🔹 see what you think now, this will be your future. Think about the good, love, success, good luck, abundance and joy. And enjoy this in the future.
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
🔹 see what you think now, this will be your future...
Today Wednesday-day mercury...
Today Wednesday-day mercury.
It is Wednesday Afternoon can be considered knowledge 📖 because Mercury is responsible for intelligence, receive and impart information, communication in the broadest sense, Commerce and marketing. People who have strong mercury, excellent students and entrepreneurs quickly learn information, easily communicate and travel a lot (impact of Mercury you can learn on consultation).
On this day, favorably:
1. Learn foreign languages, astrology, anything new, engage in mathematics and logic. Attend seminars, lectures, webinars, books and scientific literature. It is important to resemble the knowledge consciously understand why exactly this knowledge. The best option-the study of spiritual Scriptures, meditations on the meaning of life.
2. Enter into transactions, to trade, to establish business relationships and contacts, serve ads, make plans for the immediate future, count money, communicate with people of all means of communication.
3. Dedicate this day to the development of their memory, clean speech, improving pronunciation, having competent oral and written speech. Very good, if on that day you'll write about something in writing by hand.
4. today, it is helpful to move to commit petty nature walks or trips, business trips. Travel best starting Wednesday.
5. For Mercury energy attunement surround yourself accordingly. Color: any shades of green. Stones: Emerald, jade, aquamarine, green tourmaline, green zircon. Listen and read the mantra of Mercury:
OM NAMO NAMAHA BUDHAJJA. Behold yantra (attached to the post) 🙏
#Wednesday #mercury #Astrology #den'znanij

21.12.2016 in 0000-13 Moscow time comes 22 LUNAR...
21.12.2016 in 0000-13 Moscow time comes 22 LUNAR DAY
Symbol is the elephant, Ganesha, the book.
Period of wisdom, knowledge, spiritual search, transfer of the sacred teachings, favorable for virtually any action if they performed sincerely and aim at creation. Conversely, any conceived negative Act doomed to fail now. This is due to the fact that manages this period the deity Ganesha, is the ruler of the demons (organs), hence its name-Ganapati, which literally means "master of organs. Twenty-second lunar day t
The keepers of knowledge and wisdom. Brain works (in the absence of contra-goroskopial'nyh) several times more productive than people born in other days. Spiritually rich, true, but impartial, even cynics. Very conservative, but learn from hunting and good luck. Easy to comprehend the meaning of things, capable of any science. However, the number of children born on this day, less than in other, sometimes 3 times.
Conception favorably, so as a child conceived in this day will have a happy future, and prudence.
Stones-blue lace agate, blue Sapphire, blue Jasper, blue jade and amber.
BUSINESS-the twenty-second lunar day lunar twenty-second day-the most successful time for the businessmen, because not only is the deity Ganesh to remove obstacles, but also the deity of wealth. If Ganesh would be duly umilostivlen, it gives a man of wealth, luxury, success, and fame. During this period it is very useful to visit his mentor, the man who is the authority for you and listen to his opinion about your pressing problems.
Auspicious time for marriage, but the wedding is required should be large and abundant meal, with unusual dishes and refreshments. The family created during this period, be strong, on her way to meet fewer obstacles than other families, but they will have all the time to develop spiritually, because as soon as the spouses should sink in materiality to the detriment of spiritual advancement, this Union will collapse immediately. So marry this Lunar day recommended
The most vulnerable during this period are the hips, thighs, sacrum and lower spine. You should be very careful not to make sudden movements, not to cause them injury. For example, if you are doing weight lifting, then try not to perform today exercise in which a heavily loaded these areas, it is better to work through the other muscle groups. In the twenty-second lunar day, we recommend that you begin treatment cycle, a new health
Sex in the twenty-second lunar day must end with a rich and festive dinner and preferably where you brought love games. And that's before sex is not recommended in the first place, it's simply bad, and, secondly, according to many esoteric teachings, the place where lovers had sex becomes sacred, because during copulation love pairs generated a tremendous amount of energy, going to harmonize women's
As Ganesha is the God, avoid obstacles, then all dreams of the twenty-second lunar days point to the hurdles and obstacles on the road of life. With proper analysis of dreams people could finally solve many of its problems, eliminate energy blocks and discover what actually hinders it realize its divine nature. The main thing is to be aware of when interpreting the characters without getting caught by the bait of his ego and
Almost all mystical schools devote twenty-second lunar day studying the Scriptures, because God is the protector Gashena sages, poets and all sacred texts. One of the most common Indian legends says that the great epic mahābhārata was composed Sage V'jasoj and recorded by Ganesha to use as pen own tusk. It was like this. After the Sage Vyasa had already composed his so he pondered on
Practice days: meditation on symbols (Yantra), books. Symbolic images of impact directly on the human subconscious, bypassing the conscious perception. The characters are encrypted and laws of development of the world fundamentals around the world. Meditation on various symbolic images in the lunar day contribute to understanding and penetration in the sacred mysteries of the image.
#Vk.com / astro_taro #www.astrotarot.su ##tarot astrology #spirituality
Throwing a boomerang 🔽 actions ... advance ... think how you will be...
Throwing a boomerang 🔽 actions ... advance ... think how you will be catching a boomerang effects ...
What changes will bring us in 2017?
Predictions by Tamara...
What changes will bring us in 2017?
Predictions by Tamara Globa.
According to the Chinese horoscope, 2017 will be held under the auspices of the Fire Rooster. The nature of this east znakastepenny, proud and sometimes quite unpredictable. So this time a lot of people will bring a huge amount of change, will provide an opportunity to express themselves in a new, more fruitful endeavors. But in order to success was not long in coming, you do not need to work from time to time and carefully and systematically.
✍🏻Nachalo 2017, it is perhaps one of the most intense and significant moments. If this period of time will be able to overcome their weaknesses, to change habits and to quickly adapt to the situation, by the summer it will be possible to wait for the first results.
Tamara Globa said that this period is very fortunate for the professional sphere. Many of the signs of the zodiac will have a chance to make career took off, in addition to any effective training. Also, the coming year will bring success to those who go deep into the knowledge of himself. Thus, Rooster provides many directions for the study of something unknown, opens the path of development and self-improvement.
✍🏻V 2017 special attention should be paid to finance. Rooster though and likes to take a chance, but unnecessary extravagance does not forgive. Do not take large loans or borrow considerable sums, because the situation is unstable and may lead to unforeseen circumstances. Do not exaggerate their abilities and do not neglect the advice of competent sources.
✍🏻V whole 2017 promises to be good. This is a good time to think about a new place of work and increase career, to say goodbye to bad habits and improve their health. Many people want to get in your own mind that will certainly entail a desire to change for the better, meet interesting people, to create a productive cooperation.
Those born under the sign of Aries, we can only congratulate. You will be unusually successful and promising year.
You will be successful in all areas of life, for whatever you came from. In the coming year can be filled with your most cherished desires. But only if you continue to think about them. Should you forget about your dreams, all your efforts will go into oblivion.
The year of the Rooster Taurus promises many surprises. And usually pleasant. In the coming year you have a chance to take the warmest place. But you can do it or not will depend on you.
Gone are the days when you had to work only with hands.
And the twins in the coming year will not have to sit idly by. You will only be one motto - work, work and work again. Only in this way you will always be "a horse".
Rooster is very easy on the representatives of the sign of Gemini.
Scientists - light. Is not this what we repeat from childhood mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers? How we did not like to listen to a child all these sermons. And representatives of the sign Cancer in the coming New 2017 year there is a real opportunity to verify the accuracy of this idea on their own.
For members of the zodiac sign Leo upcoming 2017 Year of the Rooster will be ambiguous. In some areas of life it will bring unprecedented success and take-offs, the other, on the contrary, will have to be patient and to be extremely careful. But do not worry much, everything will be good in general.
For members of the zodiac sign Virgo the upcoming Year of the Rooster will be calm and stable in all spheres of life. Many who have spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, will envy say that you are lucky. Maybe, in some extent they're right. Still, your success - it is entirely your merit.
Weight scales
For representatives of the sign Libra is planned quite challenging and busy year. You expect a huge change. In this area you will find a crossing. You can move to a new apartment in another neighborhood, city or even country. But the most important thing is that all these changes are necessarily connected with such an unearthly feeling as love.
You expect tremendous changes, but in order to enjoy them fully, you must believe completely in their own destiny. The most interesting is that the changes will be all over. And at work and in personal life. Accept them as a blessing. And most importantly, do not try to change anything, just go with the flow.
The coming 2017 will be for Sagittarius Rooster one big adventure. In fact, this zodiac sign is not considered quite so adventurous, but this year you will find something, and you'll be taken to the development of only those cases in which you will appear to be particularly dangerous and interesting.
2017 the year for members of the sign Capricorn will not be easy. If you want to stay afloat, you have to work very hard. If they say "very", it means at least twice, and at best, if not impossible to imagine.
In general, you can easily call the darling of destiny, you always have all the easy out, both at work and in the family.
Wonderful Year of the Rooster. You can do anything you want. And all the matter in respect of the mark to everything that is happening around. All the trouble that will accompany you, will not pose for you any interest. Which is good, because in this way they will not bring any harm to Aquarius. But all important matters is your attitude is very positive, and that is what will help you get out of life what you can.
Upcoming 2017 Year of the Rooster for representatives of Pisces promises to be very interesting. You can even afford to say that you will experience an unforgettable adventure. You there comes a time when you can afford anything. As a creative person always weary of Fish strict framework within which we are driving the normal operation. So, the coming year give you the opportunity to spend a year as you want.
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