Maha Shivratri or a great night of Shiva is one of the greatest celebrations of all spiritual seekers. Astrologically in this night Moon, Earth and Sun are lined up in a row, forming a kind of a channel on which, according to legend, Shiva sheds his grace. Vedic Knowledge dictates that any spiritual practice, performed at this time, gives results in hundreds of times greater than the fruits of practice at the usual time.
Traditionally, Maha Sivarathri night begins at sunset of the fourteenth lunar day of the waning Moon of the month of Magha (February-March). Vedic Knowledge claim that during this time of every spiritual seeker needs fast all day and stay awake all night. Maha Shivratri is a holiday not only shivaitov and shaktistov. It is celebrated in India with representatives of all denominations and devotees of any deities.
The Vedas tell about how even an unconscious spiritual practice that night caused sinners and even animals to the final release. Most popular among these is the story about Hunter, who on the day of Maha Shivratri couldn't kill no animal. He was frustrated, hungry and angry, in addition to all these troubles he met Tiger. Fleeing from a predator, mountain hunter climbed the tree bil'va is a plant of Shiva.
The Sun has long gone beyond the horizon, but Tiger and wasn't going to relinquish the easy prey. Seeing that the predator waits under a tree, it was nervous and Hunter remained in suspense all night. To somehow reassure himself, he tore tree leaves bil'va and threw them down, where fluke was shivalingam. Thus, unconsciously Hunter fasted all day, he performed Puja and Shiva all night, which was undoubtedly "aided" Tiger. Pre
Even if an unconscious spiritual practice at this time gives these results, then, to say nothing about the fruits of conscious aspirations towards God? Traditionally spend this night four Shiva Puja, which symbolize the various stages of spiritual development. During these actions, pronounced the mantra and offers a variety of offerings. The shivalingam pour milk, yogurt, ghee, honey and water. The same who have no ability to carry out complex rituals required
There is a legend about how Maha Sivarathri night Mother Parvati worshiping Shiva, and he satisfied her worship said that will fulfill any desire. Mother Parvati asked that any living creature that awake that night and dedicates its spiritual practices, reached final release. Since then, this night was special and in India it is the beginning of a new year, however, astrologically it is.
Vedic Knowledge assert that to cleanse the mind and control you need to fast at least once a week. If you can't do that, then at least once every two weeks. If this is difficult, it is once a month, or at least semi-annually. If this is not possible, then at least one day a year you want to devote to God and spend it in fasting and prayer. And the best time to do this-just the Maha Shivratri. After all, at this time, you can burn the greatest quantities
The study of Vedic Astrology Jyotish and veneration of the great Deities will be a very important step on the road to knowledge of the truth.
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#Jyotish Astrology ##маха_шиваратри ##Shiva shivaratri
#mantra #Shiva #Astrology #vedicheskieznanija #Veda #Sakshi #Jyotish
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In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Maha Shivratri or a great night of...
Everyone has both a...
Everyone has both a zone of weakness and strength zone is his talents, abilities and predispositions. The consultation I tell people about this man, but in this article I want to help those who, for whatever reason, is not yet ready to pass her. And we stumbled on areas of strength.
,about 6 levelmysterious İtems
There are so many ways to do this. I will present a few of them.
1. remember what in childhood you have rested soul? 🚸Chto did you like to do? Usually at such age intuition is not quite "disappeared", so we internally tjanemsja to what we have a predisposition. Give it a shot!
2. We cannot objectively assess yourself-we too are critical either to himself, or vice versa. View from 😎 will help you understand what we are really good at and what we are strong. Someone can be a strong point of communication and ability to organize something. Someone the ability to write beautifully, draw etc Ask 5-10 people in your neighborhood and it will help you understand your zone!
3. Pay attention to your hobbies 🎨 usually they indicate what we can well realize that we can open up. For example, I always loved writing, through this I myself and am implementing in part. Someone knows how to beautifully knit, and someone sing. Hobby is a reflection of the interests of our soul.
Here is a simple and affordable methods can help you to find your strengths, you can safely evolve! Be the researchers themselves, and pleasant change will not keep you waiting.
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#formuladushi #Astrology #astropsihologija
Meet Alex Pakhabau, winner 7th battle of...
#formuladushi #Astrology #astropsihologija
Meet Alex Pakhabau, winner 7th battle of psychics!
Alexey was born November 28, 1983 year Pakhabau, simple family from the small town-Achinsk. Father Alexei Pakhabau, was a simple electric and psychic mom, was the engineer. Alexey have formal education lawyer.
The first manifestations of Dara from psychic Alexei Pakhabau, was 19 years old when the girlfriend left him, he loved and adored, almost 3 years. After he fell into a deep depression and had not talked with anyone on long over. His "aloofness" lasted for about 3 months. Once summer night he couldn't sleep because the mosquito that flew over it. So it was a long time in the powerful slipstream, and surprisingly, accidentally was able to enter into a trance. He p
One day he accidentally stumbled on the tv show battle of psychics, looked a few series and realized that easily copes with your needs, that's when he decided to apply for participation in the battle of psychics.
Center for personal development "Arkanum is a unique educational project that was created in the year 2009 the winner of season 7 of" the battle of PSYCHICS, "Alexei POHABOVYM. Arkanum company "Center for thousands of people have already discovered the path of inner transformation and energy preobrazhenij. The basis of magical training projects, we put our own experience of development of supernatural abilities.

Astrology and karma (the end)
Karmic astrology is defining the...
Astrology and karma (the end)
Karmic astrology is defining the primary task of human incarnation. All the information given in the horoscope is, that is all that a man has accumulated over many incarnations on Earth. Horoscope reveals the potential variety of opportunities and variety of life that can be lived.
Here are some interesting examples. Damage in the horoscope of a rising Lunar node Neptune, said the negative religious experience, a man in a past life could suffer from the Church. And when we analyze the horoscopes, we see that many atheists and many critics of the Church at one time suffered from it. This aspect is Lenin. As is known, he passionately hated churchmen. He had a past life end of martyrdom from the Inquisition.
Astrological methods can determine the previous incarnation. You can determine when a person last time incarnated, where and what. If the Ascending Node is damaged the Moon, man died from accident damaged Mars-it could kill, Uranus — could be marginalized or committed suicide. Hitler's Ascending Node is damaged uranium. There is reason to believe that in a past life, as well as this, he committed suicide.
Here are examples of good karma is the same node in harmonious aspect with the Sun — man held high social status. He could be the King or ruler. But everyone who was ruler in a past life, have become established and in follow-up. Karmic memory tells them how to effectively manage and govern. And such people are very quickly moving up the social ladder — they become major leaders, Presidents. Presidents in the past
There is a karmic number tasks 12 signs of the zodiac. They are determined by the Lunar node in the signs of the zodiac. The node moves in every new incarnation to the next character, but in the opposite direction. And karmic task changes all the time, hence the change of activity. So, naturally, we go through all the tasks.
Horoscope be interpreted depending on the karma of social conditions, the level of culture. With regard to free will, a person can properly take advantage of the free will, if he has no idea about our future? It's like driving on a dark road with his headlights off. Astrologer, as a spotlight, illuminating the path of man. And already in the living space a person is able to lit to enjoy free will.
The adoption of a decision by a man too is largely predetermined, and astrology sees it. Space, affecting the astral body is a person a certain desire, intentions, interests, inclinations, State of love, in the end. Astrology can predict when a person will love affair, how it will be profound. Imagine the situation: astrologer predicts family man love in the future. Man knows in advance and the situation
Astrology warns of possible dangers, illnesses, accidents. She said and about opportunities that you can prepare for and use them as much as possible. There are many such situations, but because of the reluctance of the we do not use them in full. For example, a person creative will know when he has a favorable period for creative achievements. He, of course, works constantly, but his art will be Max
It often happens that a man, having received forecast from astrologer, passively waiting for when it will come true. Naturally, it all depends on the level of development of the individual. As astrology will be included in a person's life, it will increasingly realize that there is some programmed part of destiny, but there is also the opportunity to rise above it.
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#Astrology #Karma #fate
Good morning, dear subscribers center of personality development "ASTERA"! Good...
Good morning, dear subscribers center of personality development "ASTERA"! Good morning and waking up. We wish you a nice and sunny mood for the whole day, effort, feelings of cheerfulness and optimism. Let everything you do today will let luck in the morning and the evening will be with you
We continue to publish amazing rubriki- "Character and Destiny Date of Birth" In it you will find your unique traits will discover something new, get valuable advice on strengthening your advantages, harmonious development, to strengthen your health tips, astrological stages the formation of fate according to the date of your birth, and much more.
A detailed horoscope for each day of the calendar year, you can find on our forum section -ASTROLOGIYa.http: //astera.forum2x2.ru/
yl power sets them apart from others. Over
February 20 - February 29
The ruling planet is Saturn gives those born in this period, dreamy, prone to loneliness and change.
Important years: 12, 24,36, 58, 60,72.
Modest mimosa - a symbol of this sign.
Those born during this time-sensitive nature, they are easy to offend, offend and hurt. With full responsibility they carry out their work, sometimes forgetting about the limit of their own strength, so important to them is the ability to relax, to give more time to rest, to continue to successfully work and do not suffer from various ailments.
Birth 24 February
Fate: ambition and ambition inherent born on this day, they are characterized by persistence, vitality, independence and determination. The most pronounced traits amplified vibrations of the day, and the life and character of the people will depend on what features it will develop in themselves. They are characterized by firmness in achieving the goals, which does not break. The financial sector and the career they will be successful. As well as in family life have harmony
Mystery birthday: Subject sacrifice permeates through life born on February 24th. Willingness to sacrifice themselves can manifest them in different ways. Sometimes they act for the good of the team and to the detriment of their own interests, or to give suggestions of friends or family above their own interests. But they demand from others of the same sacrifice, especially of loved ones. In a more abstract form of sacrifice topic may appear as acceptance Well
The first perceive the role of self-sacrifice to the honor and pleasure, they sincerely believe in his great roles for others and the common good - is the most important reward for those born on February 24th. Others carry the role as a cross, a duty, reluctantly. Sometimes underestimation of their contribution or not welcome the adoption of the other victim may disappoint them. From time to time feeling the lack of demand and lack the desired positive assessment from the surrounding
Developed representatives, born February 24, adequately perceive it and strive for objectivity in the assessment of their efforts, the others tend to consider themselves failures and blindly follow the fate. Born February 24, we need to understand that the balance between the public interest and their own desires possible, and they can choose the path of service to the public needs without ignoring their needs. Those born on this day should develop confidence in the ideals, to
If one day they have a desire to take control of their lives, then greeted the inner bitterness and resistance, as they have to step on the throat for years to develop a habit. For those born on February 24 it is important to find the strength of will, courage, certainty and decisiveness before they bring a sacrifice to someone or something. Speaking in romantic relationships strong, born on this day feel great satisfaction.
Health: Born February 24 prone to frequent omissions and relaxation, so it is necessary to avoid a sedentary lifestyle, it can lead to diseases of the lymphatic and circulatory systems. Their apparent inclination to self-sacrifice and negative forecasts sometimes leads to resentment and fury surrounding. Some of birth 24 February choosing love ties the center of their universe, so they should know about the existence of sex-love addiction,
Tip: Be adequate to reality. Do not ignore or dismiss from the others' opinions, suggestions, wishes. Your talents require development, engage them and raising their willpower. Oppose complete abandonment of the inner ego.
Astera #astera ###@ astera astrology horoscope @ astera data_rozhdeniya #@ astera
28 lunar sutki🌖
Waning moon
Friday, from 6:24 on...
28 lunar sutki🌖
Waning moon
Friday, from 6:24 on 2/24/2017 6:57 2/25/2017
The symbol - a lotus.
Stones - aragonite, chrysoprase, Belomoro, amethyst, plasma, milk opal, jade, aquamarine.
The day is very harmonious and light. Today everything will work out. Any business and undertakings, if they are directed to a good cause, lead to success. In the soul of man and nature in harmony reigns. Violate it can not in any case. Avoid bad words, destructive actions, negative thoughts. Do not get angry, do not revenge, do not hold a grudge inside. Yours should be treated not only to people but also to the world. You can not cut trees or pick flowers, prohibited from
Try the whole day to be in high spirits. Man grim, unfriendly may incur the trouble and dangerous disease. In the first half of the lunar day is not recommended to overwork. Possible mood swings. In the afternoon, the feelings subside, in the soul reigns calm. Do not make drastic action. Be consistent, cautious and observant. Those who lived the whole month in accordance with the Moon and used its power correctly,
Today is the day when you can go to a new spiritual level. Useful work with his astral body, the chakras and karma. Well given meditation, through her soul can know your past incarnations. Concentrate your consciousness, peered into his inner world. Good to analyze their actions, to look back and take stock of the month. But to make drastic changes in his life is not worth it. Dreams dreams mainly prophetic. In them we see our future
Health and nutrition. Recommended hunger or juice diet. Overeating is not desirable. Meat is better not to eat, you can give up the seeds. Today, vulnerable eyes, so do not spend much time at the computer, TV, or a book. Avoid bright light. If you suffer from insomnia, a five-minute meditation will help you to dim light. Engage cleaning procedures. Clean the body from the inside, to put in order the skin. You can use healing Kosmet
Diseases that occur today are usually associated with the chakras, or karma. Healing will not come until the patient is not aware of their mistakes and do not attempt to correct. The disease can be treated as a lesson that teaches us life. Today, it is recommended to protect your head and do not overtax the mind. If you jumping blood pressure or a headache, it's a sign that you have violated the commandments of the moon, and the energy you are denied.
Love and Relationships. Community benefit you and lift your spirits. Do not abuse the trust of others and not to impose them. It should heed the advice, if they are given your close friends or relatives. Today is the day when all your good deeds come back to you a hundredfold. If you help people, supported and listened to them, you will get a reward in this month. It may be monetary or non-material. Everyone will get what he deserves.
For the marriage day is not the most suitable. But perfect for a child's conception. He will grow wise and good man. All it will easily be given, it can conquer the world. An exceptionally lucky and quiet child, but is prone to laziness. Laziness can ruin his abilities and good intentions, so parents better not to spoil the child and teach him to justice and labor.
Work and creativity. You can start any business and projects. Feel free to solve financial issues, is engaged in purchase, sale and other operations. The most important case is better to postpone the second half of the lunar day. The advice and wishes of important information may be hiding your partners. Listen to their words. Today, a good day for representatives of all professions. Art People experience the creative impulse, the scientists will be successful in their endeavors. students
Born on this day with the birth of lazy. Often, he is born in a wealthy family and accustomed, that all his desires and whims immediately executed. If you do not eradicate it excessive demands and laziness, it will grow cynical man. To distinguish good and bad, can not, will be at the mercy of double standards. Big love, he did not experience, lose the ability to feel and become attached to the people.
At the highest level are born in the twenty-eighth day of the moon become altruists. They literally radiate light and goodness. They pulled the people, the world is at their feet. These people are endowed with high moral character. They can open a clairvoyance or successfully practiced lucid dreaming.
Lunnyesutki ###moon astrology #lunnyyden fazaluny ###simvoldnya Ayurveda