[Club127400383 | The registration for the 18th New Vedalife festival in Sochi, while a discount <- join]!
Posted in Vedic [club42933644 | Vedalife Festival]: Yoga
9 exercises to get rid of a certain type of pain. Based on the main yoga poses and have a powerful effect.
🌴 [club127400383 | Join] - will be fun!
❗ Seats are limited! Do not miss this opportunity!
Call, write, and sign up now:
📞 7-988-487-6527, 7-965-468-6288
🎅 Ask questions to our curators - »[id213878775 | Olga] and [id18759981 | Paul]" -
📝 sign up now - »goo.gl/forms/yscihG7frL« -
📧 e-mail: vedalife@bk.ru
🌐 site: vedalife-sochi.ru
📅 program can be viewed here - »goo.gl/TSHc0X« -
💲 cost here - »goo.gl/iYJcqO« -
🌴 Festival [club125803319 | Vedalife in India from 8 to 28 February 2017. <- Join]!
🎁 we often rallies to learn about them first and get discounts subscribe to our newsletter - »goo.gl/IgpFfB« -
#Vedalayf #vedalife #Sochi #vegetarian ##yoga #astrology Veda

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