (Jyotish) (Eugenia Glazunov)
16.00-17.00 Yoga Iyengar (Agniya Cil'kovskaja)
17.30-18.30 Himalayan Yoga (Natalia Shnypteva)
19.00-20.00 lecture on Ayurveda (Natalia Shnypteva)
Schedule of open lessons 19 February (Koptyug, 11):
10.00-11.00 "Iyengar Yoga for beginners" (Tatiana Dubcova)
11.30-12.30 kids Yoga (Nataliya Malova)
13.00 — 14.00 lecture on astrology "practical application of astrology in everyday life" (Nataliya Malova)
14.30-15.30 Yoga Iyengar "Intensive" (Elena Lysokon')
16.00-17.00 therapeutic gymnastics 55 + (Irina Ustinov)
17.30-18.30 Indian dance (Milan)
19.00-20.00 lecture on Ayurveda (Natalia mogilevska)
#11_февраля_2017 @novosibevent
#19_февраля_2017 @novosibevent
#Yoga @ novosibevent
#Astrology @ novosibevent
The answer to the question "can GET married?", or:
The answer to the question "can GET married?", or:
Astrological signs that the "selected" in husbands will partner aggressive (up to battering)
{Open Forum dialogs positioned shared}
Really want to know whether such favorable synastry for marriage?
I would like to know the opinion of more experienced people, as in the analysis of the compatibility of far swim. "
"Well, so-so synastry, I would say. Even at first glance.
His Mars on your Moon, Yes in opposition to your Pluto; and your Moon and Pluto struck him: solid passion-cheeky, vyjasnjalki relations and shattered crockery (not now in family life begins). And as though to not even battering, especially with his hand towards you.
Your Sun in a Dim, rashodjashhemsja link-attraction to his Lilith-pulls you to it like a moth to the light, because and so strong interest, apparently.
Of course, it is useful to your overall development (its Sun on your North node), but for marriage party as something not very. And stressful aspects of Jupiter in sinastrii is hardly worse than similar aspects of Saturn. In this case: his ideals, aspirations and the picture of the world (Jupiter) in intractable and eternal contradiction (square) with your value system, and generally with the basis of your nature (Saturn). Well somehow, hmmmmm.
The more that Numerology/glaive (ousted quickly your dates)-in bed it you are not satisfied (dissonance on the first chakra) and General compatibility below 50%, which is of course not a sentence, but the sky-high happiness does not promise; disappointment comes. Marsa/Venus your friend of a friend "do not see", so what about sensuality and faery orgasms (for you) No.
Ask pardonu for straightforwardness * raises hands * "
Thank you so much for spreading the love!
And his Mars in conjunction with my Moon did not compensate for the lack of perspectives between Mars and Venus *? "
"You do not understand the fundamental difference between Venus and the moon.
Venus is her sex aggression is small (Mars; and even Pluto) is not especially scary, some chic living and with squares/oppozicijami between these planets.
And here's the moon-it's not about sex, it's about spiritual closeness, security and protection. The Moon is the most vulnerable of the human being, mjakotka oysters, to make it easier to provide the most tender part.
In conjunction with Mars Moon is definitely bad. Even with Tel'covskim, as in this case. And in opposition with Pluto so much more (given that Pluto in Skorpe). Whatever did this man (action is Mars), it will be interpreted as a stab in the heart. With him you will not be able to open up as a wife and as a mother, all your attempts to bare his soul before him, heat it, take care of it (to the Moon) will not be tolerated by one his gaze, Korn
But discourage you won't, of course; some love extreme, dangerous to life:) You have a Natal Moon 180 Pluto, so that in principle it is clear that you will pull toward men, dangerous for you physically capable you harm (if not to say worse). Here you and found such an option, and with Mars in your Moon ... discomfort is doubly, but under such circumstances, apparently, familiar and comfortable. "
original theme here: http://forum.astrologics.ru/topic/7628-mozhet-li-poluchitsja-brak/#entry163753
##Astrology synastry #psychology #relationship #compatibility

FEBRUARY 11 - Lunar Eclipse
In the horoscope of the eclipse...
FEBRUARY 11 - Lunar Eclipse
In the horoscope of the eclipse there are many positive aspects, so that we can be optimistic about the coming months.
Harmonious relationship of the Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus - a real magic stars, promising us a realization of desires and practical results.
A lunar eclipse occurs February 2017 at 22 degrees of Leo.
• eclipse Start: February 11, 2017 at 01:34 MSK (Moscow time)
• Maximum phase: February 11, 2017 at 03:43 GMT
• End: February 11, 2017 at 05:53 GMT
It can be seen in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America. In Russia, if the weather permits, it is available to monitor on most of the territory, with the exception of the Far East. Since this penumbral eclipse, it is not easy to see because the moon does not darken, but only a little change in brightness.
Influence of lunar eclipse February 11, 2017
Sun at 22 degrees of Aquarius opposes the Moon at 22 degrees of Leo, emphasizing the polarity of these signs. The moon is related to our emotional needs, as well as the Leo these needs relate to creative expression, hobbies, attitudes towards children, love and passion. Aquarius is associated with the human values and the collective efforts of its way - to work in a group together. However, the energy of Leo pulls in the opposite direction, as if to say: "I want to say
Chances are, you need some sort of compromise, a reasonable combination of opposite tendencies. It's time to show the world the uniqueness of his personality, to express themselves in a new environment, to attract his interest. Lunar energy will help you to express creativity, and this will be a lot of opportunities.
Most of the effect of the lunar eclipse will affect the representatives of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), but other signs of the zodiac will feel its impact. For those who have in the natal chart has a personal planet and the important point (Asc, MC) 17 - 27 degrees of fixed signs, the effect is also noticeable.
The value of the eclipse from the perspective of astrology
The properties of the lunar eclipse to draw attention to the topic of the relationship. Like a spotlight, it covers all the things that were not previously apparent. This allows you to objectively look at their personal relationship, to identify in them the sources of imbalance and disharmony. Perhaps the influence of lunar energy will push you to seek solutions to problems in relationships with loved ones. Someone from his entourage you to move away, and someone to approach.
Harmonious relationship with the axis of the eclipse of Jupiter in Libra and Uranus in Aries presage changes for the better. Existing relationships flourish, and perhaps the emergence of a new amazing love story.
Impact beneficial planetary aspects is not limited to privacy, but also to the public activity. To contribute to the common cause, be kind to people, then you can count on the favor of stars and fortune for himself.
Saturn eclipse map February 11, 2017 is very strong, this planet collects a lot of positive aspects. Saturn gives you patience and inner strength that allows you to cope with any difficult situation, to achieve practical results and not make mistakes. If in doubt about anything, count on your common sense. Reliance on traditional values help in solving problems.
However, along with the positive effects, there are negative planetary influences. The opposition of Jupiter and Uranus complicated personal problems, exaggerating the need for freedom. You will feel a strong desire to rebel against the restrictions imposed by the rules and you. There may be unexpected events that will lead to significant changes.
If you decide to let go of the relationship has run its course, it will be easier to do, because the Moon eclipses are associated in astrology with the completion.
But it is not all about relationships. On your way may appear unexpected opportunities that apply to career and finance. Be open to the world, allow yourself to try something new and interesting, then you have a greater chance of success. We look forward to pleasant events, interesting meetings and surprises.
Recommendations on the day of February 11, 2017
Full Moon in Leo
Emotions can reach the peak. The lunar eclipse in Leo makes the expression of feelings too demonstrative, even theatrical - are features of this zodiac sign. But expressing your emotions, you will feel the release and will shine with its own light.
On such a day is easy to get rid of the past. Good to meditate, it will help ease the burden of negative memories. Peering into the depths of your soul, you will uncover the hidden fears and realize that creates anxiety.
Full Moon illuminates what we do not want to see in ourselves, others and the world around them. Such findings may give rise to emotional reactions. If you feel irritated or angry, try to translate emotions into physical activity. Strengthen your inner strength, do something creative, because Leo - the most creative among the signs of the zodiac.
The day of the eclipse of the moon - the perfect time for magic, when cosmic energies reinforce your intentions. For example, you can spend the day on a simple magic ritual execution of desires. Light a candle of yellow or orange color (this is the color of the zodiacal sign of Leo), then take the paper of the same color and write on it your desire. Spend some time thinking about what you want to attract into your life, visualize positive RESULT
Source: http://astro101.ru
#Eclipse #verakaretnikova ##puteshestvieksebe bogvomne