##znakizodiaka #Astrology horoscope
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Sunday, February 12, 2017
๐ Seven spiritual laws of prosperity by Randy Gage ๐
๐น 1...
๐ Seven spiritual laws of prosperity by Randy Gage ๐
๐น 1. The Act void
If you need new shoes, throw away the old. If you need new clothes, clean your closet. You have to willingly part with your stereotypes.
๐น 2. Circulation law
Get ready to let go of something you own to get something that you desire.
๐น 3. The Act of imagination
First you should see prosperity in your imagination. Make description of your ideal day and don't show it to anyone, in addition, the trust. Keep this description somewhere near at hand, and in his spare time, re-read it.
๐น 4. The Act of creativity
A person can achieve prosperity through the energy of his thinking, intuition and imagination.
๐น 5. The law of retribution and getting
If you give something, then it is returned ten-fold. When you get good, it is very important to share it with others. If you have a gift, and you don't use it, you insult your divinity. So with all due respect to my abilities, you should rejoice at the gifts and share them with others. If you do this, you attract more wealth into your life.
๐น 6. The law of tithing
The universe always take their tithes. It's just the law of gratitude-support source 10% of everything you have. You never know how your tithing will come back to you. Money is a common phenomenon. But it can also come in the form of reconciliation with someone with the new friendly relations, in the form of recovery, etc.
๐น 7. The law of forgiveness
If you can't forgive people, you can't take your wealth. If your soul is filled with hatred, love cannot find their place in it. You have to get rid of negative feelings that devour you and give you peace of mind.
My dear, I wish all full of harmony and happiness!
Your #VeraHubelashvili #Astrology #horoscope of #konsul'tacijaastrologa #happiness #love #life
๐๐ฅEtot strong ritual with crystal is on the waning moon...
๐๐ฅEtot strong ritual with crystal is on the waning moon. You will need a candle and a crystal of any color and size http://shop.olganikolaeva.guru/index.php?route=product/category&path=75
๐Uedinites, light a candle, take the crystal and hold a couple of minutes between your hands, filling their own energy. Next, put a couple of minutes to the heart chakra.
๐Pri this talk: "Power of the earth, the power of love, Take away my sadness, remove obstacles, grant protection! I have the power! I'm fun! I am Love! I am a success! ". Repeat these words three times.
Wave the crystal over a fire candle, let the verge shine, let it transform all your accumulated negative emotions and energy.
❗Posle this ritual crystal should be washed under running water.
Crystal ###astrology ritual Nikolayev ###Protection ustranenie_prepyatstvy #spirituality olganikolaeva ###Feng Shui ritual_kristall
✅Vidov energy meditation there is great variety...
✅Vidov energy meditation there is great variety, some of which are based on complex techniques of yoga, others - on rituals and worship of existing and non-existent gods and spirits.
We now consider the most simple, but, nevertheless, requires adequate preparation technique.
✅Prezhde of all, find out what is needed energy meditation.
And it needs to replenish energy reserves and an increase in the practice of his forces.
✅Dannaya technique does not require any special situation, except, of course, silence and solitude.
But these factors are only required at first and for a beginner.
You can play music - absolutely any - the main thing that it helped "to withdraw into himself" and to stop the internal dialogue.
✅Nuzhno sit cross-legged, his hands folded in the lock, connect the thumbs so that the tips of them looked up.
It will be a kind of "antenna", through which the first and the energy will flow.
✅Zakryvaem eyes and focus on internal sensations. Internal dialogue is to be interrupted, the emotions and the world around drowned.
✅Nachinaem visualize - cause a sensation as above through the tip of the thumb flowing energy.
✅Snachala a thin weak stream, which gradually becomes wider and more intense.
Through fingers energy passes into the hands and apply to the whole body.
✅V day is enough for 15 minutes at normal body's practice.
With the depletion of energy it can take about half an hour.
Technology may, at any time replace sleep, but do not overdo it - nothing for a long time does not replace the normal rest.
✅Cherez few weeks, perhaps days, daily perform this meditation, you will feel the energy seeps into your body not only through the fingers, but also through the crown - the crown chakra.
You will feel a slight pressure on the head and spine.
This will mean that meditation is performed correctly, and soon you will be able to "recharge" not only in a special place in a specially reserved for this time, but then and there, when and where you need it to be.
The result of the energy of meditation is not only thorough, "charging" the practice, but also the opening of the crown chakra.
#astropsihologij #Jyotish astrology ###Meditation charge
Horoscope for today from StopKilo for all zodiac signs:
Horoscope for today from StopKilo for all zodiac signs:
Read: http://stopkilo.net/horoscope/
##Znakizodiaka astrology horoscope ##forecast #StopKilo