Among the people there is a link called energy binding. Bindings there are negative and positive.
Negative binding appear when we have lost touch with the expensive man (broke up with her husband, my uncle died, he went to another town brother, talking with her sister after a quarrel). The relationship has long been lost, and we continue to think about this man, suddenly remembering him and those moments that were lived together. All this, of course, it stops you and your development, since living past memories, we do not leave room for the new.
On the nature of the phenomenon of binding energy
Consider the phenomenon of the binding energy in more detail. Very often it is common in people with an explosive insight. More often than not — among women. Moreover, the binding energy becomes stronger, if we spend more time with your loved one. What is the reason? Our biofield consists in close contact at a time when we are experiencing similar emotions. For example, while watching a comedy or a horror film you and your partner are experiencing similar emotions to
The strongest binding energy is known to exist from the twins and twins. Most of the time they spend together, and when they separated, it is easy to feel what's happening in the life of a brother or sister. This relationship between the spouses is also not uncommon. Gradually it becomes stronger and the point here is not in the habit, or in learning partner.
Invisible vibration that creates our body feels the biofield, which is surrounded by every one of us. Vibrations are totally different in the rhythm and frequency. For example, when sexual desire they frequent and pulsating, and if a strong anger is sharp and kolkie. Vibrations are invisible to the human eye, but their very sensitively perceives and feels our information.
#Алория_Собинова #Tarot #runes #Astrology #karma
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Among the people there is a link called energy binding...
🌍Sovmestno with our team we decided to conduct a #wownevateam...
🌍Sovmestno with our team we decided to conduct a #wownevateam ASTRO marafon🌍.
🌒Kitajskij new year come January 28 in 3:05 by Moskve🌒
January 💥28 creates a powerful stream of magical energy, which subsequent 15 days-days of growing Moon-will help us fulfill our desires! 💥
⭐ The following 12 days after 28 January gives us to lay a foundation of success for next year ⭐
🔮12 days after the new year, as well as 12 days after birth to symbolize the 12 areas of our lives, which corresponds to the 12 signs of the Zodiac and the 12 houses goroskopa🔮
📝Ottogo as we carry out these 12 days of life the whole year the Fiery Cock 🐥
💥hochesh' be in the topic, pishi💥
#Astrology #life #solar #life #Moscow #Spb #Peter #gatchina
Good morning, astrologers! :)
iastro #iastro #astrology ###motivator astrology
Good morning, astrologers! :)
iastro #iastro #astrology ###motivator astrology