Monday, January 23, 2017

22 January 19:30 TIME MSK START 26 LUNAR day...

22 January 19:30 TIME MSK START 26 LUNAR day.

Characters of the day considered the frog and toad in a swamp created the abyss, the abyss, duckweed, quagmire, maelstrom.

It is believed that the Toad is the embodiment of wisdom, which does not bring any benefit to the person, because it lurks the false seduction own accomplishments, pride, vanity, samovozvelichivanie. Man can pull on gossip, farce, meanness.

The frog is a symbol of strength checks, the penchant for deception of their own wisdom. Remember the fairy tale about the Princess and the frog-the number of tests which had to go to Ivan-tsarevitch.

So this is a day of Atonement, deliverance from Frog skins-must strive to know life, the worst in people, to a sober assessment of the fact, the removal of any and all "masks". Otherwise, the person may slack off and tease, with bigotry and coarse materialism.

Considered one of the critical days, in which people are fighting and scurrying around in vain, wasting a lot of energy on the chatter. On this day people can outspend their energy. Therefore, it is better to refrain from active work, relax or be sensible and economical in energy costs.

Domestic and social terms fails to communicate and have a high probability of robberies.

Spiritually good work on texts, books, avoiding overvoltages or unverified material. It is a day of abstinence and fasting, which favorably silence. Pride often comes after Tosca-you can work on these properties. Easily outspend strength, so all the work should be carried out carefully. It is a day of brotherhood and unity of people not for external installations, for internal needs. The motto of the day-don't believe what you see

On this day spiritual teachers arrange checking pupils: those tested water, fire, seclusion from the world. But the most difficult part is often the test world. Man, having passed all the ordeals, can master the hubris and contempt for ordinary people. In this case, his wisdom is false, because each person you want to see the bright and high, it is implied, though, can be, and is not implemented yet. Only together can come to

Mystical sign in this day is, if leaving home to meet a person with full bags or buckets, then you can take it that you go through life correctly; If during sleep or waking to see lightning-this is a warning that not ukroshheny pride and vanity.

In terms of health, we recommend that you run less, more sweat; doing massages, cosmetic surgery, smooth wrinkles and warts and moles, affect point channels. On this day, it is better to eat more fish and herbs. Contraindicated there is all round fruits and vegetables, heavily saturated liquid. Sacred food-cranberries. Meat is forbidden. You should avoid smoke strongly smoky rooms. On this day, it is not recommended to remove the teeth.

Based on materials P.globy "Moon astrology"

#Lunnyyden prognoznaden ###astrology horoscope

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