"We need to be contemporary and write what you see."
© Edouard Manet
And excellent analysis from [id22699192 | Igor Sivaka]:
When Ms venerianskom sign of TAURUS is one of the most likely areas of professional activity is that which, in one way or another, related to art, aesthetics.
But in order to "bind" the profession of art, one only MS in the sign of VENUS, of course, is not enough.
In the horoscope you need to find the factors confirming this initial hypothesis (or disprove it).
In addition to MS VENUS also manages the 3-m home communications (one of which is art) and is in the major aspects of the two rulers 5 home creativity-Jupiter and SATURN (both planets — angle!).
In the 3-m House we notice Moon in venerianskom the sign of Libra. She aspektiruet as its dispositor, Venus and Neptune, planet 5 home creativity and second signifikatora "aesthetics and art.
In principle, this could be and finish the analysis of the professional profile, which, as shown above, undoubtedly linked to the "creative aesthetic communication.
But it's worth considering horoscope for professional selection standard by is to open some nuances.
Uranium, as a final dispositor and aspektiruja square MS, points to the singularity and innovation that revolutionized nativ scope of their professional activity.
URANIUM sekstilem is associated with Venus, which reinforces the evidence of "aesthetic" direction of the profession.
JUPITER, the second planet dispozitorov chain is a corner and aspektiruet ASCENDANT, which strengthens its role in the choice of profession.
Jupiter is in 7-m House public and manages the 5-m home more creativity that brings us closer to a professional artist profile (person associated with art), "formula" which, I recall, includes relationship MS with 3, 5 and 7-m homes.
JUPITER is also in the aspect of kvindecilja ("obsessive intensity) with Saturn, 5 soupravitelem home and planet 1-home, aspektirujushhej Ms.
5-th House includes mercury (natural significator of communications and the ancient ruler of any artist) in contact with Saturn and Neptune, MS aspektirujushhij and the Moon in the 3-metre House that nominates him for the first several significations of the profession in this horoscope.
Being, along with Venus, signifikatorom "aesthetics" painting, Neptune is already quite explicitly associates the profession (as a "vocation") with the arts in General and painting in particular.
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