With the March 4 Venus begins its retrograde motion. And as always, remember well at this time pending, call an old friend, write a letter or complete embroidery. If you've been interested in astrology, started her study and throwing, it's time to give yourself a second chance and confess her love. She will reciprocate, generous and long and relationships will delight. And I'm only slightly help held a meeting and acquaintance.
March 7 at 20.15 on Moscow will host a free practice Webinar "interpretation of a natal chart" for those who want to get acquainted with the work of astrologer.
###обучение_астрологии #ретроградная_Венера horoscope astrology
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
With the March 4 Venus begins its retrograde motion. And...
What you are about...
What you are about to read will change your life, or simply make you smile.
So, let's start ...
Story No. 1:
Marousi have had a lover Peter and husband Joe. Once Joe has left for work, and Peter came to Marusia. Meanwhile, John's at work happened CHP and its released.
And if the calculation successful ordered Maroussia in time for a meeting with Petya, then he is not lying now in plaster in the local district hospital.
Story No. 2:
Once upon a time there was Ivan, and he once went for a walk with doggy. Ivan Ivanovich slipped, fell and broke his leg, and if Ivan Ivanovich knew in his natal chart Mars retrograde, responsible for the injury, he would think to go walk with pesikom during transit of Mars.
Story No. 3:
Oleg met Masha and immediately broke to love. But after the wedding, the unexpected happened, Masha, she became a demon possessed similar to witch kidalas' pans and obscenely expressed whenever happy Oleg was returning from the bar. Just Masha "kuja dosha" (blemish Mars). Oleg should consult astrologer before making Mache proposal, then it would not be buying a concealer and dark glasses to hide huge bruise under the eye
The astrologer will help you if:
✔ Do you think that life is an endless black band, perhaps you simply test period Saturn;
✔ Are you looking for themselves and can't find. Maybe you're having 1,000 acquaintances, still unfamiliar with itself;
✔ You lots and lots of work and no money. Maybe you go not by their natural destination (perhaps you sell bananas and your task is to grow);
✔ You have a bad relationship with your spouse;
✔ Do you want to buy a home, but do not know in what period of time it is better to do it;
✔ Other questions you may have.
The answers to these and many other "If" you can obtain from the astrologer, better one time to learn than whole life suffer with Mashej😉.
‼ Contact me for advice https://vk.com/id380630398
Your Arielle (Vedic astrologer, Numerologist, Kundalini Reiki Master)
⁉ Testimonials about my work you can read it here https://vk.com/topic-131153201_34697420
And don't forget to join my group, we have a very interesting 🙌
By the way, the calculation of the period of Saturn that most believed the black stripe, now I'm doing for only 100 rubles. sign up here http://vk.com/topic-131153201_34988513 💖
In the same way we now draw, participate and win! 🎁
#astropsihologij #Astrology #Jyotish #tutorial #Numerology
ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST for the WEEK of 6-12 MARCH 2017 (continued...
ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST for the WEEK of 6-12 MARCH 2017 (continued)
12 March full moon in 22° 13 ' Virgin-this time result or crisis. Initiatives, ideas and situations the period 26 February Eclipse and early March will reveal its true meaning. And if there was confusion, illusion, deception, unrealistic projects, they stumble on a wall of reality.
This is the time when we meet with the consequences and pay bills in the literal and figurative sense. Previous errors become apparent, dishonesty or impurity, business related problems. So wisely at the beginning of the month, not to make trouble.
11-20 of March possible conflicts with those who control the US-from chiefs to government agencies. At this time, the duties and obligations to remind about himself while dodging from them could lead to additional difficulties. In business can be unscheduled inspection. This is the time when parents or elder family members may need the help and participation.
This full moon is primarily affects those who have a natal chart has a personal planet in 21° -23° and 27° mutabel'nyh signs: Virgo, PISCES, Sagittarius, Gemini.
#astroprognoz #nedelja6marta #mart2017 ###Astrology horoscope globa #Avesta #konsul'taciiastrologa
##Esoteric magic ##self astrology
##Esoteric magic ##self astrology
Process Accelerator
#runa_усилитель #esoterics #magic #self-knowledge #astrology
3 Dfgaz +4...
Process Accelerator
#runa_усилитель #esoterics #magic #self-knowledge #astrology
3 Dfgaz +4 Tevaz
Author Shrew
Good morning, Dear subscribers personal development center ASTERA! Hurry wish...
Good morning, Dear subscribers personal development center ASTERA! Hurry wish very good morning to you. Let it begin with a great smile and wonderful mood, great ideas and good inspiration. We wish morning cheerfulness, happiness and love, great plans for the day and their successful implementation.
We continue to publish amazing rubriki- "Character and Destiny Date of Birth" In it you will find your unique traits will discover something new, get valuable advice on strengthening your advantages, harmonious development, to strengthen your health tips, astrological stages the formation of fate according to the date of your birth, and much more.
A detailed horoscope for each day of the calendar year, you can find on our forum section -ASTROLOGIYa.http: //astera.forum2x2.ru/
BORN 6 March
Fate: the Ambitious nature are born on this day. They determined, and in the shower they have lives ambition and love of flattery. They are hardworking, stick in side of all, isolation. And, unfortunately, this trait can involve people insincere and capable of betrayal. They should be more friendly to communicate with people, wisdom, be able to allocate the false notes. Wealth, fame, fame is born on this day are achievable, provided their upornog
Mystery birthday: search for beauty takes a life born 6 March, she beckons. And these people are very attractive. The exterior of their way of life and an environment filled with refined and exquisite objects that delivers indulgence. Unbeknownst to themselves, born on this day are a source of positive energy, attractive surrounding closer to him. However, only a rare personality can fully use its magic n
Born 6 March can quietly move on knurled, if you do not meet obstacles. They are able to capture the beauty of the people or events that are hidden from the eyes of others, maloprimetnaja for them, but keep a fleeting image of the control. Perhaps the explanation is hiding in their variability and propensity to romanticism. Individuals who are trying to build an ordered system of notions tend to shy away toward idealization total including p
Although this position largely selective approach preserves and swells the inner strength born on this day. So they become like Narcissus, enamored of its mirror image. Following the aesthetics of all 6 born accompanies March, they are willing to put on her altar your life and for the idea of sacrifice themselves. At the same time their internal wealth can catalyze the surrounding actions inspire and make yourself the subject of admiration.
There is a danger some born on this day to get carried away with their own desires and attraction and become their slave, and most of them are simple little sensitivity to be able to admire the beauty and giving her assessment. Eventually they come to idealize the object of adoration, which will be ready to live the rest of my life, merged with him together. Unfortunately, such enthusiastic periods pass and leave a trail of frustration, apathy, depression. R
Health: to surround themselves with beauty-that's what love born 6 March. Therefore, forest walks, in the suburbs, surrounded by nature, among picturesque places away from the hum of the machines, the bustle of city life for them will be the best relaxation and sedation. As a hobby it completely fits gardening. It will help them not zakostenevat' physically, as gardening involves different exercises (inclinations to garden beds, for example), and in addition receive aesthetic welcomed
Tip: Beauty is valuable, but it should not be paramount. Don't get carried away by it too much. You should probably look for another source of energy where you'll nurture your life. In his personal life to remember that sometimes separation must take place, and no matter how long it will last.
Astera #astera ###@ astera astrology horoscope @ astera data_rozhdeniya #@ astera

Astrology ###natalnayakarta marsvrybah
#Osebelyubimoy poshlikupatsya ###naglubine vzryvmozga
Shark also fish...
Astrology ###natalnayakarta marsvrybah
#Osebelyubimoy poshlikupatsya ###naglubine vzryvmozga
Shark also fish 😎
When the ruler of the first house - in Mars ♓
Let's go swimming!!! 😆