🌱 8 November
🐎 Day Wooden Horses, is unfavourable to those born in the year of the rat
☀ Favorable for Horses, sheep, dogs and Tiger
⚠ Sha misfortune the year may bring personal injury, disease, problems with the opposite sex, including violence, betrayal, the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. Do not start treatment.
✨ Monthly star virtues-suitable for establishing relationships, and for soft partings.
👍 Fine: chores, prayer
⛔ Not suitable for important things
Tuesday 🌱-planet Mars
Harmonious colors-red, Orange, yellow.
Harmonious stones-red coral, Jasper, Carnelian, yellow Sapphire, citrine, amber, as well as gold and copper.
Forecast ###BaZi astrology horoscope ###Feng Shui Feng Shui #astro-forecast
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Tuesday, November 8, 2016
🌱 8 November
🐎 Day Wooden Horses, is unfavourable to those...
In Sanskrit, the word "planet...
In Sanskrit, the word "planet" sounds Graha, which means "to seize", "Whoever controls".
This and reveals the importance of planets. They "capture" of a person, and are indicators that indicate the predominance of certain trends in our minds/subconscious. Each planet is an individual with their preferences and dislikes. Knowing them, astrologer can recommend a person to commit upaji — corrective action for a particular planet that "damaged" in the horoscope. However, there are steps that you must perform constantly, not to
Respect The Sun:
1) get up before sunrise
2) not eat after sunset
3) does not make the case after sunset
4) not to sleep at sunset
5) to respect his father, brothers, males
To Respect The Moon:
1) respect the mother, sisters, women
2) Cares about cows
3) adhere to a vegetarian diet
4) Eat fresh food
5) cares for children
6) give gifts to loved ones
Respect Mars:
1) try not to be angry and not get annoyed
2) always protect loved ones, Guru and your spiritual journey
3) takes care of brothers and sisters, especially younger
4) Keep your body healthy, doing yoga and other exercises
Respect Of Mercury:
1) to money account
2) 50% of the income Delay
3) 25% deferred money to donate to charity
4) not to spend money in a pay day
5) Plan costs in advance and on a long term
6) be honest and never to cheat on money
7) not to engage in useless quarrels and disputes
Respect For Jupiter:
1) respect the teachers and priests
2) donations to churches and charity
3) not to sacrifice the fraudsters and crooks
4) Follow spiritual practices
Respect The Venus:
1) Keep in purity and beauty House
2) not to leave trash at night nemytuju ware
3) buy a nice wallet better not leather
4) care about a woman buying her sweets, decorations
5) decorate the House images of Gods
6) comply with fidelity
Respect Saturn
1) get rid of cruft, unnecessary things
2) take care of the elderly
3) take care of trees, plants, particularly sacred
4) be contented with what you need for life
5) Observe Ekadasi days posts
You can make an appointment with a doctor by phone + 380509553258. http://vk.com/gregartur
##Astrology Jyotish #planet #arturvedadp #dnepr

Friends, today, Monday, is already my copyright...
Friends, today, Monday, is already my copyright lesson 41j Vedic Astrology course. A total of 144 units in a year. Join us at any time! Each lesson is available in video. The details on my website http://vedica.ru/kurs
If you are not sure, our training suits you or not, you can see a trial lesson at the training page here: hhttp: //vedica.ru/kurs.
##Astrology Jyotish astrologer ###vedicheskieznaniya vedicheskayaastrologiya vedicheskiyastrolog ###kursastrologii obuchenieastrologii
Develop intuition helps Moon
Good intuition — if you want to...
Develop intuition helps Moon
Good intuition — if you want to develop intuition, then, for a start, it is worth to understand what it is and as it might come in handy.
What is intuition?
Intuition, sometimes called still inner voice, is a mechanism of instinctual knowledge. This knowledge does not require logical thinking and does not operate them, as is an alternative source of information. Intuition also promotes quality raise the level of awareness.
All people have, to varying degrees, this mechanism, as well as the ability to develop it.
Why is it important to develop intuition?
Intuition is also a means of expression, in particular in the world of fine art, music and literature. However, intuitive cognition applies not only in relation to art.
Many people are not without an internal sense achieved success in science and business. Sometimes even earning a lot of money and finding fame. All of this they were able to do thanks to the timely and correct decisions they have taken, relying on intuition.
Good intuition is, first of all, your method of contact with the subconscious mind. Therefore it is a conductor to huge creative resources and hidden wisdom. It displays a person far beyond everyday experience and logical thinking.
Turning to astrology in the search for the source of intuition, we fall into the world of the moon. Of course, still many elements of Natal chart can give some knowledge. For example, the highest on the planet. But working with them is more complicated and requires an individual approach. While the Moon is one of the most important ones, and "tangible" planets in the life of any.
There are many ways to study the Moon, both individual and group. Individual ways to strengthen intuition and harmonize their suitable people for the first time, submitting the issue.
Why the Moon acts as the source of intuition? — primarily because it is responsible for our subconscious and emotions.
In addition, this planet cares about our survival and adaptation.
And here it is important to mention. Moonlight intuition does not tell me how to become richer or better not to open the future — it is worth to turn to other planets.
The main objective of the Lunar knowledge — make your way easier. Smoother, calmer, protected from danger, take care of your health — physical, mental and spiritual. Help to become happier, more harmonious.
If you choose the purpose of dangerous or false. Don't wait for help from the Moon in her accomplishment (subconscious mind always knows the truth).
At the same time, it is the moon can clearly make it clear that it is a "wrong turn", and protect from bad decisions.
Good intuition
How do you develop your Lunar flair?
If you are aiming to get closer to its Moon, then start with the need to harmonize its energy.
To do this, begin to stick to the lunar calendar.
This does not mean that you now have the Monday must start in Saturday.
Every Lunar day bear a certain energy.
If you try to act in line with the principle of the lunar day, then after some time (usually one month) your subconscious mind is tuned to the desired wave.
How do I know that the process has gone?
You will start to feel the energy of the day without hints of lunar calendar (a heavy, dangerous, bright, active, passive, etc.).
— Begin to unconsciously choose the "correct" form of activism and receive more results than before.
— You begin to dream of informative dreams. Generally dreams is the first sign of restoring ties with the moon. Their contents quickly begins to resonate with the characteristics of the lunar day. Don't miss on this section of the lunar calendar, which tells about the peculiarities of dreams during certain lunar day.
As you start to open certain facets, which "held" by remaining undetected. For example, a feature of certain lunar day is information.
These days you can get a very important character, able to significantly change your life. You can get, it doesn't mean that everyone gets. This means that you need to be able to listen, hear and know the right place and time. All this helps to implement the harmonisation of the Lunar energy.
When you started to live in accordance with the Lunar rhythms and the General background of lined, you can proceed on a more personal level.
At the time of birth, Luna, as any other planet occupy a certain position in the sky. As a result — our individual horoscope.
The position of the Moon is a sign and a House — can reveal to us our individual characteristics.
Why know the features of its own Moon? and how it can be useful in working with intuition?
Energy sign, which is your Moon is the way that the subconscious is associated with consciousness and the world. Home — sphere of life, where it is easier to just make an "Exchange" between the mind, emotions and the external world.
For example, the Moon is in personal horoscope in Gemini 11-m House.
This means that it expresses itself through words and communication (the primary characteristic of Twins).
In 11 home is through verbal communication with friends and like-minded people (characteristic 11-Home).
How does this apply to intuitions and important, and most importantly, correct decisions?
For a man with Moon in Gemini 11-m House the most correct decisions come during conversations with friends and associates. "Truth is born in the dispute. Of course, the dispute is not required, but, speaking in the rumor ambiguous moments, discussion, displays the person on the best way to answer.
The same applies to any other provision of the Natal Moon, where the sign says ' as is ', and the House is in any circumstances.
Good intuition-benefits:
• Helps reduce stress because you are on time and correctly identified relevant issues. Also take the correct decisions against them;
• Gives freedom of imagination and creativity;
• Allows you to regain touch with the unconscious, which helps you learn about the true position of things in your life;
• Integrates the work of the left and right hemispheres, which also contributes to a more holistic perception of events;
• Improves physical, mental and emotional health.
The development of intuition like mastering a new skill. The more you practice, the more reach success. As with any new exercise, develop intuition stands gradually, increasing their "intuitive muscles gradually. And when you find a common language with the Moon, learn to understand its language, life will take you to a completely new side.
If you do not know your horoscope and the location of planets in it, build it through resource sotis-online. You can also ask for help in the topic "Astrological gazebo" in the discussions or in the comments to this topic.
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#Astrology #cosmogram #формула_души #astropsihologija #planet #horoscope #Moon #intuition #self-knowledge #self-development
22 sunny day is a day of...
22 sunny day is a day of movement in time and space. Cycle in nature. Well on this day to make a choice, to go on a journey. You should pay attention to the weather and talk about it. Through a conversation about the weather is manifest information about the life of the heart.
The image of the force 22 sunny day-helm or a compass rose. On this day, you can rotate the wheel case. Good understanding of his life. It is recommended to make dramatic changes in their lives. For example, a sharp transition to another job. Nothing you can plan. Favorably to travel and travel, make new acquaintances. Try to be less under the roof of his house. Live this day according to your intuition.
Crashed today in the house ware or a blown from the hand of a sheet of paper, predicting luck.
If that day with you wind blew off any garment is a sign pointing to the fortune by which you passed.
If that day saw how someone fell or you fell yourself-it is a sign that the planned case for today will not have success.
#tashatregubova #self-development #esoterics #solnechnyesutki #solnechnyjden' #22solnechnyjden' #Astrology #sovetdnja
🌔9 Moon sutki🌖
waning gibbous
Monday, c 13:46 07...
🌔9 Moon sutki🌖
waning gibbous
Monday, c 13:46 07.11.2016 14:15 on 08.11.2016
Bat symbol.
Stones-Black Pearl quartz, Alexandrite, coil.
Very unfavorable day, bad, dangerous, dark. Today should be on the alert. All the signs that we are giving the fate of bad, but should not be discouraged. Moderate your own ambition, because excessive pride and overconfidence can turn against you and lead to disaster. Today you will soar many illusions, deceptions, gambles, dangerous temptations. Don't be negative energy the ninth lunar day, keep
Today, people are very emotional. They are oppressed and suppressed, their own dark thoughts, fears, unfounded anxiety. To protect yourself against the dark influence of the ninth lunar day, should be addressed by the samoochishheniem. Your desires and thoughts must be pure. If in the past someone you wronged — forgive him sincerely wish him happiness, this will serve as an effective method of combating the negative energy of the day.
Do not touch the new case, perhaps you reevaluate your own abilities, and then your venture to collapse. Better to pursue than than you were before. Be mentally prepared for the bad news, nevezeniju, food poisoning is all this today is not excluded. Try to survive this day without emotional surge. Generally demonstrate their emotions today. Also not worth arguing and quarreling, defend their opinion bya
Health and nutrition. Avoid overeating, it is strictly forbidden to smoking and drinking. There may be food poisoning, to avoid which will help cleanse the body. It is useful to go to the sauna or steam bath, you can do cardio exercises. Illness arising on this day can be hazardous, but no deaths. The ninth lunar day most of the problems associated with human psyche because he feels depressed, congested and problems
Possible aggravation of phobias and heart disease, appears a tendency to depression. If this is the day you are ill, then it is a sign of a breach of your spiritual path. Something in your spiritual development goes wrong, try to figure out where you made a mistake. For laziness day unfavorable, it is better to spend it doing active actions. Well, if you manage to get out into nature.
Love and relationships. No conflicts and quarrels today should not be. And if they have, try to flatten them. Do not argue with others and do not clarify relationships with loved ones. You can arrange a romantic dinner if you're sure that your relationship is based on mutual understanding. Of course, marriage today is not worth it. It will bring solid sorrows and frustrations. An exception may be only for those who cleaned your karma, confident iskrennost
Work and creativity. Plan this day so that all time to modest, routine work. Don't fall for the eyes of superiors and colleagues today communicate better. In any case, don't show your emotions, do not fall for provocation and don't listen to anyone's advice. Remember that today people are prone to aggression, fraud and deception. Some also try to shift responsibility for their problems on your shoulders, so
Despite the negative energy, which saturated the ninth lunar day, creative people and scientific employees work goes well. It's time for inspiration! But everything is new, whether projects, dating or meeting, it is better to defer. Businessmen should forget to date on financial matters, litigation and other business operations. Day is unfavourable to change employment, but for travel, travel and moving completely
Born on this day is likely to live a long and fruitful life, but will have health problems. Get rid of the disease helps regular cleaning of the body. Born the ninth lunar day people should remember about the purity of karma. If a person will be pure thoughts and intentions, if he will strive for kindness and sincerity, you will be able to avoid major hardships.
#lunnyesutki #Moon #Astrology #lunnyjden' #fazaluny #simvoldnja #Ayurveda
November 7 Monday 8 th / 9 th lunar day from...
November 7 Monday 8 th / 9 th lunar day from 13:46.
Moon in the sign of AQUARIUS. The second phase of the moon with 22:52
Characters of the day: fire, bat.
Day change of moon phase is always stressful. So do not plan on anything grandiose. Emotional instability, anxiety and nervous disorders may prevent you from today in the implementation of the plan. And Yes, the beginning of a new Monday workweek, we just try to enter the working channel, wake up after.
Today do not attract attention to itself. If you want to relax, the better head to visit friends and spend the evening in a pleasant company.
What not to do: a negative aspect of the Moon and Mars to 12:00 can also make you a little more irritable than usual, so try to immediately "sit in the Lotus position" and catch the Zen.
Do not try to plan anything and make important decisions, to insist and to impose someone their point of view.
Despite the fact that today is not the best day, as the moon phase changes, favorable aspects of Jupiter can help you in dealing with any legal issues related to finance.
Fitness: better postpone exercise.
Stay tuned for the group, write your comments, we look forward to hearing! 📌U have many interesting! Join our group!
#Relations, psychology #, #, astrology, astro-psychology ##horoscope, formula_dushi ###esoteric meditation, aromatherapy #
Monday - the day of the Moon
Recommendations for harmonizing influence...
Monday - the day of the Moon
Recommendations for harmonizing influence of the Moon
Catching up on Monday lunar things you will enhance the beneficial influence of the moon.
🌟🌟🌟Dlya calming the mind and emotional state:
• meditate or read the prayer, is particularly beneficial in the morning.
• Develop optimism
• Regularly take an invigorating shower in the morning and in the evening relaxing and soothing.
• Take care of and respect for the mother
• Feed the others
• Refrain from eating meat, especially beef
• Do not make important decisions on Monday
• Drink herbal teas, but please refrain from the use of black and green tea, as they excite the mind and emotional system
• Favored to spend Monday in an emotional calm
• If possible, do not operate on Monday, this is especially true for women
• Listen to the sound of water, practice yoga, relax, wash the dishes, listen to the mantra and chimes
• adverse effects on the mind of coffee, TV, quarrels, computer, phone
• beneficial effect on the moon any interaction with water
🌟🌟🌟Dlya establishing relations with relatives:
Visiting relatives on Mondays, call them and be interested in how they are doing. Even if you do not have a very good relationship with relatives, make it a habit to communicate with them was on Monday - the Moon will help you to improve relations.
🌟🌟🌟Dlya disposal to get rid of conflicts in the family:
• Try to spend Monday with no conflicts, then the Moon will help to maintain a harmonious emotional background in family and relationships in the coming week.
• Maintain cleanliness in the house, spend spring cleaning on Mondays. Cleaning the house on Monday, helping to establish order in the inner world and the soul, as the Moon is responsible for this.
🌟🌟🌟Dlya lonely or those who can not get pregnant:
It should be exactly on Monday to deal with all lunar things - accomplishment of space at home, socializing with family, read books about motherhood, communicate with young children. Moon on Monday drawn to maximize energy of the Moon, which will contribute to the implementation of your plans.
🌟🌟🌟Dlya improve appearance:
• Wear light-colored clothes on Monday and dairy pastel tones of the soft tissues.
• Women are favorable wearing pearls and silver
• Take a bath with the addition of sea salt or milk.
• Drink plenty of water and apply wet compresses on the problem areas.
• Use traditional methods of beauty, such as the mask of sour cream, cream or yogurt.
🌟🌟🌟Dlya establishing health:
• Favored on Monday to arrange a day of milk, as dairy products contain a lot of lunar energy.
• Stomach Monday especially vulnerable, so you should not overeat.
• To improve the digestive and endocrine system, healing breast favorable treatment to begin on Monday, starvation or fasting.
• Monday - the most auspicious day for the beginning of the treatment of allergies.
• To avoid increased emotionality on Monday recommended fasting or fasting.
Source: ayurvedamarket.ru
#Astrology @ centrnow