Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Fumigating the House of herbs is a...

Fumigating the House of herbs is a very powerful way to cleanse the space people enjoyed since ancient times.
Bad when there is no power in the House, but when it is filled with negative energy is even worse. It not only brings tiredness and irritability, quarrels and the diversion of money but also of illness and even depletion ther. That's why House you must clean from time to time. Do such energetic cleaning track em 3-4 times a year, like regular General cleaning of the apartment. When quarrels, stress, etc. around us are formed primary heavy, negative energy

Sage is the strongest cleaner.
Smoke drives away negative energy Bliss, formed as a result of quarrels, heavy emotional national experiences, cleans about space.
After Sage recommendation sulking use wormwood, it seems to be the remains of Noah's "mentality and neutralizes dust after Sage.

Sagebrush helps clear the Atmos feru "from the irrelevant constant close influences — someone's or your own thoughts" not the case ". Fumigating wormwood can look too from home virtually any chist' not. It is used for the okuriva tion of the ill household. If ve point wormwood hang above the entrance door or put in a vase, it will already be enough to protect your home.

Clears the Atmos feru and banishes the various entity thought to their desire, guarding the House, for shhishhaet from spoilage and other magic eigh FIR attacks, cleans, purifies and refreshes the air. Obezza razhivajushhee action had known — Juniper smoke in the villages of disinfected-pogre BA, treated barrels for salting, used plague barracks.

Protects from negative entities and damage, because it is one of the most powerful antidemonicheskih plants, protects the House from negative energies and attack evil people cleans not only from harmful vibrations and negative energies stratification, but also from the presence of evil forces.

Very easy and nice way to liven up a room is to light a stick of incense where you clean room specification. The smell gets into your space, filling it with not only a pleasant aroma, but also helping clean up this space. Smells that you are using the IP, are very important. The energy of the IU carried from one situation to another and, consequently, change your needs in various ERS smells.

🌱🌱🌱Kak to carry out fumigation?
If drying plants were linked in Pu chalk, light one edge. When will flare up, fire zadujte. O Ka must continue to smoke. Der Resi bunch over any heat resistant dish, next must be a bucket with water to extinguish it immediately, if something is wrong.
If you okurivaete pine needles or melkolistovymi races tenijami, from practice — take candles in metal COR pusah, put in a low banoch Ku, ignite. On top of the jar to put a small metal strainer.
Put on the filter needles or leaves. How to begin to smoke, would find the move from room to room and Oku to consider. This "construction" should follow in order to avoid the risk of fire.
Remember that smoke should be very strong.
Start work clockwise from the East corner of the room, direct the smoke around the perimeter of the com NATA, the main thing is to fill the room with smoke.
Except for okurivanija wonderfully removes all sorts of energy pollution of ordinary coarse salt. Spread it on the corners of the 2-3 days, Le PIC gather and descend into the toilet bowl.
This practice seemed Kim cleansing of space and body. Pro led her regularly and also as needed — illness households, major quarrel in the House, a large concentration of people.
#Astrology #cimen' ##centrfjenshuj cleanse ###baczy Feng Shui Feng Shui

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