Saturday, December 10, 2016

Do you often met with negativity in your life? A...

Do you often met with negativity in your life? A neighbor who looks askance at you? 😡 Clashes at work? Zaistlivye competitors?
We can assume that each one of us with this one way or another is faced in their daily lives.
Dec. 15 (Thu), you will have the unique opportunity to be cleansed from vsgo negativity in your life. Annual cleaning - only the correct input (training) in the New Year.
Call and sign up by phone. ☎: 213-68-04, 214-68-54.

Parable "Good or evil?".
Once the Buddha was held with his students past the village, where Buddhists live opponents. Villagers rushed out of the house, surrounded by Buddha and disciples, and began to insult them. Students also began to burn and were ready to fight back, but the presence of the Buddha acted soothingly. And Buddha's words have led to confusion and the villagers and students.
He turned to his disciples and said:
- You disappoint me. These people are doing their job, they are angry. They think that I am an enemy of their religion. These people have insulted me, and this is natural. But why are you angry? Why do you let these people affect you? You are dependent on them. Do you not free?
The villagers did not expect such a reaction. They were baffled and silenced. In the silence the Buddha turned to him:
- You said it all? If you have not said it all, you will have another opportunity to make me what you think, when we come back.
People from the village were perplexed, they asked:
- But we offended you, why do not you angry with us?
- You - free people, and what you do - your right. I do not react to it. I am also a free man. Nothing can make me react, and no one can influence me and manipulate me. I am the master of its manifestations. My actions are derived from my inner state. And now I would like to ask you a question that concerns you. Residents of the village next to your greeted me, they brought flowers, fruits and sweets. I told them: "Spa
One man in the crowd said,
- Maybe they took it home, and at home were given fruits and sweets to their children, to their families.
Buddha smiled:
- What do you do with your insults and curses? I do not accept them. I reject your insult, so you blow your load in their homes - and do with it whatever you want ...

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