Wednesday, November 30, 2016

[Club127400383 | Welcome to the 18th New Year Festival Vedalife in...

[Club127400383 | Welcome to the 18th New Year Festival Vedalife in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!

Topic Vedic [club42933644 | Festival Vedalife]: Health

Total component 4

¼ Cup baking soda
1 art. l. melted coconut oil
1:00 l. oil it
10 drops of essential oil (Peppermint, clove or cinnamon)

Mix the ingredients to a pastelike consistence, store in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.

How does it work?

Baking soda: provides optimal Habitat Wednesday bacteria. According to studies, soda removes plaque and stains are not worse than regular toothpaste!

Coconut oil: according to all laws of Ayurveda, coconut oil is useful for almost any part of the body. Oral cavity is no exception. To achieve the consistency of a paste, add the soda it is coconut oil, because he has the most powerful bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Neem Oil: since ancient times in India use Neem Oil to maintain oral hygiene: it removes plaque, eliminates inflammation and bleeding of the gums.

Peppermint oil: has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Besides perfectly removes halitosis, preserving a sense of freshness into the evening.

Oil of cinnamon: Besides the fact that your teeth will be safe from harmful bacteria, you will be guided by the delightful aroma of cinnamon.

Clove oil: it is similar to peppermint oil, but also has the ability to shoot a toothache.
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🌴 Festival [club125803319 | Vedalife in India from 8 to 28 February 2017. <- Join]!

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