🎯 January 19 - Feng Shui marathon "Tips from the master."
It has long wanted to know whether you have correctly arranged kitchen, there is a bed and what changes to make it? Make a photo of your room (kitchen, bedroom, office, etc.) and ask your question in your interior.
🎯 January 30 - "Where is the money to invest?".
How to behave with money - to spend or save? Where to put them - in itself, education or the shares of Gazprom? You will have a chance to find out what you, according to your date of birth, it is necessary.
So you do not miss, as usual schedule is available in the menu group. New Year to you wonders!
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui #BaZi
In this blog i will post only interested info from russian astrologies. Everyone join to me and my ultraspiritual growup.
Saturday, December 31, 2016
🎯 January 19 - Feng Shui...
Circumstances favor the successful preparation for...
Circumstances favor the successful preparation for the holiday, and accelerate the pace of life, helping to make a scheduled ten times faster. Saturday appropriate day to write all sorts of festive programs, which should be used as a fantasy ideas, insights and accurate knowledge, processing is the most original and creative way.
Effective programs to think collectively together to buy gifts, make decisions spontaneously.
Astrologically on Sunday to be the most striking positive day of the week. Great atmosphere to celebrate the New Year with friends, in the company of unusual thematic parties. Circumstances have a merry pastime, impromptu creativity and a ball. Use off celebration for interesting acquaintances, new contacts and relationships.
Starting in the morning, the time seemed charged with a special energy of optimism and joy, to effectively plan all kinds of events, film screenings, visits to interesting places, concerts and Christmas programs. The main thing - do not stay in place, use the time most interesting, unusual and fun. Especially favorable travel, travel and intellectual improvisations. Allow yourself to relax in these holidays original, with a special kind of diversity and ZOOM
Happy New Year, friends!
I wish all the fulfillment of desires and new victories in the upcoming, 2017!
Transits ###tranzitydekabr astrology astro-forecast ###29dekabrya1yanvarya stati_alinapchelina
15 In a sunny day it is...
15 In a sunny day it is necessary to do the cleaning in the house, wash all. Mandatory wet cleaning of the entire house, with a wet cloth to wipe dust, that there was no dust anywhere. Rid your home of dust, dirt, scrub all you need to shine, ventilate the room. Work on this day should be a joy, if it is not - then do nothing. Good day to work on inspiration, for a hobby, but not in any way forced labor. Day is good for page
Objects force 15 sunny day - a wreath and a magical chain, a chain that puts a person, as a protective talisman around his neck. Best of all silver with the addition of iridium. But a silver chain is protected against the vampires against the evil eye. When silver was beginning to get dark, leaving dark spots on the body - this is a sign for you that not everything is in order with your surroundings.
The colors of the day - all the colors of silver, pearl and orange, citrus colors, orange and mandarin - bright orange and bright yellow color. On this day, you need to eat plenty of citrus. You can not wear a range of bright green colors.
Tashatregubova ###self-development of spirituality solnechnyesutki ###solnechnyyden 15solnechnyyden astrology ##sovetdnya
Christmas rites for money
Thirty minutes before midnight, take large...
Christmas rites for money
Thirty minutes before midnight, take large bills, bring to mouth and nashepchite their requests for financial well-being. Then put the note under the left heel (you need to be wearing socks or shoes) and wear it until bedtime (you can even sleep in socks).
January 1, remove charmed the money and put it in her purse. Denominations do not spend and not waste a year, and the first earnings, place equal value to her - and keep a couple of magic until 31 December.
Here are a few simple rituals of cash Simoron:
Red cloth bag with three yellow coins (tiled eagle up) hide in the freezer at midnight.
Under the battle chimes of New Year hold a coin in his hand and think about the desired wealth. Quickly throw a coin into a glass of sparkling wine, have a drink. Remove the coin, do it in the hole, and wear as an amulet.
If you truly want prosperity to its guests, you can put a coin under any dish. Who will get the device, he will be lucky in the financial affairs of the year.
Whatever magic rituals for the New Year You or used - you know, they will be effective! The main thing to believe in the fulfillment of their dreams and trust in a higher power!
Aloriya_Sobinova ###runes tarot astrology #
January is around the corner. Traditionally, we...
January is around the corner. Traditionally, we have prepared for you a detailed calendar of beauty on January 2017.
During holidays, you will have more time to do themselves. Want to make a new hairstyle, change the image, to buy new clothes or start to play sports? Then you definitely can not do without the lunar calendar, which is the best time to tell of a case.
In the days of the waxing Moon - from 1 to 11 and from 28 to 31 January 2017 is good to do a variety of restorative procedures, hydrating mask for the body. At this time also easier to gain weight, so you should slightly reduce appetite.
In the days of the waning moon - from 12 to 27 January 2017 - well do different cleaning procedures for the face, body, hair, all sorts of scrubs.
Sports calendar:
The most difficult load: 1-4. 13-18, January 28-31
Average load: 6-11
The lightest load: 20-26
Days of rest from workouts and severe physical stress: 5, 12, 19, 27
✔Pitatelnye and soothing facials: 1-11, 28-31
💕Ochischayuschie mask: 12-26
✔Skrab face 13, 14, 17-21
💕Omolazhivayuschie procedure: 6, 7, 25, 26
✔Lechenie skin, the cosmetician: 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 25, 26
💕Uhod teeth, the dentist: 18-21
✔Manikyur: 6, 13, 15, 16, 20, 26, 27
💕Uhod Hand: 9, 10, 22-24
✔Pedikyur: 6, 13, 15, 16, 22, 26, 27
💕Massazh: 4, 6, 9-11, 17-19, 28, 29
✔Limfodrenazhny massage: 2-4, 17-19
💕Depilyatsiya, hair removal: 11, 25, 26
✔Antitsellyulitnye program / weight loss (beginning): 1, 10, 22-24,25,26, 28, 29
💕Sauna, sauna, bath, swimming pool: 1, 2, 9, 10, 17-19, 27-29
✔Okrashivanie eyelash and eyebrow shaping: 7,11, 12, 25, 26
👎Neblagopriyatnye days for complex procedures and operations: 3-5, 9, 10, 12, 16, 19, 24, 27, 31
👍Naibolee good day for beauty treatments: 7, 13. 18, 20, 25
✨✍🏻Sledite the news group, write your comments, we look forward to hearing!
📌U have many interesting! Join our group!
#Relations, psychology #, #, astrology, astro-psychology ##horoscope, formula_dushi ###esoteric meditation, aromatherapy #
Friday, December 30, 2016
🍃 30 December
🐶 Day Fire Dogs, grim for those born...
🍃 30 December
🐶 Day Fire Dogs, grim for those born in the year of the Dragon
☀ Favorable for Tiger, horse, dog and rabbit
Annual 💰 Star Vault-suitable for valuable acquisitions, for example, real estate
👍 excellent: starting a business, start a new project, the signing of contracts, negotiations, entry into the post, start, buying property, investment, travel, repair, housewarming party, reception, wedding
⛔ Is not suitable for excavation works
🍃 Friday-Venus
Harmonious colors-milk, white, pink, multicolor
Harmonious stones-Rose Quartz, rock crystal, white opal, pearls, mother of Pearl, Moonstone, diamond, as well as silver and white gold.
Forecast ###BaZi astrology horoscope ###Feng Shui Feng Shui #astro-forecast
Friends recall that at any moment you...
Friends recall that at any moment you can join training on our copyright courses on Vedic Astrology:
1. Pay Webinar in any convenient way: vedica.ru/paypay
2. Write to us at mail info@vedica.ru on payment by specifying your e-mail
3. Receive confirmation of receipt of funds and about the recording of the webinar.
4. Before vebinarom to you by email will come reference-invitation and instructions on how to join the webinar.
Details on the recruitment website http://vedica.ru/kurs
If you are not sure, our training suits you or not, you can see a trial lesson at the training page here: hhttp: //vedica.ru/kurs.
We are waiting for you training!
##Astrology Jyotish astrologer ###vedicheskieznaniya vedicheskayaastrologiya vedicheskiyastrolog ###kursastrologii obuchenieastrologii
That brings us to the year 2017?
That brings us to the year 2017?
#Astrology ###predictions horoscope predictions #znakizodiaka
Friends coming to an end in 2016, and it is...
Friends coming to an end in 2016, and it is time to share the plans for January 2017!
In January we are waiting for a full program of online learning. Olga Gomon hold webinars, which will tell about Ba Tzu, the Chinese calendar and U-shin. There will also be trained in a virtual "School of geisha", and on Wednesdays and Thursdays you will have to wait for traditional classes on Feng Shui and meditation.
See schedule on our website:
Watch for our publications and find out more about events Nisaja eastern center!
Webinar ###Feng Shui teaching Feng Shui ###OlgaGomon astrology astrology #nisaja ##U-Sin #meditation #ba_dzy
6,7,8,9, January 10 will be held a...
6,7,8,9, January 10 will be held a seminar transformation of reality - theory and practice.
Venue St. Petersburg Center for Personality Development
Nevsky Prospekt
a one-day seminar, the initial, introductory
1-day duration two hours
RUB 500
Holds Lecture
The school language of Atlantis
Writing a seminar on the phone
8900 654 72 50
Jon Voight, Angelina Jolie's father, actor, winner of the...
Jon Voight, Angelina Jolie's father, actor, winner of the "Oscar".
In Indian astrology, horoscope from the ground, you can make a few more, and each is associated with a particular sphere of life and in more detail reveals it.
I looked into this horoscope Jon Voight associated with children. And I saw that very clearly and strongly expressed professional activity of the second child: a combination of planets very strong and points to great success and acclaim. At Angelina Jolie has an older brother, so she and the second could not be the one who has become!
That is, imagine - a person just born, and already indicated the important features of the lives of his own children in his astrological chart! 😳🔮✨
On umstar.ru we teach a computer to analyze the astrological chart and tell a person about the man and the important moments of his fate, and the periods of his life, and compatibility with others.
Come and use ancient wisdom for the benefit of themselves and their families! ☀
#umstar #yumstar pervyyastroumny ###vedicheskayaastrologiya Jyotish astrology ###horoscope zhiznzvёzd
Thursday, December 29, 2016
He lived in a beautiful underwater Sea King's Palace. And was his daughter-Sea Princess. It was a beautiful, smart and kind girl. It was soft and gentle voice. When she sang, all residents of the maritime Kingdom sailed to the Palace to hear its magical song, and even stormy seas uspokaivalos'.
Often the Princess rose from the sea depths to the surface to take a ride on the waves and see whether people who traveled by sea on ships and boats. If she saw that a ship lost at sea or struggles with big waves, it indicated to the master path, or a safe place. The Princess always came to help people who have suffered a disaster at sea.
Princess once rolled on the waves. The waves then raised it upwards, then rapidly lowered almost to the very bottom, and she laughed gaily.
Here's the wave brought her to a large stone, heated up by the Sun. The Princess sat on it, was the face of the Sun's rays, and sang its magical song. Even sea waves zaslushalis' it and stopped beating on the coastal cliffs.
The Princess was so absorbed that singing not noticed, as a handsome young man came out of the water. It was the Prince of a neighboring Kingdom of the sea, where the rules of the good and wise Sea Queen.
Sea Prince was fascinated by the beauty and singing Princess. Neither on Earth nor under water he never seen a girl more beautiful than she. The Princess graduated from singing and felt close to her someone worthwhile. She turned around and saw a beautiful young man, whose eyes brimmed with kindness and tenderness.
Sea Prince and the Sea Princess fell in love. Since that time they are not parting even for a minute. Together they solved the case in their underwater States, however, skated on the waves of the sea, help travelers. When the Princess accompanied Prince sang it at the underwater musical instruments. The Prince and Princess have always understood each other, read many books, wise drew amazing pictures composed poems and songs. They loved the underwater inhabitants and w
Underwater Kingdom changes, water is Emerald-transparent, elegant fish swam around with brightly coloured tails, seahorses led dance flourished amazing underwater flowers. Everything was filled with a sense of celebration.
And the constellations looked from the sky to the Sea Prince and Princess and rejoiced that love lives on Earth. Once the constellation-launched into the sea star track and invited Prince and Princess to come live with him in heaven.
When the Prince and Princess have risen in Star country Zodiakaliju, they hugged each constellation and all starry sky filled with their love.
Under water and people looked up at the sky and saw there a constellation of two fish. Now anyone who looks at this constellation, feels great love in his heart.
Once a year, from mid-February to mid-March, the constellation of PISCES becomes the main on the starry sky. Who is born on Earth at this time, fish give love for all living things, the gift of seeing the best in each person, and a lot of patience.
Here we met with all twelve inhabitants of stellar country Zodiakalii. You know that they shared a year and each constellation is to us once a year. Zodiakalii residents live very amicably, each calmly waiting for his time.
You can also make friends with them. Constellations are friends and help those who listens to your heart, don't lose time in vain and always brings the case to the end. All people and stars know who in heart love lives, have executed the most cherished desires.
Goodbye I, Star Fairy, I want to say that the constellation Zodiakalii, starry sky will always be with you guys. Make your most cherished desire, look at the night sky, and the desire to necessarily come true.
Job Star Fairies:
Now imagine that the Stellar wind played music and
Constellation zakruzhilis' in dance. Let's take off and together we dance!
1. Why the marine Prince loved the Sea Princess?
2. That the Prince and Princess were doing in order to understand each other? As you know, that you understand and love?
3. Why is this remarkable maritime Kingdom?
4. Draw the Prince of the sea and Sea Princess. Tell me how may have their lives on.
5. Now, when you know the history of each constellation, say residents who Zodiakalii you became the closest thing (this is not necessarily your zodiac sign). Why? Could it help you in your cases? How? Vylepi or draw yourself zodiacal Assistant.
#Astrology #znakizodiaka #fish
Powered by zodiac signs.
Element is Air, the planet...
Powered by zodiac signs.
Element is Air, the planet is Saturn. Aquarius should be included in the diet as much as possible.
The primary food for Aquarius is associated with water is all the gifts of the sea, River and Lake Wednesday. Should be used as much as possible fish, crabs and other crustaceans, molluscs. Their culinary processing can be very diverse. Featured fruit and melons for born under the sign of Aquarius is Quince and melon. It is advisable to always present in the diet eggplant, beets, fennel, parsley, these vegetables are especially useful for Aquarius.
And another note, which must take into account the born under the sign of Aquarius: in regions with colder climates they feel significantly better than in natural areas. For them the ideal winter sports-skating, skiing. Useful daily cold rubdown or a cold shower.
#znakzodiakaipitanie ##pitaniepoznakamzodiaka #Aquarius horoscope Astrology ##interesnajainformacija #kakpravil'nopitat'sja
The record three days of open lessons "Introduction to ASTROLOGY...
The record three days of open lessons "Introduction to ASTROLOGY" with the President of the first all-Union Astrological organization with Vitaly Alexandrovich Vaisberg ➡ ➡ https://vk.cc/5ZMWbm
Reviewing the 3 open lessons you will learn: 👇 👆
1. What is Astrology when and why it was born and why Astrology "works".
2. The various branches of astrology (their similarities and differences):
🔹Horarnaja or hour.
🔹Astrologija relationship and compatibility.
🔹Meteo astrology.
🔹 "Occult" Astrology or the true meaning of "magic", "divination".
✅ 3. Why study the science of the stars, even if you are not going to become a professional astrologer.
✅ 4. As for one minute using the pencil and just 8 words to draw your character. Four pervojelementa and their properties.
Course author: ASTROLOGY
One of the founders of the Academy of astrology, Vice-Chancellor and Rector of full-time correspondence Department (about 10 thousand students).
The first President of the all-Russian Union of Astrologers.
He has created many analysis techniques of astrological charts, which today became "nationalized".
This is the theory of ownership chains and exile, and chains, and shestiball'naja afetika, and many others.
A number of his students have written on these techniques books, for example,
"Theory of mind" by Alexander Astrogora, "short course scientific Astrology" Pavel Maksimov. The list goes on.
Ph.d., radio-engineer; psychologist, Professor of Psychology (psychological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University) teaches astrology.
One of the devices on which worked Vitaly Alexandrovich, traveled in space as on the American Chatelet and the Russian space station.
All those who wish to touch the mystery of Astrology with the first President of the all-Russian Union of Astrologers and view our on-line master-class can now ↩
➡ ➡ ➡ the following link: https://vk.cc/5ZMWbm
#Astrology #esoterics #magic #mantica #teorijadushi #self-development #astropsihologija
🍀 Favored: wedding, the beginning of training...
🍀 Favored: wedding, the beginning of training, receiving awards, inauguration, engagement, debt collection, contract signing
⛔ not favorable: the beginning of the treatment, the search for medical care, legal affairs, loans, funeral
🍀 day is favorable for those born in the Year of the Dragon, the Snake, the Bull.
⛔ day is not auspicious for those born in the Year of the Rabbit.
Mercury retrograde period.
🌛1-day moon. Symbol - Light. The process that takes place in these days - cleansing. The lunar cycle is just beginning, so this day is ideal for creative ideas and plans for the month ahead. Plans and dreams of this day come true, if the intentions are pure, and if you have them in detail thought out and as vividly as you can imagine. It is very important if they meet your true desires and needs and are really important to you. In this case, they have successfully
📌 Order individual calendar-forecast you can have an astrologer [id234113011 | Elena Ivanova].
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui #BaZi
🌙♑ Transit Moon in Capricorn with 29/12/2016 2:13...
🌙♑ Transit Moon in Capricorn with 29/12/2016 2:13 on 31.12.2016 12:29
Health Astrology - https://vk.com/club55697043
Astrology of love and marriage - https://vk.com/club55696862
Financial astrology - https://vk.com/club83960288
Astrology minerals and metals - https://vk.com/club72958407
Astrology garden and vegetable garden - https://vk.com/club55697355
Our official group "Information Center of practical astrology" - https://vk.com/astropersona.narod
Education Astrology internally and remotely - https://vk.com/club111388166
Tranzitnaya_luna ###lunnyy_kalendar luna_v_kozeroge
Astrologicheskiy_prognoz_na_segodnya ###astrologer astrology prognoz_na_den ###informatsionnyy_tsentr_prakticheskoy_astrologii astrologiya_habarovsk
Good morning, dear subscribers center of personality development "ASTERA!"...
Good morning, dear subscribers center of personality development "ASTERA!" The sun had already risen. His warm rays it knocks on your window. Wake up! you will find a day full of smiles and surprises. Remember cherished dream, her every little thing, every detail. Tune in to a positive and feel free to go in search of her. Wishes come true for those who are waiting for them and believe in them!
We continue to publish amazing rubriki- "Character and Destiny Date of Birth" In it you will find your unique traits will discover something new, get valuable advice on strengthening your advantages, harmonious development, to strengthen your health tips, astrological stages the formation of fate according to the date of your birth, and much more.
A detailed horoscope for each day of the calendar year, you can find on our forum section -ASTROLOGIYa.http: //astera.forum2x2.ru/
Also, we have prepared you an article on the choice of stone on a horoscope, http://vk.com/topic-99402159_34455162 in our store "Three Broomsticks" to select the amulet and mascot who will be your helper and protector for life.
Birth 28 December
Fate: Energy splashes over the edge in those born on this day, it is an activity people bubbling with optimism and cheerfulness. This nature of strong character and directs the energy of them all the time forward to the goals. And to him they go with the tenacity of a moving avalanche flow, so do not svernesh. They are rarely heard complaints, and all of them meet adversity with his head, boldly, firmly, firmly. And the main reason for their success - realistic in setting goals as
Mystery birthday: What are the differences of birth 28 December from others is the ability to invest in any business completely, using all his energy. And it comes at them sometimes beautiful, if not elegant. They can create the impression that their success is due to mature in experience, and such imitation is under the soil in the form of self-reliance. they are often used children's experience of taking as a basis for building a family life and
Serious around, they painstakingly and carefully perform scheduled tasks, goof off at work - not for them. While fun and they do not mind, but always know the measure and the boundary between leisure and work process. And, as a rule, this distinction starts at the place where the work is already beginning to be infringed. Born December 28 should be to focus on one thing to use its enormous energy correctly and efficiently. EC
The weakness born on this day is considered to be a denial of their difficult situations before, it is easier to withdraw than to face the emerging challenges. Typically, planning has a special story of their lives, time and distribution of forces allows to be prepared for different situations, when they already have the necessary knowledge and have prepared it. So they are trying to prepare for the unexpected and we are sure that this is the surest means. However, this is not the
Born December 28 dream of having an all-knowing authority of a man who in the bosom of ready-made solutions for all occasions. However, if they want to win the confidence, respect, and love, do not push yourself, and it is better to devote time to studying the opposing opinions and attitudes. You should not always give up assistance, guided by false pride. Mutual relations, on the contrary, splochayut people, make them closer and helps to establish
Health: Allergies can pursue born December 28, and it is often the case with those who looked with apprehension at the world around us. Frequent and bowel problems and venous circulation. And self-control can bring serious problems. Therefore, born December 28 shows impulsiveness, spontaneity and sincerity. The beneficial impact of the active games on the team, competitive sports, opening them to communicate with others and producing zdo
Tip: Do not go to extremes, choosing honor or superiority. Stop in the middle between them. Stop for a moment to listen to ourselves. Listen to the opinions and objections of others, they can be individual. Remove the useful knowledge.
Astera #astera ###@ astera astrology horoscope @ astera data_rozhdeniya #@ astera

Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Powered by zodiac signs.
Element-Earth, planet is Saturn. For...
Powered by zodiac signs.
Element-Earth, planet is Saturn. For capricorns is characterized by a deficiency of calcium in the body. That is why many of them suffer from diseases of the joints, bones, skin and teeth. They are offered on a daily basis there are pine nuts and take a walk on air.
By astrological recommendations list of priority products for Capricorn are quite narrow, however, this does not mean that food born under this sign exhaust products listed below. From meat to maintain strength and health, attention should be drawn to lamb. From fruit and melons are particularly recommended Quince and melon and vegetables-beets, eggplant, garlic and parsley.
#znakzodiakaipitanie ##pitaniepoznakamzodiaka #Capricorn horoscope Astrology ##interesnajainformacija #kakpravil'nopitat'sja
[club135671461 | "fair predictions]
29-30 December, 12:00
The fair gives...
[club135671461 | "fair predictions]
29-30 December, 12:00
The fair gives an opportunity to get on to numerologu, astrologer, tarologu or healer. Each participant will be able to recharge your new year's mood and get answers to your voprosy🔻
Fair for those:
• Who wants to learn your forecast for 2017.
• Who decided to change his field of activity, but do not know where to move.
• People who have health problems.
• Who wants to learn your compatibility with another person.
• Who has problems in his personal life.
• Anyone interested in the question of family life and how her gain.
• Who wants to learn your karma.
• Who wants to meet with her.
• Who prepares to launch the project (this includes wedding), but don't know where to start.
• Who has questions on children: why they are not growing or difficult child.
For each participant will be mini-gifts from Yulia numerologa Ace.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Price: 500 rub./30 min.
Place: Centre for the study of esoteric heritage — Karl Marx Street, 37, Office 202
To learn more, sign up:
— Julia Bell Tel. >. + 7 919 151-51-55
or a personal message to Vladimir-> https://vk.com/write131577651
Event: https://vk.com/event135671461
Show previews of other activities:
— > on the same day, #29_декабря_2016 @esoufa (Thursday)
— > on the same day, #30_декабря_2016 @esoufa (Friday)
-weekend #с_30_декабря_по_1_января_2017 > @esoufa
Filed under: #@ #esoufa Numerology Astrology @ esoufa #Tarot @ esoufa #ESP @ esoufa
Astrological today. December 27, 2016, the 28th of the lunar...
Astrological today. December 27, 2016, the 28th of the lunar day. This day is mystical, today you may occur various miracles, but the nature of them will depend on how you have been lunar day. Read more
😃Emotsii: this day you should try to be in high spirits, to peer inside yourself, to control emotions.
😴Sny: snovedeny in this lunar day associated with human cardiac affections, with the subconscious sphere responsible for sensory and emotional experience.
💏Otnosheniya: today there is no specific requests, so look at your circumstances, your favorite time and act on the situation.
🙇Prinyatie making new things: gather strength and to proceed further. Accelerate the pace, too, it is not necessary - it can lead to total collapse. Any situation should be brought to its logical and successful conclusion, and you will be more convenient to operate at the pace to which you are accustomed.
💰Biznes and business sphere today previously concluded contracts can bring the first results. You only need to properly receive them, and this is, in fact, is not so easy as it seems at first glance. Do not make an instant presentation of their success, on the contrary, keep the first secret of luck and trust only their most intimate and faithful people.
👯Rabota in the team: this day you will truly appreciate themselves by their fruits. All you planted in previous lunar days today sprout. If you happen unpleasant events that do not take their unexpected: it is - it is the expected result of your negative actions during the lunar month.
💊Zdorove: heavy loads are permitted, but are generally not recommended. In the twenty-eighth lunar day you can do a variety of purification systems. Useful water treatment - from swimming to swim in an ice hole.
🍎Pitanie today a great day for fasting. Sit on fruits and vegetables. Treat yourself to juices.
😡Konflikty and showdown: control emotions and avoid scandal at all costs. Especially today plroho fate can respond to it.
🏃✈Pereezd & Travel: Travel, begun in the 28th lunar day, bring good luck: feel free to go in a way you are waiting for new experiences.
💇Strizhka: auspicious day for haircuts and hair coloring
🎨Otdyh and hobbies: if you have not bought gifts, but today the perfect day for gifts. Well it and finds a great day to create. Do good for large businesses, shopping endeavors.
The motto of the day: what goes around, comes around, and each will be rewarded according to his deeds.
#Astrologicheskiyprognoz Minsk ###astrology horoscopes
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
The record three days of open lessons "Introduction to ASTROLOGY...
The record three days of open lessons "Introduction to ASTROLOGY" with the President of the first all-Union Astrological organization with Vitaly Alexandrovich Vaisberg ➡ ➡ https://vk.cc/5ZMWbm
Reviewing the 3 open lessons you will learn: 👇 👆
1. What is Astrology when and why it was born and why Astrology "works".
2. The various branches of astrology (their similarities and differences):
🔹Horarnaja or hour.
🔹Astrologija relationship and compatibility.
🔹Meteo astrology.
🔹 "Occult" Astrology or the true meaning of "magic", "divination".
✅ 3. Why study the science of the stars, even if you are not going to become a professional astrologer.
✅ 4. As for one minute using the pencil and just 8 words to draw your character. Four pervojelementa and their properties.
Course author: ASTROLOGY
One of the founders of the Academy of astrology, Vice-Chancellor and Rector of full-time correspondence Department (about 10 thousand students).
The first President of the all-Russian Union of Astrologers.
He has created many analysis techniques of astrological charts, which today became "nationalized".
This is the theory of ownership chains and exile, and chains, and shestiball'naja afetika, and many others.
A number of his students have written on these techniques books, for example,
"Theory of mind" by Alexander Astrogora, "short course scientific Astrology" Pavel Maksimov. The list goes on.
Ph.d., radio-engineer; psychologist, Professor of Psychology (psychological Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University) teaches astrology.
One of the devices on which worked Vitaly Alexandrovich, traveled in space as on the American Chatelet and the Russian space station.
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#skoronovyjgod #magroup #2017skoro🎅 #bdushheeljubitnas #horoscope of #vsempodarkov #vsemujutaitepla #astrology
#skoronovyjgod #magroup #2017skoro🎅 #bdushheeljubitnas #horoscope of #vsempodarkov #vsemujutaitepla #astrology
"As the world arranged? Did you see the astrological chart...
"As the world arranged? Did you see the astrological chart, where the planets are, what does that mean? When the time comes, then the planet is beginning to pull out of a man certain desire. That is, on the one hand, the horoscope indicates what events will happen to a person. On the other hand horoscope shows in which periods which desires will emerge in humans. Because it's all determined man to life destiny. "
Oleg Suntsov
Oleg_Suntsov ###Harmony Veda ##vysshie_tsennosti astrology
Monday, December 26, 2016
Finally the moment arrived and h. .. When we reveal the...
Finally the moment arrived and h. .. When we reveal the mystery of Asn Johnny Depp 🙃 ✨ 😃
Correct answer-Asc in Leo! 😃
#iastro #astrology #iastro #Astrology #DzhonniDepp ##cosmogram aspect
"All the answers are within you. You know more than...
"All the answers are within you. You know more than is written in the books. But to remember it-you need to read a book, look at yourself, listen to yourself and trust yourself. "
Leo Tolstoy
#astrologer #astropsiholog #Astrology #astrogor #astropsihologija
#konsul'tacijaastrologa #mudryemysli #astrology #astro #astrologist
🍀 Favorably: rest
⛔ Not favorably: not suitable...
🍀 Favorably: rest
⛔ Not favorably: not suitable for important cases
🍀 Day is propitious for born in the year of the goat, Tiger, dog.
⛔ Day not favourable to those born in the year of the rat.
Destroyer of the month
Day is not suitable for important cases: weddings, opening a business, signing contracts, began repairs and travel. Problems, errors, delays, failures, disruption of your plans.
Sha unhappiness of the month
Day may bring personal injury, disease, problems with the opposite sex, including violence, betrayal, the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, injuries; do not start treatment.
Sha unhappiness years
Day may bring personal injury, disease, problems with the opposite sex, including violence, betrayal, the risk of sexually transmitted diseases, injuries; do not start treatment.
Sick days:
Day is not conducive for visits to patients.
Monthly star virtues:
Day is suitable for building relationships and soft separation
Mercury retrograde period.
🌛28-th day of the moon. Characters-the Lotus. The day provides an opportunity to find your own way in this earthly life and appreciate their efforts in achieving the objectives of the Earth. An auspicious day, the day of the Sun, in which perhaps a spiritual Epiphany comes the Alchemy of the soul. Period of comprehension of the higher truths, the attainment of spiritual consciousness, the day of contemplation, disclosure of all the chakras and work with them, work with us (randomly). The main thing in this day-stay on the wave of the uplifted mood and try
📌 order individual calendar you can forecast astrologer [id234113011 | Elena Ivanova].
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui #BaZi
Sunday, December 25, 2016
🍀 Favorably: rest, negotiations, planning, engagement, divorce...
🍀 Favorably: rest, negotiations, planning, engagement, divorce
⛔ Not favorably: travel, investment, buying property, loans, contracts, repair, excavation, the beginning of construction, laying the Foundation, start, opening a business, a funeral, a wedding, start a new project, installation, moving
🍀 Day is propitious for born in the year of the monkey, the rooster, the Bull.
⛔ Day is not favorable for born in the year of the pig.
Sha robbery a month
Possible loss of documents and money, robbery, troubles while traveling. Do not start repair, as probable theft during the entire period of time.
Sha robbery of the year
Possible loss of documents and money, robbery, troubles while traveling. Do not start repair, as probable theft during the entire period of time.
The annual star of prosperity:
Day is propitious for starting a business and promises success in affairs.
Star Heavenly Virtues:
Day is suitable for building relationships and soft partings.
Mercury retrograde period.
🌛27-th day of the moon. Symbols-Trident, Rod. Neptune day, who played all of its mysteries. Associated with water and sea journeys. In these day is in the process of receiving the sacred knowledge. They keep the memory of all preceding Lunar days, on all phases of the evolution of the soul, achieved earlier. On this day we should get rid of proprietary illusion and realize the responsibility for every act. Very useful water procedures. Better in this
📌 order individual calendar you can forecast astrologer [id234113011 | Elena Ivanova].
Astrology horoscope ####znakzodiaka forecast ##Feng Shui Feng Shui #BaZi
Christmas tree - is a sacred tree, and it requires special...
Christmas tree - is a sacred tree, and it requires special treatment and decoration! How to decorate the forest guest to bring to his home prosperity, blessing and support of the Higher Forces Rod? Decorating the Christmas tree has long been a pleasant New Year's eve traditsiey.No we do not think about the order in which to hang Christmas decorations, often guided by the idea of beauty.
From ancient times, the Slavs and other European peoples evergreen trees
🎄 symbolized eternal life and were considered sacred repository of vitality. Our ancestors believed that the special energy of these trees helps to find well-being, and the spirits that live in the green branches, it is necessary to appease offerings that hung on New Year trees.
🎄El was a symbol of the transition from one world to the other: from the women in his wife, from year to year, from the world of the living to the world of the dead. This explains the tradition to use spruce in moments of "transitional living situations" that are important to the family, tribe, to the individual.
🎄El - a sacred symbol of life, the compounds in our destiny energies of the past, present and future. Therefore, dressing Christmas tree in the new year, we do not just create a good mood, we create our destiny.
And you are decorating your house Christmas fir?
⭐Esli spruce symbolically divided into three tiers, then:
🌲nizhny tier - is the past, our relationship with Rod, so there can be hung old Christmas toys, inherited from grandparents. This also put a positive figure of Santa Claus, because he symbolizes the spirit of the ancestor, the keeper of Roda. Dressing up the lower tier ate to mentally ask for some kind of protection, and to express his respect.
🌲Vtoroy tier ate - it is the world of our present. It is well to hang toys that represent what you want to bring into your life. For example, a gingerbread house - for a new apartment, the machine, if you think about purchasing a vehicle. Be creative and let your dreams will decorate the Christmas tree.
🌲Verhny tier - a relationship with God, with higher forces and heavenly helpers. Here it is good to hang figurines of angels and any toys that symbolize for you the favor of heaven.
If you are decorating an artificial Christmas tree, bring into the house at least one spruce branches and decorate it according to the instructions, because as we have already mentioned above, the spruce branches have the same sacred life force, and that the whole tree. And the last thing I would like to say about eating. Evergreen - living forever. On a subconscious level, Spruce helps us remember that we are all - eternal soul, and also about the power of Time. After Mr.
✨✍🏻Sledite the news group, write your comments, we look forward to hearing!
📌U have many interesting! Join our group!
#Relations, psychology #, #, astrology, astro-psychology ##horoscope, formula_dushi ###esoteric meditation, aromatherapy #
Saturday, December 24, 2016
21-30 of December-the period of validity of this aspektnoj, but...
21-30 of December-the period of validity of this aspektnoj, but most significant will be December 25 and the days around this date. December 25 will be accurate: Trine Venus with Jupiter, Uranus, Venus sekstil' sekstil' Venus with Saturn, Saturn Trine Uranus and Jupiter on December 26 will be in exact opposition to Uranus. During this period in unexpected circumstances, resisting and confronting anything, ultimately, can achieve results and success, but to do so,
Author Elena Zimovec
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🛎Uzhe TOMORROW can be seen, select and purchase your copy! 💖.
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See you later! #😉🎁 ##Lady_Moon_2017 #Jyotish Dnieper planning #lunnoeplanirovanie #planning #astrology

In this world there are two major forces of yin and Yang, male and female beginnings. Planet with a pronounced feminine nature, Moon and Venus. And all the women relate to them.
For example, the female cycle lasts about the same as the lunar month. In brief, the main rules of such.
Full moon plan, and amplifies the emotional at this time women react much more strongly to the events. You need to take this into account.
Secondly, new moon body women most weakened the strength and energy to virtually zero. At this time it is better not to plan anything that requires much effort, especially physical.
New Moon and full moon is not a very auspicious time to begin new cases.
Another general rule: growing Moon should start the case and carry out what is related to the acquisition. The ideal time for this-from the first to the 14 's Lunar days, particularly the fifth and tenth.
And the waning Moon need to finish the case and carry out all that is connected with the disposal. For example, if you want to get rid of the pryshhika on the face, this should be done on a waning moon.
It is best to use the lunar calendar that helps calculate the most auspicious time to start and maintain different Affairs.
Women periodically useful produce emotions. Men, as a rule, you need to keep yourself in the hands, and the woman is pure emotion, it is by nature unpredictable.
And one of the secrets of a long family relationship to the woman remained a mystery for men. If it is easily predictable, man is bored.
Women sometimes and cry, because they live largely feelings and tears get rid of superfluous emotions.
However, this does not necessarily cry. You can watch Comedy movies or read books that take the soul. A wise man at least gives a woman the opportunity to comment.
If it seems that you do not understand and do not appreciate her feelings, it is a serious blow. But if a man each day wondered how she was doing, and listens to her, a husband she will adore.
One of the rules of a long and happy marriage: man need 15-30 minutes a day just to talk with his wife, listen to it and the interest in its affairs. If it still shows that her feelings for him are important, it makes the woman happy.
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#Astrology Jyotish lunnyecikly ##arturvedadp ##dnepr

There is always the knowledge that is transferred from the...
There is always the knowledge that is transferred from the Teacher - student and that will never fall into books and textbooks. The latter can introduce you the ropes, introduce the subject, but there is not complete information.
This provision is valid for any field of activity, since we are talking about the experience, which is not always possible to formalize the rules and formulas.
Therefore, if you need a horoscope or a Feng Shui consultation - contact the professionals, so you can be confident in the quality of the forecast!
ElenaDmitrieva ###Feng Shui astrology
Photos of Feng Shui and Astrology.
🔹 If you come to the teacher, and he tells you...
🔹 If you come to the teacher, and he tells you that his system is the most correct, in contrast to other Quack - leave. Get out immediately, without wasting a minute. He's lying. There is no single correct systems. And you can not rise, offending others.
[Club66466145 | Oldie Henry Lion]
Where have I seen this symbol? 😉😏
#maserati #cars ##logo Neptune...
Where have I seen this symbol? 😉😏
#maserati #cars ##logo Neptune trident ###astrology Italy
Maserati brothers when creating his trident got inspiration from Neptune statue, which stood in the central park of Bologna, where the headquarters of the company. Trident with the Maserati signature underneath was painted by the artist by Mario, who was also the only one of the seven Maserati brothers, who had never been engaged in the design and manufacture of machines.

🔮🔯Goroskop 23 dekabrya🔭🌌
In the morning you may find...
🔮🔯Goroskop 23 dekabrya🔭🌌
In the morning you may find that you have difficulty with communication, but nothing really wrong with that. Just postpone the presentation of their creative ideas on some other day. And if you definitely need something to someone tell (perhaps not very pleasant), please use the e-mail.
On this day, you want a peaceful and constructive dialogue with people, during which you would not have caused any differences and conflicts. Such an attitude will allow you to quietly and peacefully spend the day and at the same time find a common language with all those who you will meet.
Your thoughts and ideas will be readily apparent, and people will not have any difficulties with them. This means that you can work effectively wherever it comes to communication, and your hard work will be richly rewarded.
Today you have to do everything possible to increase the effectiveness of your work. When it comes to business, you will, for example, you need to run more ads to attract the attention of an increasing number of customers.
Communication with other people at work or just in social life should be quite pleasant. In addition, your communication skills you will play into the hands, and some of those in power want to bring you to some very important projects. This is your chance. Use it.
Your unique style is your calling card, but because all your plans and projects are a kind of seal that distinguishes them from all others. The same applies to your communication skills that enable you to find a common language with any audience. Use their abilities wherever they may be, and good luck will accompany you.
You can safely make plans for the future, because you can easily separate the wheat from the chaff and to understand what is most important and what you need to focus. This will help you improve your position, not only in financial terms.
Do you have a tendency to take on too much, but as long as you deal with this load, no problems should not be. In addition, your aspirations have always been non-trivial, and it means that you are not looking for easy ways, and crave the new and surprising.
Even if you have any thoughts about a journey, you need to give them up, because now the most important thing for you - it's peace and security. Try to spend as much time with your family, because it is your family - this is your haven where you are not afraid of any storm.
No problems and troubles can not knock you off track, and you will be full of strength and energy to help you cope with anything. People will come to you for advice, so do not deny them. In addition, you can devote a few hours of volunteer work, and that you are in no way a burden.
Your vote today will have its weight in the team, if he sounded quite confident. There is no doubt that you have to respect the opinion of others, but do not forget to express their own views and.
Today you will be given great case requiring special concentration and attention to detail. You are incredibly practical, it definitely will play in your favor. And if you still resist and stop the plans of the universe, trying to fit everything to fit your desires, you will be able to achieve this success.
#molodprikubanka ##astrology horoscope
Friday, December 23, 2016
🌙 ♏ Transit Moon in Scorpio with 24.12.2016 1:33...
🌙 ♏ Transit Moon in Scorpio with 24.12.2016 1:33 on 26.12.2016 14:20
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#транзитная_луна #лунный_календарь #луна_в_скорпионе
#астрологический_прогноз_на_сегодня #Astrology astrologer #информационный_центр_практической_астрологии #прогноз_на_день ##астрология_хабаровск
24 lunar day: (23 December...
24 lunar day: (23 December 2:29-24 December to 3:35) Moscow time. The Moon is waning. The fourth-quarter.
Symbols: Mountain, Bear.
Stones: black jasper, obsidian air, malachite, jade blue, grossularite.
Day forces. Welcomed any active physical activity: the work in the garden, training, etc.
In communicating avoid excessive pressure and categorical.
The main thing in this day not to be lazy and not to deviate from the plans. Good starting point for the fundamental case for the long term. This is a general perspective of the lunar day.
But the reality today is that almost the whole day, to 17:32 the Moon without the course. So do day-to-day affairs and do not be surprised if the day will be quite silly. Tested in practice: on the Moon without a rate hike razreshajushhe-reviewers (tax, PF, USZN, etc.) is very effective.
Have a nice day!
#Astrology #lunnyjkalendar' #24lunnyesutki
🔥🔥🔥Rebjatki, nuts and ljubimki🎉🎉🎉-are INDIVIDUAL, your and only your...
🔥🔥🔥Rebjatki, nuts and ljubimki🎉🎉🎉-are INDIVIDUAL, your and only your HOROSCOPE for the YEAR 2017🌠 write in #lichku💫🔮💫💋💋💋 #novyjgod #cosmogram horoscope #space #star #planet #dreams #astrologer #astrology

Powered by zodiac signs.
Weight scales.
Element-Air, planet-Venus. Scales occupy...
Powered by zodiac signs.
Weight scales.
Element-Air, planet-Venus. Scales occupy a special position among the signs of the Zodiac, because for them the most suitable for vegetarian food. Especially it is necessary to those who suffer from high or low blood pressure, and headaches. Of course, born under the sign of Libra can eat meat and fish, but for them, according to astrology, this food is not as important as game for a lion or fish for fish.
Furthermore, they should refrain from eating sweets. In the daily diet of weights should be apples and grapes. In principle suitable for them, any vegetables, berries, fruits and cereals. However, especially useful for those that most clearly reflects the specificity of this zodiac sign. Among fruits and berries is pears, raspberries, peaches, plums, persimmons, bananas, cherries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries. Vegetables-tomatoes, spinach, peas, rhubarb, fennel, and parsley. With
Libra is contraindicated in bodybuilding. Recommended regular exercises in the morning.
#znakzodiakaipitanie ##pitaniepoznakamzodiaka #Libra horoscope Astrology ##interesnajainformacija #kakpravil'nopitat'sja
At present the astrologer must be real magic Board)) 🌙🌞 Until...
At present the astrologer must be real magic Board)) 🌙🌞 Until drew transits. On the back of navamshi and nakshatry. Very handy for viewing.
##Astrology Jyotish #Ganesh #Ganesha #decor