The answer to the question "can GET married?", or:
Astrological signs that the "selected" in husbands will partner aggressive (up to battering)
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Really want to know whether such favorable synastry for marriage?
I would like to know the opinion of more experienced people, as in the analysis of the compatibility of far swim. "
"Well, so-so synastry, I would say. Even at first glance.
His Mars on your Moon, Yes in opposition to your Pluto; and your Moon and Pluto struck him: solid passion-cheeky, vyjasnjalki relations and shattered crockery (not now in family life begins). And as though to not even battering, especially with his hand towards you.
Your Sun in a Dim, rashodjashhemsja link-attraction to his Lilith-pulls you to it like a moth to the light, because and so strong interest, apparently.
Of course, it is useful to your overall development (its Sun on your North node), but for marriage party as something not very. And stressful aspects of Jupiter in sinastrii is hardly worse than similar aspects of Saturn. In this case: his ideals, aspirations and the picture of the world (Jupiter) in intractable and eternal contradiction (square) with your value system, and generally with the basis of your nature (Saturn). Well somehow, hmmmmm.
The more that Numerology/glaive (ousted quickly your dates)-in bed it you are not satisfied (dissonance on the first chakra) and General compatibility below 50%, which is of course not a sentence, but the sky-high happiness does not promise; disappointment comes. Marsa/Venus your friend of a friend "do not see", so what about sensuality and faery orgasms (for you) No.
Ask pardonu for straightforwardness * raises hands * "
Thank you so much for spreading the love!
And his Mars in conjunction with my Moon did not compensate for the lack of perspectives between Mars and Venus *? "
"You do not understand the fundamental difference between Venus and the moon.
Venus is her sex aggression is small (Mars; and even Pluto) is not especially scary, some chic living and with squares/oppozicijami between these planets.
And here's the moon-it's not about sex, it's about spiritual closeness, security and protection. The Moon is the most vulnerable of the human being, mjakotka oysters, to make it easier to provide the most tender part.
In conjunction with Mars Moon is definitely bad. Even with Tel'covskim, as in this case. And in opposition with Pluto so much more (given that Pluto in Skorpe). Whatever did this man (action is Mars), it will be interpreted as a stab in the heart. With him you will not be able to open up as a wife and as a mother, all your attempts to bare his soul before him, heat it, take care of it (to the Moon) will not be tolerated by one his gaze, Korn
But discourage you won't, of course; some love extreme, dangerous to life:) You have a Natal Moon 180 Pluto, so that in principle it is clear that you will pull toward men, dangerous for you physically capable you harm (if not to say worse). Here you and found such an option, and with Mars in your Moon ... discomfort is doubly, but under such circumstances, apparently, familiar and comfortable. "
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##Astrology synastry #psychology #relationship #compatibility

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