YOUR KARMA IN Arcana Tarot and your date of birth !!!
TODAY describe people born number 11 - POWER
Let us examine the first number of your birth, and she says it brings about your past incarnations.
People born from 01 to 09 inclusive of the numbers - this is the best students who have completed their karmic task 100%.
People born 10 to 19 inclusive of the numbers - completed the task by 80%.
People born 20 to 29 inclusive of the numbers - completed the task by 60%.
People born 30 and 31 of coped with the task in the past incarnation only 40%.
This suggests that the closer the number of a person's birth to zero, the closer it is to the source, the truth. What next - the more diffuse energy.
LASSO POWER (born 11 numbers)
According to this map people last incarnation exceeded psychophysical strength. He was too aggressive, though tried to cope with the task. For him, it is important in this lifetime to learn to reconcile other people to protect, encourage and take care of the physical and mental state of their loved ones. If a person copes with his karmic task, he became a bold and desperate. Often it takes a risk, and unnecessary. They can not tolerate injustice, we
Aloriya_Sobinova ###runes tarot astrology ##Karma

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