Good morning, dear subscribers center of personality development "ASTERA!" The sun had already risen. His warm rays it knocks on your window. Wake up! you will find a day full of smiles and surprises. Remember cherished dream, her every little thing, every detail. Tune in to a positive and feel free to go in search of her. Wishes come true for those who are waiting for them and believe in them!
We continue to publish amazing rubriki- "Character and Destiny Date of Birth" In it you will find your unique traits will discover something new, get valuable advice on strengthening your advantages, harmonious development, to strengthen your health tips, astrological stages the formation of fate according to the date of your birth, and much more.
A detailed horoscope for each day of the calendar year, you can find on our forum section -ASTROLOGIYa.http: //
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Birth 28 December
Fate: Energy splashes over the edge in those born on this day, it is an activity people bubbling with optimism and cheerfulness. This nature of strong character and directs the energy of them all the time forward to the goals. And to him they go with the tenacity of a moving avalanche flow, so do not svernesh. They are rarely heard complaints, and all of them meet adversity with his head, boldly, firmly, firmly. And the main reason for their success - realistic in setting goals as
Mystery birthday: What are the differences of birth 28 December from others is the ability to invest in any business completely, using all his energy. And it comes at them sometimes beautiful, if not elegant. They can create the impression that their success is due to mature in experience, and such imitation is under the soil in the form of self-reliance. they are often used children's experience of taking as a basis for building a family life and
Serious around, they painstakingly and carefully perform scheduled tasks, goof off at work - not for them. While fun and they do not mind, but always know the measure and the boundary between leisure and work process. And, as a rule, this distinction starts at the place where the work is already beginning to be infringed. Born December 28 should be to focus on one thing to use its enormous energy correctly and efficiently. EC
The weakness born on this day is considered to be a denial of their difficult situations before, it is easier to withdraw than to face the emerging challenges. Typically, planning has a special story of their lives, time and distribution of forces allows to be prepared for different situations, when they already have the necessary knowledge and have prepared it. So they are trying to prepare for the unexpected and we are sure that this is the surest means. However, this is not the
Born December 28 dream of having an all-knowing authority of a man who in the bosom of ready-made solutions for all occasions. However, if they want to win the confidence, respect, and love, do not push yourself, and it is better to devote time to studying the opposing opinions and attitudes. You should not always give up assistance, guided by false pride. Mutual relations, on the contrary, splochayut people, make them closer and helps to establish
Health: Allergies can pursue born December 28, and it is often the case with those who looked with apprehension at the world around us. Frequent and bowel problems and venous circulation. And self-control can bring serious problems. Therefore, born December 28 shows impulsiveness, spontaneity and sincerity. The beneficial impact of the active games on the team, competitive sports, opening them to communicate with others and producing zdo
Tip: Do not go to extremes, choosing honor or superiority. Stop in the middle between them. Stop for a moment to listen to ourselves. Listen to the opinions and objections of others, they can be individual. Remove the useful knowledge.
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