THE HOUSE OF THE HOROSCOPE. 8th House of the horoscope.
(Elena Brova)
Aries on kuspide houses, 8. 8 House in Aries or link or a tense aspect to Mars.
But especially struck Mars in 8 House.
Before turning to the immediate topic, wished to point out that the analysis of the 8 houses it is important for us to see what homes are going or what kind of home are amazed elements 8 houses.
So special caution in the relevant themes should be holders of cards where elements 8 home strike elements 1. This ratio may indicate that as a result of circumstances described 8 home, Nativ, himself could suffer even more precise his body.
More than seriously need to consider health issues, owners of the tension between elements 8 and 6 or 8 and 12 or 8 and again 1 houses. Here is a dangerous inattention to their health that could provoke life-threatening disease, or in the worst case (with additional indicators and the lack of attention to this matter from the Nativa)-death from the illness.
Generally the tense relationship of 8 houses with other House can show on your space, from where will come the risk or the scope of which will suffer as a result of circumstances 8 houses.
Roughly speaking, if Manager 3 houses fall into the 8, and thus makes the stressful aspect to the elements of the first House, it may mean that the road is for Nativa immediate danger and should exercise the utmost vigilance, as a result of the accident, Nativ can significantly be affected personally, or when additional testimony, even die.
But if instead of 1 home, 2-th is involved, it is likely to suffer a wallet or personal property Nativa-roughly speaking, suffer greatly as a result of the accident the car but not hurt myself Nativ (judged so far only for this bunch, but remember that in the horoscope there are many bundles, each of which needs a study).
Another note-it's not necessarily the case that the potential danger, described your horoscope, happen to you! It is not necessary to immediately pull all the ills of the world. We just need to soberly and wisely treat the problem, and if you see a predisposition to a certain kind of trouble, take timely action, and not to trust our national "will carry!" or "maybe".
If the danger in your horoscope is what risk and validate the strength of life, personally I would not recommended.
Aries on kuspide houses, 8. 8 House in Aries or link or a tense aspect to Mars.
But especially struck Mars in 8 House.
Dangerous for Nativa will all aggressive situations and people. What this means is that if you see a noisy company of young people, or bully, or aggressive or violent is configured, the more human with arms (by the way, this does not necessarily have to be a man-can come up and aggressively leading yourself to a woman), then you'd better refrain from contacting them (go to the other party not to go out of the entrance, get in the car and ueh
Do not think that "no brainer". In any conflict in the street, there is always someone who engages in this case-less would suffice, short of trying to break the fight, "talk", etc. with a bully to someone to do it, you can, and some do not. Here is the holder of the affected Mars 8 House is definitely not worth it.
Again-to respond to noise, screams, and requests for assistance coming from the entrance, better calling police. Because its own participation could be for Nativa is dangerous.
Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that the crisis may occur not only because someone will apply to you, but also due to the fact that you apply force to someone.
Say, after reading this material you decide that now will not go anywhere, "morning", and place the next time let his dog, let it sort itself out. She will understand, but in the end it turns out that all those gathered against and you will now have to appear before the Court for what your dog seriously have been bitten by a "good" person.
Dangerous will all Martian personalities are young, strong, the more aggressive men (or women of this type). Arrogant, impulsive, angry people.
Obvious here and the danger of weapons-each and cold and fire. And in general everything that significiruetsja Mars. Here again it is necessary to make focus clear-it is clear that the mass of people seeing the armed man on the street, much less human, the ominous weapon, immediately begin to seek ways to rescue-hide, run away, take any measures. BUT! The danger of weapons is not only described the situation. This may be the example system
Danger from medical procedures conducted using sharp objects. Dangerous can be injections, surgery.
About surgery all generally understandable. It is important to not "cut", "slaughtered" and "not made the contagion" (Mars manages a purulent processes, acute infectious diseases and blood).
While I note the presence of such a defeat does not mean that we must stand "on death" refusing surgical intervention when it is needed for health indicators. Generally speaking, this House 8 initially could signal just about operation Nativu will have to endure.
All important issues you should listen to the professionals, and if the doctor you trust, insisted on the operation, then listen to it! It is clear for the outcome of the operation you do not answer, but you can remain vigilant in preparation for surgery, or rehabilitation. Say the operation may be successful, but the Nativ can carelessly refers to his rehabilitation is not walking on time for bandaging, or not to insist on them if the staff o n honey
Again with the astrological knowledge, carefully select and day surgery (do not touch the body that is active at that moment passing Moon, are not doing the surgery in full moon, etc.).
Should say about further injections. Again, watch out not to have made contagion. But besides that-if we have Mars strikes 1 House, either Venus or the Moon (female), the danger might be from "Beauty shots" or its operations gain (Moon-breast implants, Venus-leather, 1 House-appearance in General). Not the fact that, as a result of this procedure, Nativ dies or falls ill, however, if the person doing the operation or beauty treatments, bounded
Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that visit a beautician or manicure/pedicure is also Martian situation. Therefore it is worth to show attention to how sterilized tools and general hygiene facilities.
Danger of fire and fire. Some astrologers, seeing strongly affected 8 house reviews for "stress relief" go work in relevant bodies is a firefighter, policeman, or lifeguard. I honestly can't support the belief of his colleagues on this issue, to be more precise, I can't give such advice massively. When it comes to danger to life, send man into space, which was originally described in his horoscope as crisis
People really can be like a beautiful fireman (for example), but it is, alas, does not guarantee protection from fire. And it may happen that at the regular time, it greatly suffer or even die.
I.e., the primary conclusion if we see in 8 House struck Mars (and even more so if he strikes items 1 home) is exactly the DANGER from fire. And primarily (and if 8 House strikes elements 1.6, or 12 houses then and later), we warn Nativa from contact with these themes.
List all the topics that can be dangerous to the Nativa, signifikacii Mars just not possible in the same way as for other planets, since all phenomena and objects of our lives are running only 10 Planets! The most important thing you must understand is that having an element of 8 homes struck Mars, any theme that fits his signifikaciju should get you to exercise the utmost vigilance and not to hope for good luck. If you saw p
In this case, once again wishes to emphasize that in addition to manage their respective personalities, objects and phenomena, every planet, manages some quality person, which can be a source of problems.
In the case of Mars, trouble can arise as a result of excessive self-confidence or conflict Nativa.
The main problem here is somewhat dimmed if no atrofirovannoe sense of self-preservation.
#Aries #Mars #crisis #death #danger #risk #astrology