#Lunnyy_kalendar @ ot_panterki #lunnyy_kalendar moon ###astrology elements
9 November 1:00-Moon in PISCES (water sign)
These are the days of moisture. The air becomes more humid, the ground may be a long time to keep the morning dew. It increases the probability of precipitation. It is recommended to reduce the intake of fluids. You can podcherpnut energy of the pool, or visit the pool.
This time is well suited for washing (especially during the waning moon). Only immediately hang clothes. Ideal for cleaning when you need to wash everything well. This period is ill-suited for baking and all, and are not suitable for procurement and preservation.
When the Moon is staying in water signs, increased emotionality, sensitivity, receptivity. These days are particularly suitable for the creation, as wake up the imagination.
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Saturday, November 12, 2016
#Lunnyy_kalendar @ ot_panterki #lunnyy_kalendar moon ###astrology elements
9 November 1:00-Moon...
#лунный_календарь @ot_panterki #лунный_календарь #Moon #astrology
🌓 8 NOVEMBER from 14.30-10...
#лунный_календарь @ot_panterki #лунный_календарь #Moon #astrology
🌓 8 NOVEMBER from 14.30-10 LUNAR DAY
Character day-fountain, it symbolizes an inexhaustible clean source of energy, inspiration and wisdom. Energy of these Lunar days. Today is a good time for household chores, start everything new, mental and physical work, socializing with friends, colleagues and relatives. Sports are welcomed.
This lunar day is family day and kind. It will be very good, if you do something to strengthen family ties, remember family tradition or start a new one.
Contacting superiors-good
Visit hair salon-bad
Physical activity-good
Sex is good
#лунный_календарь @ot_panterki #лунный_календарь #Moon #astrology
🌓 2:00 pm on November...
#лунный_календарь @ot_panterki #лунный_календарь #Moon #astrology
🌓 2:00 pm on November 7-9 LUNAR DAY
The symbol of the day-bat. This day is considered to be heavy. Many feel his offensive, experiencing abnormal fears, anxiety, there are a variety of ailments, and turmoil. Try to spend it in the calm of everyday work and good mood.
This day becomes more difficult to control emotions. Conflicts can arise in a vacuum, it is advisable to avoid contact altogether. Do not start new cases keep initiated earlier.
Welcome any physical load and sports. Useful in this day of clean energy clean house and take a shower or bath.
Contacting superiors-bad
Visit Barber-neutral
Physical activity-excellent
Sex is bad
Konstantin Daragana seminar in the city of Izhevsk tomorrow! Preparation...
Konstantin Daragana seminar in the city of Izhevsk tomorrow! Preparation is in full swing. 📚 assortment of books that can be purchased at the event, presented on the pictures. Huge selection!
#shkolaastrologiisozvezdie #Astrology #seminarkonstantinadaragana
##Talismans and Amulets
As a talisman, turquoise should be worn...
##Talismans and Amulets
As a talisman, turquoise should be worn to attract health, love, success, prosperity. Travelers just need to take this stone on the road - it will take them from the dangers of the way, will make travel easy and enjoyable.
Turquoise strengthens the energy of Yin, working harmoniously in the days Venus and Jupiter.
##Friday denvenery astrology #friday ##kamnipyatnitsy
Many of the mind - it is bad or good?
Many of the mind - it is bad or good?
When one lives wisely, thought process does not stop even for a minute. The mind constantly comparing, weighing, loses the past, the future, provides estimates of what is happening, divides into good and bad. The mind wants to stand out, the mind wants to do a lot))), the mind is not much like the mood and state of a person depends on what is going on in his mind.
Generally whole life passes in the mind ... But it is necessary to stop it for a few breaths, and move the focus to the heart, at the moment of the here and now, feeling a part of the universe, like all concepts arrayed mind crumble. Not bad, no good. All have the right to experience. If you stop comparing yourself to others, accept and love yourself with all the ins and outs, then you will immediately acceptance of others. Adoption of the experience and the way other people without otse
Learn to control your mind, it helps the daily practice of meditation and prayer. Prayer and meditation clears the mind, filling it with grace.
Living life in the present moment.
Live in the heart, keep the mind on a leash.
Do not compare yourself with anyone, everyone has his own path and his experience.
I wish good luck to all!
Thank each new day! Inhale love, exhale thanks)
Suppose that in life there are miracles, believe in them 😘!
I wish you all happiness 🌹
With love, Svetlana.
#Otumakserdtsu zdesiseychas ###love and acceptance of astrology #Meditation ##Vedas