Ophiuchus. Who are you now on zodiac sign?
The network is full of reports about the constellation Ophiuchus and that NASA scientists had found another dating the zodiac signs. Taureans were Ovnami, Capricorn-Aquarius. Let's see what actually happened?
The first mention of the fact that there is Ophiuchus, appeared at the masses in the 90-ies of the last century. Now, apparently, a new revolution.
At the time of the ancient Babylonians had known trinadtsatoe sozvezdie presumed, it decided not to pay attention to not break the slim series year consists of 12 months and is divided into 12 signs of the zodiac.
However, it was not taken into account the unequal amount of time finding the Sun in each constellation, which led to the displacement of characters in many people.
So, NASA scientists allegedly identified date, taking into account the position of the Sun and the availability of the constellation Ophiuchus as follows:
with 19.04 13.05-Aries;
from 14.05 to 21.06-Taurus;
from 22.06 to 20.07-Twins;
with 21.07 to 10.08-cancer;
with 11.08 to 16.09-Lion;
with 31.10 on 22.11-Scales;
from 23.11 to 28.11-Scorpio;
with 29.11 to 17.12-Ophiuchus;
18.12 to 19.01-Sagittarius;
from 20.01 to 16.02-Capricorn;
with 17.02 on 11.03-Aquarius;
from 12.03 to 18.04-fish.
Moreover, in various articles differ a little date (plus/minus 1-2 days).
Many of us have not experienced the Rapture of such changes, in spite of the fact that researchers joked that this changes nothing, because before a match by zodiac signs and their human characteristics sought to zero.
Who as you say you are right! Someone a great believer in astrology!
And for such as you, there is another news! This is a partial truth!
If operate more accurate formulas, zodiac signs are not 13 and 24! Yes, and there is indeed an Ophiuchus! The fact of the matter is that the zodiacal circle-2! And the firmament includes two dvenadcatilučnye the swastika. We are well known for exactly the bottom Zodiac circle, divided into 12 sectors, which in ancient times was called by the name of mythical characters. Ophiuchus is not here, but all sectors-known us 12 signs of the zodiac. And The Zodiacal Circle Verhneg
Bottom Zodiac describes in a sense of household Plast human life, and the top is sverhprogramma.
So, if a person, regardless of the lower of the Zodiac, Ophiuchus branch is selected via the upper Zodiac, then such a person is born to perform a mission.
So the hype about Ophiuchus and the change of dates of the Zodiac is not quite correct.
If you are interesting to read about Ophiuchus, see article here»» > https://goo.gl/nluYZ2
In any case, this is really interesting. And no matter whether you believe in horoscope or not, think that's what the question: "is it really all strictly predetermined and each character lives the same fate? Do thousands of people are living the same life? Is it possible to control fate? "
For those curious to understand all this, we recommend that you read a book by Sergey Ratner "began. The entrance to the world of energy "-it's free. This is where the basics of energy management and destiny! Download the book here»» > https://goo.gl/EX7896
And share this article with your friends! Questions on change of dates on the Zodiac and Ophiuchus constellation now excites virtually everyone!
#Ophiuchus #znakizodiaka ###Astrology horoscope Zodiac
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Ophiuchus. Who are you now on zodiac sign?
The network...
Gemini Man. The lowest octave Twins represented windbag and...
Gemini Man. The lowest octave Twins represented windbag and gossiper, which conveys the inefficient information for commercial purposes. For gossip is characterized by the extreme narrowness of the plot, where there are three or four hard scheme; go beyond prohibited public opinion, which, in turn, is of great importance for the twins. Because the twins are living in mental forms Wednesday their own and created various groups and
A deeper study of the sign Gemini provides the ability to create mental forms, simulating reality, that is what in mathematics is called structures. An even higher level of Twins leads to the ability to manipulate these structures, i.e. the creation of languages the mental structures (formal languages); extreme on abstract examples include mathematics, programming languages and automated data banks, and train schedule
Twins (zone of creation!) very hard with their own opinion. They are beyond the control of information flow that goes through them; in other words, they think exactly what they say and believe everything they hear and read in particular. Then they read something opposite, and again this believe-but that's their little confused: with its contradictory nature, they easily accept too-they somehow do not consider them once.
If the twins argue with you (and they love), they easily (especially if you are Aries, Leo or cancer) will lead you to despair. Firstly, their erudition and good gift of gab suppress. Secondly, they do not listen, meet with the form rather than the substance of what was said. And thirdly, that terrifying, they express their opinion is not (which is not), but the opinion of a certain social circle or even the commitment of just where. Therefore, in those rare cases when
The twins ' problem is that they are too easy to imagine (i.e. mentally simulate) anything, including even emotions. Mentally modeled energy flows and even the chakras, but it's still not real streams and false chakra, and Gemini on this overlooked (and sometimes not aware). On the other hand, thin enough and differentiated model, albeit consisting of dead items (say, mathematical points), starts to live
Psychologically twins (and Aquarius) the coldest zodiac signs. At the same time, the twins can be very observant and thoughtful, but even within the (necessarily specific) sign system which they know (that is, in principle, they may notice everything that can be described in precise words: "drooping corners of lips", but not "gloomy expression of the mouth"). However some coldness manifestations should not be confused with lack of soul that a person with a
Gemini more capable device than any other character, except, perhaps, fish (moveable cross). They can talk with anyone about anything, and always find a way to convey the necessary information; but here lies their Achilles heel-they is exchanged on trivia. Sometimes from a major problem you cannot leave, exchanging it for a dozen smaller.
The highest octave of the twins is a person engaged in philosophy, in the true sense of the word, while existential and meaningful, whose models sufficiently large fragments of the world and thin, and visible, and the language in which it was created-live.
The twins without planets
But Twins.
A person who has no planets in Gemini, with labour goes to superficial contacts, he had difficulty with the faster information perception of superficial learning (in particular, in schools and in the Institute), the big problem with learning foreign languages (particularly difficult vocabulary is dialed), inability to quickly and accurately answer. All this, however, is softened by aspektirovannym Mercury (or Mercury inside the sign). On the other hand, it will not have a tendency to are ver
(c) a. Underwater
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That would not miss the characteristics of zodiac signs-join the team!
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#Astrology #astropsihologiâ ##знаки_зодиака ##натальная_карта the cosmogram horoscope #формула_души #Gemini
It will be far from the tasty ice...
It will be far from the tasty ice cream, it will focus on Venus, although sweets, fruit and delicious smells are directly related. Venus is naturally responsible for love, ideals, objects of art and beauty in our lives. But the love of Venus is expressed in aesthetic perception of life, it is characterized by a high aesthetic requirements registration of interpersonal relationships. Neptune is responsible for divine love, for biological Loon
So, Johann Goethe, German writer and poet of 18-th century: "love cannot dominate over others, but it can change their"-here's the German pragmatic approach to love, to him, of course, would not accept a good half of mankind, especially irrational Latinos or French. Goethe was born under the constellation Virgo with Venus in Virgo and Venus in Virgo in the so-called "fall". Goethe could not be given instructions like madness, but its plastic Moon
"Let you message others
But I left, I left
Your hair fall smoke
And eye fatigue in autumn. "
Venus does not always coincide with the position of the Sun in horoscope, but does not depart far from it (the long at 45 degrees), so the Virgin can behave in love sometimes is not as described in the tabloids and pamphlets many glamorous sites: cold, calculating. Leo Tolstoy was a Virgin, but he devoted love much more space in life rather than the creator of Faust: "women staged a from such gun impact on sensuality, that
Emotionally and reverently described feelings of writers born with Venus in cancer-the need for profound understanding, love and affection, not suffer any mild falsehood, privâzčivy: "the day will come, and a young girl wakes up woman ... And then there is some fool. And always insightful her gaze first deceived and sees the fool in the pink light. If a fool will read poems, his take for the poet. Give him your heart-wild garden
Romantisch-Word consonant Venus, opening the era of romanticism, Lord Byron, nevertheless wrote: "do you really think that if Laura was the wife of Petrarch, he would become a lifetime writing sonnets?" George Gordon was born under the sign of Aquarius révolutionnaire, where his Venus-democratic, sincere, living on its unwritten laws. The first thing she can do is destroy traditions. After Byron married and a daughter was born August
Venus is credited with skill and cunning, while all in′skih planets (Moon, Venus) irrational, i.e. outside of logic. Her relatives in astrology signs-Libra and Taurus, but by Taurus's Venus natural values, natural beauty, fits well in the rural landscape paintings by Benoit and Monet, Jean Cocteau and even abstract raw Salvator Dali. Venus in Libra kompromissna and vitievata: "the only way to get rid of temptation is a poddat
Love paradox is that coming over it is the purest vibrations, but iskažaâs′ under the influence of the Moon (the subconscious in the US) as well as our personal Venus, acquires some form of, say, our signature, ferromony, our personal motivation and established ideals. Love combines two different things: love physical, there is passion, time and mercy, not changing under any circumstances. Since we are talking about any
B. Moiseev reminisces about acquaintance with pugachevoj: "sitting in the restaurant of his aunt. I say, ' here it is, a star. " I sat opposite and looked her straight in the eye. It was something crazy, some kind of pressure, a kind of impulse. " Interestingly, the highest expression of Venus is Neptune, responsible for the music and the singer with Venus in PISCES brings depth to the listeners of course love experiences. Uranium, responsible for Ballet bears Venus dryness, perversions, ersatz, so Wed
Walking on Veneram famous figures to top it off I want to say that the human person does not work, a word that comes easily to those who have seductive Venus in Gemini, it was Paul Gauguin, Empress Catherine the second, Jacqueline Kennedy and the incomparable William Shakespeare, donesšij into the world of the real truth about love:
"Your love, my friend expensive treasure,
More esteemed than the crowns of Kings,
Dressed rich attire,
Hunting Falcon merrier "
© Valentina Wittrock
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#Astrology #astropsihologiâ ##формула_души ##horoscope cosmogram Zodiac #planets
#Scorpio @ carinanebula ###horoscope Zodiac Astrology #prediction #esoterics
#Scorpio @ carinanebula ###horoscope Zodiac Astrology #prediction #esoterics
Study of planets by k. Dragan
🌺Venera is the...
Study of planets by k. Dragan
🌺Venera is the second planet in the sequence, which is closely linked to our tastes and subjective preferences. Venus is directly responsible for the pleasure and enjoyment of anything. And, accordingly, its study comes along that axis.
Weak Venus gives a little pleasure, lack of taste to the joys of life, what would they not expressed — in a pleasant meal, in an interesting conversation, a favorite activity or something else. Her sign specifies the way in which we feel the joy of life, and the House — the scope where it is easiest to do this.
For her typical optimistic outlook on life, attitude to everything with a smile.
Venus is the ability to motivate yourself to something of your own choosing. This wasn't the ability to love what is useful, and not interested in the fact that harmful. And it's not only the destiny of the lucky ones with "good" Venus initially. It's such a skill, which is possible and necessary to develop themselves. Not coincidentally, it is considered that persons with weak Svadhisthanoj not able to effectively learn and engage in creative work. The reason is that without getting fun
🌺Odna of the typical weaknesses of Venus is boredom and inability to yourself something
interest. People with neprorabotanoj Venus forced to seek some external entertainment to activate its planetary principle.
The ability to receive the joy of communication, which is the highest form of love is Venus. And if love in our life, it does not constitute a direct signal to work with Venus. This fully applies the love to yourself. "Before the man who hates himself, opened the door of degeneration," said Swami Vivekananda. Hatred and disgust — quality, least characteristic of Venus.
Inability to relate with love for yourself, including your own body is a defect or perversion of the qualities of Venus. However, the opposite bias (excesses), is also quite common. This planet is directly related to money as with equivalent of pleasures, which can give us life, even if Venus is not associated directly with a second home. Therefore, the study of Venus is always a need to answer the questions "How do we make money?" and "how we spend
study of the second chakra-Svadhisthany.
🌺Ploho-designed Venus is manifested in laziness, hypersensitivity and irritability, or vice versa (if weak)-insensitivity, ruthlessness. Strong but negative gives sexual perversions, jealousy, love suffering, passion for collecting things and shopping, vulgarity.
🌺Garmonizirovannaâ Venus always manifests itself in good sense measures that automatically gives good taste, elegance, friendliness. One of the most visible criteria study of Venus is the attitude towards love. Harmonious Venus gives love surrounding even seemingly without special on the effort. Race Venus love requires, but does not give. Such a man is chasing hard that believes love, but, in fact, the feelings of different parasite
#Astrology #daragan #study #Venus #mooladhara #Zen #Castaneda #Yoga #self improvement
[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in...
[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!
Topic Vedic [club42933644 | Festival Vedalife]: Vegetarianism
Never dispose of the food!
Goddess Lakshmi lives for food, it is present in our kitchens in grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables and dairy products, so you should know that:
~ If we throw legumes, it along with them and throw our finances;
~ When we throw fruits with them from our life energy out of love;
~ With dairy products we banishes happiness from your life;
~ If we throw away the vegetables, then we will have no rapport with people.
Because each product symbolizes some energy of the Goddess, and when we throw it, we express our disrespect to the material energy.
The remaining food should be either buried in the ground, or to give the animal. Do not throw food, and cleaning the skins in the toilet, we also insults.
The house must always be fresh food, ideally offered to God. Food that is prepared for more than 3 hours ago, losing its energy, and after eating, we get not only physical food, how much we consume energy that is contained in the food. That is why people often after a meal do not feel a surge of energy and strength, because the food was energetically empty.
Cooking should be a little more than you need for the family members, so that little is left even for one person, if suddenly someone came to visit.
Not a single guest, even accidentally looking, can not be left without treats! If a person is left out of your home is not fed, leaving the family well-being and your devotion as a wife.
If the guest refused to eat, and did not even want to take with you, it means that your offer was insincere.
It is important to treat with equal respect for both men and women, because when we serve a woman, we are working on a female heavy karma that serve men - improve their family karma.
Be hospitable hostesses and respect the power of Lakshmi, the goddess of fortune, and will always be present in your homes!
Catherine Polishchuk
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#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda
#Lunnyy_kalendar @ ot_panterki #lunnyy_kalendar moon ###astrology elements
SEPTEMBER 23 c 13...
#Lunnyy_kalendar @ ot_panterki #lunnyy_kalendar moon ###astrology elements
SEPTEMBER 23 c 13 h. - Moon in Cancer (water sign)
These are the days of moisture. The air becomes more humid, the ground may be a long time to keep the morning dew. It increases the probability of precipitation. It is recommended to reduce the intake of fluids. You can podcherpnut energy of the pool, or visit the pool.
This time is well suited for washing (especially during the waning moon). Only immediately hang clothes. Ideal for cleaning when you need to wash everything well. This period is ill-suited for baking and all, and are not suitable for procurement and preservation.
When the Moon is staying in water signs, increased emotionality, sensitivity, receptivity. These days are particularly suitable for the creation, as wake up the imagination.
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Where do I take the stones? On aliekspress, for example)))) bought about a month ago, on trial. Now you can safely continue to update a box with small stones the amenities 😍💜💚 ###energiyakamney astrologer astrology #