21-30 of December-the period of validity of this aspektnoj, but most significant will be December 25 and the days around this date. December 25 will be accurate: Trine Venus with Jupiter, Uranus, Venus sekstil' sekstil' Venus with Saturn, Saturn Trine Uranus and Jupiter on December 26 will be in exact opposition to Uranus. During this period in unexpected circumstances, resisting and confronting anything, ultimately, can achieve results and success, but to do so,
Author Elena Zimovec
##Astrology astrological forecast #прогнозы_от_мэтров #консультация_астролога
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In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Saturday, December 24, 2016
21-30 of December-the period of validity of this aspektnoj, but...
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🛎Uzhe TOMORROW can be seen, select and purchase your copy! 💖.
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See you later! #😉🎁 ##Lady_Moon_2017 #Jyotish Dnieper planning #lunnoeplanirovanie #planning #astrology

In this world there are two major forces of yin and Yang, male and female beginnings. Planet with a pronounced feminine nature, Moon and Venus. And all the women relate to them.
For example, the female cycle lasts about the same as the lunar month. In brief, the main rules of such.
Full moon plan, and amplifies the emotional at this time women react much more strongly to the events. You need to take this into account.
Secondly, new moon body women most weakened the strength and energy to virtually zero. At this time it is better not to plan anything that requires much effort, especially physical.
New Moon and full moon is not a very auspicious time to begin new cases.
Another general rule: growing Moon should start the case and carry out what is related to the acquisition. The ideal time for this-from the first to the 14 's Lunar days, particularly the fifth and tenth.
And the waning Moon need to finish the case and carry out all that is connected with the disposal. For example, if you want to get rid of the pryshhika on the face, this should be done on a waning moon.
It is best to use the lunar calendar that helps calculate the most auspicious time to start and maintain different Affairs.
Women periodically useful produce emotions. Men, as a rule, you need to keep yourself in the hands, and the woman is pure emotion, it is by nature unpredictable.
And one of the secrets of a long family relationship to the woman remained a mystery for men. If it is easily predictable, man is bored.
Women sometimes and cry, because they live largely feelings and tears get rid of superfluous emotions.
However, this does not necessarily cry. You can watch Comedy movies or read books that take the soul. A wise man at least gives a woman the opportunity to comment.
If it seems that you do not understand and do not appreciate her feelings, it is a serious blow. But if a man each day wondered how she was doing, and listens to her, a husband she will adore.
One of the rules of a long and happy marriage: man need 15-30 minutes a day just to talk with his wife, listen to it and the interest in its affairs. If it still shows that her feelings for him are important, it makes the woman happy.
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There is always the knowledge that is transferred from the...
There is always the knowledge that is transferred from the Teacher - student and that will never fall into books and textbooks. The latter can introduce you the ropes, introduce the subject, but there is not complete information.
This provision is valid for any field of activity, since we are talking about the experience, which is not always possible to formalize the rules and formulas.
Therefore, if you need a horoscope or a Feng Shui consultation - contact the professionals, so you can be confident in the quality of the forecast!
ElenaDmitrieva ###Feng Shui astrology
Photos of Feng Shui and Astrology.
🔹 If you come to the teacher, and he tells you...
🔹 If you come to the teacher, and he tells you that his system is the most correct, in contrast to other Quack - leave. Get out immediately, without wasting a minute. He's lying. There is no single correct systems. And you can not rise, offending others.
[Club66466145 | Oldie Henry Lion]
Where have I seen this symbol? 😉😏
#maserati #cars ##logo Neptune...
Where have I seen this symbol? 😉😏
#maserati #cars ##logo Neptune trident ###astrology Italy
Maserati brothers when creating his trident got inspiration from Neptune statue, which stood in the central park of Bologna, where the headquarters of the company. Trident with the Maserati signature underneath was painted by the artist by Mario, who was also the only one of the seven Maserati brothers, who had never been engaged in the design and manufacture of machines.

🔮🔯Goroskop 23 dekabrya🔭🌌
In the morning you may find...
🔮🔯Goroskop 23 dekabrya🔭🌌
In the morning you may find that you have difficulty with communication, but nothing really wrong with that. Just postpone the presentation of their creative ideas on some other day. And if you definitely need something to someone tell (perhaps not very pleasant), please use the e-mail.
On this day, you want a peaceful and constructive dialogue with people, during which you would not have caused any differences and conflicts. Such an attitude will allow you to quietly and peacefully spend the day and at the same time find a common language with all those who you will meet.
Your thoughts and ideas will be readily apparent, and people will not have any difficulties with them. This means that you can work effectively wherever it comes to communication, and your hard work will be richly rewarded.
Today you have to do everything possible to increase the effectiveness of your work. When it comes to business, you will, for example, you need to run more ads to attract the attention of an increasing number of customers.
Communication with other people at work or just in social life should be quite pleasant. In addition, your communication skills you will play into the hands, and some of those in power want to bring you to some very important projects. This is your chance. Use it.
Your unique style is your calling card, but because all your plans and projects are a kind of seal that distinguishes them from all others. The same applies to your communication skills that enable you to find a common language with any audience. Use their abilities wherever they may be, and good luck will accompany you.
You can safely make plans for the future, because you can easily separate the wheat from the chaff and to understand what is most important and what you need to focus. This will help you improve your position, not only in financial terms.
Do you have a tendency to take on too much, but as long as you deal with this load, no problems should not be. In addition, your aspirations have always been non-trivial, and it means that you are not looking for easy ways, and crave the new and surprising.
Even if you have any thoughts about a journey, you need to give them up, because now the most important thing for you - it's peace and security. Try to spend as much time with your family, because it is your family - this is your haven where you are not afraid of any storm.
No problems and troubles can not knock you off track, and you will be full of strength and energy to help you cope with anything. People will come to you for advice, so do not deny them. In addition, you can devote a few hours of volunteer work, and that you are in no way a burden.
Your vote today will have its weight in the team, if he sounded quite confident. There is no doubt that you have to respect the opinion of others, but do not forget to express their own views and.
Today you will be given great case requiring special concentration and attention to detail. You are incredibly practical, it definitely will play in your favor. And if you still resist and stop the plans of the universe, trying to fit everything to fit your desires, you will be able to achieve this success.
#molodprikubanka ##astrology horoscope